Chapter 2

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Groaning a bit as I feel a bright light hitting my eyes, wincing when I open them, only have the sun light greet me. I gave a low growl pulling the covers over my head quickly remembering that I am a creature of the night, "Jade you okay?" A soft voice asked and I recognized it as Marinette's voice. Pulling the covers off as I pushed my self up trying to force my eyes to work again; struggling against the bright painful first rays of the day.

"Can I get you anything like coffee or maybe some tea?"

She asked again once I got my eyes open seeing she was already dress for the day making me wonder how she was already so go ready. " the tea sweet ice tea?" I asked before yawning using my hand to hide it my morning dragon breath, "I could make some if you would like?" She asked with a bright smile on her face and I quickly shook my head but asked for some milk instead.

"Are you sure?" She asked earning a nod from me and I blinked when a stack of fresh clean smelling clothes were placed on my lap, "Come down stairs when your ready and we can eat some breakfast." Marinette spoke giving me another bright smile and I was sure being raised in a family of bakers meant she learned to be an early riser. Watching her overly energic departure I was grateful at the closing of the door behind her. Carefully moving to stand giving each part of my body a good stretch feeling a few spots pop, taking a deep breath of air allowing my lungs to fill and slowly blew it out although it seem to turn more of a sigh then anything. I casually cast my eyes to the window remembering how I came to a whole new country to live my life. Was this just an attempt to run away? As I got dressed in the room and gave sad smile coming across my arm gloves, holding them in my small hands as I recalled an unsettling memory.

A loud slap sounded as a small young child was laying on the floor holding her now redden cheek, "My son would be alive still if it wasn't for you! Why couldn't my brother have lived instead of you?!" A older looking woman screamed causing the bright red ruby earrings to jolt around in her ear lobes. The child didn't speak as she stared at the ground with her eyes looking life-less, the woman raised her hand to aim another slap to the young child though was stopped by someone and a person ran over scooping the child up then making a fast break from the room.

Blinking making the memory fade and I gave my head a quick shake, I quickly pulled my arm gloves on then pulled a pair of black jeans with a black t-shirt that read "Back Off!" in bold letters on the front. Tossing my hoodie to my back pack as I stood looking at my self and started to let my mind wonder back to the memory, "Gahh...what am I thinking....there is food waiting for me!" I chripped smacking each side of my face with my hands. "....owie..." I whimpered softly letting my hands drop and left the room thus making my way to where the wonderful smell came from, I carefully walked in looking around seeing both of Marinette's parents along with Marinette sitting at a table eating, "Sorry if I am late, if I may join you." I spoke with a soft kind voice and earning what seem to be a wonderful smile from her mother.

"Seems you could learn something from your friend Marinette." Her father said in between chuckles and I chewed the inside of my cheek hoping I had not just made my only friend upset, "Please Sir, if anything I had learned this from your daughter when we met yesterday. Also if it is okay, if she could show me around town today as I have no clue where anything is." I said giving a small bow to him and softly took my seat as he sat with his mouth gaped open. "Psst dad its rude to have your mouth open." Marinette whispered to her dad who quickly closed his mouth and gave a quick nod to anwser us, "Great so I can text a couple of my friends and they can met us to help show off the great city of Pairs!" Marinette chirpped handing me a plate of food which I offered a soft thanks though took no time digging in.

The eggs seemed so fluffy and the bacon was soft though had a slight crips to it, the bicusts were as light of feather and if there had been no one around me, I am sure I would have cried. I was pulled from my dream like state when a small glass of brown lquid was set in front of me. Glacing up seeing Marinette smiling at me and set a small bowl of sugar next to it gave away what was in the glass, giving back a masked smile before I added the sugar to the glass and stir as gently as one could. As I chewed my food and sipped off the glass of ice tea, I could see Marinette typing on her phone then looked up smiling brightly at me.

"Great looks like Nino, Alya, and Adrien will met us at the mall near the Eiffel Tower." She spoke with a rosey dust blush covering her cheeks when she said the last name, I nodded my head to let her know that I heard her and finished stuffing the rest of my food into my mouth. Letting my mind wonder I remember seeing some pictures in Marinette's room, "I wonder if that would be the guy name Adrien?" I thought and glupped the rest of my tea knowing I could be wrong as well since there were a lot of young girls back in the states with the name Adrien. Not noticing I had been staring off into space when a hand was waving in my face, "Huh?" I muttered out in a low tone and followed the arm to see it belong to Marinette who gave a small smile. "Sorry if I startle you, but if your ready to go then we can head out." She said pulling a small pink purse or maybe it was scatel?

