Chapter 2: "Caught"

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Under the moonlight of the shattered moon, stood Leo and Jack just outside of the Dust shop known as Dust Saloon. They both have their helmets back on but, underneath them their eyes are examining the place.

Leo: "What would this 'Roman Torchwick' guy, possibly want with all this Dust?"

Jack: "Who knows but, it's not like it matters to us."

Leo: "Guess so..... rock, paper, scissors to see who does what?"

Jack: "The Store looks closed, tho."

Leo: "Huh, Guess it's going to be a classic break and enter."

Jack holds his arms out towards the front door, dramatically while looking at Leo.

Jack: "Ladies first."

Leo: "*Sarcasm* Haha, very funny."

Leo walks up to the front door of the store and holds his arm back, before smashing it through the window screen.

Jack: "Nice, punch little bro!"

Leo: "*Grunts* Thanks."

Leo reaches around, until he's able to grab on to the door handle from the inside. He unlocks the door and pulls his arm out of the door window, before opening the door.

Leo: "Well, that was easy. Did you remember to bring the Dust vials?"

Jack reaches behind his back and pulls out two Dust vials. He hands one to Leo who looks at it in his hand.

Leo: "Nice."

Jack: "Let's head in shall we?"

Leo nods at his brother and heads into the store but, immediately upon entering the stores security system turns on. A loud ringing noise erupts from the store , allowing anyone to hear it from down the street.

Leo: "*Facepalm* We forgot to check the alarms, didn't we."

Jack: "Yeppp... *Sighs* Lets just grab this Dust fast, before the police show up."

Leo: "On it!"

Both brothers, rush around the store and head to the tubes housing the Dust. They begin to extract the Dust into their vials but, while they were doing that the Vale police force arrive at the store and hold up at the front.


Leo stops what he's doing and looks outside confused, seeing a bunch a police men standing outside of the store.

Leo: "The police!? There's no way they could of gotten here that fast!"

Jack: "Someone must of ratted us out!"

Leo: "But, how!? The only person who knew where we would be, is the boss!"

Jack: "Maybe, someone's on to us. We need to get out of here, now!"

Leo looks out of the window and sees the police moving around the building.

Leo: "I don't think that's possible, looks like they've surrounded the place."

Jack: "Hmmm... Guess there's only one way of getting out of here then."

Leo: "What is it?"

Jack pulls off his shotgun from his back and pumps it.

Jack: "We're going to have to go through them, the hard way."

Leo: "Hard way, Huh? You've got a plan with that, right?"

Jack: "*Smirks* As a matter of fact, I do."

Currently outside with the police, two of them are standing behind a police, keeping their eyes trained on the store.

Police 1: "I don't think, there coming out sir."

Police 2: "If they don't comply, will send a swat team in there."

Police 1: "You think a swat team, can beat them?"

Police 2: "It's the best chance we got, right now."

Suddenly a giant spinning fire ball, crashes through the front door of the store and heads towards the police. They quickly dive out the way as the fire ball, flys past them and hits the ground, behind them. Standing where the fire ball crashed, was Leo with flames rising from his body.

The police get off the ground, with some of them picking back up their weapons they dropped. They all quickly surround Leo, pointing their weapons at him as he just casually stands in the middle of them all.

Police: "You Criminals have caused us a lot of trouble tonight! Now, put your hands behind your head and get on the ground!"

While, the police kept their weapons aimed at Leo. They didn't notice the ground at their feet slowly being covered with ice and freezing their feet to the ground. One of the police noticing a change in the temperature, looks down at his feet and sees the ice.

Police: "What the!? My feet are frozen!"

As all the police look down at the ground, there shocked to see their feet frozen. Leo takes this opportunity to head to the first cop and side kicks him, knocking him out of the ice and onto the ground. The frozen police aim their guns at Leo and prepare to open fire. But, Jack rushes in front of them and raises a ice wall, blocking their bullets.

Jack lowers the ice wall and rushes to one of the police, grappling him over his shoulder, throwing him into another cop, putting them both on the ground. Two of the police officers break out of the ice and rush at Leo. But, before they even got close, Leo raises his hands behind him and blast out some fire, sending him speeding towards the two cops.

Seeing the fast approaching Leo, they shoot off a couple bullets at him. Some of the bullets miss him, while a couple he had to dodge but, once he got close to the two officers. He slides through one of the cops open legs and springs back up behind him. Before, the officer could react, Leo grabs the back of his head and smashes him into the other officers head, making them both yell out in pain and fall to the ground.

Leo: "I think.. *Breaths* that was all of them."

Jack: "I told you my plan would work!"

Leo: "Yeah.. seems like it."

