Last part (1)

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Guys this part is totally different from the movie... hope u all will like it...

Last part(1)

Sw who has been crying her heart out slept off due to tiredness only to wake up to a knock on her door... 

Sw opened the door only to meet her younger sis kavitha who was seeing her with an annoyed face

Kav : how many times do i have to knock ur door di.. what were u doing (while noting swaras face) were u crying...

Sw immediately wiped her face with her hands: arre why would i cry... i was just sleeping so dint hear u... now tell me what happened...

Kav : nothing happened... mom is calling u for dinner thats y i came... (happily) u know what they have made all spl recipes for u come... come lets go... (saying this she dragged sw) and i also have to call sanskar ji (says while blushing which is not noticed by sw since she was back facing her) 

Sw who heard sanskar's name halted on her place 

Kav : kya hua... are u not coming 

Sw : hmmm u... u.. go down i ll call sanskar...

Kav shocked : y... i ll call sanskar ji... look how tired u r.. u dont take tension i ll call him (she was abt to go but sw held her hand back and gave her a warning look)

Sw : i told u rite... i ll call him... u go down..

Kav while making bad faces went down cursing swara...

@sanskars room

Sw who saw his door open and him doing something on his mobile sitting on his bed.. knocked the door hesitantly... sans who saw her kept his mobile down and got up looking everywhere but her...

Sw (with heavy voice): wo... wo.. actually down... dinner... i mean they are calling u for dinner...

Sans : oh ya ok mam... i ll come in some minutes... (dint want to make her uncomfortable with his presence) (but seeing her not moving from her place saw her with questioning eyes only to meet her teary hazel nut one which made him confused)mam???

Sw who heard him call her mam bursted out crying making his eyes wide... sans stilled seeing her crying and dint know what to do... she was crying.. no no she was wailing and since the room was on the top floor no one heard her crying otherwise it would definently create a problem...

Sans : what happened mam... pls y are u crying... if anyone see us like this it will be a problem... pls stop crying pls... (but he could say anything else sw did something which made his eyes teary)

Sw who was crying seeing his face folded her both hands infront of him like pleading him and fell on her knees while bending near his feet making him shocked... 

Sw while kneeling down with hands folded saw him with pleading eyes which made sans eyes teary... he was unable to see her like this... how could he... he did not just love her for her outer beauty... she loved her for the person she was inside... even when she was putting a cold and rude facade infornt of others in office he could always see her from inside how soft she was and the way she helps the workers who was at the lower level... he has even seen her giving money to one of the lady who was doing cleaning work in the office for her daughters education... not only that she has helped many of his colleagues in their jobs... he loved that swara... he loved this swara who was his swara who was crying infront of him and how could he not know the reason behind her tears he knew why she was crying though his heart was crying aswell seeing her in this condition... he cannot console her the way he wants... he wanted to take her in his embrace and hug her tight till she stops crying... she is not his to console... she is not his to touch... she is not his... she is not... 

Sw while pleading him with her teary eyes: i i am... i am sorry sanskar... i.. i know i know how much of a cruel person i am(sans shook his head in no) i am a murderer... i i am the reason for ur dads death... he.. i... i killed him... i i i.. i am sorry sanskar... trust me... trust me... i swear i i dint wanted to slap him... i am not that cheap.... i am not... i i was abt to slap u but he he came in the middle.... trust me sanskar i am not cruel like everyone think of me in office pls pls pls forgive me pls (she said all things while hicupping which made sans close his eyes... he cannot bear this... he cannot see her like this..he fisted his hands in anger that even if she is near him he cannot console her)

Sans too kneeled down infront of her... infront of his angel... yes his angel who was crying infront of him for what... nothing... she has done nothing... he is not a fool to blame her... yes he was angry on her for slapping her father but even his father had forgiven her who is he to hold grudges... 

Sans : mam... pls its not ur fault... pls stop (he spoke only to be interepted by sw)

Sw : no no no its all my fault... u dont know... u should... u should punish me... ya ya u should punish me sanskar... slap me beat me just just kill me pls... but but pls get me out of this... pls sanskar i i ll do anything just just tell me what i should do... but pls forgive me... i am ur culprit... ur in this situation because of me otherwise u would have had ur father sanskar (she dint even allow sanskar to speak she was blabbering all these things while crying) pls sanskar i i am i i am sorr...(before she could complete her vision got blank.. her eyes got closed and she fainted infront of him... but before her head could fall down with a thud sanskar who was shocked held her face with his hand and carefully took her in his arms like side hugging her and tapped her face softly)

Sans : mam...mam...(seeing her not reacting he tapped her face one more time but with lil more force) shit... swara... swara... open ur eyes... get up.... (thats when he felt her cheeks burning... he touched her neck and forehead to check her temperature... and her skin was burning... not knowing what to do he scooped her in his arms and placed her on his bed and went down to call others)

After some mins...

Ush in tears while caressing her face trying to wake her up : what happened to her... why is she burning with fever and why is she not opening her eyes... 

Raj while consoling his wife : calm down usha.. she will be fine i have called our family doc he is on his way dont worry..

