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jeonkook: i have a boyfriend.

jimin felt his heart going weak and shattering but he had to be strong.

jiminie: dont worry i dont date guys jungkook.

jiminie: i just said maybe you'll look cuter than him thats all.

jeonkook: oh.

jimin was lying.

but jungkook saying that he has someone else kills him.

jiminie: bye then.

jiminie: i love you jungkook. [undelivered message]

jiminie: but maybe i had my hopes to high up. [undelivered message]

jiminie: i guess this goodbye is going to be for awhile. [undelivered message]

jeonkook: i was lying. i dont have a special someone yet hyung. i hoped that the special someone will be you but thats a miracle that will never happen right? [undelivered message]

jeonkook: i love you. [undelivered message]

jeonkook: bye hyung.

jungkook screamed into his pillows in frustration.

"why must i fall in love with you? why can't it be someone else? why you? out of all people why you park jimin?" the purple haired sighed and sat up.

why did he fell for jimin?

he fell for him because of his charms. where he has two sides of himself, a cute and cool side. he fell for him because of his kindness and warmness to people around him. he fell for him because of his smiles, the way his eyes will turn into moon shaped crescents when he smiles. he fell for him because of his passion and determination in life.

jeon jungkook fell for park jimin because he is perfect.

even perfect is an understatement, the english vocabulary has to come up with more words to describe an angel named park jimin.

but this person, this person named park jimin will never be his.

and this reality check hurts, alot.

jimin and jungkook had stopped chatting on twitter and jungkook has been thinking why.

is it because he said he has a boyfriend?

jimin on the other hand, has been sulking.

whether it is at home or in school. his friends also realised his change in mood because jimin is usually the happy go lucky kid. but nowadays he has been acting so distant and cold, even to taehyung.

"jimin, open the fuck up and stop sulking. what happened?" taehyung's voice boomed through the silent rooftop as he joined the moody boy at the cliff. jimin tilted his head to the side and saw a worried and annoyed bestfriend.

"it's nothing taehyung"

the boy scoffed, "nothing? nothing?! excuse me, i have been your bestfriend since. . .since we were born idiot! you can't lie to me! come on jiminie, what is it?" jimin cracked into a small laugh at his sudden change of tone.

"you really know me" he muttered and looked away.

"what is it? did you get rejected by your crush? or is it about your grades? wait! is it about your tumor?" taehyung grabbed the boy's shoulder and turned him so that he'll look at him.

"if you don't tell me what's wrong in three seconds, i'm going to throw you off this fucking rooftop i fucking swear to god park jimin" jimin groaned and took out his phone.

"i've been chatting with this guy named jungkook for a while, and i kinda fell for him. we were in good terms until he said he has a boyfriend so i-" the raven haired snatched the boy's phone and unlocked it, going straight to twitter.

he read their chat and before turning to jimin, "this name is so familiar minie, i think i heard it from the freshman's batch. are you sure he's from busan?" he asked and gave jimin back his phone.

"why would he lie tae? besides, i have never seen him before"

"you have not even seen what this jungkook guy looks like and you fell for him? oh my god" he facepalmed himself and shook his head dramatically.

"i really like his personality, it's cute" the boy mumbled and turned around, hopping off the edge of the rooftop, taehyung following after.

jimin walked his way to the exit but a sharp pain stung his head and if it wasn't for taehyung, he would have fallen.

"jimin!" taehyung caught the said boy by his hips and helped him up.

"jimin what's wrong?" the red haired vision's started blurring as his mind spinned.



i love kim taehyung so much.

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