Suddenly, the sounds of sirens are heard and both boys looked down at the end of the street to see more police cars coming down the street.

Jack: "I believe that's are que to leave."

The brothers dash into a nearby alley way, where they see a ladder leading to the roof of the building and immediately start climbing it. Once on top of the roof, they start to sprint away from the crime the scene, while jumping across roof to roof.

Leo: "Oh crap! We forgot the Dust!"

Jack: "Don't worry about it!"

Leo: "What do you mean 'don't worry' about it!? If we don't bring that Dust back, the boss will probably cut our heads off!"

Jack: "Just leave him to me, just don't think about it to much."

Leo: "*Sighs*...Fine."

While sprinting across one of the buildings, they suddenly see a Bullhead pull up into the air, next to the building in front of them. They halt in there path and looked down on the roof, below them to see a girl wearing a red hood and a man with a cane wearing a bowler hat, climbing on to the Bullhead.

Leo: "What is going on here?"

Jack: "No idea."

They see the man in the bowler hat, throw a small red Dust crystal out of the Bullhead, which lands in front of the red hooded girls feet.

Leo: "This doesn't look good. *Looks at Jack* Maybe, we should try and help her?"

Jack: "And risk getting caught? No, thanks."

The man aims his cane at the Dust crystal and shoots at it, intending for it to explode the girl. But, another person rushes in front of the red hood girl and cast a circle of protection, blocking's he mans shot.

Leo: "Who was that!"

Jack: "Why are we still watching this?"

The women that protected the red hood girl, wore a purple cape, waves her wand at the Bullhead, casting serval streaks of purple at it. The Bullhead shakes from the impact and begins to slowly fly away but, the women glows purple for a sec, before shooting a purple streak above the Bullhead and forming a storm-cloud above it.

With the flick of her wand, ice shards begin to rain from the storm and onto the Bullhead. Suddenly, a burst of energy shoots out of the Bullhead and at the women, who blocks it with a circle of protection. But, then the ground below her begins to glow a glowing ring, making her back-flip, before it could explode her but, destroys a part of the roof.

The women uses her wand and gathers the shards of the roof into the shape of a large arrow. She then throws it towards the Bullhead but, more burst of energy shoot out at the large arrow, breaking it down to size. But, the shards reform back into the large arrow, which hits the roof of the Bullhead, due to it quickly leaning to the side.

The shards separate and reform into more arrow shapes, that encircle the Bullhead. But, a blast of energy erupts from the Bullhead, destroying the shards. The red hood girl, starts acting up and lifts up a red rifle and fires at the Bullhead. While, she was shooting, several glowing rings appear at her and the womens feet.

The women pushes the red hood girl out of the way to safety by using her wand, while she rolls out the way. Once they both got up from the ground they notice that the Bullhead has flown away, while the two watch it leave.

Jack: "Looks like the shows over, now. Come on let's go home."

Leo: "Alright but, that was one intense fight!"

Unaware to the boys a certain pair of green eyes, spotted them on the roof. Before, Jack could leave some sort of telekinesis envelopes his ankles, dragging towards the edge of the roof.

Jack: "WHAT THE!?"

Leo: "JACK!"

Before, Jack got completely dragged of the edge, Leo reaches out and grabs his hand. He try's to pull his brother towards him but, it seems the Telekom pull in his ankles are pulling just as hard. While, the tug of war is happening, Jack looks below himself and sees that he's about 45 feet in the air.

Jack: "HELL NO! Leo do NOT drop me!"

Leo: "What.. *Grunts* do you think.. *Grunts* I'm doing!"

Just as he finished talking, Leo's feet slip making him get pulled off the edge with Jack. But, unfortunately Leo loses his grip on Jacks hand so, while he stayed floating in the air, Leo plummeted to the ground.

Jack: "LEO!!"

Leo falls down into the alley way with his back landing on top of a dumpster. He rolls off the dumpster and lands on the ground with a thud.

Leo: "*Groans* I.. think... I broke.. something."

As Leo tried his best to stay awake, darkness slowly consumed his vision.


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Leo wakes up with a gasp and immediately groans out in pain because of his back aching. Luckily, his aura took most of the impact so, he didn't have to worry about it being broken. He looks up from where he's sitting and notices that he's in some sort of waiting room.

He grows confused and notices that his hands have been hand-cuffed, which immediately tells him where he is.

Leo: "We... got caught?"

Once he spoke, he immediately feels himself being pulled into a hug by someone next to him.

???: "Thank oum, Your still alive!"

Leo looks to his left and sees his brother hugging his side (Awkardly with Cuffs on). He also notices that him and his brother, still have their helmets on but, their gear seems to be stripped from them.

