Chapter 2 - I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard!

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with as whole new chapter for you all. Thanks for all the feedback on the last chapter, you guys. It means a lot. Now on to the chapter. Enjoy!

(Opening Theme - Back-On)



"Come on guys, I'm gonna miss it!" A panicked voice cried. "I'm going to miss the villain attack!"

At the entrance to a middle school, a freckled boy with messy black hair with green highlights wearing a black school uniform was being cornered by two other students, one with messy dark hair and the other with shoulder length brown hair.

"Oh is little Deku gonna cry," The long haired bully said as two of the fingers on his hand extended, "Too bad you don't have super speed or a high jumping quirk." 

"Or wings," The other bully spoke, "But then again, even having chicken wings would be a step up for you."

As the two bullies continued to berate the boy known as Deku, they didn't notice someone walking out of the school and approaching until they were right behind them. "It's too bad Kacchan's not here," the messy-haired bully said, "I almost feel bad he won't get another crack at this quirkless-OOOOFFF!"

The bully was taken by surprise as the figure drop-kicked him in the face, sending him flying back a few feet.. "Whoops, sorry 'bout that," The person mocked innocently as he held up his hands, purposely placing himself between Deku and the bullies, "I was looking in the direction of that villain attack."

"Jayden!" Deku exclaimed, surprised to see the person that arrived.

The person was revealed to be a teenage boy of 12 and also a few inches taller than Deku. He had red/amber eyes with blond/brown spiky hair that spiked above his head and drapes behind it. Lastly he was wearing a similar black school uniform with a brown backpack draped over his shoulder.

"What so you can't even watch where you're going, Adachi!?" The short-haired bully seethed. 

"Hey it looked like a cool fight, even from this distance," Jayden replied with a shrug.

"Oh great, another hero worshipping nerd," The long-haired bully said. 

"It doesn't matter if you have a Quirk," the other bully added. "You still hangout with Quirkless Deku, so you might as well be Quirkless too."

Jayden's eyes glowered "What's it matter whether or not someone have a quirk," He growled as he crossed his arms. 

"What you serious?" The short-haired bully asked as he grew a pair of large, red wings out of his back, while the other bully extended his fingers to an even longer degree, "Quirks are everything these days, the bigger and flashier the quirk the better!"

"Not the way I understand it," Jaden responded, "Some of the most dangerous quirks I know of aren't terribly flashy at all, but since you seem to think just having quirks make you 'oh so special'. How about this, I take one or both of you on, without using my own quirk."

"Don't do it, Jayden, "Deku stuttered, finally mustering up the courage to speak, "I-it's fine, really, I-I can just wait 'til the next villain s-shows up." 

"Don't worry, Izuku." Jayden said, glancing back as he adjusted his stance and raised his fists "This won't take long." 

"Oh this is so not good," Izuku said as the winged bully charged at Jayden.

"Let's see how you like thi-AAArgh!" The flying bully was cut off as Jayden ducked under his hands and uppercuted him square in the nose, causing him to reel back as Jayden grabbed a hold of his right wing with both hands and pivoted his body, yanking the bully to the side and off balance.

Sticking his leg out, Jayden managed to pull the bully over his hip as he falls to the ground. The winged bully makes an attempt to get back up, only to receive a knee to his face for his trouble. "Not used to someone who can fight back are you," Jayden said, stepping over the first bully, who was holding his aching nose, and advanced on the second.

"Why you-!" the second bully nervously exclaimed as he extended his fingers on both hands and starts swiping at Jayden. But the bully's swings were amateurish, and Jayden was able to avoid the first few swipes as he managed to catch the long-fingered bully's left arm before elbowing him in the face. As the bully reeled back, clutching his face in pain, Jayden seized both of his wrists and forces them to either side to keep the bully from swinging at him.

"You really," Jayden said as he kicked the bully in the side, "Don't-Get-It." Clay punctuated each word with another kick to the bully's side before falling back onto the ground, dragging the bully with him before he kicked him off and onto his winged compatriot.

"Just having a quirk doesn't make you any better than anyone else," Jayden said as he stood up and dusted himself off, "You gotta learn how to use what you got, otherwise you're just flailing about."

