Hiding the truth

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The Episode in Pragya home, Arjun asked abi are you ok.abi said yeah, I am ok.abi asked you told me, Purab! Pragya was known him. but we both never remember anything. but how can this happen? Dev said abi don’t stress yourself.be cool!!. We have to find out who was trying to kidnap them now.raghav said exactly!! so abi don’t stress yourself. We must now keep our focus on finding the real culprit behind this kidnap.ranveer said I don’t know, who is that.but if they caught in my hand, I will never leave them. Raghav said exactly!!. Pragya decides to go out. asha asked where are you going pragu.pragya said maa. I want to see baiyya.asha said Pragu I also come along with you.pragya said maa no needed.swarna said maa I will go along with her.pragya said no needed swaru.sha said no pragu. I will never allow you anywhere alone.pragya said maa.nothing will happen to me. Sona said Swarna, you will stay with them. I will go along with Pragya Pragya said didi!! you to behave like mom.sona said chup pragu!!!. I will also come along with you.that’s it. Pragya said ok.if I said no, you never gonna obey my words.so come with me.

Pragya and sona come out from their room. they went to meet Ranveer. Ranveer said guys don’t tell anything about chairman to pragya.we want to hide everything from Pragya. suddenly Pragya entered. Pragya heard Ranveer last words.she asked what did you hide with me baiyya. all are shocked. Ranveer turned to see Pragya there. Sona and Pragya look at Ranveer's face. Pragya asked what are you hiding from me. Ranveer said nothing pragu.pragya said baiyya you were hidden something with me. just say the truth.raghav said nothing like that pragu.pragya said don’t say the lie. I heard baiyya. Sona asked we have heard your words.what are you hiding from us. suddenly Arjun said I will tell the truth. all look at Arjun.ranveer, Raghav is gesturing him.don’t tell her Arjun said guys we never want to hide from her. Pragya asked ok Arjun say the truth. Raghav,abi gesture him.don’t say this to her.arjun said Ranveer got injured in his hand.they feel relief.arjun said if you know this. you will worry for him.that’s why he hides this from you.pragya went near ranveer.raghav said now see, you are panicked and worrying for him.that’s why he said hide this from you. Pragya said idiot!! he got injured in his hand.how can we sit be peaceful.sona said just wait for baiyya. I will bring the first aid box. Pragya said di. don’t tell mom.she will worry for him.just go to the baiyya room. I kept first aid box there.sona said ok.she went to take first aid box. She went to the Ranveer room. suddenly Ranveer stopped sona.he said I already applied ointment in my hand.so don’t go anywhere.ranveer said that’s why I told to hide this from you.see your hand.compare with me, you got a big injury in your hand.pragya replied baiyya it does not my fault. that rascal did this.sona asked baiyya show your wound. ranveer said my lovely Choti, nothing happens to me.this is a small wound.so don’t worry. you both go to sleep now.pragya said baiyya I don’t feel sleepy. with your permission, shall I go out? Ranveer and sona simultaneously said no. Pragya looks sad.pragya said baiyya I will take abi along with me. Abi said I will never allow you to go anywhere. Pragya stared at him. Ranveer said your abi is also said. you won't go anywhere. Pragya looks at Arjun.she said hey crime partner. help me. tell baiyya. allow me to go out. Arjun is blinking his eyes. He doesn't know what to do next.laksh said Ranveer allow her. I will go along with her. I will take care of her.pragya said see laksh is coming with me.he will take care of me. Please baiyya. I really feel uncomfortable to stay here in our home. I can’t I properly. I just want fresh air. Please baiyya allow me. Pragya pleaded him to Ranveer. Ranveer finally accepted her. he can’t see his sister pleading face. he put condition.he said one condition, you just take two boys along with you.pragya said I will go along with Arjun, laksh.abi was shocked. he expected she will tell his name.but she said Arjun laksh name only.arjun said see guys the first time in history. she never says abi name. all laughed😆😉except abi, pragya.pragya says I am angry on my Romeo.that's why I never go along with him.abi asked why what happened. what I did.why are you anger on me.pragya said I thought you would support me instead of your support baiyya. Abi said so you are taking revenge now.pragya said Haan.abi said ok go. I will never come. Pragya Is shocked.she said I hate you.abi said really😉abi intentionally tried to increase her anger on him. Pragya holds laksh and Arjun.she takes her mobile.pragya said Ranveer, Raghav, rocky baiyya,sona di, dev jiju,sanskar,puru, Vicky, Vijay said bye guys. actually Karthik, the veer is missing from there. they went home. she never told bye to abi…pragya, Arjun,laksh leave from the home. Purab said she is really anger on you.abi said I never did any mistake. actually, I told everything for her sake.purab said she thought, she wants to spend some time along with you instead you did everything as her brother favor.so she got angry with you.abi said she told me directly. Only then did I know.

