Chapter Ten

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Everyone sat in my living room. We were watching bachelor islands, why? The girls forced us to. My phone rang.
"Really Hiccup?" Snoutlout asked teasingly
"Shut up." I smirked throwing a pillow at him

He laughed, catching it.
I looked at my phone.
"Hey dad, why have you been gone so long?" I asked

Snoutlout sat up and looked at me. We've been worried about my dad. How long has he been gone exactly? It's almost winter break. Astrid still hasn't woken up. The project was due next week.
"Son... Sorry I've been gone so long. I...I uh, met someone. I'll be home with her in a few days. How's school?"
"Um...g-good? Who's she?"
"You'll meet her. Mildew? How's he been treating you?"

My face paled as my stomach turned to stone at the mere mention of my uncles name. 
"Eye, Hiccup? You ok?" Merida asked.

The lights flickered.
"What was that?" My dad asked.

The power went off.
"Powers out." I said.
"Oh. Is your friend out the hospital?"
"What? Who told you?"
"You might want to head over there. Isn't she still on machines?"
"Oh Thor!!! Bye dad!" I said hanging up
"Hiccup?" Mala asked.

I ran for the door, telling Toothless and Stormfly to stay as I threw on my shoe. 

"Hiccup what's going on?" Heather asked
"Powers out. Astrid's still on machines." I said

Everyone's eyes went wide in realization

We ran to the hospital. We burst through the doors.
"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked
"Hofferson. Astrid Hofferson."
"Oh! Her? You...may want to sit down..."

We did
"We're having a bit of a.... Situation... With her...she hasn't woken up yet. But, she shouldn't have been in a comma in the first place. Stitches from the shark attack busted and her foot shattered. She's completely fine now, but she went into a comma for an unknown reason. And... seeing she's on machines..."

Heather stared crying.
"Is she ok?" I asked.
"So- hold that thought. Yes? Oh...oh dear... Yes. I'll run by. You lot. Come with me. Hurry." She said

We ran to Astrid's room
"Stay out here."

She went in

After awhile​, she came out
"She's almost up. Who is Hiccup and Heather​?"

We stood.
"You two can come in."

We walked in. I sat down and held her hand. Heather held the other. 
"Hiccup. She'll be fine. It's Astrid." Heather said.

I smiled and hugged her. We pulled away.
"Ugh... H-hiccup...h-heather..." Astrid groaned in her sleep.
" it's ok...I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I whispered.
"H-hiccup? W-what?" She mumbled.
"Um...what's going on?" Heather asked
"I don't know​."
"NO!" Astrid screamed sitting up suddenly.

A doctor ran in and calmed her down
"Ms. Hofferson? Are you-"
"Yes...I'm...I'm fine..."

She nodded and left.
"Ash?" We asked

She turned and gasped.
"Hiccup! Heather!"

We laughed and hugged her. We sat on the bed.

We hugged. She didn't let go for a long time.
"Are you ok?" She asked.

We pulled away
"What? Yes. Why? Your the one who's been in the hospital!"
"School. So much work!"
"It's ok. We took care of it. You have all As." Heather laughed.
"Really? Thanks you guys!" She said.

(Time skip)
"Dauger. You can put me down. I can walk." Astrid said
"Nope. You didn't want to use the wheel chair, so. seeing brother Hiccup can't carry you and it's my turn, no." Dauger spoke fast.
"Why can't I walk?"
"Doctors orders." I smiled.
"Shut up." She sneered playfully as I sat down

I laughed as Dauger set her down on the couch next to me.
"Whoa. Nice house."
"Thank you M'lady."

She threw a pillow at me, I laughed and put it being my head as the power turned back on and so did Bachelor​ in Paradise.

The boys and I groaned.
"Um...ok...who's on?" Astrid asked.
"Amanda, Josí, Zoè, Hannah, Ella, Alva,and Rosie." Heather said

We laughed at Astrid's lack of enthusiasm

I scooted closer to Astrid and threw my arm over the sofa. I was just happy to have her back, my friends and our pets were here and we had crappy t.v., life was perfect...and then it wasn't. 
"Oh, yer home. And with yer friends I see." Mildew sneered as he walked in.

