The first step to the truth

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank u for your support...lets move to ff...

The episode starts in Pragya talks in college mike.Hi everyone,I want to share some important matter with all.she says this story is a real-life story.these characters are true. they are living in this world.I dedicated this story to...abi,arjun,suresh, purab,whole college heard pragya voice.suddenly she stopped her words.she said," it's working properly".mike man said ,"thank you.why are you stopped your words in middle".pragya said "simply😉😜".after pragya left from there.arjun asked," why did you stop your words in middle".pragya said," i just simply talked about it.when i got the mike.I don't know what to talk in mike. suddenly I remembered about our dance performances. I thought let me talk about it. ha ha ha I expected this question from you". abi asked," it's all your game play".pragya nodded her head.she shows tongue out towards them.she is running to her class.abi smiled😊😆.he think in his mind,"she always behave like cute kid".arjun said," see guys! Our pragya is looking like puckish". purab asked," puckish🤔what is the meaning for this words". arjun replied," it means mischief mosquito".Suresh laughed😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😆.if she knows it you kept her name as puckish she will kill you. arjun said ,"guys don't tell her". abi said ,"we think about this arjun😉". arjun said," guys this is not the time to take revenge on me". purab said," arjun,we will think about it🤪😉😂😀".arjun pout his face.Suresh,abi,purab smiled seeing his reactions. After they reached their classroom.ranveer asked," same question like arjun".pragya replied," same thing to their friends".suddenly rudhra entered their class.pragya and all girls are wishing him. But boys are just standing in their place.rudhra calls pragya. pragya reached the stage.he also asked same question like her friends. pragya turned look at their friends. whole class students laughed loudly😂😂🤣🤣🤣😆😆😄😄😃.rudhra asked ,"why are you laughing☹️😕😟".alia and tanu shared her prank to him. rudhra look at her.pragya stands with her head bowed. rudhra smiled.he think in his mind,"still she didn't change her attitude". rudhra said," I am here to congratulate all the students who are participating in this competition".pragya said ,"thank you. ranveer angrily glares rudhra".rudhra said ,"pragya I am eagerly waiting to see your performance in our college interzone competition".pragya smiled.she think in her mind,"I am also waiting for that only.your death is very near Mr.rudhra".Pragya gave fake smile. After rudhra is leaving from the class.suddenly he stopped.he turns and look at pragya.pragya looks at their friends.rudhra thinks in his mind,"A lot of surprise are waiting for you. wait and watch what is my surprise".now time is 4pm. After he left from there. the final bell rings,everyone went to their home.pragya already invited their friends to stay along with her.they also agreed to stay with her.pragya texted something to nick.nick also replied to her text(I will reveal it later).pragya is preparing dinner for their friends. Her friends are teasing and chit chatting with each other. 30minutes later,she calls her friends to have their foods. pragya serves food to them.they are happily talking with each other and having their foods.sona said," guys today I feel very happy.After a long time, we all joined together having food here".tanu said ,"yeah!". Suddenly they heard elena voice. Actually alia is stealing food from elena plate.elena screamed and they started to their silly food fights. Everyone laughed.Elena shouted," she took my food".vicky said," this glutton alia always stole food from others plate". vijay supported alia. Vicky claims," next laila majunu pair is our alia vijay".Vijay supported alia.Vijay shares his food with alia.alia smiled.pragya hides her pain from their friends.ragini says ," food is really nice".laksh said ,"yeah!!food is made by pragya hand.that's why it give special taste". swarna says," sona,me,ragini also supported her to make this food that's why this taste increased more". sanskar said ,"yeah swarna". he supported swarna.laksh looks angry. pragya said ,"yeah!! you are right swarna".whole credit goes to all my lovely girl friends. ishani asked ,"pragya have your food.see your still never have your food properly. if you keep everything in your plate. after alia again steal your food from your plate".all laughed..arjun said," yeah!! exactly glutton would take food from your plate".suddenly pragya get a call from rudhra..pragya didn't notice her phone. It is ringing.naina take her phone.Give it to her. Pragya,your phone is ringing continuously.shivangi sees her phone caller shows rudhra.shivangi teases pragya.see guys our chairman is calling to pragya.ranveer is shocked.raghav said ,"shivangi put the phone on speaker".arjun said," yeah!! we also want to hear your conversation with our chairman". raghav said ,"guys keep quiet.don't talk anything. pragya you have to speak with him.we would listen your talk". pragya looks at her friends. all gesture her to talk. pragya attended his calls. she put it phone on the speaker. rudhra said," hi pragya.why are you so late to pick up my call". pragya said ,"actually I didn't notice my phone and calls".rudhra is drunk.he spoke, "hey pragya baby!".pragya is blinking her everyone looks shocked. ranveer,abi,laksh,purab couldn't control their anger.rudhra said," pragya baby.I want to tell you one important matter". pragya said," say now.what's the matter".rudhra talks in drunk manner.pragya understand he was drunk.pragya asked," sir are you drunk alcohol?". rudhra replied ,"I didn't drink alcohol are so sweet.pragya can't tolerate his speech".ranveer,abi got anger.abi think in his mind,"how dare he?.how dare he call my pragya as baby".pragya said," sir we can talk in the morning.this is not the right time to talk with you sir".rudhra said ,"don't call me as sir.I am your rudhu.just call me as your rudhu". Here girls chuckles hearing their conversation.pragya don't know what to do next.pragya said ,"sir good night.go to sleep now".rudhra said,"'t go away from me.
