Chapter 1 - Bye, Edolas and Hello, New World

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with as whole new crossover story. This was actually a running test to see how how many reads the story would get before I continue it. Enjoy!


"HAHAHA! We totally took down the king!" Natsu cheered before turning to the person next to him with a raised hand. "Up top, Noel!"

"Heck yeah!" The girl exclaimed happily before high-fiving the pinkette. Noel was a 12-13 year old girl with long startling sliver/blue hair that reached mid back and golden eyes. Despite her age, she had a body that most girl mages her age would kill for.

Not only was she a strong mage, but Ice a Dragon Slayer. Like Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel, her dragon parent disappeared on the year X777 without a trace.

Sometime after that she stumbled upon the infamous Fairy Tail guild, where she made many friends and went on tons of adventures. Though she and her friends were not prepared for what happened next.

Fairy Tail was brought to another land, nothing like they have ever known. A land where magic is outlawed in some areas of the land. They find themselves in a land called Edolas. Many of the members of Fairy Tail have been turned into a giant Lacrima for the royal palace of Edolas to use to their bidding. Happy, Carla, Wendy, and Natsu all find out first how strange this world is. They find Fairy Tail counterpart, as well as their own counterparts. They meet Edo Lucy, who helps them on some of their journey. Later on they meet up with Noelle, her Exceed partner, Piri and Lucy, who all had also been sucked into this strange world, but unlike Natsu and them, they could use their magic in this land, thanks to Mystogan. And they meet the Edo Natsu and Edo Noelle, but unlike Earth Land counterparts, Edo Natsu and Noelle were siblings.

Together they learned why the King of Edolas wanted the magic power, and the truth about the exceeds. The truth being why the Queen of the exceeds sent the eggs to earth, so they would be protected. The small group of wizards are joined soon by Gray and Erza, thanks to being freed from the lacrima by Gajeel and Edo Gajeel. Joining in on the fight, Erza went to challenge her counterpart, and Gray joins Natsu, Noelle, Wendy, and Lucy and the three exceeds. Thanks to Gray, Wendy and Natsu are given the pills that allowing them to use their magic.

The fight was intense, later on they end up with Gajeel and together they were left to fight the King of Edolas controlling a large dragon like machine, called Dorma Anim. Together they defeated the king, which led to the Natsu and Noelle cheering like idiots.

"Hey this part where I get to yell 'Checkmate!', right?" Natsu asked, pumping his fist into the air.

"Actually, I think you're supposed to say that before you take down the King." Wendy corrected him.

"Even I knew that," Gajeel responded with a smirk.

"Ah, who cares? We totally owned his ass!" Noelle grinned, though she grimaced as she looked down at her battered and tired body. "Man, I could really use a nice bath right now..."

Suddenly, the ground started shaking, leading Natsu to give a dumb looking, yet confused expression. "Hey, what's going on?"

"More reinforcements?" Gajeel muttered, looking around. "I hope not. I used the last of my power in that fight."

Wendy looked up in horror. "No, up there! Look!" The others looked up at the sky and saw the magic energy begins to flow from the land up to the sky, draining the land of its magic power.

"Islands are falling! What the heck!?" Natsu exclaimed.

"There is so much magic energy," Wendy said struggling to stand. Like the others, she was also are beaten up from their fight with the King.

"The magic energy is draining," Noelle breathed out, standing next to her best friend. Looking up to the dark sky, that is being illuminated by the constant flow of magic energy. Many of the floating island were now receding to the ground. Some have even crashed to the ground below.

"We need to head back to the Royal City," Wendy stated.

"Any particular reason?" Natsu asked, groaning as he stood up straight.

"Think about it. People are gonna start panicking," Noelle added, "People are gonna get hurt. There has to be something we can do to help."

"I agree with, Snow White here," Gajeel stated holding his injured arm.

"Okay, let's go!" Natsu said as he began to run towards the royal city, followed by the others. Looking up to the sky, more floating islands began to crash towards the ground. They hurried and made their journey short to the Royal city. Approaching the city, the people were in chaos everywhere. As the magic energy flowed from the fountains, lights, and fire sources. The citizens had been thrown in to a panic.

"Like I said, everyone's panicking," Noelle sighed as they arrived at the center of the city.

"There has to be something we can do," Natsu said coming to a stop next to the girl.

"We need to do somthin' quick," Gajeel stated looking at the utter chaos ensuing around the four Dragon Slayers.

"Trying to calm people won't work." Wendy said, "There's too many of them, and they are all in a panic."

