Chapter 4

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Landing on the ground below and gave a small sigh when I felt the ground under my own feet made me feel more at ease then a few minutes ago,though its not every day your facing off against a large frog. I gave a stretch with my arms over my head allowed me to remember that I was still covered in the smile gunk from the big frog. "Gahhh this is just not right, I feel like I need to take other shower all over again." I groaned in defeat looking down at my self though it turned into a glare when I heard chuckling from next to me, "Mind telling me whats so funny cat boy?" I asked reaching over grabbing one of his ears making him hiss at me before he swatted my hand away.

I watched as he open his mouth to speak but was cut off when what looked to be thosands of little ladybugs zooming all around us, I watched a group swirl around me and I force my self not to scream in horror thinking maybe I was about to get eaten or some high flying fun again.

"Huh?" I muttered when they flew off and checking my self over to see all the smile from before was gone, "Now that is what I am talking about! So much better!" I chipped patting my clothes and stuck my hands on my hips. "Well seeing as your fine, I'll take my leave now....unless you feel the need to pull on my ears some more." Cat spoke up with a small glare playing on his face and I grinned reaching over gently scratching behind the ear I had pulled.

"Awwww I am sorry kitty cat....forgive me?" I asked in a playful tone, letting a giggle out when he started to purr softly and I pulled my hand back. "Hey I'm sorry....its just...been a rocky day for me." I said looking away feeling some of my hair shift to cover one of my eyes, "Its cool besides you got saved by the two greatest super heroes of Paris, cheer up my lady!" Cat Noir spoke catching my hand when I had been pulling it back.

Holding my breath when I felt his clawed gloved hand grab mine and my eyes moved to catch his staring right into mine, "What is he doing....why does this feel...." My thoughts trailed off as I watched him lean down placing a kiss to the back of my hand. Feeling like hours had passed between the two of us when a loud beeping was heard causing Cat to look at his ring then gave me a cheesy smile, "Til next time Jade!" He called out holding up a metal staff that with a small press on it extend it out carrying him away.

Bringing the hand he had kissed to my chest only to feel my heart beat picking up, "Why did he do that?" I thought allowing my self to drop to my knees as I started to feel a bit light headed. "Jade! Hey are you okay?!" A male voice called out bringing me back to the real world as my eyes wondered to where the voice sounded from, "Oh hey Adrien, I'am fine but where did you go?" I asked pushed my self up from the ground giving the young man a girn when he got closer. "He he he sorry about that, it just....well when those kind of attacks happen its best to clear the area and with how my dad is...I can't really afford to get hurt." He spoke with a laugh that I could have pegged for being a nervous laugh as I had done that a few times my self in the past.

"Yeah sure..." I said trailing off turning to look around in hopes of spotting the others though no such luck aside from the wind blowing around us, "I hope the others are alright." Adrien spoke as if he had just read my mind and I gave a nervous laugh this is time. "Maybe we can walk around and find them?" I suggested rubbing the back of my head like it was a nervous tick, its not like I didn't want to be around him. Just with having met for the day and also being in a unknow place, I mean heck there was just a huge frog jumping around shooting its tonuge at people.

"Yeah knowing Alya she is busy chasing after Ladybug....hey speaking of, I heard you got to met them." He said with a big smile on his face as I blinked quickly looking away. "I don't know if you wanna use the word meet...more like I got a stray kitty cat following me and crazy huge frogs that want to dangle me off high places just so I can...." I trailed off catching Adrien looking at me and I swore I saw hurt fill his eyes but it disappeared so quickly I didn't have anytime to comfirm it, "Sorry I didn't mean to come across mean, its just with so much happening after I just moved here yesterday and trying to make that apartment feel like....a home." I said or maybe more like whispering at the end.

"It sounds like you had it if you ever want to talk about it...I could give you my number to text or call me." He said reaching out to place a hand on my shoulder, "Don't!" I screamed when an image flashed threw my mind quickly putting fear in my whole body as I reached up smacking his whole arm and hand away. Time seem to come to a stand still with it growing so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, "Shit!" I thought noticing what I had done and fear was replace with reget. "Adrien I am sorry....I just...I....please understand....we don't really know each other and takes time getting use to someone." I blurted out putting a hand to my head in attempt to steady my racing mind. Unaware of knowing how much time had past between us and it seem like my mind was racing more with each passing second, why had I snapped at him like that? A chance to gain a new friend and I blew it because of my past coming back to get me or was it cause I couldn't let the past go?

"Its alright....I understand, I'm learning things my self since this is one of the few times my father has let me out of the house." Adrian spoke up causing me to look at him, he stood with his hands in his pockets and wore a small grin on his face. "I feel like I've seen that grin somewhere before." I thought biting my lip and gave a deep sigh making my self sit down on the ground, "Whoa you sure your okay?" He asked looking worried and went to reach out but stopped him self, looking up with a small grin my self before giving him a wave of my hand. "Yeah guess everything just caught up with me, I mean its not everyday you get to go for a joy ride with a huge frog." I said laughing at the end which made him start to laugh too while he took a seat near me but not to close, "That must have been um...a sticky situation then." He joked out while I nodded my head taking a deep breath slowly tilting my head to look up at the sky.

Watching a few birds fly over head and took another deep breath to steady my self, "...Hey...I am sorry...about before, I had my trust broken by people who were close to me and it hurt me...really bad..." I muttered out bringing my head down to steal a glace at Adrian to see him looking at the ground with a sad smile. "Holy crap did I just like break this boys spirit?" I thought sighing on the inside as I bit my lip and jumped a little when I heard him speak, "Its okay...we are human and I can't say what those people did was right but I hope we can be friends at the very least." He said turning to face me with a big smile and raised his hand holding out his first pointer finger though it had a small curl to it.

Blinking as I started having it slowly dawn on me what he was doing and I chuckled softly reaching out with my hand or more like finger, "Yeah that would be...purrfect." I joked out gripping his finger with my own as we both looked at each other only to brust out with laughter.

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