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The Episode in the kidnappers said hey! she is upstairs only.we want to kidnap Pragya and Ishani.she came here to change her attire.we want to go to her room.I am looking for just stay near her.Pragya overheard their conversation.she is shocked.She thinks in her mind, they want to kidnap me.but why, who is their does that person knows that I am here only.Pragya thinks in her mind, who is that person.that guy started to check all the room in upstairs.he is searching for Pragya.Pragya opened her wardrobe. She thinks in her mind, one guy went to search for me.I want to manipulate his direction.then only I can save Ishani from his clutches.that guy is standing outside from her room.ishani is in an unconscious state.Pragya slowly opened her wardrobe.she come out from the wardrobe.asha screamed Pragya what are you doing in upstairs.come soon towards downstairs.but Pragya never utters any word.Pragya thinks in her mind, how can I tell you maa.I need your help.pragya to think in her mind,suniyil I need your help.abi claimed maa wait I will go and see her.sarala said what happened to her?.why she never spoke any words.Pragya goes towards Ishani.she will try to wake her up.but she didn't get up.abi reached upstairs.that guy sees abi.he went to hide inside the room.Pragya sees that guy.He comes towards her.Pragya hides behind the curtain.abi called Pragya where are you.Pragya heard abi voice.she decides to give a signal towards him.but she can't...because that guy is also in that room.Pragya didn't know, how to give the signal to abi.her eyes filled with tears.Pragya thinks in her mind, suniyil I am here only.abi opened every room door.She's not anywhere. Abi opened the Pragya room.suddenly he heard some noise.he didn't look at the room.he went to check the balcony.Pragya sees that guy hiding in behind bed.abi come to the balcony. he can't found Pragya there.Pragya thinks in her mind, I will run from this room.but how??.god ji🙏.Please help me!! abi again came to downstairs.abi think in his mind, where did she go.after abi went ti downstairs..abi said she is not there.suddenly Ranveer said what??😲😲😳😳😳.he doubts on Rudra.Rudra thinks in her mind, where did she go.bejoy is panicked.asha said she is here only.she is playing hide and seek game.asha said enough your game and come out. Just have your dinner.abi is restless.she said abi come to have your dinner.she is a very naughty girl.she is always playing with us.Pragya decides to run from that room.Pragya sees that guy.Pragya said god ji🙏Please help me.I want to run from here.then only I can save Ishani from his glitches.suddenly another guy comes to that room.that guy came out from his place.that guy asked another caught her.that guy said I don't know where is she.pragya is scared.another guy said if I catch her.I will never leave will stay with her.I will go and find her. He leaves the room.That guy is standing near Ishani Pragya decides to attack him.Pragya takes flower vase.she slowly goes near him.she hits his head heavily.he will try to hold and press her neck.she pushed him.she screamed baiyya!!! abi!!! puru!!!.they heard Pragya voice.they are panicked.all heard Pragya voice.dusky said it's Pragya voice.they are panicked.all come to the upstairs.that another guy caught Pragya from his hand.pragya will try to relief from his clutches.Immediately Pragya kicks him with her leg.he screamed in pain.they heard one male voice.asha said what happened my Pragya.pragya leave from his clutches.she is running away in the upstairs corridor.that guy is also following pragya.that guy tore Pragya cloth.but Pragya is running without caught in his hand.suddenly Pragya clashed with abi.pragya is scared.abi asked what happened pragu.pragya look at abi.she hugged him.their gang sees the kidnapper.abi sees her attire.he is furious.ranveer and his gang came there.he removed his shirt covered her in his shirt.Rudra sees a Pragya injury face.her attire is totally torn.he couldn't control his anger.Asha comes towards Pragya.Pragya hugged him.Pragya said baiyya Ishani.Ranveer asked what happened Ishani?.they caught the kidnappers started to beat him.Pragya explained her situation to them.bejoy asked where is Ishani beta.they went to the Ishani room.they see Ishani unconscious state.they see one guy got injured in his head.Ranveer takes Ishani in his arms .he placed her on the bed.pragya said they will come here to kidnap me and Ishani.rudhra hold his dare you to tore my Pragya attire.all looks shocked to hear his words.pragya hold abi hand firmly.Pragya said I don't know how to escape from here.suddenly Pragya feels suffocated to breathe.they are panicked.Asha, Ranveer,abi,rudhu screamed pragu.immediately laksh calls the doctor.pragya is unconscious now.she holds abi hand firmly.that both guy are escaped from their clutches.they went behind to chase them.but they are escaped from their clutches.the doctor checked Pragya and pointed Ishani...they give anesthesia to her.that's why she got unconscious.the doctor checked Pragya.The doctor sees Pragya's hand.her hand is terribly injured.he gives some medicine.nothing to worry.few minutes after, Pragya gets up from the bed.she is scared.she said maa!! don't go away from me.she holds her hand firmly.ranveer said nothing will happen to you pragu.Pragya asked is Ishani??.pragya sees Ishani sleeping near her.Pragya kissed her forehead.she hold her hand. She said I will be there for your ever Ishani.I will never allow anyone near you.All are emotionally looking at her.Pragya hugged Ishani.Rudra gets a he informed Pragya's mom, dad.immediately he leaves from the home.Ranveer noticed Rudra's behaviors.Raghav asked what happened ranveer.ranveer said I have a doubt on rudra.raghav said I also think that only.purab said girls you are staying with her.they nodded their head.abi, Purab, Arjun, rocky,laksh,sanskar come towards Ranveer and raghav.purab asked Ranveer what happened.raghav said we are doubt on one guy.abi asked who...raghav said Rudra.all looks shocked..laksh asked why are you doubt on him.why he would do this...ranveer said he will do everything to get my asked sister means??.raghav said he loves our pragya..pragya doesn't know anything about him.abi asked what??.Ranveer told about Rudra's truth towards abi, Arjun, rocky, Purab,laksh,sanskar.abi asked what are you saying.abi heard the story...he gets dizziness.but he managed it.abi got some flashes.purab said I don't know him Ranveer.purab think in his mind, sorry to say lie with you Ranveer.Arjun asked abi are you ok.abi said yeah I am ok.abi asked you told me, Purab!Pragya was known him.but we both never remember anything.but how can this happen...

Dusky holds Arjun's hand...she is dancing with him. bulbul, Ishani,shivangi, Naina get conscious...they came to the downstairs.all are teasing them. they can't understand it.screenshift to Pragya room. Pragya called one person.she said I want to meet you immediately...

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