"Oh yeah sure! Just let me go grab my stuff and we can head out." I said grabbing my plate to put in the sink at the very least, dashing up the stairs and into the room where my stuff sat looking lonely. Having learned over the years that vans once broken in you could slip them on with ease, thus making it easier to pull my hoodie on as well allowing a free hand to grab my back pack then bolt down the stairs only to trip on the last few steps and land right on my back side. "Are you okay?" Marinette asked casting her eyes down at me as they were filled with worry and I gave a laugh while rolling back then jumped landing on my feet, "Not the first time I've fallen and I really doubt it will be the last." I spoke with ease and dusted my self off.

"Whoa where did you learn that?" Marinette asked looking at me all stary eye'd making me laugh softly while we walked outside and onto the near by side walk, "Um I think I saw it in a movie once and trained my self to learn it." I said rubbing the back of my head knowing what I spoke was only half true. Having seen it in a movie thus making my self learn how to do it was only so I could live...I needed to be able to learn a way of fighting back yes but at this rate I had some means of being to avoid taking hits, we talked as we walked thus taking or maybe making notes of everything she pointed out as she smiled pointing to the Eiffel Tower. I saw what appeared to be two boys and a young girl, I could see the girl was wearing skinny blue jeans and redish rusty color looking fannel top. It seem to match her faded brown color hair and her tan skinned made the black frame glasses she wore stand out, I held in a sigh hoping she was nice and friendly though I am sure she would be since she was Marinette's friend after all.

A boy next to her had the same color skin along with black frame glasses as well but I couldn't see his hair as it was covered by a bright red color hat, his blue shirt stood out as well and I wondered what the design on the front meant, heck looked like a big eye ball staring back at me and I gave shall inward shiver at the thought of that idea. "He must listen to muisc a lot to be wearing head phones like a necklace." I thought noticing the orange color head phones hanging from the young teens neck, truning my eyes to fall on the last teen and I made a metal note that almost seem to be wearing blue jeans but his looked to be loose fitting. His blonde hair stood out against his black shirt with three different color strips? What was he trying to be a racer car? One was yellow, then lime green and a blueish purple, "I heard of being multicolor but wasn't that over doing it?" I thought seeing he had a white shirt on top of it.

"Hey guys! Sorry if we're late!" Marinette called out to them before jogging over and I just kept walking not seeing a point of wanting to rush right on over, "Jade this is Alya, Nino, and um..Adrien." Marinette said almost seem to be having trouble having said the last name and I nodded to each person as their name was said. "Girl you have the biggest heart I know!" The girl called Alya said tackling Marinette in a big bear hug and I could have swore I heard bones or someting pop. "I know how about we head to the mall since um....whats your name?" Alya asked looking over at me and I quickly threw a masked smile on, "I'am Jade Wolf and its nice to met you all." I spoke scanning each one of them and held in a surprise shock when I caught the eyes of the last boy. They were a bright green and for a minute I could have swore I was dealing with that super hero Cat Noir again, pushing the thought to the back of my mind and going back to what was at hand at the moment.

"That is a way awesome name." Nino said holding his hand out in a fist which I grinned raising my fist as we bump them together, "How about we show Jade the rest of Pairs and maybe grab a small lunch at the mall?" The boy name Adrien spoke up making me sweat bullets having forgot he was even there! "This boy is way too quiet for his own good! I had forgotten he was there." I thought taking a deep breath looking to Marinette who had freed her self from Alya and gave a quick nodd to the idea Adrien gave, "Alright lets go and on the way I'll show Jade the best Ladyblog ever!" Alya said with a grin having thrust her cell phone into my face and I blinked giving a weary smile having a feeling there was no where out of this.

Along the way I got a crashed crouse on the Ladyblog thus making my head spin from it, "I feel like was on a Ladyblog roller coster." I spoke swaying from side to side making the others laugh with glee. "So let me get this straight there are two super hero's, one is Ladybug and the other is Cat Noir, they fight people who have akumatized villains?" I repeated back in hopes I had said it alright and they all nodded their heads smiling at me, I looked around as they pointed places out though I was half listening. For some reason after learning about super heros and how I had met one, I had this bad feeling crawling at the back of my mind. "I hope this is just a feeling of hungry and nothing else." I thought looking up at the sky and ended up regetting that choice once I felt my foot trip over air thus falling foreward, "Whoa careful there!" A voice spoke near my ear causing goose bumps to run over my skin and the scent seem to smell familar though I couldn't place as my mind went blank taking note that there were two strong arms holding me up.

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