Chapter Nine

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                          Astrid's POV
We were all in the living room, Hiccup was sitting with me, playing with Toothless.
"I'm thirsty. Anyone want something?" Elsa offered standing.
"Coke." Heather said.
"Water." The boys said.
"Root beer."
"I'll help you." I smiled, easing onto my crutches. Maybe this will help us start to reconcile.

Elsa smiled and we went into the kitchen, I opened the fridge.
"I'm surprised." She spoke.
"That Hiccup's​ not mad at you. After all, it is your fault."

I didn't say anything.
"Listen, I know it's hard to understand, but this is your fault. If you didn't let him fight that shark, he would have both feet." She said.
"I.under.stand." I snarled through my teeth.

She smirked. I heard drawer being opened as I got Anna and Rapunzel's Fanta.
"I don't think you do." She muttered behind me.

I blacked out and came to on the floor, screaming in pain. My foot was screaming in agony and felt warm.
"Astrid!?!" I heard people yell.

Stormfly and Toothless ran in.
"Hiccup! Hurry! Astrid! I'm so sorry!" I heard Elsa cry.

I didn't know what happened, but I knew she was the reason I was in pain.

You are so lucky I'm in hurt... I thought.

Heather and Hiccup appeared right outside my line of vision.
"What happened?" Heather asked.

Hiccup eased me onto his lap right as I felt my eyes getting heavy.
"Stormfly ran in when I moved the mallet. She ran in between my feet, scaring me. I-I accidentally​ dropped it on her foot!" Elsa cried.

"Astrid..." Hiccup's voice registered faintly .

                                                                               Hiccup's POV
"Astrid!" I shouted as her eyes closed.
Rapunzel knelt down by Astrid's foot, and undid the wraps she already bleed through completely and gasped.
"We need to get her the hospital!" She said urgently.

I nodded. Heather and Mala went for the limo as everyone grabbed their stuff and locked up the dogs. I went to lift Astrid when Eret stopped me.
"I'll carry her."
"I can do i-"
"No, you can't. You've only been out of the hospital for a month, you're newly amputated and your shoulder is still a mess. I'm carrying her. We don't have time for this."

I glared at him, but he was right and let him carry her to the car.  We climbed in and sped for the hospital.

I looked at Astrid.
"A-astrid?" I asked.

Her breathing was heavy.
I looked at her foot. It was red, blue and purple. But it was at an odd angle.
"Come on Ash..." I whispered.
"Wrap her foot! Wrap her foot!" Rapunzel​ said suddenly.

I looked down as her foot started gushing blood. Elsa's face paled. Merida had ripped the sleeve off her jacket and began wrapping her foot, Mala was letting the hospital know we were on our way.

I grabbed Astrid's hand as she turned blue, she was going into shock.
"The stiches must have ripped!" Rapunzel muttered worriedly

"Come on...Ash? Ash?!? Astrid!?!" I asked noticing that her head had rolled to the side.
"Speed up! Speed up!!" we yelled at the driver.


We were in the hallway waiting. No one said a word.

Was this what it felt like when I was in surgery for them? I thought.

The door opened and I shot up.
"Carful Mr. Haddock. With the fact that you just finished physical therapy, I'm surprised you had the strength to run in here." The doctor said as I slipped on my new prosthetic.

"Stupid leg..." I muttered.

The doctor smiled. It quickly disappeared.
"Who broke, bruised and busted the stiches in Ms. Hofferson's foot?" The doctor asked threateningly.

No one said anything. I looked at Elsa through the corner of my eye. She was biting her lip, pale with worry.
"Young lady. Do you know?" The doctor asked, looking at her.
"N-no​?" She said.

The doctor arched his brow. The nurse came in. Scowling.
"That has to be one of the worst breaks I've ever seen in fifteen years. The blood transfusion is going smoothly, she lost a lot of blood. " She said, hands on her hips, informing the doctor.

Everyone stared at Elsa, horrified. We knew she did it.
"F-fine...I-I did...on accident..." She admitted.

"I think your lying." The doctor and the nurse both said
"WHAT?!?" We all asked loudly.
"For the kind of break that is, you dropped it right on top of where her stitches were. You needed to do that intentionally to do all that damage." The nurse said angrily.

Elsa paled. We stared at her
"E-Elsa?" Anna asked.
"I... I-I..."
"You did do it!" Anna gasped in disbelief.

Elsa didn't object. The nurse and doctor scowled.
"You're going to have to come with us." The nurse frowned angrily.

She grabbed Elsa by the arm and lead her away from us.

I was shocked. I thought Elsa and Astrid were friends. But she completely shattered her foot and blamed one of the dogs. I was angry.

A different nurse came out.
"You can see her now...only two at a time..." she smiled holding the door open.

I shot up and "ran" inside with Heather. We stopped cold in the doorway​. Astrid was pale, almost lifeless. Her eyes were closed, head rolled to the side.

I sat down in a chair and held her hand. Heather was next to me, head in her hands, trying not to cry.
"Its-" I started.
"Hiccup. Don'" Heather said through her teeth.
"But it is!"
"No. It's not. It's Elsa's fault. She purposely did this to Astrid. On purpose. You didn't know she was going to do this! There is no way this could ever be your fault. Astrid... Astrid wouldn't want you to think that."

I blinked. I stared at her. I knew she was right. She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder.
"You know... She said the exact same thing. In this exact position about two months ago." Heather sighed.

I blushed.
"S-she did?" I asked.

We sat in silence, staring at our lifeless friend. Heather sighed, slightly hugging Astrid, and left. I never moved. Everyone came in one by one to see her. They didn't talk. They didn't have to.

"Mr. Haddock? We're closing now. Shall I inform the front desk of a visit form you and your friends tomorrow?" The doctor asked.

I nodded. He smiled. I stood, I felt something tighten on my hand. I looked and saw it was Astrid's hand. I smiled and kissed her head.

"I'll see you tomorrow M'lady." I whispered.


Everyone's drawings looked great. 










Barf and Belach



Merida sat next to me and sighed.
"You tired?" I asked.
"Kinda... I-I just feel bad. I treated Astrid horribly while you were in comma. I want to apologize, but now...this...I just..." She said tearing up.
" it's ok. I know Astrid. She will forgive you." I assured
"Thanks Hiccup..." She muttered falling asleep on my shoulder.

I sighed as my thoughts drifted to Astrid. I flipped to a new page in my sketchbook.

"Hiccup...that's...that's..." Heather said looking over my shoulder.
"Astrid? Yeah..." I said tearing up.

She hugged me.
"I know...I know...I want her here to..."

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