I will not let you leave me and go again".pragya asked," what do you mean...sir..".rudhra angrily said," I am not sir for you.I am rudhu for you know much I love you".pragya said," you like me as friend nothing more than this". rudhra screamed,"stop it pragya".pragya is scared. Rudhra said," I do not see you as a friend.I think you as my wife and my lover".pragya is shocked and also whole gang looks shocked. Immediately abi bought the phone from pragya. He could not control his anger.he talks to him.he speaks,"how dare you rudhra.she is my wife only my wife".ranveer was also very angry.ranveer shouted ,"mind your words mr.rudhra".rudhra said," pragu baby why are you talking like ranveer".Ishani closed his mouth said," don't speak".ranveer angrily look at ishani.ishani whispered ,"ranveer please keep calm.he is drunk.just listen to their talks".ranveer said," how can I be so quiet he is talking to my sister pragya in wrong can you ask me to be quiet". ishani said," just listen ranveer.we want to know about him. after only we can take any decision about him".purab said ,"ishani is right ranveer.please calm". abi said," how dare he??.guys ranveer is to be quiet". purab convinced them. pragya looks at ishani.ishani gesture her to continue your talk.pragya said," enough your talk.I consider you as my friend.nothing more than this". rudhra said ,"no baby!!.you are only mine". laksh couldn't control his anger.ragini looks at laksh face.laksh is totally disappointed.he think in his mind,"I will kill dare he".ragini touched laksh.pragya immediately cut his call.she left from there to her room.pragya didn't utter any word.Pragya locked her room.she smiled.she is very happy.but
She pretended to be sad infront of her friends. naina take pragya phone. ranveer is very angry at him.pragya locked her room.he screamed," I am not going to leave him".sona suddenly turned.she can't find pragya there.pragya is missing from there.sona screamed," pragya.ranveer look at sona".ranveer asked ,"where is pragya?".elena said ,"she went to her room".they are panicked. they knocked pragya room door. pragya is lying on the floor.she fainted.when they knocked her room. she didn't open the door.purab said," guys lets we break the door".abi said," ok. Are you ready??".abi,purab,arjun,vijay,dev,ranveer,laksh,sanskar decide to break the door.they breaks the door.after they entered inside the pragya room.they sees pragya is lying on the floor. all screamed pragya. abi touches pragya arm.he screamed ,"pragya open your eyes".sona went to kitchen.she bring water for her. Sona gave water. Immediately ranveer take water from her hand.ranveer splashed water on her face. ranveer said," pragu.pragya slowly opened her eyes".she sees her friends,her brother ranveer and her sister sona. She sense worries in their eyes. abi asked," what happened pragu.are you ok??"..pragya nodded her head.he hugged her. ranveer asked," how you got dizziness?". pragya said I didn't feel dizziness.I don't know how I got dizziness".arjun asked ,"what has happened pragu??".pragya said ,"I felt ,It was like someone hit me in my head".all looks shocked.dusky asked," what are you saying?". pragya said ,"I don't know how I fell down here".abi said ,"ok be cool".abi give water to her.pragya drink the water.abi hugged her.he said," I would never allow anyone to harm you".pragya said," I knew. after all hugged pragya".pragya said," guys just leave him".tanu asked," who??".pragya said," rudhra". ranveer said," I am not going to leave him pragu".pragya said," bhai please.I don't want this fight.actually I consider him as my friend.nothing more than this. please guys just leave this topic. Please finish this matter here".ishani said," she is right.we want to finish this matter here guys". Pragya said ,"please bhai. please guys". pragya requested her friends.sona said," bhai Please leave this matter.they agreed for pragya sake.after they went to towards the balcony. arjun,dev,abi, purab,ranveer,vijay,vicky,rocky,sanskar,laksh,nikhil are sleeping in one side.pragya,dusky,purvi,bulbul,sona,ishani,swarna,ragini,alia,tanu are sitting in one side.maya is not present there. riya,rithika,karthik,veer don't know about their plan.That's why they didn't get there.pragya think in her mind,"finally my plan worked now.thank god🙏".pragya pretends to sleep. she couldn't sleep. pragya asked," guys are you going to sleep now??".arjun asked ,"then what will we do on this time".pragya said ,"crime partner!!You are sleeping so soon.omg😛😝😱🤭. dusky asked ,"why pragu."pragya said," crime partner!!he always interested to talk with beautiful girls on this time. he will sleep after 12only.but today he is sleeping at 10.30pm".dusky stares arjun.arjun gave sheepish smiled.arjun think in his mind,"I can't understand her mind voice. She does everything purposely😑😐😏🙄. some time she behaved like good. now she behaved like evil. oh god!!how i gonna convince dusky. Here dusky is staring me like she's swallowing me".
purvi asked," what will we do now".pragya said," lets we think,what will we do on this night".nikhil said, not going to do anything.we go to sleep now". tanu said," no nikhil.I could not get sleep". pragya said," me too tanu".tanu shared hifi with pragya. nikhil blabbered this hifi is very important now🤕☹️.nikhil said," I am going to sleep now".pragya said," you are sleeping before us. If you sleep,we will splash water on your face".nikhil looks scared. He asked ,"what😳😳😳. tanu said ,"yeah!! we will splash water on your face".nikhil said ,"guys I feel sleepy". tanu said," just control your sleep".nikhil pout his face.pragya asked ,"guys shall I ask one question??".ranveer said pragu ask what you want?". pragya said ,"What do you all think of me". arjun asked," this is your game😒☹️🥱??" .pragya stares arjun. purab,abi chuckled. After they started to share their views about her. pragya smiled.after they are pulling each other legs and happily passing funny comments about each other. pragya said ,"guys today I feel very's all because of you.i feel,you are all most important person in my life".They smiled.pragya said," guys.Do not leave me if I do something wrong".
Suddenly pragya started to speak emotionally. purab said ,"don't be emotional.we will never leave you".
abi said ,"yeah! we will never leave you ever".arjun said ,"yes!! I'll just be teasing you & fight with you always".arjun imitates like pragya. Pragya throws pillow on him. They laughs. after they just fell asleep.nextday morning,swarna and ragini gave soft drinks. that day is a competition day. They got ready and they reached the college. They enjoyed the day alot.Whole gang are eagerly waiting for purab and pragya performance.pragya is praying infront of krishna idol..she says," I don't know what will happen to I will reveal my whole truth to them.I don't know how they will react after hearing this".suddenly someone touched pragya shoulder.pragya turned to see that person. She said ,"you are going to play villian perfectly do it".that person nodded.dusky asked," guys did you see arjun anywhere". sona said," he is here only.don't worry about him.he is not a kid".dusky said," he is kid for me".sona asked," what did you say??come again🙂😉".dusky said," kuch nahi".sona said ,"I think someone here fall in love with arjun".dusky blushed.sona asked ,"omg!! Are you fall in love with our arjun". Dusky nodded. Sona said ,"wow super.he is perfect match for you".dusky said," I am really scared to tell him sona.he will accept my proposal??".sona said," i am very sure. he will accept your love.don't worry. just confess your love to him".

