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Jaemin wasn't given a work schedule by the weekend, although he wanted to since the shop is opened seven days a week, but he didn't ask Donghyuck or Renjun about it. He does have some things to do which is to bake. He was quite good when it comes to cooking but baking could be his kryptonite. As practice, he bakes a lot in their apartment and makes Donghyuck tastes them when he comes home.

Then an idea popped up into his mind.

"Should I bring some to the shop?" he asked himself while eating his breakfast that Donghyuck made which was mediocre to Jaemin's tastebuds. Fortunately, he has his coffee.

The beta hummed and decided too quick because of the thought the omega tasting his food. His love language is letting them taste whatever he cooks and hopefully, they like it. Jaemin's fine with baking...that's what he thinks. The only thing he's good at is not burning and putting the place on fire.

Jaemin stood right after he finished eating and went to clean up the place before he went out to buy some ingredients. Deep inside of him, he's just trying to impress Renjun.

It's been a few days and the fact that whenever Jaemin meets Renjun, he gets flustered and his heart just beats faster than it used to. Seriously, this isn't normal. Even how his scent just smells too good isn't normal.

Even if he does like the omega, it's a myth that omegas and betas can be together. Jaemin was thankful that he isn't an alpha or an omega just because he doesn't have to deal with ruts and heats but the downside being a beta was being mated. Betas are just paired with betas. Right now, Jaemin just somehow wished he's an alpha.

Jaemin doesn't have much charisma like an alpha's. His scent isn't strong but he has a subtle peach. His pheromones aren't that strong as well. He doesn't attract much attention. He was...'normal.' It was his first to feel frustrated at the idea of not being able to be enough for an omega.

The beta sighed.

Later that afternoon, Jaemin went to the grooming shop after he baked some cookies. Was he nervous? Yeah. He's anxious about the taste of it. If it ends up being bad, then he'll blame his mind for overthinking. His mind was preoccupied that he forgot what he did to make cookies.

He groaned, facepalming. Well, if it does end up bad, Donghyuck will eat it instead. He might even call Mark to come over and taste it with him. The last time he baked something bad was when he made a two-tier cake for a practice run and though it ended up badly for him, Chenle and Donghyuck ate it anyway.

Jaemin gets disappointed easily and that's his illness.

Arriving at the place, the beta pushed the glass door open. The chime echoed through the small area. The beta looked around and the strong scent of vanilla was prominent, making Jaemin to conclude that Renjun's around. The scent of cotton candy was also around.

"Jaem? Hey, what are you doing here?" Donghyuck showed up, who was currently putting some missing products on the shelves.

Jaemin goes in and walked over to his friend, "I just figured to bake some cookies and give you some."

The beta squinted his eyes at him, "Is that really for me?"

The other tensed, "W-Well...both you and Renjun."

"I thought so," Donghyuck uttered and placed down the basket he's holding, "Let's go. He's in the staff's room."

Jaemin hummed. They walked towards the counter and made their way in. The beta was half-anxious. His grip on the paper bag he has was tight and his heart wasn't in the right pace either. It's weird when they meet each other, consecutively, a few days now and he still wants to see Renjun with more time. Heck, half a day isn't enough!

The cotton candy scented beta knocked against the door, "Guys, we have a visitor!"

Guys? So, there's more than just them today?

The door opened and showed a few people inside, wearing their uniform aprons. Jaemin smelt mixed scents but Renjun's was very prominent, or it's just him wanting to smell more of the omega's scent.

"Jaemin-ah!" Renjun exclaimed, surprised to see the beta. The omega waved at him with a sweet smile on his face.

Jaemin nodded at him and waved back, too timid. Donghyuck pulled him to walk over to them, wanting his friend to have some romance in his life.

The beta was too busy how to give the baked goods he made to the omega that he flinched when a soft small hand wrapped around his wrist, catching his attention.

