Chapter 4: "The First Step"

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Leo, Jack, Ruby and Jaune are entering Beacon Academy's giant auditorium, which is filled to the brim with students. Ruby looks over the area, until she hears her sisters voice.

Yang: "*Waving* Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!"

Ruby: (To the boys) "Oh! Hey, I-I gotta go! I'll see you guys after the ceremony!"

Leo: "Alright, see you later Ruby!"

Ruby walks over to her sister, while waving goodbye to the group.

Jaune: "You guys aren't going to leave me to, right?"

Jack: "Unless you give us a reason to."

Jaune: "Uuuuh..."

Jack: "*Laughs* I'm just yanking on your leg, man. We won't abandon you but, we should go and find a spot to watch the ceremony."

So, the three went off and found a spot in the crowed where they stood and waited for the ceremony to start.

Jaune: "So, are you guys a bit nervous about all of this?"

Leo: "Well... a little bit, it's not everyday you, uh.. *Clears throat* get accepted into Beacon."

Jaune: "*Laughs Nervously* Yeah..."

Jack: "Besides, theirs no need to worry guys, if we stick together I'm sure everything will be fine."

Leo: "*Smiles* Yeah."

???: YOU!

Hearing the sudden outburst, the three look over in the direction where they heard it. Only to see that Weiss girl yelling at Ruby... again.

Leo: "Again!?"

Before, Leo could head over there. Jack holds his arm out in front of him.

Jack: "Hold on, now. Maybe, this will be good for them."

Leo: "What do you mean?"

Jack: "I mean maybe, if they sort out there differences, they might be friends or something."

They look back over to Ruby, who's putting away a sheet of paper before, holding out her hand towards Weiss.

Ruby: (Distance) "Yeah! Great idea, sis Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!"

Jack: "*Smugly* See."

Weiss: (Distance) "*Fake Enthusiastic* Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!"

She finishes saying, while pointing in our direction... well more like at Jaune.

Jaune: "Hmm?"

Leo: (To Jack) "You where saying?"

Jack: "I said might, ok."

Everyone's attention is then drawn to the stage by the sound of a microphone, where they see Goodwitch and Ozpin standing on the stage with one.

Ozpin: "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. (Students begin to whisper among themselves) You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

As Ozpin leaves the stage, Goodwitch takes his place by the microphone.

Goodwitch: "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Students began to talk amongst themselves as the brothers ponder over what Ozpin said.

Jack: "I... wasn't expecting that type of speech, huh."

Leo: "Yeah, What do you think about it, Jaune... Jaune?"

Leo notices Jaune is no longer by their side, he looks around the place for him. Only to spot him walking towards that girl called Weiss.

Jaune: (Distance) "I'm a natural blond, you know!"

Jack: "*Smirks* Quite the ladies killer, don't you think?"

Leo: "*Sighs* Let's just hope she doesn't kill him."


Later on that night as all the students got changed into their pyjamas or sleepwear. They made they're way into the ballroom, the brothers set down their sleeping bags at one of the corners, near the entrance of the room.

They were in their usual sleepwear with Leo wearing a red top with grey sweatpants and Jack wearing the same but a blue top.

After they set their sleeping bags up, Jack dragged Leo out of the ballroom and into a empty hallway, were they could talk about their 'situation'.

Leo: "Why are you dragging me out here?"

Jack: "It's about what Jaune said, this morning."

Leo: "You mean about us, being on the news?"

Jack: "Yeah, you do realise what this means, right?"

Leo: "*Sighs* Yeah..."

Jack: "If most people at this school, know about our semblances from the news... where going to have to lay low on using them."

Leo: "But-"

Jack: "I know how much you like using yours but, you just have to bear with it."

Leo: "We can't spend four years here without using them! Besides, what if people start getting suspicious us?"

Jack rubs his template, before letting out a deep breath.