Ush : how could i not ji... see she is burning with fever on top of that she has become unconscious...

Suj : by the way what is she doing here in sanskars room she should be in her room na... (her question got everyone thinking and all of a sudden their focus was on sanskar who was standing blankly in the corner not knowing what to answer)

Sans: wo...

Kav : she said she will call sanskar ji for dinner... i think she would have fainted that time (kav said the info which she knew making sans to sigh in relief)

Sans : ya ya she came to call me for dinner and as we were abt to come down she she fainted
Soon doctor came to check swara and told everyone to be outside... sans who heard her saw his angel who was laying on the bed with pale face having dried tears near her eyes fisted his hands in anger and guilt that he was the reason for this... he went out giving a final look at her... 

Doc who checked her came out with a lil pissed of face... 

Doc : suju..(doc was their family doc and knows everyone) what have u all done haan... tell me one thing when did she eat last time...

Everyone was confused and was seeing eachother for answer seeing them confused the doc continued...

Doc; i think she has not had anything since yesterday (sans widened his eyes in shock) is this how ur taking care of her... she has fainted as she has not had any solid food in last 24 hrs... i dont think she has even had a drop of water even in these hours... (sighing) anyways i have given her an injection... she would wake up in some time pls feed her something and i have written some medicines for her fever once she has had food give her this she will be alright...
Everyone sighed hearing to her and went inside sans room to check on her except suj everyone was thr since she has gone to get some food for swara... and sans stood on one corner of the room looking at his flower who was now looking dull which made him fist his hand angrily... thats when sw hissed as she got a stinging pain on her right arm where she was injected which got everones attention... 

Once she opened her eyes she was engulfed into a big hug by her family members but her eyes were finding only one person thats when she came across an accusing black-brown eyes which was burning in fire and anger... a lone tear escaped from her eyes seeing him making sanskar to avert his eyes...

Ush : thank god u woke up... y dint u eat anything haan.. (befor she could talk suj gave her a glass of water for sw)

Sw who saw the glass infront of her averted her gaze and truned her face refusing to drink making everyone angry...

Suj : shona wjat is this haan... come on drink this(trying to make her drink water)

Sw : no i am not thirsty... pls mom dont force me..

Suj (shocked): have u seen urself... how week u r... now chup chap drink this... 

Sw smiled sadly : pls mom... i am not going to die if i dont drink this... pls i want to rest... and my hand is paining... (rubbing the place which was injected) 

Before any one could say anything she layed down on the bed closing her eyes.. everyone sighed seeing her as they know how stubborn she can be and went out leaving her to rest informing kavitha to take her to her room... 

Sans who was seeing her tantrum had enough of it and walked towards her only to stop askavi was sitting infornt of sw 

Sans to kav hesitantly: hmm... can u pls get me some cold water i... i feel thirsty..

Kav who heard him speak looked towards him admiringly: Ofcourse i ll bring... do u want anything else... u can tell me i ll bring for you...

Sans : no no only this.. can u pls(before he could say further she ran down to get him water)

Sans who saw her leaving sighed heavily and went to sw who was sleeping or can i say acting like she is sleeping... sans saw her and kept the glass filled with water near her lips as she was just lying in half position and her head was on the head rest... making her open her eyes..

Sw turning her face : i told rite i dont want this... 

Sans grifted his teeth to contorl his anger and held her hair and turned her towards him making her eyes wide

Sw : what??( before she could finish the sentence sans lifted the glass and poured some water on her mouth and with no other go swara drank the water only to hiss in pain and her eyes started to water)

Sans : this is wat happens when u dont drink or eat anything for a day... ur throt would be dry thats y ur having pain... now come on drink some water (saying this he made her drink water in small small sips making sw to admire him unknowingly... once he made her drink the whole glass he got up and stood infront of her in a distance)

Kav who saw sans standing infront of sw saw him questioningly but still offered him water
Sans smiling fakely : hmmm thanks but i dont need it now... 

Kav : but (before saying anything she saw sw sitting on the bed) arre di ur awake come i ll drop u in ur room... mamma told me to take u to ur room once ur awake

Sw sighed and started to get up only to sit with the thud on her bed feeling weakness.. kav held her shoulder and helped her stand up and started to walk towards the door only for sw to feel more weak and was abt to fall but before she could a hand held her hands inorder to save her from falling... 

Sw saw sans emotionally but sans was giving angry glare to kav

Sans to kav: cant u see she is weak... how will she walk huh... wait let me help...

Kav : sorry di... i thought u can walk sorry (apologetically)

Sw smiled at her : its ok kavi i can walk i am not that much weak

Sans : i can see that (saying this he lifted her in his arms making swakav to wide their eyes and sans without paying any heed to them started walking towards her room and placed her on her bed softly and went out of her room making sw smile seeing him leave...)

Same night @1

 Sanskars room...

Sans who has to be on his bed sleeping was walking to and fro in his room while gripping his hairs occasionally... one can clearly say he is frustrated seeing his face... all of a sudden he stopped walking and sighed fisting his palm and started walking outside only to stop on a particular room.... standing infront of the room he was hesitant and nervous...

