Will You Trust Me?

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank u for your support...lets move to ff...

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The Episode starts in pragya said,"hereafter I can no longer hide this purab. now I am going to tell the whole truth to them". suddenly abi and arjun entered there.abi called pragya. Abi asked,"what truth are you talking about and what are you hiding from us??".pragya, purab, suresh looks shocked.suresh and purab looks at pragya.pragya looks at them.arjun asked ,"what fact are you talking about.Just now share with us".pragya said ,"that is...".suddenly purab said," nothing guys. She is blabbering. That's it". abi said ,"purab just keep quiet.I asked pragya".pragya look at purab and suresh.abi thinks in his mind,"why she looks so tensed.what truth she is hiding from us".purab think in his mind, "pragu don't tell the truth to abi. Then everything will be ruined". suresh looks at pragya.arjun asked," just tell us.what are you hiding from us".pragya didn't know what to do next.pragya decided to tell the truth to them.pragya said ,"ok guys I will tell the truth".purab said," pragu,we have to find the solution".arjun asked ,"purab why are you stopping her.pragu you tell the truth".pragya said ,"purab and suresh I am sorry.I will tell the whole truth to them".purab& suresh looks shocked.they don't know how to stop her.abi said," tell the truth pragu.don't be scared".pragya said ,"I don't want to participate this dance competition".purab and suresh look at eachother.they didn't expect this reply from her mouth. abi and arjun simultaneously said ,"what???". pragya said," I don't want to participate this dance competition".arjun asked ,"why pragu???". purab is relief. abi asked," this is the truth you hided from us??".pragya nodded her head.purab said," that's why we didn't come to our class room.we are standing here.pragya is scared.Purab said we trying to console her". abi asked ,"why pragu??.what happened??". Pragya said," I am really scared.I don't want to ruin purab name.I don't know why i feel,i am scared". arjun said ,"juliet what happened??. what's your problem now???. why are you scared".pragya said ,"I don't know why.but I decided, I don't want to participate this dance competition". abi said ,"pragu,look at me".pragya said  xno abi.Noone  can change my decision on today.I don't want to ruin purab name in the presence of others".arjun said ,"if you don't attend this dance competition, then after they would taunt purab&you".purab said ,"exactly arjun. I was trying to console her.she is not ready to listen my words".pragya said," guys i failed in this dance competition. i ruined purab name in the presence of others.Again they will hurt and tease purab. I couldn't bear that pain.that's why i  never want to ruin my friend name".they are trying to speak to pragya.suddenly abi said ,"guys wait.I will talk to her'.pragya said," suniyil I will never change my decision".abi asked," will you trust me??". pragya look at his face.abi firmly hold her shoulder,he asked ,"will you trust me??." pragya nodded her head.she says ,"I trust you wholly forever".

screenshift to classroom.ranveer asked ishani,"where is pragya".ishani said," she went with purab".sona said ,"bhai don't worry. pragya will be back soon. she is with purab.so don't panick".ishani said," your bhai always like this. he is worrying for a small issue".ranveer said," this is my duty ishani. I want to take care my sisters.I don't allow anyone to harm my sister".Ishani said," see your bhai.still he is worrying about his sister".sona laughed😅😆.sona said ,"but he is a wonderful brother.no one can take care me like my brother".sona supports ranveer.she hugged ranveer.ishani smiled.she said," i really feel glad.you both keep smiling always".

screenshift to abigya,suresh,arjun,puru...abi cupped pragya face.she said ,"don't worry.don't afraid. just believe yourself.I trust you pragu.you can do it.we will always there for you.don't worry.hereafter don't say,you are not going to participate this dance competition". pragya think in her mind,"how I say suniyil.I participated this competition only for your sake..yes,i am scared if you know the truth.you will go away from me.how can i say,I am not your wife.I know it. you married with my sister.but I love you.I will never express my love for you.but I will never allow anyone to harm you.I came here to reveal the whole truth...I don't know suniyil, how many days we'll be together.but my love for you never changes till my death.I love you suniyil.I can do anything for you.I can take any risk for your sake".abi called pragu.pragya come back to her sense.she said ,"hmm suniyil".abi asked," will you participate this dance competition".pragya nodded her head.they smiles.immediately abi hugged her.pragya is shocked. His sudden hug make her shocked.he said ,"thank you pragu".arjun says," finally romeo convinced his Juliet".purab said ,"yeah😉😅".pragya looks shy.abi think in his mind,"yeah you are right.she is my juliet.right now i feel, i always want to be her romeo".arjun asked," lets go class".pragya asked," guys.now we want to go our classroom???".all said," yeah.why what happened".pragya said," I don't like to attend that idiot professor class".arjun said," I always thinking to cut our class.what a miracle.today our Juliet want to cut his classes".pragya said ,"I feel very boring in his class.I never want to attend his class".suresh asked ,"why pragu". pragya said ,"suresh please take all classes you and lisha mam.don't give any class to him.he came there to torture us".all laughed😂🤣🤣🤣.purab said ,"ok lets we go to canteen".pragya is panicked.she said," no😳😳😳.purab asked ,"why??.what happened".pragya said," I feel boring also there". arjun asked ,"juliet,then where will we go?".pragya said," class"..all stares pragya.pragya said," I am not interested to attend that idiot class.but I want to meet my bhai.he is worrying about me".pragya get hiccups continuously.suresh said," wait I will bring water for you".pragya said," no needed.I think my brother is thinking and worrying about me.that's why I get hiccups".abi asked ,"how so sure you says your brother is thinking and worrying about you".pragya said ,"that is bhai behan(brother-sister) secret code.I don't tell".arjun asked ,"what secret code.we want to know it now". pragya said ,"I don't tell.lets we go.that is secret.I will never reveal this to anyone". pragya said," lets we go".arjun said ,"I want to know your secret else I will never come along with you.arjun stands there stubborn"..pragya said," crime partner.please lets we go".purab,suresh,abi said," we also want to know bhai behan secret code". pragya said ,"guys.don't behave like kids.lets we go".arjun said," just tell the truth else we won't come".pragya said," ok I will tell.pragya take her mobile.she shows something in her mobile".arjun asked," that's why you told your brother is thinking and worrying about you".pragya said," yeah.my brother kept another person DP in his moble.it means he is missing them.he wants to meet them.because he knows,I always in online.so this is our code secret.he wants to meet me immediately. That's why he kept his dp as my picture.his status is urgent calls only.urgent call means he wants to talk to me only".all smiled.arjun said," not bad.nice code".pragya said ,"ok lets we go.they entered one of the classroom.they noticed loud speaker is not working. They are trying to repair it. she went near them.she asked may I help you.that person asked," do you know about this job".pragya nodded her head.she changed something. she said wait I will check it.Pragya talks in college mike.Hi everyone.I want to share some important matter with all.she says this story is a real-life story.these characters are true. they are living in this world.I dedicated this story to...abi,arjun,suresh, purab,whole college heard pragya voice.suddenly she stopped her words.she said it's working properly.mike man said ,"thank you.why are you stopped your words in middle".pragya said simply😉😜.

Whole gang are eagerly waiting for purab and pragya performance..pragya is praying infront of krishna idol..she says," I don't know what will happen to me.today I will reveal my whole truth to them.I don't know how they will react after hearing this".suddenly someone touched pragya shoulder.pragya turned to see that person. She said ,"you are going to play villian role.so perfectly do it".that person nodded.dusky asked," guys did you see arjun anywhere". sona said," he is here only".

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