More building began to crumble as pieces of floating island collide with them. People were running everywhere, trying to take shelter, or get out of the crumbling Royal City.

"Hey!" A shouts echoed behind the Fairy Tail Wizards. Turning, they saw a familiar Exceeds flying towards them.

"Hey, it's the fist pumping exceed." Noelle said as it landed on the ground in front of the four, carrying a large sack.

"We need to do something!" The black exceed shouted quickly, as it goes into a frenzy to a jumbled words as the cat pulls the four Dragon Slayers into an ally way.

"Slow down, Cat." Gajeel sighed in annoyance, "Now, what's goin' on."

"The Prince is wanting to sacrifice himself!" The cat shouted.

"The prince?" Natsu questioned.

"Yes, Prince Mystogan! He blames himself for bring Edolas to this state." The exceed stated.

"Why would he want sacrifice himself?" Noelle asked, "Shouldn't he take over Edolas as its proper King?"

"He doesn't see himself as the proper ruler." The cat spoke still fist pumping the air, "He said the ruler needs to defeat who has brought this upon the land. He feels he is the one who brought this upon the land."

"How are we supposed to help?" Natsu asked crossing his arms.

"There has to be something we can do," Wendy said, "We cannot let him die."

"I have plan," The Exceed said, "If you guys pose as the threats, Prince Mystogan,"

"He will just have to defeat us, and the people will see him as the ruler of Edolas." Noelle put the puzzle together.

"That is correct," The cat nodded, spilling the contents of the bag. Inside is four cloaks, two small and two large, two headbands with horns, one set large the other petite. "Put these on, and do something to gain attention to yourselves."

"What exactly are we supposed to do?" Gajeel asked crossing his arms.

"What we always do, Metal Head." Noelle smirked up to Gajeel.

"And what is that, Snow White?" The Iron Dragonslayer raised an eyebrow.

"Cause trouble," She smirked, "All we have to do is cause a bit of terror, and we can provoke Mystogan to come and stop us."

"Well," Natsu smirked tossing each of the slayers a cloak, "Let get ready."

"You are too excited about causing trouble." Wendy stated to the pinkette.

"That's the Fairy Tail way!" Noelle laughed as she quickly threw the cloak over her shoulders. Looking to the ground she saw that the cloak was gathered on the ground, well passed her feet. Looking up to Gajeel his cloak barely reached his waist. Noelle can't help but let out a laugh.

"Shut it Snow White, and give me the cloak." Gajeel huffed throwing the small cloak her way.

Natsu reached into the bag and pulled out the two pairs of horns. He placed the larger set on his head and the smaller set on Noelle's.

"Hey," Noelle complains as the horns were set on her head, as she tied her hair up in a pony-tail around the horns.

"Haha," Natsu laughed, "You look almost like Mira when she was younger."

"Nah, she does looking like Bunny Girl's spirit. Only without short pink hair." Gajeel joins into Natsu's laughter.

"Well, I think she looks cute." Wendy smiled.

Noelle puffed her cheeks out. "Shut it, we need to get going," She huffed, trying to hurry everyone up. The four quickly make a plan about their chaos and they run to their posts. Natsu took his place on the roof, Gajeel was also on top of a building waiting to cut it in half. Wendy on the ground, attempting the scare the civilians, and Noelle on the side of the street waiting for Natsu to give her the cue.

"AHAHAHA!" Natsu laughed from the roof, gaining the attention of those below, "I am the demon the call Dragneel, and I am the one who has come to the world to steal all of your magic power!" he laughs. The citizens are buying into the act and begin to quiver in fear. Edo Fairy Tail all approach and freeze in shock as they watch Earth Land Natsu in the act.

"Have you gone insane, Other Me?" Edo Natsu shouted.

"He was insane earlier," Edo Noelle stepped up next to her friend, "But you were too busy cowering in fear to realize it." She says moving her long, straight, sliver hair from her face.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Edo Natsu stuttered, as Earth Land Natsu laughs evilly from the roof.

"Ahahaha!" Natsu laughed once more, "The King you knew is no longer your king. I am!" He boasted, pointing at the tied up yet unconscious man. "Cause I kicked his sorry old butt."

"Oh no!"

"Not King Faust!" All those down below cry hearing the news of their king.

"Come now," Natsu boast, "Fear my allies! Redfox, Marvell, and Slivers. It's time to destroy the city!" On cue, Gajeel jumped to action and using his Iron Dragon Sword, cuts the building in half, landing on the ground smirking. More people shouted in terror of the 'demons' demolishing of the city.