Jack: "Look, it's getting late. Will talk more about this later. For now... try not to stress about it to much and get some rest this time, alright."

Leo puts his hands in his pockets and sighs.

Leo: "Fine..."

As the pair walk back to the ballroom, they suddenly halt in shock, when they see Jaune in front of them. But, what he was wearing was... was... was a... blue bunny onesies.

Jaune: "Hey guys, how you-"

Jack: "Jaune... what are you wearing?"

Jaune: "What this? It's a my onesie."

Leo: "Why are you wearing a onesie, exactly?"

Jaune: "*Embarrassed* Well.. uhm, look! It was a gift from my sisters and it is VERY comfortable!"

Leo: "It's fine! We were just wondering was all!"

Jack: "Looks kind of sh-"

Leo elbows Jack in the stomach, causing him to groan in pain.

Jack: "I-I mean we don't mind!"

Jaune: "Thanks guys! So, can I sleep near you guys because uh... I don't think the other guys want me around near them."

Leo: "Sure Jaune, I'll show you where we're set up."

Leo starts to lead Jaune to the ballroom with Jack following behind.


Leo leads Jaune back to their spot in the ball room with Jack following, behind. Jaune begins to set up his sleeping bag near theirs as Leo looks around the room.

Leo: "It's like a giant slumber party in here."

Jack: "You could say that again. Hey... *Points* isn't that Yang and Ruby over there?"

Looking to where he's pointing he see's Ruby and Yang lying on their sleeping bags, discussing with each other.

Leo: "Oh yeah, you wanna go say 'hi' to them?"

Jack: "*Shrugs* Sure, why not."

They two of them make there way to the girls as they start to pick up on what their saying.

Ruby: (Distanc) "-letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going."

Yang: (Distance) "Aw, that's so cuuuute!"

Ruby angrily throws her pillow at her face.

Ruby: (Distance) "Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school! It's weird not knowing anyone here!"

Leo and Jack stop in front of the two, with them finally noticing them and looking up at them.

Ruby: "Oh, hey guys. What are you two doing here?"

Leo: "We thought we'd come over and say "hi"."

Jack: "What's going on here?"

Ruby: "Well... I was just talking to Yang about how weird it is, since I don't really know anyone here."

Leo: "What about us? You know Jack and I."

Yang: "See sis there's them two and... Jaune! That's three friends! That's a hundred percent increase!"

Ruby: (To Yang) "Pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend."

Jack: "I don't think negative friends are a thing."

Yang: "Yeah, like Jack said! You just made three friends and one enemy!"

Ruby throws another pillow at Yang, which hits her in the face.

Yang: "Look, it's only been one day. Trust me; you've got friends all around you! You just haven't met them yet!"

Leo: "Besides, Ruby will always be here if you need a friend."

Ruby: "*Smiles* Thanks Leo."

Jack: "*Yawns* I don't know about you girls but, I believe it's time we got some rest, right bro?"

Leo: "Oh yeah, see you two in the morning!"

The two walk away as the girls wave goodbye to them.

Ruby: (Distance) "Bye!"

Yang: (Distance) "Kind of disappointed we didn't get to see their shirts off."

Ruby: (Distance) "*Blushes* Y-Yang!"

As the brothers reached their spots, they saw Jaune was already sound asleep in his sleeping bag. The brothers climbed into their respective sleeping bags and just layer there for a bit.

Leo: "So, What do you think Ozpin has planned for the Initiation?"

Jack: "Hmmm... probably something that's going to get us killed."

Leo: "Really?"

Jack: "I said probably, anyway try to get some sleep, alright. We'll need to be well rested for whatever that caffeine addict has planned."

Leo: "Yeah.."

Of course it took the brothers a while, until they could actually sleep. Seeing how a certain Ice-Queen was yelling at Ruby, which kept most people up. But, once they're argument was over, someone blew out the last candle and everyone went back to their sleeping bags and off to sleep.


