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"jimin hyung?" jimin turned his head to the side and saw a familiar figure walking nearer.

"you're jung. .junghyun right?" the older asked and the other chuckled as he sat beside him at the edge of the rooftop.

"yeah, what are you doing here?" jungkook asked as he looked at the other, feeling guilt washing up in him for lying.

"i like being here"

"but you're the talk of the school, aren't you supposed to like, get lots of attention and hang out with cool people" the red haired laughed lightly and looks at jungkook.

"i'm not an attention seeker. i just like having, my alone time i guess" he stayed silent after that.

"what are you doing here though? you interrupted my peace" jungkook pouted slightly and jimin laughed again.

"i- um. . .i-"

"do you want to be friends?" jimin cut him off and the other shot his head up as his eyes widened a little.

"what? you don't want to?" jimin asked and jungkook immediately shook his head. "of course i want to!" jungkook smiled, revealing his bunny like teeth that was extremely adorable to jimin.

"well then we're friends" jimin smiled, the other doing the same thing.

"but w- why?. . ." jungkook asked, his voice barely above a whisper and jimin raised an eyebrow.

"why what?" he asked and the boy sighed.

"why do you want to be my friend? i mean like the nerd and the popular and cool guy being friends? that's like-"

"you're the nerd eveyone's been talking about?" jimin cut off his sentence once again, making jungkook drop his head as he avoided looking at the other.

"hey junghyun" jimin held his shoulder and jungkook tensed before looking up again.

"i'm still willing to be your friend junghyun-ah" jimin smiled and jungkook just stared at him.

"r-really? you're not embarrassed of being friends with a nerd?" jungkook stuttered out softly.

"why would i be? i'm friends to everyone. you're cute anyways" jimin realised what he had just said and saw jungkook's cheeks painted by a light shade of pink.

"i- i mean you-"

"thank you, hyung" jimin smiled and they chatted for a while till the bell rang. they made our way back to the hallway, bidding goodbyes before heading to their respective classrooms.

"yo!" jimin was startled when a hand slammed his table. he looked up and saw a giggling taehyung.

"it's not funny" the red haired scowled and he continued laughing as he sat beside the boy, the others came in after a while and gathered around jimin and taehyung as well.

"hey jimin, why did you faint the other day?" yoongi asked as sat beside his boyfriend, hoseok.

"umm i. . .i was lacking sugar in my body so i fainted since i skipped my meals" he received a soft hit on his head from namjoon.

"that's why you should eat idiot" he muttered and the boy chuckled.

"you lack sugar? here let me give you some" yoongi joked as he held out his arms. jimin rolled his eyes and kicked the chair he was sitting on, making the other male groan.

jungkook smiled as he slumped into his seat.

"oh my god" he muttered softly as he clutched his beating heart. "fuck jungkook, you're like a highschool girl who got to talk to her, which in your case is a his, crush after a long time of not getting noticed" seungcheol shook his head as he and wonwoo sat beside the happy boy.

"we're friends, he's my friend. park jimin is my fucking friend right now"

"you're fanboying over just that? wow you need some medicine called 'pills i need when i see park jimin'" wonwoo laughed and jungkook punched his arm, a blush tainting his cheeks once again.

"today's practice is going to include the juniors which means jimin's gonna be there since the schedule was changed. i hope you won't die from his hotn-"

"stop it!" jungkook covered his ears as he let his head fall to the table, still hearing their loud laughters that is emitting.


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