Chapter 3: "Welcome To Beacon"

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It's been a couple days since that night. After the brothers accepted Ozpins deal, they were allowed to have their weapons back and head off back home. The brothers where still shocked about their situation, seeing how they'll have to go to a school called Beacon and train to be huntsman.

The brothers decided they should wear they usual clothing, instead of their suits. They didn't want to draw to much attention, especially in a school filled with warriors.

Leo was wearing a Red hoodie, a necklace with an fire symbol, white top, blue jeans and red/white sneakers. His brother was wearing Blue sweater, a belt with an ice symbol, black neat jeans and has black/blue sneakers.

After packing up their belongings and equipment. They headed off to where the air ship would be picking up students and heading to Beacon. Once they stored their belongings in the storage area of the ship, they headed into the part of the ship were all the rest of the students where waiting.

Immediately Jack sat himself down on one of the seats on the side. His whole body was shaking in fear due, to the air ship being up high in the air and Jack.... was afraid of heights.

Jack: "I did NOT agree to this!"

Leo: "*Sighs* Everything is going to be fine, Jack. The flight we'll be over, before you know it!"

Jack: "*Mutters* I'm going to kill Ozpin, when we find him!"

Leo: "Why are you even afraid of heights?"

Jack: "I'm not afraid of heights... I'm afraid of falling!"

Leo: "Sooner or later, your going to have to face your fear."

Jack: "*Smirks* Oh yeah? Like your fear of asking girls out?"

Leo: "Hey! We do not speak of that!"

Interrupting the brothers conversation, a 2D holographic newscasts pops up on the other side of the room, drawing the students attention. On the screen showed a mugshot of the criminal known as Roman Torchwick.

Cyril (Screen): "The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Finally, the heist on Monroe Street was led by the criminals known as Phoeonix and Freeze, rumours say that the criminals have been apprehended but, theirs been no report of the subject yet. Back to you, Lisa."

Leo: "Phoeonix and Freeze? Is that what people really call us?"

Jack: "How come your name is better then mine!"

Leo: "That's what your complaining about?"

The mugshot changes to the reporter Lisa Lavender, with a photo of Faunus demonstrators holding signs saying "WE ARE NOT ANIMALS!"

Lisa (Screen): "Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the-"

The photo changes to an image of growling red wolf's head with three scratch marks.

Lisa (Screen): "-White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

The news feed is cut off as a hologram of Ms. Goodwitch replaces it.

Goodwitch: "Hello, and welcome to Beacon!"

Leo: "Hey it's that women."

Goodwitch: "My name is Glynda Goodwitch."

Jack: "She always has that menacing look on her face, huh."

Goodwitch: "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." (Disappears)

Leo: "Protect the whole world? We haven't really been doing that."

Jack pats Leo on the back.

Jack: "It's going to be fine, besides think of it like this. Instead of being criminals, we finally get to be the good guys!"

Leo: "*Smiles* It would be nice to be a good guy for a change."

Suddenly, they could hear cries of surprise as students ran over to the windows to look down at the town below. Leo stands up from his seat and looks out of the window.

Leo: "Wow! The view from up here is incredible!"

Jack looks over his shoulder and out of the window, only to see how high they are from the ground. He quickly tucks his legs to his chest, with his arms wrapped around them, while shaking in his seat.

Jack: "Nope, Nope, Nope, NOPE!"

As Jack was having his little anxiety attack, a blonde boy wearing white armour came running past them, who seemed to be trying not puke.

Leo: "At least your not the only one, who seems to be having a bad time."

Just as vomit boy ran past Leo, he suddenly hears a familiar voice.

???: "Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!"

Searching for the voice, he's suddenly surprised when a sees the girl wearing the red hoodie from the police department, running towards him. Unfortunately for him, the girl wasn't looking where she was going and ran straight into Leo, making them both fall to the ground.

Leo/???: "Aaah!"

The girl shakes out the dizziness in her head and looks down to see she's laying on top of poor Leo. Her face instantly turns red and dashes off Leo, back onto her feet.

Rose: "I-I'm so, sorry about that! I should of been looking where I was going!"