As the sun began to rise in the horizon and it's rays of lights, shine onto Leo's sleeping face. He begins to groan in annoyance feeling the light work it's magic and disturb his slumber.

Leo always got annoyed, getting waked up early in the morning. He put his head inside his sleeping bag, trying to hide from the tortures light and just when he was about to dose off...


Leo unraveled himself from his sleeping bag to see who could possibly be wide awake this early. He looks over the ballroom and sees a orange haired girl with teal eyes, dancing around another guy with black hair and pink eyes who.... looked kind of like a Ninja.

Crazy Girl: "*Singing* It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!

The ninja guy just sighs and the two of them head out of the ball room with the girl still saying some nonsense to him. After they left, Leo decides to get up, knowing there's no chance of heading back to sleep.

Leo looks over to his brother, who's still sound asleep. Jack has always been a heavy sleeper so, waking him up has always been quite a challenge.

Leo: "Jack... Jack... Jack!"

Jack: "*Groans* Mmmm, what?"

Leo: "Come on, we've got to get up now."

Jack: "Nah..."

Leo: "*Sighs* If you don't get up, I'm going to roast you."

Jack: "Roast me and I'm going to freeze your ass."

Leo: "Just get up."

Jack: "Finnneee!"

Jack starts to get out of his sleeping bag.

Jack: "What time is it anyway?"

Leo grabs his scroll and checks the time.

Leo: "It is... seven thirty."

Jack: "Ugh, this is why I hate schools!"

Leo: "Yeah, Yeah.. I'll be in the bathroom cleaning up, I'll see you at breakfast."

Jack: "I'll meet you there soon."

As Leo left the ballroom, Jack looked over to Jaune still sleeping away all nice and cozy.

Jack: "Hey Vomit boy, wakey wakey!"

Jaune: "Mmm, five more minutes Mum."

Jack: "....Do I sound like your Mum to you?"

Jaune opens his eyes confused, until he realises it's Jack speaking to him.

Jaune: "*Awkward* Oh.. hey Jack."

Jack: "Yeah hey.. now come on everyone's getting up, now."

Jaune: "Oh yeah! Just let me pack my things up first!"

Jack: "Nope! Food first, then packing up."

Jaune: "Uh, sure alright then."

They two went to the bathroom to clean up and get changed first, before making there way to the cafeteria area where they grabbed they're breakfast and sat down next to Leo.

Leo: "Hey guys."

Jaune: "Hey Leo."

Jack: "Sup."

The boys begin to chow down on their breakfast and Jack decides to break the silence in the air.

Jack: (To Leo) "So, did you actually get some sleep this time?"

Leo: "Surprisingly yeah."

Jaune raises an eyebrow at the question.

Jaune: "Wait, what?"

Jack: "It's just Leo here just has some trouble sleeping is all."

Leo: "*Sighs* Jack, he didn't need to know that!"

Jack: "*Shrugs* Welp to late."

Jaune: "How can't you sleep?"

Leo: "I don't know.. I just can't sometimes."

Jack: "Unless I knock you out of course."

Jaune turns to Jack in shock.

Jaune: "Huh!?"

Leo: "He's just kidding!"

Jack: "*Laughs* Of course I wouldn't hit my own brother... unless he actually deserves it."

Leo: "Hey!"

Their conversation is interrupting as they hear someone sitting near by them, speaking rather loudly for anyone near to hear. They turn to see who's talking to see the same orange hair girl and ninja dude, Leo saw in the ballroom earlier.

Crazy Girl: (Distance) "*Muffled through her pancake* Right! What was I thinking? But still, I hope we end up on the same team together! *Slurps up the rest of her pancake* Oohhhh! We should come up with some sort of plan, to make sure we end up on the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work. He has the school."

Jaune: "She seems... excited?"

Leo: "That's one way of putting it, I guess."

Jack: "I mostly feel bad for the guy."

Jaune: "So uh.. are you guys nervous for the initiation?"

