7. TaeGyu - do you mind (if I steal a kiss?)

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a short drabble wherein, Prince Choi Beomgyu drunkenly asks Prince Kang Taehyun of his rival kingdom– for a kiss.


The soft glare of the lights in the ballroom only served to irritate Taehyun more as he glanced around, bored out of his mind. His finger played with the rim of his glass of wine that still had a small sip left in it, but the young prince didn't feel like drinking anymore.

He had attended the small 'party' simply for the sake of politeness, even though he knew that they had only sent the invitation out of politeness too. The kingdom of Areum had always had a weird rivalry going on with the kingdom of Haneul, and things were strained at times between the two.

Still, that was his parents' generation. Taehyun didn't want such petty baseless rivalries to affect the kingdom he was soon going to inherit but the mere remembrance of the prince of the kingdom of Areum made him huff in annoyance.

Speaking of the devil, Taehyun saw somebody stumble a few feet ahead of him and was surprised to find that it was who he was thinking of, Prince Choi Beomgyu of the kingdom of Areum. The taller, older prince was swaying and stumbling, his cheeks blushing a pink that put the decorations to shame.

It seemed like the older prince caught his eye because he was making his way to Taehyun suddenly. The younger prince just arched an eyebrow at that, idly wondering what could Beomgyu want from him. The ballroom lights gleamed in the older's eyes, painfully reminding Taehyun just how gorgeous the other boy was but he threw away the thought as soon as it appeared.

When Beomgyu nearly stumbled into him, Taehyun inhaled sharply, the scent of wine making itself known. The black haired prince in front of him just straightened up and looked at him with a dopey smile.

"Do you mind if I steal a kiss?"

The question was unexpected and Taehyun blinked for a second, before realising that his stomach felt hot and twisted from a mere sentence. What looked like Beomgyu's bodyguard suddenly grabbed his arm and lightly tugged it in alarm.

"My Prince, what are you doing?" The taller man hissed frantically, eyes glancing towards Taehyun with a panicked look deep inside them. It also made Taehyun snort in amusement but he held it in, watching over what was happening in amusement. Beomgyu swayed a bit before turning to face the bodyguard with a frown.

"Can't you see I'm asking this cute guy for a kiss, Soobin?" That almost made Taehyun chuckle but he suppressed it, instead letting his lips curl into a smirk. The bodyguard, Soobin, only looked more concerned at that and glanced at Taehyun in worry before lowering his volume.

"Do you… do you not recognize him, my prince?" His tone was urgent and desperate and it was taking all of Taehyun to not start laughing at the poor guy. He felt Beomgyu turn around to look at him with squinted eyes, the pink never leaving his cheeks.

Under the ballroom lights, Taehyun felt like he was the only one as Beomgyu finally realised who Taehyun was and what he had said to him. The older prince's eyes widened almost comically, but Taehyun's smirk only grew wider at that. He leaned in, close enough to brush his lips on Beomgyu's ear but maintaining distance to look decent.

"How about that kiss, hm?" He leaned back, tilting his head so the older prince could see him from a better angle. There was silence for a few seconds before Beomgyu's lips twitched into a small smile.

"Well, if you wa–," before Beomgyu could finish, Soobin grabbed his arm and tugged him away from the conversation entirely but Taehyun's reflexes were fast too. He grabbed Beomgyu's other hand and pulled him straight into his chest, a hand snaking to the back of Beomgyu's head so he could pull him in for a kiss.

He heard the gasps Soobin and some of the guests let out, the chuckle of Yeonjun, his own bodyguard from behind him too. But at that moment, all Taehyun cared about was capturing Beomgyu's lips gently, leaving a taste of himself for the older boy. He knew there was nothing good that could come out of this. Logically, he knew just how much he had fucked up at that moment.

But logic was thrown out of the window the moment Beomgyu asked him for a kiss, looking as pretty as he always did when teasing Taehyun. And Taehyun could claim that he was doing this just to tease him back but he knew as well as his heart that he just wanted to have a taste of Beomgyu's pretty, pink lips too.

A hand wrapped around Taehyun's waist and he had barely registered that it was Beomgyu before the older deepened the kiss. The younger prince felt himself nearly melt into a puddle in his arms but he held on for a few seconds before breaking it off. Beomgyu's eyes were out of focus, a dazed expression colouring his face that Taehyun wished he could see again.

Deep inside, he wished he could kiss him senseless again.

"Looks like I'm the one who ended up stealing a kiss from you, my prince."

"Ah," Beomgyu squeaked, hand coming over his own lips in shy disbelief. It was cute, Taehyun thought to himself as he stepped back from the older prince. He sent one last lazy smirk to the darker haired prince before making his way out of the ballroom and into the darkness of the night outside, Yeonjun hot on his heels.

The bubble that Beomgyu was in broke and he could hear the whispers and chatter of the audience around them but he could only stare at the doors where Taehyun had disappeared. A grin took over his face as he looked at Soobin, who looked like he was about to ascend to heaven just from stress.

"Mission fake drunken kiss, successful?"


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