He then walked over to the bullies and picked up the notebook that was dropped during the fight. He looked over to the green-haired boy. "You alright, pal?"

Izuku was about to answer until the two bullies managed to get back to their feet. "Hey we're not done here," the winged bully said. 

"Yeah, that was just round one," the long-fingered bully said, rubbing his cheek.

"Actually we are," Jayden said as he loomed over the bullies, simply raised his fists and...



Both bullies had their head bashed comically in the sidewalk by Jayden, completely unconscious as the smirking teen stepped over their now prone forms. He walked over Deku and handed him his notebook.

"Thanks for the help" Izuku spoke, then pointed at the downed bullies. "But was that last part necessary?" 

"Hmm...nah, that was just a love tap." Jayden replied neutrally as he started walking. "Guess that settles it then, off we go. We might catch the attack in time."  After another moment, Izuku followed after him.

"I hate that people get picked on because they're quirkless," Jayden said as they arrived at the back of a large crowd who'd gathered to watch some of the local heroes take on the latest villain, a guy with a quirk that allowed him to become a giant lizard-like monster of all things, "A lizard guy, huh? I wonder who's going to show up."

"OH MY GOSH! LOOK, JAYDEN, IT'S HIM!" Izuku suddenly exclaimed as they pushed to the front of the crowd as a new hero came falling from the sky. Soon they heard a joyous bellowing laugh that could only belong to one person.

"Everything will be alright now!" The hero shouted. He was a very tall, muscular man with blond hair which sported two antennae-like protrusions on the top of his head, wearing a red and blue hero costume, "Because I am here!" 

"It's ALL MIGHT!" Izuku shouted with the rest of the crowd.

"You're such a nerd, man." Jayden laughed. "Not that I'm one to talk." They watched All Might give the villain one chance to turn himself in peacefully. But the villain simply snarled, either too far gone or just too stupid to listen as he charged at the hero, fangs and claws bared. "Here it comes," Izuku said as All Might wound his body up for a punch.

"Yep," Jayden said as he grabbed onto Izuku. "ST. LOUIS SMASH!" All Might yelled as he struck the villain with one massive blow to the stomach, the force of which caused a massive blast of air as the villain was sent flying backwards into a nearby building, creating a spectacular crash as dust and debris flew everywhere, causing Jayden and Izuku had to cover their eyes from the intense air pressure created from the punch.

"That was amazing!" Izuku exclaimed as he and the rest of the crowd cheered.

"You're such a fanboy." Jayden sighed with with a smirk.

 "Ha ha ha!" All Might laughed as he walked over and picked up the villain, now in human form, while flashing his usual winning smile, "You can all rest easier now with another villain off the streets, farewell brave citizens!" With that last declaration, All Might crouched down and jumped, his powerful legs allowing him to shoot through the air at incredible speeds as his form quickly disappeared from sight of the still applauding crowd.

"He's so cool!" Izuku fan-boyed over his role model.

"Sure is," Jayden was very impressed by his prowess.

By the time All Might had the villain taken into custody, the crowd went their separate ways.


"I can't believe we got to see All Might in real life!" Izuku cheered over his role model, as sparkles were radiating off him.

After the scene with All Might, Izuku and Jayden were now on their way home, with Izuku fanboying the whole way there.

"Yeah, All Might saves the day as usual." Jayden dryly stated. "Same old, same old rountine.."

"Jayden, don't tell me you don't like All Might anymore!" Izuku gasped at his childhood friend's lack of interest.

"Huh!? No! What made you think that?!" Jayden exclaimed, waving his hands in front of his face.

"Then what's wrong?" Izuku asked, looking at the other boy in confusion.

"Well, it's just that it feels kinda old you know." Jayden sighed before continuing, "watching heroes bring villains and justice kinda bores me a little. I kinda wish something cool would happen right now..."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Just something interesting." Jayden shrugged, then looked at the greenette. "Hey, do you mind if we cut through the park for a bit? After that fight made me pretty thirsty."

"Oh, sure!" Izuku nodded before the duo walked to an entrance to a park that had a large swingset behind them. Much to their surprise, no one else was there except them which left the area peaceful and quiet.