Leo: "Jack? What happened, all I remember is falling and then nothing."

Jack stops hugging his brother and sits back into his seat.

Jack: "Yeah, after you fell unconscious that huntress chick took us both to Vale Police Department, along with that red hood girl."

Leo: "Wait, that lady was a huntress?"

Jack: "Yep, I think her name was Ms. Goodwitch or something."

Leo: "Ok... but, why are we sitting here? Shouldn't we be in a jail cell or something?"

Jack: "I don't know, she just told me to wait here with you. While, she and some man wearing green suit went to go talk to that red hood girl in that room."

Jack finishes saying, pointing at the door at the opposite side of the room to them. As he pointed at the door, it suddenly opens revealing the girl wearing a red hood but, she had black hair with red tips with a pair of sliver eyes. What was most noticeable about her tho, was the big smile plastered on her face.


But, once her eyes lands on us her smile turns into a... relief look? She sprints up towards Leo and stops, right in front of him.

Red Hood: "Imsosorryforwhathappenedtoyou! WhenIsawyoufallandcrashIthoughtyoudied-"

Leo holds his hand up and gestures for her to slow down. The girl blushes in embarrassment, before taking a deep breath.

Red Hood: "Sorry about that, I'm just glad your alive!"

Hearing that just makes Leo even more confused... why would someone hope a criminal like him lived?

Leo: "You... are?"

Red Hood: "Well, yeah.."

???: "Ms. Rose."

Standing behind, her was a man with grey hair and wore glasses with a pair of yellow eyes behind them... he was also holding a coffee mug in his hand.

Man: "I do believe it's best if you don't speak  to them for now."

Rose: "Sorry! *To Leo* Bye!"

Leo watches as the rose girl walks down the hallway but, is soon brought back to reality when his brother smacks him on the helmet. With Leo turning back to him in annoyance.

Man: "Now, could you two come in here please."

Seeing how they can't really escape this place at the moment, both brothers stand up from the chairs and walk into the room, with the man following them in. The second they entered the room, try saw that Ms. Goodwitch women standing to the side of the room.

She gestured for them to take a seat behind the table. Once they sat down, Jack notices that this room appears to be some sort of interrogation room.

Man: "Could you boys take off your helmets."

They were hesitant at first, until Ms. Goodwitch spoke up.

Ms. Goodwitch: "If you don't take them off, I can gladly remove them for you two."

Knowing there's no point, Jack takes off his helmet first, revealing his face to them. Leo takes his off after him and they both put their helmets on the table. The man holds up his Scroll to the boys, which is playing a video of Leo and Jack, fighting the police.

Man: "Now, where did you boys learn to fight like this?"

Leo: "Wait... you knew we'd be robbing that store!"

Man: "That would be correct, I have kept my eyes on you boys for awhile, now. But, back to the question."

Leo looks at Jack, wondering if they should tell them anything and Jack Knowing what he's think, nods and turns back to the man.

Jack: "....We traveled a lot, around Renment. We learnt from different people, who taught us how to defend ourselves."

Man: "*Sips his Mug* Interesting... What interest me most tho, are you semblances."

The man gestures to Leo.

Man: "Fire..."

He then gestures over to Jack.

Man: "...and Ice. It's not everyday you come across someone with an element semblance. But, what makes them unique is how much they can evolve."

The boys just quietly stare at the man, before Jack decides to break the silence.

Jack: "What do you want from us?"

Man: "*Smiles* I see a lot of potential in you two and I believe you can do much more, then being criminals."

The man puts down his mug and puts his hands on the table, leaning towards the boys.

Man: "Tell me, do you boys know who I am?"

Jack shaked his head, while Leo scooted closer to the table.

Leo: "Your professor Ozpin, right? I.. uh, heard about you on T.V."

Ozpin: "Good to meet you two. Now, you boys have two choices."

They boys just look at him in confusion.

Ozpin: "I could send you boys off to Atlas, where you'll spend about 20 years in prison... or you boys could join my school and train to be huntsman."

As he said this the, Ms. Goodwitch rushes to his side and looks at him in shock.

Ms. Goodwitch: "You can't seriously be thinking of allowing these criminals into the school!"

Ozpin: "I know the risk I'm taking. *To the boys* Of course, if you do decide to join my school, you won't be allowed to do any criminal activities."

Ozpin picks his mug back up and stands straight, while taking a sip.

Ozpin: "So... What will it be?"

The brothers look at each other. Jack smiles and nods at Leo, before turning back to Ozpin.

Jack: "Alright... will go to your school."

Ms. Goodwitch just sighs, while Ozpin sips his coffee with a smile on his face.

To Be Continued...

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