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jimin has cancer. he is diagnosed with stage four of glioblastoma.

those sentence kept running in jungkook's mind, making his heart drop.

how long has he been suffering?

jungkook rested his cheek on his palm as he looked over at the classroom's clock.

"jeon jungkook!" he jumped at the banging on his table and looked up, seeing a shaking wonwoo.

"school ended already, dont you want to go home?"

"i didn't realise- oh god jimin!" he grabbed his bag and rushed out of the classroom, making his way to the infirmary, stopping in his tracks once he saw jimin walking out, taehyung and the rest of his friends with him.

"hyung" jimin's head shot up, glancing towards the source of sound till his gaze landed on jungkook, only to turn away.

"hyung wait i have-" he raised his hand as he smiled fakely, "forget it jungkook" the others just remained silent as the boy felt crushed.

"please hyung let me explain" jungkook gripped his wrist but jimin yanked it away roughly, making the younger stumble backwards as his eyes widened, his crestfallen face not seen by the boy who has his back turned against him.

this isn't the jimin he knew.

"what? about how you have been lying to me? you know what? i don't even want to know about it. and one more thing, lets just pretend we have never met, that i was never your friend, and the fact that i have fallen for you. sorry, i didn't meant it"

you're lying.

the older began walking away, his group of friends trailing behind without a word.

jungkook leaned against the wall and let out a shaky sigh.

"i know you still love me, and i'm still going to fight for your love jimin"

"you lied, didn't you?" jin asked as they reached jimin's house.

"what?" jimin scoffed, tossing the keys onto the countertop.

"you love that boy, jungkook. i can tell jimin, don't lie"

"what makes you so sure?" jimin sunk into the couch and switch on the television as he lets out a sigh.

"i have been observing, obviously. eventhough he lied, about his name, when you were with him, you were so cheerful and always felt on cloud nine. it really looked like you were so in love. and i know jungkook feels the-"

"he has a fucking boyfriend hyung. get it?" jimin was starting to get piss, he just wanted to forget about all this.

"he has a what?" jimin turned and looked at a confused hoseok.

"lets stop talking about this. there is something more important" yoongi spoke up and jimin gulped, knowing what it was going to be.

"why were you. . .struggling to breathe earlier on jimin-ah?" he added and jimin glanced at taehyung, worry and fear in his,eyes.

"tae. . .help me" that was the only thing he could whisper, giving him a knowing look to explain everything.

and explain he did. taehyung told them everything about the male's condition, making all of them tear up, even yoongi.

"how could you keep it from us?" jin croaked out as he rubbed the said boy's back.

"you guys would worry. and, i don't want you guys to. i want people to be happy, it makes me, happy"

"oh jimin" taehyung got him in a hug, releasing quiet cries, "you see, that's the problem with you, y- you care too much about others, that ends up with you suffering by yourself"

once his friends left, jimin retreated to his room, taking a shower before plopping down on his bed. he switched his phone on and surfed through social medias, instead of twitter and almost all of it were boring, because literally, all his medias are blowing up since the incident that happened earlier on.

"should i go to twitter?" jimin bit his lip and hesitated for awhile. "fuck it" he tapped on the twitter icon and scrolled through his feed, receiving questions or get well soon wishes from people.

unconsciously, he tapped jungkook's chat box and finds himself receiving a message from him.

what does he even want now?

jeonkook: hyung, i knew i fucked up a lot. so im sorry, i really am. honestly, i was afraid, afraid of letting out my feelings for you. the whole lying thing, im sorry and about me having a boyfriend, thats not true-

"what the actual fuck?" jimin lets out an annoyed sigh before continuing.

-i wanted to explain to you earlier on, but you kept pushing me away. i felt so crushed. about you not loving me, you're lying right? you love me right? please tell me you're lying, i love you jimin. i love you so much, thats why i had to do stupid things. but you know why i did all that? because i know i would never have a chance with you. of course i wouldnt. you're good looking, cute, lovely, friendly, warm- you know what? fuck, you're just perfect to me. and why would someone like you, ever fall for a person like me? furthermore, a nerd. but taehyung, when he said that you love me, i felt so foolish, i felt like the worst person ever because i broke your heart, more than i could imagine. i still have more to say, but i want to talk you personally. i'll wait for you at the rooftop after school tomorrow. if you show up, it means you still love me. but if you dont, i'll try my best to forget everything about you like you wish.

jiminie: but jungkook, im dying. dont you get it? you should stop loving me like how im trying to stop loving you, so that both of us wont end up hurt. [undelivered message]

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