While Jayden went to the nearest water fountain, Izuku sat on the bench that faced the park, the sun still shining down the road that led towards their subdivisions. He felt nostalgic since it was where a younger Kacchan bullied a kid who rubbed him in the wrong way.

Izuku sighs recalling how his younger self got beat up for standing up to him and Jayden defending him for being quirkless. He smiled a little as he looked the playground and to swing on the lone swing set as the one next to it was never fixed after that incident...

Suddenly, the sounds of ripping brought him out of his thought and alerted him from above. His green eyes widened as he witness a portal emerged.


"What is it, Zu?" Jayden called over from the water fountain

"Jayden, come here! Something weird appeared  in the sky!" Izuku exclaimed, pointing shockingly over towards the anomaly, with wide eyes and a gaping mouth."

Hearing the sound of adventure, Jayden charged off in a cloud of dust, dashing over to his friend. Once he looked up at where Izuku was now pointing, his eyes widened as he skidded to a stop.

"What the hell...?" The brown/blonde haired teen muttered at the strange occurrence caught his eyes. Suddenly, they saw an arm emerge from the portal, looking like it was crawling from the center.

"J-J-Jayden, w-what's that?"

Jayden took a step forward looked at the strange phenomenon before them. "I dunno, looks like an arm."

Izuku looked at his friend with a dumbfounded expression. "I know that! But like, what's it doing in the middle of the air!?"

Walking up to it, Natsu gave it a few experimental sniffs as he tried to work it out. "No idea. Pretty cool but hey!"

The greenette shivered as the arm continued to grow rapidly from the hole. "S-someone's coming out!"

Just then, a pained groaned sounded out from the portal them and Izuku dived behind Jayden in fear. Jayden just continued to stare at the torso that was being spat out from the hole. In a final heave, a sliver haired girl with blue highlights popped out of the air and fell flat onto her side.

"W-What in the world!?" Izuku squeaked loudly, looking over Jayden's shoulder.

"It's...It's a girl." Jayden muttered in shock at what just happened.

"Do you she's okay!?"

"I don't know, let's go check on her!" Jayden stated, cautiously approaching the unmoving human, with Izuku right past next to his friend. 

Seeing the slight rise and fall of the girl's chest reassured them enough, to allow the boys walk  take a closer look. They took in her clothes first and she was wearing a simple dark black cloak. From her laying position, which was her lying somewhat on her side, they also saw she wore a simple black dress with a black sleeveless hoodie. They then took notice she was wearing blue sneakers with tight, grey stockings that had blue edges.

Though what was more surprising was what she held in her arms. It appeared to be a light- gray colored cat with bright pink eyes. It wore a buttoned-up white shirt with a brown tie and a brown skirt. It also had a brown bow next to it's left ear.

'Must be some kind of stuff animal or something.' Jayden thought, as he glanced back at the unconscious girl's head and took note that she had a strange hair color. It was a combination of startling sliver and royal blue and neither boy was unsure if they knew anyone who was supposed to have that hair color. Not to mention she appeared to be around their age at the most.

'She does look pretty...' Jayden thought, before shaking his head to get rid of those thoughts. He then knelt down to the girl and slowly reached out to touch her shoulder before gently shaking her. "Hey, can you hear me? Are you okay?" He called out, only to get a groan in return.

"Jayden, what do we do!? I mean, she just appeared out of some portal!" Izuku panicked, before he started to mumble. "How is that even possible!? Was it some kind of Quirk?"

"Izuku, calm down!" Jayden stated before be scooped the girl and her cat..doll into his arms, carrying her bridal style. "Let's take her back to your house then we can figure something out."

Pulled out of his stupor, Izuku nodded. "O-Okay, right!" 

With that, the two boys took off out of the park, not noticing that the girl's eyes flickered a few times before they closed and she slipped into unconsciousness.


Present Time...

'Ohhh... my head...'

Noelle's mind slowly began to kick back into gear as consciousness started to spread over her senses. Her eyes twitched as she struggled to think back over what happened. There was that fight with King Faust, then Magic Power leaving Edolas, The Dragon Slayers 'destroying' things, Natsu 'fighting' Mystogan, getting suck into the Anima, then... sleep? It started getting fuzzy about that stage and Noelle racked her brain to try remember what happened.

