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jeonkook: hyung.

jeonkook: hYUNGG.

jiminie: its 1 am jeon.

jeonkook: i had a nightmare.

jiminie: so what? you want me to fly to busan to give you goodnight kisses and put you back to bed?

jiminie: im 20 for gods sake.

jeonkook: fuck you.

jiminie: you wanna?

jeonkook: bYE PARK JIMIN

"wonwoo!" jimin shouted at a freshmen and made my way towards him. "yes hyung?" wonwoo bowed and jimin chuckled.

"don't have to be so formal wonnie" he smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"i wanted to tell you that coach informed me that training starts today instead of next week for both freshmans and juniors in the team so can you help me spread this to the freshmans in our team?"

"alright. i'll te-"

"jeon wonwoo, you asshole!" a guy ran up and leaped onto wonwoo, choking his neck as he shouted at him.

isn't this the guy i bumped into yesterday? jimin tilt his head in thought.

"hey! hey! let me go!" the red haired can't help but smirk at their childish banter. the other must have seem to notice jimin because he abruptly stopped his actions and got down from a now, messy haired wonwoo.

"um i- i-" he stopped his sentence and breathed in, making jimin raise an eyebrow.

"you messed up my hair!" wonwoo whined and hit jungkook, making him wince, but still staring at jimin.

"you okay?" jimin nudged wonwoo and he scoffed lightly, "do i look like i'm okay? i'm a mess! by the way this is jung-"

"hi, i'm junghyun" jungkook cutted off wonwoo shakily. wonwoo shot him a look and the said boy glared at him, silently asking him to shut that fucking mouth of his.

"hi! i'm park jimin" jimin smiled cheekily and extended his hand out.

jungkook took his hands and smiled, "jeon junghyun"

"jeon? you remind me of someone" the older said and retreated his hand, face in a thinking thought before he shook it off.

"nevermind. anyways wonwoo don't forget to tell the others okay? be at the court by two" jimin said before waving at them.

jungkook sighed and leaned against the wall.

"so close"

why is he even lying?

because he's scared.

why is he scared?

because first of all, jungkook said that he was from busan. second of all, jimin is the heart throb of the school. jungkook doesn't want him to know about his feelings.

"jeon jungkook!" jungkook snapped from his daze and cocked his head to the side, seeing a confused wonwoo and his friend.

"why did you lie about your name?" seungcheol asked and the youngest sighed,


"why the fuck you lyin~ why you always lyin. . .hmm oh my god, stop fuckin lyin~" wonwoo interrupted him by singing a vine and the other punched him in the ribs, making him scream.

"fuck jungkook!" jungkook just stucked his tongue out and ran away from both of them.

jeonkook: hey.

jiminie: hi.

jiminie: you know what?

jeonkook: no i dont.

jeonkook: what is it?

jiminie: i found out the guy's name already.

jeonkook: which guy again?

jiminie: the one i said was cute.

jeonkook: oh.

jeonkook: whats his name?

jiminie: jeon junghyun.

jungkook's heart would have leaped out from his chest if it could and he smiles so hard, his jaw hurts.

but reality hits him,

jimin will never be yours jungkook.

he rather keep his feelings to himself then get hurt, eventhough he is actually hurting emotionally from the harsh fact hitting on him.

jiminie: kookie u there?

jiminie: hey jungkook?

jiminie: jUNGKOOK

jeonkook: jesus calm tf down dude.

jeonkook: its funny how you and him are jeon's HAHhahaha.

jiminie: hes cute.

stop saying that, you're making me get my hopes up high when i know it will just crumble back down.

jiminie: but i bet you're cuter.

fucking stop it hyung.

jeonkook: hyung.

jiminie: yeah.

jeonkook: i have a boyfriend.


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