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taehyung sobbed softly as he dropped his head to their intertwined hands. jimin lets go of his hand from the other's grip and ran his fingers through his hair.

"tae, stop crying. look at me" he lifted up his head and the older wipes his tears.

"i'm fine tae" jimin smiled but the other cried even more.

"s- stop saying your fine. stop saying it jimin. you're fine now but y- you. . .you're just going to die, you're going to leave me in the end"

jimin was at a loss for words since the other was right.

"jimin please, just please go for that operation. i beg you jimin. i can't lose you. i need you in my life. eventhough in the end, we'll end up with someone else as our life partner, i need you. you've help me went through everything. everything jimin. we went through hard days together, we cried and laughed together. we keep a lookout for each other. and you would always protect me like i'm your brother. so you can't leave me jimin, you can't"

the red haired can't help the tears that were threatening to fall as he bit his lip. "i'll think about it" he replied him softly and the boy enveloped him in a hug.

"thank you" he whispered and cried on jimin's shoulder.

"jimin" jimin's head shot up and saw junior at the door.

"taehyung-ah, i have to talk to jimin. can you leave us for awhile?" junior walked towards them and taehyung nodded, leaving the room.

"what is it hyung?" the doctor let out a sigh before looking up from his clipboard.

"your living period in this world has been decreased. the amount of months has been decreased. you'll have only two more months to live if you don't take the operation jimin-ah" junior said shakily but firmly as he held the boy's shoulder.

"t- two months? w- why?" he stuttered out and closed his eyes, falling back into the hospital bed.

"your brain tumor has been spreading too rapidly, and i think you stressed yourself out too much now. adding in the fact that you have been skipping meals doesn't help jimin"

"please don't tell anyone about this hyung, especially taehyung" jimin whispered in a cracked tone as he cried.

jimin lets out another sigh before he heard the doctor's footsteps becoming faint and the door opening and closing.

two months.

i have only two more months to live if i don't go through the operation.

"jimin? jimin why are you crying?" jimin wiped his tears as he sat up again, chuckling lightly at taehyung's panicked face.

"nothing tae"

"junior hyung said you can leave already. lets go" taehyung helped the weak boy get out of the hospital bed and they left the building after paying.

"i'm going to tell your maids to cook for you food and ask them to keep a look out for you to make sure you eat three times a day, you get that?"

"yes sir" jimin saluted him and rolled his eyes playfully, earning a light slap from taehyung. they got a taxi back to jimin's house and taehyung left after telling the maids what he wanted to say and seeing jimin eat in front of him.

jimin settled on his bed as he switched on his phone.

i have not log in to twitter for almost a month since that incident.

the boy checked all of his social medias before going to twitter.

jeonkook: hey jimin.

jeonkook: hyung?

jeonkook: hYUNGGG.

jeonkook: you're not online yet huh?

jeonkook: but i gotta sleep so goodnight hyung (:

jeonkook: you didnt reply me yesterday, are you mad at me?

jeonkook: is it because of what i said?

jeonkook: that i have a boyfriend?

jeonkook: or is it because

jeonkook: is it because im gay and you're not?

jeonkook: jimin hyung reply me pls.

jeonkook: whats wrong with you?

jeonkook: at least tell me what i did wrong that you decided to ignore me ):

jeonkook: say something hyung.

jeonkook: hyung i miss you.

jeonkook: i miss talking to you.

jeonkook: im not smiling anymore.

jeonkook: because your messages were always the one that made me smile.

jeonkook: okay god that was cHEESY.

jeonkook: but, hey, that's the truth.

jeonkook: im sorry hyung, i really am.

jeonkook: just talk to me.

jeonkook: please jimin hyung, stop ignoring me for fucks sake.

jeonkook: im so sad right now.

jimin decided not to reply him and tossed his phone to the nightstand as he drifted off.

thank you for 1k ily guys.

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