An bright light, then a hard landing, voices, then someone carrying her? She remembered splitting an eye open and seeing two blurs: One was green and the other was blond and brown. Enemies? That would explain the pain that followed. But it was too fast, wasn't it? But still... did that mean she was dead?

Groaning, Noelle wriggled a few fingers to try and test out the theory. There was something solid, yet soft under her hands, a couch perhaps? But why would heaven have a couch? A soft gasp off to his side made an ear twitch and Noelle tried to roll her head towards the noise. Who was that? Didn't sound like anyone she'd ever met before. Forcing all her willpower into muscle power, Noelle pulled her eyelids up and a blurry world came into view.

Everything was pretty brown, so it could even be someone's house. It didn't smell artificially hospital clean enough though so it probably wasn't. There was two hazy mounds standing off to the side which Noelle assumed were a people. One of the mounds called out in a soft voice but she couldn't make out the words. She shut his eyes and shook his head to try clear the fogginess. A wave of vertigo and nausea hit her which instantly made her stop. Very bad move.

A pair of hands came to rest on her person, one on her chest and another under her head. They gently lifted her up and she felt a cup rest against her lips. Taking a test sip, she found it to be full of probably the sweetest and coldest water she had ever tasted. Quickly sinking the lot, she tried to say her thanks but her voice just growled around in her throat. Giving up for the moment, Noelle just tried to work on clearing her vision. The water granted her some form of strength which was very well received and quickly put to use.

Blinking a few times, the mounds she saw previously came into a foggy view. What she saw was a familiar young man of pink spiky hair. He had a strange sleeveless black and gold trimmed, unzipped waistcoat over his shoulders with no visible shirt on underneath and a weird scaly scarf wrapped around his neck. His lowers were covered with the remaining half of his waistcoat, the open front revealing short white trousers that were tied off at the knee with black ribbons. 

The second mound she recognized was a young girl with long, dark blue hair that reaches down to her waist, though it all tied up in pigtails held together by two animal ear like attachments. Two strands of hair hang down on each side of her face. She wore a long sleeved top with two buttons in the center and an ascot around her neck. The top is adorned with a small pattern around the shoulders and a small trim around the upturned cuffs. She wore a frilled skirt with a small trim running around right above the end. She also wore thigh high socks.

Natsu and Wendy were now standing in front of her with relief written on their faces.

"Rise and Shine!" Natsu called out to her, as he leaned in close to her.

"We're glad you're okay!" Wendy said in a soft tone.

Seeing her two friends, Noelle sat up now, her smile uncontainable. "Natsu! Wendy! You're here!"

Hearing that, the duo blinked and looked at each other for a moment before facing the girl again, with 'Natsu' raising an eyebrow. "Uhh, who?"

Noelle's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates in confusion, that wasn't Natsu's voice, it's someone else's. What happened to Natsu's voice? It was completely normal a second ago, but now...

Noelle blinked, and when she opened her eyes again, Natsu and Wendy were gone, replaced by two teenage boys around her age; one had red/amber eyes with blond/brown hair that spikes above his head and drapes behind it and the other had emerald green eyes with dark green hair. They appeared to be wearing similar uniforms.

Seeing the brown/blonde haired boy so close to her personal place, they stared at each other for a few seconds before Noelle did the one thing any girl would do.

"Kyaaaa! Ice Dragon's Diamond Fist!" She screamed, as ice gathered around her fist before punching the boy's face so hard that spit flew out of his mouth and he was sent flying across the room and slammed into the wall with a crash.

Two screams of surprise came from next to Noelle as she turned her head back to the greenette boy, who was gawking at the sight of his friend embedded deep into the wall face first.

Looking down at the other end of the couch, she saw a youthful, round faced woman, with dark green hair pulled up into a ponytail, holding the cup which he suspected she drank from. She also had rather large green eyes. She too, was gaping at the teen in the wall as well.

"Umm...excuse me."