Leo: "A little bit, I guess."

Jack: "It's best not to think to much about it."

Jaune: "Right."

As the three of them start to finish their breakfast, Jack stands up.

Jack: "Well, I think it's time that we start getting our gear together, guys."

Leo: "Yeah, I'm done eating anyway. You coming, Jaune?"

Jaune: "I'll meet you guys there in a sec, I just need to find my locker sheet real quick!"

Jack: "Alright man, don't take to long now."

The boys cleaned up the meals and headed out of the cafeteria area. Jack and Leo head towards the locker room, while Jaune rushes back to the ballroom.


The brothers are walking through the locker room in search for their lockers.

Leo: "What's your locker?"

Jack: "One-one-seven, yours?"

Leo: "Mines one-one-eight, guess where next to each other."

Jack: "*Sarcastic* Definitely not because where related or anything."

After some time, they finally narrow down where their lockers are and see that Ruby and Yang are next to them.

Jack: "Hey girls!"

They both turn around and wave and Ruby goes back to pulling out her gear from her locker.

Yang: "Hey Jacky!"

Jack: "Looks like where going to be locker-buddies from now."

They begin to collect their equipment.

Leo: "So, are you two excited for the initiation?"

Yang: "You know it!"

Ruby: "Yep! Where finally going to be using are weapons!"

Just then, the orange hair girl and the ninja dude come strolling past. With the girl happily skipping behind the guy.

Ruby: "Wonder what those two are so worked up about?"

Yang: "Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!"

Ruby: "Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking."

Ruby says as she strokes Crescent Rose followed by a happy sigh. Jack just awkwardly raises an eyebrow at that.

Yang: "Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."

Ruby: (Sighs in frustration) "You sound like Dad! *Shoves her weapon into the locker* Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!"

Yang: "But what about when we form teams?"

Ruby: "*Nervous* Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or Leo and Jacks, I guess..."

Yang: "Maybe, you should just try being on Jack and Leo's team?"

Leo: "Where fine with that."

Ruby: "My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?"

Yang: "What? No! Of course I do! I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you... break out of your shell!"

Ruby: "What the-?! I don't need to 'break out of my shell'! That's absolutely-"

Suddenly, Jaune comes walking in between the sisters and brothers, holding a map and looking completely lost.

Jaune: "Ridiculous! There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Why does this have to happen today?"

Jack walks over to Jaune and taps him on the shoulder.

Jack: "I believe your locker is over in that direction, buddy." (Points)

Jaune: "*Relieved* Thanks Jack!"

Jaune walks away as Jack heads back to the girls and Leo.

Yang: "Your quite the helper aren't you Jacky boy?"

Jack: "What can I say? It runs in the family."

Leo: "Pretty sure, your just a big brother to everyone you meet."

Jack: "*Smirks* Who wouldn't want me as their big brother?"

Jack says, while messing up Leo's hair.

Leo: "I just got it perfect!"

Ruby: "*Sighs* I know that pain to well."

Yang: "What, you mean this?"

Yang starts to mess up Ruby's hair.

Ruby: "Gahh, noo!"

As the younger siblings suffer, an announcement suddenly starts to play on the intercom system.

Goodwitch (Intercom): "Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately."

Yang: "Welp, I guess it's time to Yang-off!"

Ruby: "Why!?"

Leo pats her on the shoulder.

Leo: "There, there Ruby."

The group gather their gear and start to head off, until they see Jaune slumping against a locker.

Yang: "Having some trouble there, lady-killer?"

Jaune: "I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence! Where did I go wrong?"

Leo holds his hand out for Jaune, who accepts it and gets pulled back onto his feet.

Jack: "Pretty sure, you went wrong with choosing Ice-Queen."

Leo: "Yeah, let's go Jaune."

Leo helps lead Jaune out of the locker room by supporting him and his damaged self-esteem.

To Be Continued...

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