Snoutlout and I scowled. I placed my hand on Astrid's shoulder, the boys did the same with different girls, they all had met Mildew before and knew he was a bad guy. The pups eyed Mildew.
"Ye got yer self a girlfriend. She doesn't look like much. Well, compared to you, she's a winner."
"She's worth more than you'll ever be." I spat.

Mildew scowled. Gobber walked in
"Hey Hiccup. Home already?"

"Hey Gobber. Yes, I'm home." I said
"Ah, you got some friends over huh? And some of them are girls." He winked.

My face turned red.
"Really Gobber?" I asked as everyone laughed.

"Ya know I'm teasin' ya." He said clamping me on the back.
"Just so you know, protection is in the bottom drawer of the sink in your dad's bathroom." He whispered in my ear

My face turned​ more red and I slapped his arm softly. He laughed.
"Anyone up for pizza?" He asked.

Everyone cheered and Mildew rolled his eyes, getting a beer out of the fridge. I locked eyes with Snoutlout. He moved to the floor and sat on one side of the girls as Eret did. The boys moved around them and I pulled Astrid closer.

Gobber didn't notice.
"What's going on?" Astrid whispered
"Just act casual. Don't talk or look at Mildew." I whispered.
"Just don't."

She rolled her eyes and rested her head on my shoulder.
(Time skip)

We finished our pizza as Monsters.Inc came on. We watched it, laughing at all of Mike's antics.

Mildew came over and sat down next to me, beer bottle in hand. I moved Astrid closer to me.
"So, how yer scar boy? It need re-opening?" He sneered.

I scowled. Snoutlout cracked his knuckles and everyone looked at me, concerned and confused.

"Back off Mildew." Snoutlout said
"Keep your worthless head outta this boy-o."
"Don't talk to my cousin like that." I warned.
"Or what? Your mutt of a dog will bite me?"
"Who in Thors name are you to talk to Hiccup this way?!?" Astrid asked standing up on one foot quickly.

"Is this your girlfriend. She doesn't look like much, then again neither do you" He sneered grabbing her by the hair.
"Put her down." I warned, standing

"Aw her foots broken? Happy landing." He sneered

He dropped her. She fell on her foot and screamed in pain. He broke the beer bottle over her head, knocking her out.
"ASTRID!" Everyone screamed.

I screamed and charged the old man, punching him in the face, sending him flying into the fridge. He stood and snarled at me. His nose was broken and his head had a pretty good dent in it. His lip was swollen, head was bleeding and he had a black eye coming in.
"Whoa..." Merida whispered.

Everyone but Snoutlout gawked. He got up and took a fighting stance with me.
The dogs got up and growled. Elsa stood, dumfounded at the top of the stairs.
"Didn't you ever learn? Don't fight a old man? Cuz he" Mildew scowled.

He charged us. I dodged and dove behind the sofa while Snoutlout punched him. I went around back. I came around the corner as Mildew slammed his head down on the the table I lunged at him, bringing​ my prophetic around, hooking it onto his leg and slammed him down, kicking him in the face.
"Hello? Hello! Yes, yes. We have a domestic disturbance here, yes. Yes? Thank you. Yes. He just took out a friend, the boys are going to hold him off, me and the others are going to hide. He slammed a beer bottle on one of my friends​ head, she just got out of a comma. Yes, ok. GUYS! WE NEED TO HIDE!" Heather said into the phone.

She and Rapunzel picked up Astrid and they all ran to hide. Eret had a baseball bat, Tuffnut...had...a ladle and Fishlegs and Throk had knifes. And Dauger of course was going to fight bare hand.

Mildew stood and kicked Fishlegs in the area that was only intended to be treated nicely He fell over. After awhile, Mala ran downstairs and grabbed my arm.
"What are you doing?" I asked pushing her down as I ducked

"You need to come upstairs, now." She said
"What? Why?"
"Don't you think we would have figured it out?"
"Figure what out?"
"You Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, are the mayor's son! The police and secret service are on their way."
"Secret service? What? Why?"
"Your dad isn't in New York! He's the new president!"

