Random announcement. (Sry for disappointment of not being a chapter..)

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Alright, I just wanted to say a couple things.

1. THANK YOU FOR 1.13K READS!  I never thought this would get THAT many reads!

2. BOOK 2 IS OFFICIAL. I WILL BE DOING A BOOK 2!!!  It's obvious you guys are really enjoying this story, so I decided to make a second book and continue the story once this book is finished. (Be grateful my friend gave me the idea.. lol)

This book is going to be around 20-30 chapters.. at least that is what I'm aiming for.
The second book might be a bit shorter, with 17-23 chapters.

A prediction on when chapter 12 will come is a bit of a mystery. I have a big project I'm almost done with, then I'm doing a collab with another animator, and then I might be doing another animation project. This might put us in the middle of August. If I end up balancing everything out, then maybe in one-two weeks..

I am really glad you are all liking the story so far, so I'll see you the-

Sneak peek of chapter 12 to hold you monsters off.. lol

Woolf looked to see what Nadwe was writing, and he seemed to be sketching something. It then seemed he was.. scribbling notes in? When he was finished, he showed Woolf. It was an information sheet of some sort. He had sketched an eye in the top right corner that was similar to Gulvic's current eyes. He had also sketched a picture of what he fully looked like at the moment. Then on the left page, he had written a couple notes down.


He let me hold it with one hand, but wouldn't let me fully take it for some reason. I took a closer look to see what he notes said, and I was a bit confused by them.

"How do you know he's loopy? He hasn't said or done anything that could be considered loopy. And how do you know he's docile? It's probably just Gulvic playing a trick on us if I'm being honest."

"Well, first of all, you can just tell that he's pretty loopy and cheery. Secondly, he hasn't tried to hurt or kill any of us so far. He'd usually try to in the first 5 minutes."

"Alright, whatever. So, are you goin' to make a page for all the different eyes and stuff?"

"That's what I was thinking, yeah!"

"Well, are you going to fill in the rest of the spaces?"

"Yeah, but I'd have to actually talk to him and see how he acts.."

"Woah. Slow your roll. You do realize he could just kill you in the blink of an eye, right?"

"Yeah, I know.. but I really want to know more about what it means."

"Alright, fine. But I'm coming with you."


"So.. Gulvic?"

"Yesssssss? I heard my name?"

"You don't want to kill us right now.. do you?"

"Of course not! Why would I?"

He has to be joking right now..

After I got that answer, I leaned over to Tbh and whispered,

"What the heck is going on.."

"I have no idea, but he seems pretty.. calm? I don't think he wants to hurt us.. at least right n-"

The voice of Nadwe then interrupted him. I glanced over to Nadwe, and Woolf was behind him.

"Gulvic.. I'd like to talk!"

"Alright! We can! Where?"

"We can talk right here.. but before we do.. we gotta get rid of this body.."


This is all I've written as of now, so I'll see you next time! :D

Hope you all are having a great summer!

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