Chapter Two

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Astrid's POV

I sat in my third period of the day, art class and I was celebrating in my head and I'm sure the other kids were to. It was almost impossible to get into art at our school. I sat with Heather and Mala and we talked about random stuff while waiting for class to begin. We were trying to convince Mala into getting her own dog, she says she likes them, but she's so busy with being the president of the environment board for our town that she's not sure that she'll have the  time.
"So, Astrid, you were amazing as student council president last year, you should go out again. Everyone loved you in office last year! Plus, it could be some serious points for prom queen!" Heather said excitedly.
"What Heather says is true, Astrid, you were amazing last year. I haven't seen a school so excited to attend every event, except for last year!" Mala added.
"I was going run anyways, but thanks!" I laughed.
"Ooh, hottie, three o'clock!" Heather sang song, pointing to the door.
"Heather, I know your trying to hook me up, but- oh my Thor..." I blushed, noticing the boy Heather was talking about. 

He had messy auburn hair, green eyes, and light freckles across his cheeks- in short, he was hot. I didn't process I was staring until I realized that the boy had noticed me and lead his friends to our table.

"Astrid looks like you caught the hotties eye." Heather laughed quietly.
"Shut.up." I growled playfully through my teeth

"Hey, are these seats taken?" The boy Heather pointed out asked.

"No. You can have a seat if you want." I offered.

"Thanks." He smiled accepting the offer, setting down his bookbag next to his chair.

He sat across from me with his group of friends.

He offered his hand to me, "I'm Hiccup."
I smiled.
"Astrid." I responded shaking it.

"This is Heather, and Mala, my two of best friends." I said.

They both gave him soft waves.
"Nice to meet you guys. This is Snoutlout, my cousin, Fishlegs and Eret, my best friends." He informed us.

"Nice to meet you all." I said

Hiccup smiled. Something about him seemed familiar, like I've seen him on TV once.

I found myself discreetly studied Eret, Snoutlout and Fishlegs.

Eret was tall, buff and strong. His slick black hair was pulled into a bun at the back of his head. Brown eyes, and he had a tattoo of three blue marks in his chin. He wore a black tee-shirt, ripped jeans, and Nikes. I smiled noticing how Heather was technically drooling over him.

Fishlegs was...on the chubby side of things. He had thick, stringy hair, green eyes,  he wore a brown tee-shirt, kaki pants, and...sandals?

Snoutlout had thick, black, wavy hair, green eyes, and wore a dark green tee-shirt, jean shorts, and Nikes. He looked almost nothing like Hiccup.

The teacher walked in.
"Good morning class. My name is Ms. Brynhild. We will be starting off the year with a group project. How many of you have pets?" She asked us.

Everyone, except Mala and Eret raised their hands.

"Good, now, in the older days of Berk, there were dragons, strong enough to destroy entire villages. We were at war with them for thousands of years, but, our founder Bork the bold, saw that dragons were kind and gentle. He devoted his life to studying them, finding their secrets, he built this town with the help of the dragons. Sadly, one day they were hunted to Extinction out of hatred, and the desire of power. To honor the dragons this year as we always do , we will make small portable clay statues of them. It is said that every dog  possess an inner dragon. You all know your precious dogs, or your precious pets personality. You will take one of these Dragon guides, you will have two days to decipher which type of dragon that your pet is. You and your group will then make each dragon. Make them unique, and make sure your dogs are resembled in one way or another. This will be half of your grade for this quarter. Good luck." She finished. I raised my hand.

"Yes Miss. Hofferson?" Ms.Brynhil asked.
"Can my team and I go to the dog house to see our dogs so we can have an effective start on the assignment?" I asked.

She smiled.
"Head in the game already. I can tell I'm going to enjoy having you in my class. Yes, you are all dismissed. Check in before your next class." She said handing me a pass.

We grabbed our bags.
"Thank you." 

I opened the huge oak wood doors and walked down the marble steps.
"Race ya!" I called over my shoulder taking off.

We ran for the dog house, I could hear someone closing in behind me. I pushed open the doors
"I win!" I announced.

I stopped running, not surprised I wasn't out of breath seeing I've been on the track and field team for a few years now. Hiccup was next to me, finishing second. I was surprised when I realized that meant he beat Heather.
"You're.... you're really....really fast..." He smiled trying to catch his breath.

"Your speed is definitely impressive." I smirked 

The others ran in, breathing hard. 

"Heather, we need to work on your skills if you wanna make track this year." I smiled nudging her elbow, she slapped my arm softly in response. Understandable. 

I heard barking and looked to Stormfly's​ room to see her jumping up and down.

I laughed.
"Stormfly​!" I called opening the door.

She started jumping and standing on her hind legs a the door opened. I knelt down and she jumped on my lap and started licking me as I hugged her.
"Hi girl! I missed you too!"

I noticed Hiccup through the glass in the next room on his hands and knees, talking to a small black puppy around Stormfly's​ age, who was barking, he was down on all fours, in a  play fight stance.

I smiled and grabbed Stormfly's​ leash and collar. I clipped them on and went down the hall of the dog house. I punched in a code and the metal door swung open. I stepped outside with the others, dogs on their leashes.

We were standing in a open field with hills, a pond and benches. I took off my Ugg boots and placed them on a bench. The girls and Fishlegs did the same.

I unclipped Stormfly and she bolted down the field with the other dogs behind her. I laughed and ran after them with the others. We reached the drop of the hill and our dogs ran down.

"Ladies first!" I heard Hiccup say.
"Wha- HEY!" I complained as he shoved me.

I smirked and grabbed his wrist, pulling him with me. We rolled down the hill I could hear the others laughed and slid down. We reached the bottom and slowed, rolling over each other laughing. We slowed and I came out on top, pinning him to the grass we calmed down and noticed our position.

I felt my self blush as he did.
"A-are you ok?" He asked.

I rolled off him.
"Yeah...I'm fine. You?" I asked
He stood and helped me up.
"I'm good." 

Our dogs ran up to us, barking happily.
"Ok, so who's going to go get the stuff?" Hiccup asked, realizing that we left the dragon guides up the hill.
"Not it!" Everyone but Fishlegs said.

He sighed.
"Fine." He caved running up hill with his dog.

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