Chapter 2: A Friend

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‘Okay now that I found the source of the smell I need to…I don’t know what to do’ Rin thought looking dejected. Shaking his head slightly Rin started to contemplate his next move, until a loud growl came from his stomach. In response to his stomach Rin's cheek had gained a bit of pink to them ‘well I guess for starters I should get something to eat’ he thought inwardly. Gaining his attention back to the town Rin started making his way into the town of Amity Park. Walking down the street of Amity Rin had been keeping an eye out for any signs of food to eat. After a few minutes of wondering around some more, Rin's eyes spotted a building ‘Nasty Burger? What the hell kind of food place call themselves that...their food better taste better than the name suggest’. Finding the entrance to the fast food restaurant the young demon entered through the doors of the building into the cluster of teenagers.

Looking around he spotted the cashier and got in line to take his order, looking at the menu he chose to get a burger with a soda with it. Taking step forward the cashier put a painfully fake smile “Hello!~can I take you order?” Rin awkwardly smiled back “yeah can I get the combo two?”. Turning her attention to the screen she typed down the order before letting eye contact with the half demon “your total is $8.79” Rin nodded and reached into his back pocket. ‘...!’ Rin's face contorted into panic ‘!’ He repeated as he mentally cried. As he was inwardly breaking down a teenage boy around his age wearing a red beanie took notice of his dilemma from the spot behind him “hey dude if you want I can pay for you”. Rin's head snapped back to look at the boy, red beanie, PDA in hand, and overall he screamed geek. Turning to him Rin's grin grew across his face with “really!?” The teenage boy smiled “yeah man don't worry about it you can pay me back later, ok?”

“for sure!” Rin replied enthusiastically.

Taking the money from the offering teen he faces the cashier and hands her the money “here's you meal~” the cashier said while passing off his meal to him. Turning back to the the other guy “hey thanks I felt as if I was going to starve to death, my name is Rin Okumura” He said offering his free hand. The other guy smiled back “yeah no problem man, my name's Tucker Foley” he said shaking Rin's hand “see you around I'll be in town for a couple of weeks so if you ever want me to repay you back a favour let me know” Rin said with confidence. Nodding his head Tucker waves goodbye, turns around and walks over to what Rin assumes are his friends, turning the other way Rin finds a seat across the room. Taking his first bite Rin pulled himself into his mind hoping to piece everything together to get an idea of what kind of sick entertainment his older half brother was getting from this.

POV: Tucker

Turning away from Rin I faced my friends and took a seat across from them at the table. Danny and Sam glance at Rin “so who was that” Danny asked curiously “oh his name is Rin Okumura, he looked like he forgot his wallet or something so I payed for his food, he says he's staying in town for a few weeks and if I ever need a favour to just ask him”. Sam just stares at the boy “...Tucker you bought some random stranger food, you don't even know the guy!” Tucker gives a small laugh “I know Sam but he seemed like he's a really decent guy, and I believe so far he really is” He said looking back at Rin. Danny on the other hand looked unsure “I don't know Tucker we don't know anything about the guy and isn't it suspicious that he came into town for the first time the day after the you know evil phantom incident”. Tucker’s face then narrowed his eyes slightly “Danny you gotta be kidding me no way are you getting this paranoid that you are gonna be suspicious of any random person coming into Amity” Danny just chuckled nervously while running the back of his head “weeeell not always”. At this statement both Tucker and Sam just stared at the nervous boy as if to say ‘you really are aren't you’ to there disbelief. Tucker sighed “how about I invite him to come sit with us and eat so you guys can determine whether he's a nice guy” he said as he got up and headed towards Rin's table.

Third POV: Rin

“Hey Rin!” He heard a familiar voice to his left, looking over he sees Tucker making his over to his table “hey Tucker what's up?”. Tucker grinned “well I saw you sitting by yourself and thought you would like to sit with me and my friends” Rin took a moment to think before looking at Tucker’s two friends watching our exchange. Turning back to him Rin grinned “sure that would be cool” he said as he gathered the rest of his food and headed over to the table with Tucker’s friends. Sitting down Rin looked and both people “Hey my name is Rin Okumura nice to meet you” the guy and the girl say “my name is Danny Fenton” “and I'm Sam Manson”. From there on they sat awkwardly in silence until Tucker said “so how's the weather been?” while the rest sitting at the table could only stare at his attempt to start a conversation. Soon after there moment was ruined by the sound and shaking of explosions being released outside of the building.

To be continued…

Wow I did not expect me to write another chapter a day after don't get used to it though haha, although I'll probably edit the story more later for any mistakes or things that don't make sense. Word count is 1025, Ps sorry it's a short chapter.

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