screen shift to laksh, Arjun, Pragya.arjun asked why are you fight with your Romeo.pragya said I thought, I want to spend some time along with him.but that idiot did everything opposite to me.arjun said oh!!!! so, you are anger on him.suddenly abi and Purab is also following them.pragya didn't know about it. abi will also come along with them.

screen shift to dusky.she is sleeping peacefully on the couch. she gets a dream. Arjun comes towards her. he forwarded his hand towards her. He asked can you dance along with me. dusky smiled give her hand towards him. she holds Arjun's hand.

Background music plays Ishq Wala love.

Arjun and dusky are dancing on the floor.arjun look at dusky eyes. dusky look at Arjun's eyes. Arjun calls her name dusky.dusky said arjun.arjun said dusky I want to share something with you. dusky look at him.she says tell me arjun.arjun said I don’t know when I am falling in love with you.dusky is shocked. she blushed. Arjun cupped face.he said I …love…you dusky. dusky blabbered in her dreams said I love you too. Swarna look at dusky.she is blabbering continuously I love you too.

Alia,purvi, Swarna,tanu went near her.they said I love you too dusky. dusky again screamed I love you. she thought it as real.but she is blabbering in her dream.after she hugged Arjun.she smiled in her dream.tanu asked what happened to her. why she is laughing. Alia said I also don’t know. I think she is talking to her dream boy in her dream.swarna said maybe. they laughed🤣🤣.

screen shift to Pragya.suddenly she gets a text from unknown number…pragya said guys stay here. I will come. laksh asked where are you going. actually, I get an important call. I want to speak with them.arjun said you can speak here.we will stand far distance from her.pragya said ok.laksh and Arjun are doing bodyguard job. Pragya called someone said hey where are you. that person said I am at home.pragya said I want to meet you immediately. that person said shall I come there.pragya said no.all are here only. I will tell you.where will we meet. that person said ok.pragya ended her calls.pragya said guys over. Arjun,laksh asked finished your conversation.pragya said yeah!!. Pragya said guys shall we sit there. she points out the park bench. suddenly Pragya sees ice cream. Pragya went towards ice cream disgorge vehicles. Pragya screamed ice cream. Arjun and laksh are jerked seeing her. laksh asked what happened.pragya hold Arjun,laksh went to ice cream shop. Pragya asked which favor do you want.laksh said what do you have. I just bought the Same Item for me.arjun said for me also the same.pragya said 3 jolly train ice cream baiyya. Pragya asked laksh to give your wallet.he gave it to her. Pragya gives money from his wallet. suddenly she sees her photo in his wallet. Pragya asked laksh.what is this.laksh is blinking in his eyes like deer caught in lion hand.arjun asked what??. Pragya shows her photo in his wallet. Arjun asked what is this.laksh said actually you missed this photo in music class. I thought to give this photo to you..after I forget.pragya said ok laksh.cool!!.I just ask this to tease you. laksh feel relief.trio have their ice cream. suddenly someone trapped Pragya shoulder. She turned to see that person. She is shocked.

Pragya asked if I hadn't come into your life. You would have been happy without me. They stand there stunned by her words. Her words confuse them.

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