Shaking out of their stupor, the two greenettes snapped their heads to the blue/white haired dragon slayer who spoke up. "Can either of you tell me where I am?"

"O-Oh of course!" the woman replied. "Where are my manners? You're in our home. My name is Midoriya Inko. My son, Izuku and...Jayden over there found you unconscious in the park and brought you here.

'Oh, so it was those two...' Noelle thought as she looked over at Jayden, who was now slumped on the ground. Suddenly realization struck her when she felt something was missing. 'Piri!'

Snapping up in a sitting position, she looked at the duo with a panicked look, "Have any of you seen a light grey cat dressed in girl clothes!? She had a brown bow on her ear!"

Izuku blinked at her quick question, then realization hit him. "Oh! We placed it right there at the foot of the couch." He said, pointing near Noelle's feet.

Following the boy's finger, the mage sighed in relief upon seeing the light-grey ball of fure that was her Exceed. Moving over to her partner, she scooped up the cat and held her close. "Thanks goodness."

Soon, said Exceed groaned before rubbing her eyes and slowly opened them to reveal bright pink orbs. "Ugh, what am I?" She asked, looking around, evaluating the new scenery.

'It can talk!?' Izuku and Inko thought in shock. 'I thought it was a doll!'

"Glad to see you're okay, Piri." Noelle with a smile, gaining the exceed's attention.

"Noel!" Piri exclaimed in relief of seeing her friend before looking around the room."Where are we?"

Noelle gestured to the others in the room. "Well, from these people have told me, we ended up in a some park and they found us and brought us here."

"Oh, I see." Piri nodded in understanding. She then stood up in Noelle's lap, turned to the greenettes and bowed. "Thank you for helping us."

"O-Oh! It was no problem at all!" Izuku said, waving his hands in front of him.


Everyone looked over at Jayden, who was now sitting up a bit before rubbing his left cheek, which was now swollen. He then looked over to see everyone looking at him, before his eyes landed on Noelle. Once he saw her, comical fire were set ablaze in his eyes. "Hey, what the heck was that for!? Izuku and I bring you here safe and sound, and the first thing you do when you wake up is sucker punch me!?"

Noelle glared back at him. "You were all up in my face, that's why!" She exclaimed, standing up with fire in her eyes. "Who wouldn't punch some guy in their personal space!?"

Soon the two of them were butting heads and crackling streamers of lightning arcing back and forth between their eyes

"You got a weird way of showing your gratitude to the guy who carried you here!" Jake yelled pushing Noelle's forehead back. "How bout a thank you!?"

"Fine!" Noelle shouted back, pushing against Jayden's forehead. "Thanks for letting me punch you."

Hearing that, Jayden's eyes twitch rapidly. "Why you--!" He was about to say something, but Izuku held him back. Just as Piri pulled Noelle back.

"J-Jayden, please stop!" Izuku stuttered, "she didn't mean to!"

"Tell that to my face!" Jayden screamed, pointing to his still swollen cheek. "It felt like getting hit by a block of ice!"

"Noel, calm down! You shouldn't be picking fights with people you don't know!" Piri scolded, grabbing ahold of her partner's shoulder.

"He started it!" Noelle huffed, pointing at Jayden angrily.

"I did not! You did!" Jayden yelled, pointing at the Dragon Slayer.

"That's enough!" Izuku barked, causing them to stop fighting. He froze when everyone was looking at him with surprise. "Um, she didn't mean to hit you." Izuku reassured Jayden. "I'm sure it was more of a reflex."

"And you know better than to fight a girl, Jayden." Inko lightly scolded him. "What would your mother say?"

'She'd probably call it kinky...' Jayden thought as he rubbed his cheek sheepishly. "...Yeah, you're right," He muttered, before looking over at Noelle. "Uh, I guess we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry for yelling at for punching me."

"Yeah." Noelle said, playing with her hair in a shy manner. "I'm really sorry about punching you earlier. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

Jayden's eyes widened when she looked kinda cute. He couldn't stay mad at her, in the first place.

"D-Don't worry about it." He bashfully said, scratching his left cheek while looking in the opposite direction.