Leo looks up at her and into her sliver eyes and feels his face turning lightish red.

Leo: "I-It's fine really!"

The girl rubs her neck nervously, before holding her hand out for Leo.

Ruby: "My name's Ruby, Ruby Rose. What's yours?"

Leo smiles at her and grabs onto her hand, Ruby helps pull him back to his feet.

Leo: "Leo Church."

The two of them notices that there still holding hands and quickly yank their hands away, with a visible blush on their faces.

???: "There you are, Sis!"

Walking up behind, Ruby was a girl with long blonde hair with lilac eyes. She stops next to Ruby and looks at Leo.

Blondie: "Who's your friend here?"

Ruby: "Oh, uh Yang meet Leo. Leo this is my sister, Yang!"

The girl known as Yang, held her hand at Leo.

Yang: "It's nice to meet you, Leo."

Leo shakes her hand, while giving her a kind smile.

Leo: "It's nice to meet you, to."

They stop shaking hands but, Leo gives them a confused look.

Leo: "I don't want to sound rude, but.... how exactly are you two sisters?"

Even tho they say they're sisters, it's confusing seeing how they don't have any similar looks to one another.

Ruby: "We, uh.. have the same Dad but, different Mums."

Leo: "That would explain it.. I guess."

Yang looks towards the seats and notices Leo's brother Jack, still shaking in his seat.

Jack: "-ope, nope, nope, nope-"

Yang: "*Points at Jack* Is he alright?"

Leo: "Him? He's just my brother and he's... afraid of heights."

Leo walks over to Jack and shakes his shoulders.

Leo: "Sweet Oum, Jack! Calm down!"

Jack: "Stoop shaaaking meee!"

Doing as he says, Leo let's go of Jack who stands up from his seat.

Jack: "What do you want?"

Leo gestures over to Ruby and Yang.

Leo: "Jack, I'd like you to meet Ruby and Yang!"

Jack: "*Waves* Hey."

Yang: "Hey Jack, how's it Yang-ing?"

Ruby just groans, while Jack let's out a soft laugh.

Jack: "That was quite a Good one."

Hearing that just makes Yang have a huge smile on her face, while Ruby groans louder. Yang wraps her arm around Jacks neck, pulling him closer to her.

Yang: "You sir, are my new favourite person!"

Leo: (To Ruby) "Is she always like this?"

Ruby: "*Sighs* That's Yang for you."

While Jack has a friendly conversation with Yang. Leo and Ruby have an awkward silence between them, until Leo decides to break it.

Leo: "Sooo, Ruby how old are you?."

Ruby: "Oh, I'm only 15."

Leo: "Huh, same here."

Ruby snaps her head towards Leo and gasp in shock.

Ruby: "REALLY!? How did you get in early?"

A sweat drop rolls down Leo's forehead.

Leo: "I uh... guess I just impressed Ozpin to allow me in his school. So.. um, how about you? How did you get in early."

Ruby: "Well, I just stopped some bad guys from robbing a Dust Store a couple days ago, no biggie."

Ruby says being a modest.

Leo: "That still sounds quite impressive."

Ruby: "*Blush* T-Thanks."

Luckily for him, an intercom gathers everyone's attention.

Intercom: "Can all students gather their belongings and make their way to the exit, will be landing shortly."

They all look outside of the window to see the famous Beacon tower just outside.

Leo: "Looks like where here."


Once the airship landed, all the students began to exit. While Leo, Jack, Ruby and Yang where exiting, Leo heated someone vomiting and turned around to see that same blonde guy, puking in the trash can.

Leo: "Hey uh, you guys go on a head. I'll catch up with you guys later."

Ruby: "Oh? Um, alright!"

Leo starts walking towards the blonde, leaving Jack, Ruby and Yang to them selves.

Jack: "I should probably go after him and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble."

Jack walks off after Leo.

Yang: "Catch you later, tiger!"

Jack caught up to Leo as they both stop next to the blonde who's finished puking in the trash can.

Leo: "You alright, man?"

The blonde looks up drowsily and lays his eyes on Leo and Jack, who are looking at him worriedly.