"Jaemin-ah, these are the other employees we have here. This is Jungwoo hyung, Sungchan and Sicheng hyung," Renjun introduced, cutely looking up straight at Jaemin.

Jaemin bowed infront, "Nice to meet you. I'm Jaemin...I just started a few days ago."

"Is Renjunnie teaching you well so far?" the guy named Jungwoo uttered, smelling like an omega.

The beta nodded, "Of course. He's been really nice...and good."

"I bet you're weirded out about an omega bossing you around?" the another, possibly, omega named Sicheng asked with a teasing tone.

Jaemin hummed, "No...I don't really mind."

"An omega topping a beta?"

"Cheng hyung, you're being rude to him," Renjun scolded, frowning, with his ears down against his head and arms crossed.

Sicheng chuckled, "Awe, I forgot how cute you are when you're angwy," pouting to tease the cute hybrid omega.

"Aren't you an alpha?" Jaemin asked to the quiet guy who's named as Sungchan. He could sense Sungchan's pheromones. He was worried about him working with unmated omegas. Okay, especially Renjun.

Sungchan nodded, "But I'm mated," showing the beta his hand, his finger having a ring.

The beta nodded, surprised, "Oh."

"Jaemin, you haven't answered me."

The called male looked over at the omega again, "Wh-What did you ask again?"

"Why are you here? I didn't give you a schedule for the weekends so you could take some rest," Renjun uttered.

Donghyuck surprised at how Renjun just said that when him and Jaemin are studying the same, and he's the one who has a schedule for the weekends. He just, jokingly, sulked at the unfair system, making him to excuse himself to take over the shop.

"I...baked some cookies and thought that I bring some here."

The omega gasped, "Really?!"

Jaemin nodded and gave the paper bag to Renjun. The omega's ears perked up and his tail swaying excitingly. He opened the bag and grabbed one before he gave it to the others for them to taste as well. The beta felt like his heart dropped, knowing that everyone in this are friends with Renjun. He felt weird and anxious.

Renjun hummed in satisfaction, "No wonder you're doing good in school!"

"You cook for a living?" Jungwoo asked.

Jaemin shook his head, "I-I'm just about to graduate culinary major."

"I should attend work everyday if I get to eat these," Sicheng said. He's just busy with taking care of his baby in the weekdays so he just gets to work in the weekends because his mate is at home.

"He won't bake everyday. He's busy," Renjun said, eating his last piece which stuffed his cheeks a bit.

"If you want, I can--"

The omega shook his head, "Your hands are already full. You don't have to, and also, they're just joking with you."

The beta nodded, "Okay...If you say so."

"But it's really delicious, Jaemin," Renjun added.

"Th-Thank you...Well, I should get going. I just came here for that," the beta said, excusing himself to the others.

"I'll walk you out."

Before Jaemin could even say no, Renjun has already stood from the couch he's sitting on and started walking towards the door. The beta bowed at his other co-workers he just met and followed the omega out of the room. Jaemin was trying hard not to think about "things" when Renjun's being cute and attractive like this.

"I just groomed three cats a while ago. You should've seen them, they're really chubby and cute," Renjun said, storytelling Jaemin what he did a while ago.

"Really? Wasn't it too much? You could have asked Donghyuck to call me," Jaemin uttered.

The hybrid smiled and shrugged, "I don't want to disturb you or anything. Also, it was fine. Sungchannie just came right on time and helped me with the grooming."

"I'm...free on the weekends. So, it's fine if you...disturb me," the beta softly said, wanting to be the person Renjun will ask some help first.

Renjun chuckled, "Okay. Jaeminnie can help when I need some."

He's my death. He'll be my death.

"I'll see you on Monday," the omega added once they reached the door.

The beta nodded, "Okay...Be careful when you go home."

"I will. You too, Jaeminnie."

Jaemin, stay calm. You're getting head over heels for a boy you just met.

A/N: excuse my writing if u guys think chapters are boring

my brain's been feeling sluggish lately but i'm alright :D

Love lots ♥

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