Chapter 3

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"You okay?" A voice asked near my ear sending those goose bumps all over my skin and I threw my head up catching the sight of green eyes, "Whoa whoa dude your in my bubble!" I yelped out moving what I thought was away from the person but quickly hit my head into something quiet hard and I winced feeling the ground under me with a groan leaving my lips. Opening my eyes seeing that I was close to the boy name Adrien and I rolled onto my back grumbling putting my hands to my head when a wave of pain washed over me, "Easy there you two, that sounded really painful." Nino's voice rang out near by and I felt two pairs of hands helping me sit up carefully with a hand on my head as if it would help with the pain. "You alright Jade? What about you Adrien?" Alya's voice called out while turning casting my eyes around seeing us sitting on the ground, "Yeah I am alright...didn't mean to startle you Jade." Adrien said looking from Nino to me and I waved my hand as if to say not to worry about it.

"Are you sure your alright your self?" I asked rubbing my forehead a little feeling the spot that had collided with his head, "Oh yeah I am fine and been threw worst, though people tell me I have a hard head all the time." He spoke putting a big grin on his face and I smirked not paying attention to what was being said next. "Yeah what is your head made of?" I asked pushing my self up from the ground and dusting my self off though taking note it was quiet around me thus I looked to see the others staring at me, many different thoughts started rushing threw my head of the worst out comes only to have them all vanish when laughter filled my ears. "Oh man! That was awesome!" Alya laughed holding her sides while Nino seemed to be chuckling giving Adrien's shoulder a playful hit earning a smirk from him, Marinette was giggling though she tried to hide it behind her hand but her shoulders gave it away. I sighed on the inside putting a mask smile on while looking at them, "Maybe things won't be the same like they were back in that place." I thought taking a deep breath to steady my self for the rest of the time we were out.

After making sure both Adrien and I were okay, we started making head way to the mall again. Hanging out in the back of the group watching them chat about so many different things made me relax a little though I nearly jumped out of my skin when a blood curling scream sounded near by making us spin our head to the direction it came from, looking over the scene allowed our eyes to see tons of frogs?! "You've got to be kidding me!" I thought grinding my teeth quickly looking around trying to think when both Marinette and Adrien yelled something about follow them and I stood there feeling lost, Alya had already whipped her phone out recording the mass army of frogs coming while Nino was trying to get her to move along. "Go my beautiful babies! Show them that you will no longer be used as an classroom tool!" A voice rang out and when one would look to see a lady with green skin and yellow color eyes standing on top of one big huge frog, shivering biting my lip seeing frogs coming closer and I saw a broom near by.

"Nino get Alya moving and fast!" I yelled at him as the frog army came closer with a few jumping at the two of them, "Not today you slimy beast!" I yelled with a grin on my face using the broom like a base ball bat. "How dare you hurt my babies!" The lady screeched at me while I pushed Alya along with Nino before they finally started running down the sidewalk we came up on, "If these are the babies then I would really hate to see mommy and daddy!" I laughed out while running still holding the broom like a weapon at this moment in time. "Why you!" The lady screeched again leaning down petting the huge frogs head which jumped landing in front of the three of us easily, "Get them my pretty!" She yelled pointing at us causing the big frog to open its mouth thus shooting its tongue at us.
Cussing under my breath as I acted with out thinking quickly pushing the other two out of the way and leaving my self wide open which allowed the frog to wrap its slimy tongue around my whole body, "This is so gross! Would be nice to be put down!" I called out feeling my self getting pulled up into the air near the lady making me see she looked so much more frog liked then just her eyes and skin.