Noelle jumped into her own action at the same time. She rides in on a wave using her Ice Dragon magic, she uses the side of the building as a ramp. She then coated her arms in ice, then cut easily through the stone landing right next to Gajeel smirking.

"What is little me doing?" Edo Noelled shouted, confused, then she nodded in approval, "That was pretty cool,"

"Noelle," Edo Natsu complained, "This is not the time to admire little you break stuff."

"I'm just saying it was impressive," She argued with the meek pinkette.

"Knock it off!" Edo Lucy snapped making both Edo counterparts silence themselves.

"Ahahaha!" Natsu shouted from the roofs, "Terrorize the town, my minions!"

"Who the hell put him in charge?" Gajeel said to Noelle.

"He's the only one of us who can pass for insane." Noelle stated, "But if he calls us minions one more time, I'm freezing him solid." With that, she went to help Wendy scare some people.

"Arrrr!" Wendy shouted, "You better run!" Trying to scare a young boy, but failing miserably. 

Soon Noelle appear behind Wendy with a evil smirk, as a dark blue aura surrounded her body, giving her royal blue eyes a more sinister look. "You heard" 

Hearing the deadly tone, the boy took off running, scared for his life.

"Now, my loyal minions!" Natsu boasted, "Don't stop destroying stuff!"

"That's it!" Noelle shouts as she throws a stream of ice to the roof, hitting the pinkette in the face.

"Ow!" Natsu shouted, "Noelle, is that how you treat a king!?"

"It's how I treat arrogant pricks!" She argued back, "So, cut it out with the minion and servant crap!"

"Just do what I told you to do!" Natsu shouted down to Noelle, making her roll her eyes. The people around then cowered in fear of the four Dragon Slayers. Shouting that they are ones who did this, the ones who are stealing all their magical power.

"Bingo," Gajeel smirked, "They are taking the bait."

"It's only a matter of time before Mystogan comes down." Noelle smirked.

"Let's hope it's soon, I can't take much more of this terrorizing stuff." Wendy stated, "I'm not as good as it as you guys are."

"Don't sweat it Wendy," Noelle laughed, "that just means Fairy Tail hasn't corrupted your pure-hearted mind. Take pride in that." Up on the roof, Natsu began to breath fire, making the citizens on the ground run in terror.

"NATSU! STOP THIS NOW!" Mystogan shouted from the castle's balcony. Everyone's attention went to the castle.

"Are you challenging me?" Natsu growled smirking.

"Natsu this is a mistake, back down now!" Mystogan yelled, "The king has been defeated, there is no need to attack innocent people." Natsu answered by blowing fire down to the people below.

"No, don't!" Mystogan gains back Natsu's short attention span. Natsu looked to the tower where Mystogan stood.

"Are you going to try to stop me?" Natsu smirked, "I don't care that you are the prince."

"That guy is the prince?"

"But he vanished many years ago." People of Edolas looked up in shock.

"It's him!" Edo Gajeel shouted, "Prince Jellal has returned!"

"Let's fight," Natsu stated clenching his fist, "Or your precious city will be burned and frozen," He said glancing down to Noelle. Smirking, the young dragon slayer stomped her foot on the ground, pillars of ice shoot up around the town square, freezing some of the buildings soild.

"Stop this!" Mystogan shouted standing on the railing of the tower, "Natsu stay right there." He jumped down to action. Noelle ceased her ice pillars as Mystogan ran past the three Dragon slayer on the ground.

"We better move," Gajeel stated, ushering Noelle and Wendy away. "Knowing Salamander, this could get messy." 

Mystogan made his way over to Natsu and the battle began. Natsu destroyed the side of the building, showing off his power. He jumped down to meet Mystogan and their fight took off.

"Natsu, stop being fool," Mystogan stated standing in front of him. Natsu smirked and pulled back his fist and dropped Mystogan to the ground.

"I challenge you!" Natsu shouted, laughing once more. Mystogan bounded back up to action and they enter a fist fight.

"Hmm, Mystogan not bad," Noelled nodded.

"He did grow up in Fairy Tail," Gajeel stated, "He had to of learned something from watching everyone fight all the time."

"And look at the crowd," Wendy smiled, "They are all cheering Mystogan on." They turned their attention to the fight and Noelle grinned, hearing the words they were speaking to each other.

"Natsu's giving him the Fairy Tail sendoff speech." She said.

"Sendoff?" Wendy asked curiously.

"There's three rules," Noelle smiled, "One, never share sensitive information about the guild. Two, don't contact any client you may have worked with for your own person gain, and finally three, even though our paths stray, they must promise to live the rest of their lives to the fullest. To treat every day like it's your last, and don't forget the friends you loved and cherish them for however long you live." At the conclusion of Noelle's words, Mystogan won the fight between him and Natsu, dropping the dragon slayer to the ground, who was holding a smile on his face.