Blonde boy: "Uhm, yeah... I don't really take flying well."

Jack: "Don't they make pills for that?"

Blonde boy: "*Sighs* Yeah, I forgot to bring them."

Leo: "Well.. my name's Leo and this is my brother, Jack."

Jack: "Sup."

The boy stands up straight and faces the brothers.

Jaune: "The name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it!

Jack: "*Raises an eyebrow* Do they really?"

Jaune: "Well, I-I hope the will."

The three start walking away from the airship and start walking down the paved path, which leads to the front of the school. They all looked up in all, seeing Beacon's Tower in all it's glory.

Jack: "*Whistles* That is one big school."

Jaune: "Y-Yeah, it looked a lot smaller on television. But, then again I was paying more attention to the news."

Leo: "Oh, yeah? What where you watching?"

Jaune: "I was just watching about those criminals known as Phoeonix and Freeze."

The brothers grow a bit worried at hearing their so, called criminal names.

Jack: "Ooooh... what makes them so, interesting?"

Jaune: "Even tho, their bad guys and stuff. There has been rumours of them helping people buuuut, most people disagree with them. Oh! And there also famously known for there semblance!"

Hearing that fact, makes the brothers grow even more worried.

Jack: "Their semblance?"

Jaune: "Yeah! In my personal opinion I think their cool!"

Leo: "What would their semblance be exactly?"

Jaune: "*Dramatically* Fire and Ice!

The brothers just go pale from hearing this. If everyone in this school know's about their semblance but, as their criminals selves.... then that means... they can't use it in front of others without them noticing.

Leo: "Well... they sound... cool."

Jaune: "*Rubs neck* Yeah, it would be cool if they weren't criminals, you know?"

Before either of the brothers could reply, a sudden explosion goes off nearby. Drawing most people in the area, attention towards it.

Jaune: "WHAT WAS THAT!?"

Jack: "No clue!"

Leo: "Someone might be hurt over there!"

The brothers start running towards the explosion, with Jaune trying to catch up from behind. Once the brothers arrive at the scene, the see Ruby getting scowled at by a girl with white hair and along with white clothing.

White Hair Girl: "-you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?"

Ruby: "Well, I-I..."

White Hair Girl: "This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!"

Having enough of this girl yelling at Ruby, Leo steps in front of the white haired girl, ready to confront her.

White Hair Girl: "What do you want!"

Leo: "How about you calm down and stop yelling at her princess!

White Hair Girl: "Why you-"

???: "It's heiress, actually."

Everyone looks at who spoke. They all see a girl with black hair wearing a bow along black clothing. She also had amber coloured eyes, which looked similar to a cat but, she was also holding a bottle of Dust.

Bow Girl: "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

Weiss: "*Smiles Smugly* Finally! Some recognition!"

Bow Girl: "The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

Weiss becomes angered again, while Leo and Ruby chuckle behind her, with Jack having a smirk on face.

Weiss: "Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!"

Weiss walks up into the girls face and takes the bottle filled with Dust from her, walking off in a huff as her helpers gather the luggage and follow.

Ruby: (To Weiss) "I promise I'll make this up to you! *Sighs* I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day... So, what's..."

Ruby turns around, only to see that girl wearing the black bow walking off as well. Ruby turns back to Leo and smiles at him.

Ruby: "Thanks, for standing up for me, Leo."

Leo: "*Smiles* That's what friends are for, Ruby."

Jack: "What was her problem, anyway?"

Ruby: "She just started yelling at me because I tripped over her luggage and then I sneezed, then I exploded and she yelled at me again, until Leo came and stood up to her."

Jack: "Yikes."

Ruby: "Yeaaah..."

Suddenly, Jaune comes running up to the group and halts in front of them, trying to catch his breath.

Jaune: "Couldn't... you guys give me a warning, before you start sprinting off?"

Leo: "*Rubs neck* Sorry, about that Jaune.

Jaune: "It's fine.. (Notice Ruby) so, who's she?"

Leo: "Oh, yeah! Jaune meet Ruby, Ruby meet Jaune!

Jaune: "*Waves* Hi."