screenshift to pragya talks with unknown person.pragya says arjun!. yeah guys. that person is arjun. Pragya says," you know everything about me and please perfectly do your role.your role is the most important role in my story".arjun said," don't worry pragu.I make sure nothing goes wrong.I will do it perfectly".pragya smiled.purab came near them.he asked ,"pragu are you ready??". pragya said," purab I am really afraid. I don't know what our friends think about me".arjun said," don't worry are going to tell the truth to them. So don't worry, they will understand you".pragya smiled.she hugged arjun and purab.pragya said," you both are really amazing.i feel blessed to get you guys". Arjun said ,"don't praise me pragu".he blushed.pragya said," arjun I am scared man.Don't blush infront of me".purab laughed😂🤣🤣😆.

Who is pragya here.what is pragya related to that girl.what happened in abi he lost his memory.who is real sister of ranveer,sona.what relationship between current pragya and old pragya.what happened between abi& abi wife.who is real wife of abi. how abi wife and riksri died(main story of this ff)..pragya started to talking in mike.Pragya,this is not my original name. whole gang looks shocked.pragya said," actually I participated this event only for my sake and my friend purab sake. I dedicated this performance to all my friends.this performance will tell you who I am.what is my real identity".tanu said," she is not a pragya then who is she".sona asked ,"dev I couldn't understand why she talks like this".Ranveer think in his mind,"it means she is going to reveal the truth about her.I want to stop this performance".ishani looks at ranveer.she thinks,"why ranveer looks tensed".

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