"Wow," Wendy smiled, "That is beautiful."

The crowd around them cheered in happiness at their Prince's victory. The wizards who possessed magic power suddenly began to glow.

"It looks like it's starting." Wendy said looking to her glowing hands.

"Yep," Gajeel said looking up, "Our little charade isn't up yet." Noelle walked over to Natsu making sure he was okay from getting punched in the face so many time.

"You ready, Noel?" Natsu smiled sitting up, "We're about to go home."

"Yeah, but I'm not excited about the 'being pulled into the air' part." Noelle sighed then glanced to Mystogan. "It was nice knowing ya Mystogan, take care." Natsu and Noelle began to be pulled into the air by the Anima, pulling them back to Earth Land.

"Ahhh!" Noelle yelped, squirming in the air. The group now rose high enough to join Lucy, Gray and Happy. 

"We'll be home soon, Kid." Gray laughed seeing Noelle trying to find something to grab ahold pf for dear life.

"Hey guys," Natsu grinned in happiness.

"Natsu!" Happy cheered happily trying to swim in the air towards his best friend.

"Hey, Buddy." Natsu said, grabbing hold of the Exceed.


Hearing her name, Noelle looked over to see her Exceed partner flying over to her. She was a light- gray colored cat with bright pink eyes. She wore a buttoned-up white shirt with a brown tie and a brown skirt. She also had a brown bow next to her left ear.

 "Piri!" The girl exclaimed in happiness, as her partner flew into her chest for a hug. "Glad to see you're okay."

"You too." Piri chirped with a smile, happy that her friend was safe and sound.

Edo Fairy Tail stared up in awe as they saw their fellow Earth Land counterparts being pulled back home.

"This is crazy!" Edo Lucy shouted looking up to the sky, seeing their new friends and magic energy being pushed out of their world.

"What's gonna happen to our guild?" Edo Gray asked.

"Don't worry," Gray shouted down, thumping his chest with his fist.  "It takes a lot more than magic to make a guild. It's all about friendship, that's the heart of it."

"Bye other me!" Edo Natsu shouted waving up to Natsu.

"See ya!" Natsu grinned waving.

"They are all going, even the exceeds," Edo Noelle sid. She looks up to her young counterpart and runs forward breaking away from her friends. "Other me!" She shouted.

"Me?" Noelle shakenly looks down to the ground meeting the eyes of her older counterpart.

"Take care of yourself!" Edo Noelle exclaimed.

"...Yeah, you too!" Noelle called back  as they are being pulled quicker back to their own world.

"Let's go home, Noel," Piri spoke up with a huge grin.

Noelle looked down at her partner before a mimicking the Exceed's expression. "Mhm, back to Fairy Tail."

 Suddenly The Dragon slayers and their friends were being pulled back into Earth Land.

...Or at least that's how it was supposed to go.

Just as Noelle and Piri were entering leaving the Anima, so the dragon slayer felt something was going wrong, she could hear the faint shouts of her friends till they went deaf. Chills ran through her spine, as a light passed through her body along with Piri.

She swallowed the lump down her throat, hoping that everything was going to be okay.

Everything then went dark as the Dragon slayer and Exceed went through the Anima.

Like always, Noelle and Piri would wake up any minute now in front of the Fairy Tail guild with the others, right...?


"W-What in the world!?"

"It's...It's a girl."

"Hey, is she okay!?"

"I don't know, let's go check on her!"

That was the first thing Noelle heard, before faint running footsteps could be heard getting closer to her.

Whoever was talking landed on their knees and shook her. "Hey, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Noelle only groaned, still hazy and dizzy from the what happen in the Anima vortex. Though she still kept her hold on Piri, who was still unconscious.

"Jayden, what do we do!? I mean, she just appeared out of some portal!" A panicked voice cried, before mumbling could be heard. "How is that even possible!?"

"Izuku, calm down!" the voice closest to her stated before Noelle felt herself being picked up in strong arms. "Let's take her back to your house then we can figure something out."

"O-Okay, right!" the other voice spoke, right before Noelle felt wind rushing past her and she was being carried.

The sliver/blue-haired mage slowly opened her eyes, only to see two blurs; one was green and black and the other was brown and blonde. After that, Noelle shut her eyes and fell unconscious again.


That's the ends of the first chapter. Tell me what you guys thought of it by leaving a review or PM me. See you all in the next chapter!

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