Piri sighed in relief."Now that you guys stopped bickering like an old married couple,"

"No we didn't!" Jayden and Noelle yelled, blushing in embarrassement. That's when Jayden blinked twice when he saw Piri.

"I just realized something," He spoke as everyone looked at the boy to see what he had to say. "...Did that cat doll just talk?"

Hearing that, everyone in the room immediately face-planted into the floor.

"Of course, I can talk!" Priri shouted, popping back up

Jayden raised his hand in surrender. "I didn't know! When I first saw you, I assumed you were some of kind of stuff animal is all."

"How rude!" Piri grew an irked mark, before angelic wings appeared behind her back  and allowed her to float in the air. "There, now you know!"

Jayden gaped at the wings in shock. "What the...? Flying Cat!?"

Izuku stepped up slowly and gawked at them too. "H-How did you do that!?" He nearly screamed, until Piri rasied a paw to stop them.

"Before I get to that, I have a question of my own," She spoke, before looking at the three new faces. "Who are you all and where are we?"

"Oh, right," Izuku said smiling, trying to get his witts together. "I'm Midoriya, Midoriya Izuku." He then gestured to his mother. "That's my mom, Midoriya Inko."

"Hello, it's very nice to meet you." Inko smiled with a slight bow.

Noelle then look confused, "Wait, how come both of your names are Midoriya? That's kinda odd."

Jayden stiffened a laugh as the greenettes blinked at the question.

"Huh?" Was their response, before realization struck them.

"O-oh no! Izuku and Inko are our first names." Izuku explained frantically.

"Oh, so you say your last name first and then your first name." Noelle conclued, hitting her fist to her palm.

Piri then turned to face the other occupant in the room. "What about you?"

Jayden grinned at the duo. "Name's Adachi Jayden, but just call me Jayden."

Hearing that, the two greenettes look at the boy in surprise. "Jayden, are you sure about that?" Izuku asked

"Yeah, it's no big deal." Jayden shrugged. "Besides, I'm not one for that formal crap anyway."

"I agree," Noelle said with a smile. "Well then, the name's Slivers Noelle!" She the gestured to the flying Exceed. "...and this is my partner, Piri!"

"Pleasure to meet you all." Piri waved.

Noelle then puffed out her chest in pride. "And we're wizards from Fairy Tail!"

"Wizards..?" Jayden and Izuku glanced at each other before Jayden burst out laughing.

"H-Hey! What's so funny!" Noelle raised her fist in anger. "We're wizards from the strongest guild in Fiore!"

"Fiore?" Jayden muttered, tilting his head. He then look at Izuku. "Ring any bells, pal?"

"No, I've never heard of it!" Izuku repiled shaking his head.

"What?" Piri gasped, "but it's clearly the largest kingdom in all of Earthland!"

"Earthland?" Izuku repeated, sounding a bit skeptical.

"Yeah, that's where we are." Noelle said, feeling a bit nervous, "...right?"

"No, this is Musutafu city, here in Japan." Jayden rubbed the back of his head. Hearing that, the Dragon Slayer and Exceed duo looked at him with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

"J-Japan?" Piri begun to pale, "I never heard of it!"

"Me neither!" Noelle shouted, hands digging in her hair. "Are you sure we're not in Fiore?!"

"Uhh, are you sure you didn't hit your head when you came through that portal...?" Jayden asked.

"Portal...?" Piri asked, sounding confused. "What portal?"

Izuku was the one to answer. "W-Well, when Jayden and I were walking through the park on our way home, a wormhole appeared out of nowhere and you two came falling out of it. After that, we brought you guys here to rest."

Eyes widened in realization, Piri looked down, "That explains things." She muttered before she looked over at her partner. "Noel, we're not in Fiore anymore."

"W-What?!" Noelle panicked, eyes widened in shock. "H-How is that possible?!"

"It seems that the Anima that we left with Natsu and the others, somehow brought us to a different world." Piri summarized

"L-Like Edolas?" Noelle stammered, trying hard to take this new information in.

"Not exactly." Piri denied, " I don't sense any magic within these people."

"T-Then maybe they have magic stored in objects like Edolas does." Noelle countered.

