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a week passed and jungkook still skipped school. his parents wanted to ask him why but they can't even enter their son's locked room.

the younger can't bear the feeling he will get if he suddenly sees jimin from afar, or if they accidentally bump into each other, or if they suddenly made eye contact with each other, because jungkook, jungkook will definitely fall again.

it's not like he stopped.

on the other hand, jimin has been thinking.

did he really made the right choice of not meeting jungkook? can he really forget about the purple haired boy? the smile, the laughter, the hugs-

jimin can't.

jimin needs the younger to embrace him like before.

now it was him who made a mistake.

but he's going to make up for it.

the problem is, he didn't even see jungkook for that week.

was jungkook sick? was the only thought the latter had.

jimin sighed as he closed his locker door, turning to his right only to widen his eyes.

jungkook was there, a few steps away from him. he was at his locker, with wonwoo and seungcheol.

"where the hell have you been?" jimin muttered under his breath as he looked at him. jimin was about to walk up to him when-

"jiminie!" the boy halted and turned, seeing taehyung and the rest walking up to his place. he flashed a small smile before turning back around, seeing it empty.

"fuck" he groaned softly as he scanned the hallway, completely losing sight of jungkook.

"what's with that face?" yoongi nudged him and jimin shook his head as they walked towards the classroom.

that's when jimin saw jungkook again.

"guys, go ahead first" the red haired muttered, not even looking at them and made his way towards the purple haired boy.

"so you're finally gonna move on? wow, that's a surprise" wonwoo raised his eyebrows and jungkook chuckled, bitterly.

i can never move on from jimin.

i'm just, trying to not make this into something big.

maybe i'll just forget about him.

if i'm strong enough too.

"jungkook" jungkook's head shot up and he almost thought he wasn't in reality since it was,

park jimin.

"drama's gonna fucking start, let me bet that with you" the boy heard seungcheol muttered to wonwoo before dragging him away, making awkward silence spread between jimin and the boy in front of him.

"um, yeah?" jungkook tugged his bottom lip in between his teeth and nervously glance up at jimin, seeing him doing the same thing.

"i. . ." jimin lets out a soft huff before continuing,

"i'm sorry"

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