Chapter One

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Astrid's POV

Complete and utter silence. Darkness consuming me under a warm heavy comforter allowing a bubble of serenity and peace...until my alarm went off. I groaned in routine annoyance and hit the snooze button, which turned out to be a fruitless endeavor as Stormfly had wiggled under the covers and began littering my face with kisses; any annoyance I had dissipated. 

"Hey girl." I groaned hugging her as I sat up.

I pushed off the comforter of my king bed and was barley able to crack the door open before Stormfly wiggled out I laughed and followed her down the ever lasting hallway. I glanced down the West wing to find all of the lights off before heading down stairs. 

Must be at work again. I shrugged continuing downstairs.

Stormfly pranced around my feet as I made breakfast, she managed to finish her food before I could even load the dishwasher -as normal-  I checked the time and hurried upstairs with Stormfly zigzagging in and out of my legs.
I opened my closet, threw Stormfly a toy and got dressed - pulling out a red zip up hoodie, a light grey tank top, black leggings, Ugg's; braided my hair, grabbed my backpack and started heading out the door. 

"Come on Stormfly!" I called grabbing her leash.

She ran from her toy , barking excitedly, and ran up to me. I couldn't help but smile as I clipped her sparkly blue collar with a silver heart that read Stormfly on it around her neck; I hooked on a matching leash and we hurried downstairs.
I grabbed my keys, phone, and slipped on my Cherokee sandals and ran out the door. We walked down the block and Heather came around the corner in her silver crop top and summer shorts with her wedges. Her thick jet black hair was braided as usual. She had Windshear on a leash which of course couldn't stop the pups from playfully crashing into each other.  

"Astrid!" Heather cheered excitedly.
"Heather!" I greeted.

We gave a quick hug and continued on our way to school and ran into Mala, who was wearing a thick black strapped tank top, jean and sneakers. 

"Mala!" We called for her attention.
"Heather, Astrid!" She called back.

We came up to our school,  Heather and I parted ways with Mala and headed to the dog house with Stormfly and Windshear. When I said dog house, I mean dog apartment. Each dog had their own room with toys, food, a doggie bed, water, and doggie doors with sensors on both walls so they can socialize with the dogs that they wished.

I unhooked Stormfly's leash and hung it up.

"I'll see you later girl." I smiled hugging her.

She barked and licked my face, causing me to laugh. I walked out the door, closing it behind me so she couldn't get out. 

Another year of school; the first day. The time to make the first impression...On the whole school. This will make you, or break you...


Hiccup's POV

I woke up to jumping on my chest, when I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was Toothless, jumping on me ​like there was no tomorrow.
I smiled "Hey bud!"

He licked me and jumped down. I stood making my way out the door. I didn't bother to look at anything​ in my room. Yes I was rich, my dad was the mayor and I had everything I could possibly want, but he never paid attention to me. He was always working, and his brother, Mildew, was...wasn't the nicest person in the world.
My encounters with Mildew weren't the best experience in the world, especially when no amount of cologne could cover the smell of alcohol.
I made my way down stairs with Toothless and entered the kitchen, I almost died of surprise when I saw my dad was there.

"Morning Son! Thank you Ingrid." He smiled dismissing a maid.
"Hey dad." I smiled as he hugged me.

Skullcrusher walked up to Toothless and they started to play.
"Easy now boy, he's still small." My dad called after Skullcrusher as they ran out the door.

I laughed.
"'ey runt. Why's me breakfast not ready?" Mildew asked entering the kitchen.
"Watch your tongue, brother." My dad growled.

He nodded but I noticed a faint sneer on his face. 
"Put out that dam cigarette. No smoking in my house." My dad sneered nodding to Ingrid who placed our food in front of us.
"Thanks Ingrid." I said.

She smiled.
"You're very welcome dear." She said ruffling my hair.

After awhile, I stood.
"I'm taking you to school today son. You best get ready." My dad said clapping me on the back.
"Sure thing dad. Come on Bud!" I beamed, calling Toothless.

He barked and ran after me excitedly.
I opened my closet and threw him a treat. He jumped, catching it, landing on the floor, only to drop it. He barked.

I laughed and pulled out my white shirt, leather jacket, Nikes, and dark jeans.
"Come on Bud." I said running for the door.

I grabbed the keys, phone, my bag and ran out the door. I jumped onto the limo and Toothless jumped into my lap.
"Hey bud." I said scratching his ear as I closed the door.

My dad laughed next to me.
"Mornin' Hiccup. Where to boss?" Gobber asked.
"My boys school." My dad informed him. 
"You got it." He said.
"You ready for another year son?"
"Sure." I said as I tried to hold Toothless back form his persistent licks, smiling.
"Eye, that's good. Oh, before I forget, here." He said handing me a box.

Toothless stopped and sniffed it. He yapped.

"What bud? What's in the scary box?" I teased him turning him over into his belly, scratching his belly and his paws spread out in the air. I laughed with my dad. I stopped as he rolled over and opened it.

It was a chain with the Berkian symbol.
"Your mother would have wanted you to have this." My dad said as I put it on.
"Keep her close, son. She gives us strength." He finished.

"Thanks Dad." I said hugging him.
"Okie dokie! Here we are!" Gobber said.
"Thanks Dad. Thanks Gobber." I said as Toothless hopped out the door.
"No problem son."
"Ya need me to pick ya up lad?" Gobber asked.
"It's ok. I'll walk today."
"Okie dokie. See you later." He said pulling away.

I waved to my dad as he smiled.
"Come on bud. I'll race ya." I said.

We ran to the dog house I opened his door and he ran in. I laughed as he barked, taking a fighting stance.
"Your going down bud."

We wrestled for awhile. I pet him and looked at the glass, showing another dog room. There was a girl in there with her dog. She was gorgeous.

She hugged her dog and closed the door, waking out.

"See ya bud." I said hugging him, exiting the room.

I closed the door and ran to catch up with her, but she was gone. Lost in the courtyard, surrounded by hundreds of teens.
I sighed.
"Hey, Hiccup!" I heard Snoutlout call.

I waved and walked over. Wondering who that girl was.

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