Chapter Three

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Hiccup's POV

The group was taking a break at the pond watching as our dogs played. 

"So, the Gronkle, Boulder class, their colors are brown, rose, blue, teal, purple, and beige. They all have secondary colors for their bumps that give them a more rocky exterior, medium sized dragon," Fishlegs read from the packet.

I scanned the pups playing and noticed Fishlegs pup...Meatlug chewing on a river stone she had found. 
"Meatlug." I answered watching her with curiosity  and confusion on how she thought she could possibly think that she could eat that.

Fishlegs stared at me dumbfounded and laughed. "You really think, that my dog, Meatlug, is a Gronkle?" 

I pointed over my shoulder and everyone turned to see what I had noticed before them. 
"...Point taken, but let's check out the personality." He said.
"Gronkles are slow, mainly known to fall asleep while flying... Friendly and sociable, sweet natured, loves belly rubs, warning, never rub a Gronkles chin." Snoutlout finished.

We all looked at Meatlug, who had managed to fall asleep in the past two minutes...a skill I wish I had. 
"Ok, she's a Gronkle." Fishlegs gave in.

Astrid smiled and wrote it down.

"Ok, Monstrous Nightmare. Heather?" She asked.
"Sure. Monsters Nightmare, stoker class, one of the most aggressive powerful, and stubborn dragons, known to be fearless and proud. Temperamental and impatient , known to think twice before acting...most of the time." She read.

"Hookfang!" Everyone said.
"No argument here. Ouch! Hookfang!" Snoutlout complained as the small pup ran away.
"Stupid dog. You don't bite the hand that feeds you!" Snoutlout called after him.

We laughed as Astrid wrote it down.

"Hey, um hi? Ms.Bryhim sent us, we're new to this school, and we were assigned to your group!" I heard a boy call to us.

I turned with the group in unison to see twins, a boy and girl with long blond hair, the boy had green eyes, and the girl had blue.
The girl wore a light green, thin long sleeve shirt, and brown hoodie with no sleeves, and boots.
The boy...Well let's just say, green, brown and pink... Strange...

"Hi, I'm Astrid, and who are these?" she introduced herself, asking as she noticed their puppies.

"That's Barf and Belach, I'm Ruffnut." The girl introduced herself shaking​ my hand.
"I'm Tuffnut." The boy informed us as  I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you. This is Astrid,  Fishlegs, Eret, Snoutlout, Heather, and Mala." I said.

Everyone exchanged hand sakes as the twins dogs ran off to play with ours.

"Ok, so far we have Meatlug as a Gronkle and Hookfang as a Monsters Nightmare. Now, Windshear, Barf, and Belach." I informed them.

The twins sat down next to Heather. 
"Ok let's see.... I'm thinking Razorwhip for Windshear... Sharp class, somewhat vain, smart, and a sense of humor, protective." Eret read.

"Yep, that's her." Astrid laughed as the pup crawled into Heather's lap.

"Sweet girl." Heather said as the pup fell asleep in her lap.

I wrote it down.
"Barf and Belach next, I'm thinking... Zippleback. Mystery class...Not much on them, mischievous, and always bickering." Fishlegs read.

We looked at Barf and Belach, who were fighting.

We sighed.
"Barf and Belach." Everyone agreed.
"Man, there was no challenge!" Snoutlout complained.

"Really? We're about to do Toothless and Stormfly...that's going to be... Difficult." Mala said looking at our playing pups.
"Why would you say that?" I asked. 
"I've been watching your two dogs for the half hour we've been out here. Stormfly doesn't  seem to fully fit any dragon I've read about and Toothless doesn't begin to match a single one."
"Well we haven't read through every single dragon yet. No need to stress, besides, we have the entire quarter for the project so we have a few days to figure it out. " Astrid assured her. 

Soon we had read through the whole packet and went through each dragon. Stormfly​ and Toothless didn't match any of them. I sat with Astrid and the gang while the dogs played.

"Ok, so for Stormfly, I say Razorwhip​, Deadly Natter, Sandwrath, or Monsters Nightmare." Tuffnut said.

"No. Definitely not a Monsters Nightmare." Ruffnut said.
"Your right, I mean, we can't have two Hookfang's, that would mess up the rhythm." Tuffnut agreed.
"Rhythm?" We asked.
"You see, my friends, all of our dogs our different dragons...Partly, Barf and Belach count as one, but Stormfly and Toothless, are different."
"...Ok..." I said.
"I know! Their speed! That'll be a decisive factor." Astrid offered.
"Ok, I always have speed trackers on me, hold them still?" Fishlegs asked.

We held our pups still. Well, partly. Toothless was playfully nipping at my hand causing  me too laugh and Stormfly kept licking Astrid's hand.

Once they were attached, we set them down.

"Stormfly​! Toothless!" Astrid called for their attention. 

They readily gave her their attention.
"Ready?" I asked.

They barked and got ready to run.
"Set..." Astrid said.
"Go!" Everyone said.

They took off across the filed, incredibly​ fast. Stormfly closed in on Toothless but came up short. We ran down the field with the others and third dogs. Stormfly and Toothless were laying next to each other, panting. I took off the speed tracker and handed it to Fishlegs as Astrid did.
"Whoa, Stormfly is definitely a Deadly Natter." Fishlegs said, obviously impressed.

Astrid smiled and cradled the exhausted pup as I did mine.
"Um.... Hi-Hiccup?" Fishlegs said.
"Yeah?" I asked, staring to worry for Toothless​.
"Toothless is a...A..."
"What? What is he?" I asked, getting impatient.

Astrid looked at Toothless I'm worry.
"Toothless is a ... Nightfury."

We gasped.
"Nightfury?!?" I asked as the two pups fell asleep.

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