Piri shook her head. "No, none of the items here seemed to be powered by magic either." She spoke. "Not to mention they seem far more advanced compared to ours."

"Um, what are you talking about?" Jayden asked, confused. "Magic doesn't exist."

Piri looked at the boy with a deadpanned expression. "If magic doesn't exist, how do you explain our abilities?" She argued.

"Obviously, you have quirks." Jayden snorted.

"Quirks?" Noelle asked, tilting her head in confusion. "What are quirks?"

"..." Jayden looked at the girl with a blank expression. "Your not kidding me, aren't you?"

"U-Um Jayden." Izuku spoke up, noticing the girl's confusion. "T-They don't seem like their lying. I mean I never seen a talking cat with wings, which is odd."

"Come on, Izuku." Jayden argued. "She could be classified as a mutant."

"Mutant! How rude!" Piri huffed, "I'm an Exceed for crying out loud!"

"Exceed?" Jayden repeated, cocking his head at the unfamiliar word. "That's a weird name..."

"That's the name of my species!" Piri shouted, as ticks marks appeared around her head. "and Noel here's a dragon slayer!"

"Dragon Slayer?" Izuku asked, curiously. "What's that?"

"Well, you see, Dragon Slayer magic is a lost mgic taught by dragons. As strange as it sounds, the user will take on the abilities of a dragon and it can be used to slay dragons as well."

"Yup!" Noelle stated proudly with her hands on her hips. "And I am an Ice Dragon Slayer!"

"So let me see if I got this straight..." Jayden said, gazing at the duo. "You two not only come from another universe that has wizards that use magic like Harry Potter, but also has flying cats, guild, and people that allows you to kill dragons?"

"Yep." Noelle and Piri stated in unison, though they were confused about this 'Harry Potter' person.

"..." Jayden and Izuku exchanged glances before one of them spoke.

"...I think they need to go the hospital. They must've gone coo-coo." Jayden quietly whispered to Izuku.

"No, we did't!" Noelle yelled, faced flushed in anger. This caused the two boys to gaped in shock at her.

"How do you know what I was whispering?!" Jayden asked with wide eyes.

"Dragon Slayers have sharp senses!" Noelle pointed an accusing finger at Jayden. "If you don't believe us, then fight me and I'll prove it you!"

Hearing this declaration, everyone except Piri, looking at the girl with wide eyes. "You wanna fight me...?" Jayden asked, pointing to himself.

"W-Wait, there doesn't need to be a fight!" Izuku gaped at her sudden declaration. "Besides we don't what will happen if you Magic clashes with his Jayden's Quirk! It's really strong!"

"Big woop? I fought wizards with inhuman magic and a power-hungry King in a dragon made of armor!" Noelle argued. "Besides, if he's as strong as you say, then I wanna see for myself." She then smirked. "Unless, he's a limp pansy."

All eyes widened at the Dragon Slayer as those words flew out of her mouth. Inko covered her mouth in surprise. "Oh my...!"

Jayden's eyes twitched rapidly as he raised a shaking fist. "I'm not a limp pansy!" He shouted, as he pointed at her. "I'll show you! Let's go!!!"

Izuku looked at Piri for help. "A-Aren't you going to say something to stop this?"

Piri sighed and shook her head. "Guess it can't be helped. No matter where we go, always prepare for a fight with Fairy Tail mage."

"Wait!" Noelle spoke up with a serious look on her face. "Before that, tell me one thing..."

Everyone looked at the girl with curious eyes to see what she needed to say...

"...Whose this Harry Potter person?" She asked, with a curious expression.

Hearing that, Jayden, Izuku and Inko all face planted on the floor.

Tilting her head in confusion at the action, Noelle frowned. "What? What did I say?"

That's the end of Chapter 2! Let me know what you guys thought of it be leaving a review or PM me.

Next Time: Ice Dragon vs Phoenix

Accepting Noelle's challenge, Jayden faces off against the Ice Dragon Slayer in a fight between Quirk and Magic! Who will emerge victorious? And where will Noelle and Piri stay now that they're stuck in the world of Quirks? Find out in the next chapter of U.A.'s Fairy!!!

(Ending Theme - Overfly)

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