Mala dragged me upstairs into my dad's room and shut the door, locking it.

"W-what? H-how is my dad the president?!? And firkin Secret service?" I asked her
"Hiccup Haddock! Calm down! We need to get out of here!" Mala said
"What about Snoutlout and the guys?"
"We'll come back for them. Right now we need to get Astrid and the others out."

Astrid! I thought.

I turned. Heather had Astrid's head in her lap, tears falling. Rapunzel was trying to wake her up. Elsa and Anna were trying to break open the window while Merida was attempting to create a rope out of bed sheets and jackets. I heard a shatter and turned.

"I GOT IT! ITS OPEN!" Anna yelled
"ON IT!" Elsa confirmed

They rushed to the window and fastened the rope onto my dad's bed post.

"Heather! You first." I said taking Astrid from her.
"What?!? No! Not without Ast-" she began
"Heather. I'll pass her to you." I promised

She teared up but nodded. She slowed down the rope.
"IM DOWN!" She called
"Rapunzel, untie your hair. We'll wrap it around Astrid and the pups." I said

She nodded and took down her hair. We wrapped it around Astrid's wait and lowered her down.

"I GOT HER!" Heather called.

We lowered all the pups. Then it was Anna, Elsa, then Merida.
"Rapunzel, your tu-"

The door slammed open. I pushed her down. Mildew stood in the doorway, bruised, cut and bleeding.

Rapunzel screamed from underneath me. Mildew sneered and charged us. I kicked him in the gut. He drew a knife.

"RUPUNZEL! GET OUT!" I ordered.

She nodded and made her way to the window. I turned but Mildew was gone.

"Looking for something?" I heard him ask.

I turned. He had Rapunzel in a choke hold, knife at her throat.
"Let her go." I said
"No." He said

I charged him.

I charged Mildew. He sneered and went to cut Rapunzel. I pushed her out the window. She screamed but grabbed the rope. I heard a thud and turned. Mildew crashed into the wall. I looked down and saw seventy five feet of golden hair laying on the ground. It quickly turned brown.

She's going to kill me. I thought.

I looked at Mildew, he lit a lighter and threw it at me. I dodged but the rope was sent up in flames.

I heard screaming and looked out the window. Hundreds of people were surrounding my house. The boys were already outside.

Then I saw Astrid. She was sitting against Heather. Eyes wide with tears.

"HICCUP!" She screamed at me.

I turned as Mildew charged me. We both went out the window. I grabbed the ledge.


I pulled myself up. The ledge broke off from underneath me, I grabbed the roof. I heard screams. I pulled my self up on to the roof.


If you must blink, do it now. Pay careful attention to everything you see and hear, no matter how unusual it may seem. And please be warned, if you fidget, if you look away, if you forget any part of what I tell you, even for an instant, then our hero will surely perish.
His name is Hiccup. His Uncle stole something from him. And that really is the least of it.
- Kubo and the two strings.

I climbed up on to the roof. I looked down again. More people were standing below. Astrid was being tended to by ambulance. My friends were staring up at me. Scared, eyes wide with tears.

I heard laughter. I turned to see Mildew. He snarled.

He was battered, beaten. Dry blood clinged to him in the worst places. I saw something in his hand. A knife.

"Your mother... certainly...gave'll never see her...she left...both" He sneered.

I felt my face go slack.
"What? No. My mother, died..." I said.

He laughed.
"You should know the truth so you can die knowing. Your mother, my sister, is alive. She always has been. I forced her to leave you. Now. Time to die." He sneered

My heart stopped when I heard this.

Moms...a-alive? I thought.

He threw the knife. I dodged just in time. He sneered. I looked back.

Mabey I could jump... I thought.

I heard a click. My eyes widened as my heart stopped. I turned to see Mildew... holding a gun.

"Mildew... No..." I pleaded.
"And why shouldn't I?"
"You'll be sent to jail."
"So? It's better than having to put up with you."

He pulled the trigger. 

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