"First you insult my beautiful baby and now your just asking us to let you go? As if!" The frog lady spoke with a laugh in her throat and I inhaled sharply trying to think of way out, "Like I said before if this is the baby I would really hate to see mommy and daddy!" I called out earning a big glare from the lady which I am sure if looks could kill then I would be dead by now. "You will pay for that, I would let my baby eat you but that might upset his poor tummy so better yet we'll just see if you spat when you hit the ground!"
The lady laughed petting the frog on the head again before it took a huge jump into the air, "I think I am gonna be sick if it does that again." I thought closing my eyes feeling the wind rush past my ears, slowly peeking an eye opening allowed me to see the ground rush by and my heart dropped into my stomach from how high we were. "This isn't good, even if I managed to get free the fall from this high would do me in or at least break quiet a few bones." I thought gritting my teeth and felt the wind rush past again while I was fighting the feeling of loosing my breakfast from this slimy joy ride, "Awww whats the matter? Don't feel brave enough to keep speaking the way you was?" The frog lady asked with a smirk playing on her lips thus making me turn to glare at her.

"In all honest right now I just wanna punch you right in the face." I spoke or maybe spat at her not noticing we were on top of the Eiffel Tower, what could anyone do at a time like this? Pray for a miracle? Pray that is all some really bad dream? Pray for a hero to come along and save the day? These thoughts raced threw my head as I stared at the frog lady in front of me, "And here I thought frogs only caught flies with their sticky tongue?" A voice rung out around us causing me to spin my head around before looking up seeing two people standing on part of railing.
"Great now what?"I muttered out allowing my eyes to take in the sight of a girl with blue pig tails was wearing a bright red outfit with black spots, "Ahhh if it isn't the great Ladybug and Cat Noir!" The frog lady spoke laying a finger to her chin while having a smirk play on her lips. "Let Jade go and we can talk this over." Ladybug spoke out taking a small step towards us and the frog lady seem to be growling, "Take one more step and I'll let this fool fall to her death!" Frog lady yelled out making her pet frog hang me over the edge. "I really just want to be let go anyway." I thought with a whine and saw from the corner of my eye a black shadow slowly inching closer, "Cat Noir now!" Ladybug shouted drawing my attention to her and blinked when I heard a voice yell something allowing me to see black greenish bubbles?

"Nooooooo my poor baby!" Frog lady's voice screamed out as her frog baby was sinking into the rust cover floor and as it did so I was let go, "Sweet I a...oh come on!" I yelled having been freed from the slimy tongue only to start free falling towards the ground below and closed my eyes knowing I would not live to tell this whale of a tail.
"Gotcha ya!" A voice yelled as a feeling of something grabbing my ankle, slowly opening my eyes allowing me to see the ground yes but turning my head set my eyes on my wonderful savior of the day. "Don't worry I'll pull you up!" Ladybug called to me and I softly nodded my head feeling my blood rushing to my head at the moment as she carefully pulled on her yo-yo that pulled us back up, "I should get my self one of those." I thought giggling on the inside which turned to a breath of relief once I was back on the right side of the safety rail. "You should get out of here before things get too crazy." Ladybug spoke as I took in the fact she had a red eye mask but something about her felt...kind and warm, is this what it means to be a hero? Going around saving people and fighting um bad frogs?

Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts knowing I had more pressing matters at hand and gave a quick nod to Ladybug, "Good! Now go!" She pressed standing up giving me a smile then dashed off towards the big frog again her yo-yo spinning in her hand. Standing my self feeling the slime stuck to me as I fought not to gag and started jogging away only to have my way cut off by an all strangely familiar pink color tongue.
"Your not going anywhere!" Frog lady wheezed out running at me and I ready my fists as she was cut from my sight of someones back, "Not today frogie girl!" His voice called out turning facing me seeing those green eyes as I was scooped up and we jumped off the side of the Eiffel Tower. "Are you insane cat boy?!" I yelped wrapping my arms around Cat Noir neck and felt a chuckle vibrate from his chest, "Would you like it better having to french kiss big frog boy back there?" Cat Noir asked smirking at me which earned a glare from me and he seemed to laugh even more.
What is with this guy? One day he seems to be the nicest and caring person then the next he is cracking a joke while jumping around with ease with me in his arms, is being a hero really that easy or is this just a front they put on? A few things I knew that I would find out was just what these heroes were made of and how much I would soon be joining the world they were in.

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