Ruby: "Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?"


The four students, where wondering around Beacon and where walking on a path next to a pond.

Jaune: "All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!"

Ruby: "*Laughing* Look, I'm sorry! Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind."

Jack: "*Smirks* I don't think you can say much, Crater Face."

Ruby: "Hey, that explosion was an accident!"

Jaune: "Well, the name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue - ladies love it!"

Ruby: "*Skeptic* Do they?"

Jaune: "They will! Well, I-I hope they will. My mom always says that... Never mind."

Ruby just giggles at his awkwardness, before a awkward silence fell upon them all.

Ruby: "So... I got this thing!"

Ruby pulls out a giant red scythe and stabs it into the ground.

Leo: "Awesome, is that a scythe!"

Ruby: "It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!"

Jaune: "A-wha...?"

Leo: "It's also a gun, Jaune."

Jaune: "Oh. That's cool!"

Ruby: "So, what do you have, Leo?"

Leo: "Well..."

Leo pulls out his red Desert Eagle.

Leo: "I've got this MRI Desert Eagle, which can turn into..."

Leo flicks the muzzle up, with the blade popping out and turning it into a Katana.

Leo: "A Katana."

Ruby: "That's so, cool! Can it do anything else?"

Leo just smirks and uses his semblance to heat up his hand on the Katana without her noticing. Once the heat in his hand was hot enough, the blade of the Katana went on fire, causing Jaune to step back in surprise but, Ruby had shocked look on her face.

Ruby: "You... have... a... FIRE SWORD!!"

(A/N: She was excited when she saw a fire sword in the episode so, why not?)

Leo: "Yeah, pretty cool. The process to make that happen was... difficult. But, I guess you can say my weapon feels like it's apart of myself."

When he finished his sentence, Ruby was staring at Leo with an aw struck look on her face.

Leo: "Um, Ruby?"

Jack walks up to her and snaps his fingers in her face, causing to shake out her gaze.

Ruby: "Huh!? *Nervous* Oh.. uh, s-sorry about that. So, uh.. Jack What weapon do you have?"

Jack pulls his shotgun from... somewhere and holds it out front for them to see.

Jaune: "Is that a shotgun?"

Jack: "It's a Mossberg 500 Cruiser to be exact and it can also turn into..."

Jack presses a button on the side of the shotgun, turning it into a blue battle axe.

Jack: "*Smirks* Battle axe."

Ruby: "Awesome! So, Jaune what do you got?"

Jaune: "Oh! I, uh... (Unsheathes his blade) I got this sword!"

Ruby: "Ooooohh!"

Jaune: "Yeah, and I've got a shield, too!"

He gets his scabbard, raises his arm and expands the scabbard into a shield. Ruby starts to touch and examine the shield.

Ruby: "So, what do they do?"

Jaune starts to fumble with his shield as it retracts off his arm, expands, and retracts again before he catches it and puts it back in place and finally shrinking it down for good, placing it on his belt.

Jaune: "The shield gets smaller, so when I get tired of carrying it, I can just... put it away..."

Leo: "Wouldn't it still weigh the same, tho?"

Jaune: "*Dejectedly* Yeah, it does..."

Ruby: "*Giggling* Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons, sooo... I guess I did go a little overboard when designing it."

Jaune: "Wait - you made that?!"

Ruby: "Of course! All students at Signal forge their own weapons! Didn't you make yours?"

Jaune: "It's a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war."

Jack: "Sounds more like a family heirloom to me."

Ruby: "Well, I like it! Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days."

Jaune: (Sheathing his sword) "Yeah, the classics..."

Ruby: "Hmm. *looks around* Hey guys, where are we going?"

Jaune: "Oh, I don't know! I was following you three. Y-You think there might be a directory? Maybe a food court? Some kind of recognizable landmark? Is, uh... Is that a 'no'?"

Jack: "*Laughs* That would be a no, Jaune."

Leo: "Come on guys, I'm pretty sure we've got to head back on over to the entrance."

The four of them start to make there way towards Beacon entrance, in hopes of finding out where they're actually supposed to be.

To Be Continued...

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