Sans to himself: just just once... only once if i see her face thats enough... just to make sure she is ok... once i am done i ll never step into her room or her way again... ya thats it only once...(convincing himself he was abt to knock the door only to know the door is not locked... with a confused face hesitantly he opened the door only to come across a beautiful thing which he has never seen in his whole life... there she was... his angel... who was lying on her pink bed covering herself with a pink fluffy blanket and sleeping peacefully... making his sigh and smile a lil... not able to control himself he went towards her bed and saw his angel's face which was still having some dried tears... seeing which he smiled sadly at the kind hearted girl whom he has come across... and has started loving more than his soul... he took his right hand and was abt to cup her face only to retire back knowing that same is wrong... yes its wrong she was his best frnds fiance... he doesn't have any rights on her... how could he... smiling sadly with teary eyes he composed himself and turned towards the door... he was only two feet behind the door when he heard his angel call him making him halt in his place)

Sw who was sleeping got some weird feeling that some one was seeing her or like watching her sleeping which made her open her eyes only to see a person who was abt to go out of her room and was facing his back... of course she knew who it was... she got up quickly from her bed calling him

Sw : sanskar... (looking at his back and him still not moving she called him again emotionally) sanskar... 

Sans who heard her closed his eyes and turned towards her only to get the shock of his life... 

Sw who saw him facing her went towards him and hugged him tightly making him shocked and to stand like a statue... he was not knowing what to do... nor did he hug her nor did he saw her face he was shocked and closed his eyes tight... the only thing he can feel is her and her fragrance which was surrounding him and making him want the same to remain in his body forever... it was not like the one she uses in office which would be so heavy and bold as everyone could smell it if she just enters to room... even if there was hundreds of employees in the room and once she enters the room it will oly be filled with her essence and the only thing they would smell is her perfumes fragrance... but this was different... very different... today she was having a different fragrance on her which is making him addicted to it.... this was mild... which made him feel home... which made him want to bury himself more into her and get himself drowned with the smell of her... but little did he know that was nothing but her own scent which he can smell... she has showered before bed and had slept just before he came to her room... it was her without any makeup or any artificial perfume... purely her... it was her only her and her own natural fragrance...

Sw who hugged him tight cried in his arms silently making his tshirt wet near his chest... feeling sans not hugging her back she slightly looked up from his chest and saw his face which was so near to her making her look at his features keenly... she can see his eyes closed and his beard which was trimmed and his face which was so soft yet so rough and crystal clear with out any mark... she could even see a tinny tiny mole near his right eye... which was so bright on his white skin... she can see his lashes which was even thicker than hers falling on his cheeks as his eyes were closed.... her eyes then went towards his forehead were there was some of his naughty hairs falling on it which made him look so hot yet so cute... she also admired his thick eyebrows which was again more thicker than hers... she was so into admiring him closer that she dint realized he has opened his eyes looking at her or should i say admiring her the same way she was doing to him...

Sans who felt his tshirt getting wet.... opened his eyes only to come across a dreamy and teary hazelnut one which he wanted to get drowned into and to feel what it would be to see things from her eyes... will it be beautiful as same as her big expressive eyes... which held lots and lots of stories inside it... his eyes went to her face which was so red due to her continuous crying and her cheeks was so soft and she looked so cute with the pinkish red nose and red cheeks... how can her cheeks be so red and so clear at the same time... he has seen her yes... admired her yes... but not so close... not so clear... since he was close to her he can even see her lips so closely which looked so plump and pinkish red making him do things which are not appropriate... his gaze next went towards her nose which was pinkish red... it was as if there was a competition between her cheeks and nose as to which one is redder... which made him urge to caress her cheeks and nose inorder to feel it and examine her beautiful features... seeing her so close towards him he forgot to breathe and his heart started beating fastly... his inner self was pushing him to do things to her which was so wrong and which will ruin their life... her life especially... even if he wanted to forget he still remembers their kiss though she was not so involved in that he can still feel them against his lips making him remember the taste of her lips... he can still taste her essence in his mouth and the way her lips felt on his... he wanted to kiss her lips soo badly... but something was stopping him from doing that.... 

Sw who was admiring him saw his eyes which was now admiring her and was red... the same which was not glowing like before... before... yes before... she still remembers the day they kissed how will she not... it was her first kiss for her aswell... he was the first man who has touched her that way... he has seen many guys and have worked in a team full of guys but still no one would have guts to come near her or to even talk against her or infront of her as she was portraying her as an arrogant person who was a hard nut to crack... ofcouse she was hatd nut to crack... but he was the only person who has seen her innerself and who she was behind her shell... he was the first person who had made her feel things which she has never felt... not even with laksh not with anyone... she still remembers the day which they kissed... who is she kidding she still remembers the date and time when his lips met hers... thinking abt it she still can feel the chills on her body and his lips on hers how it felt... his lips which seems to be dried and pinkish felt so soft on hers even softer than hers and his taste still lingers in her lips... it has given her lot of sleepless nights... how can a girl forget her first kiss... never... no girl can ever forget her first kiss... it was their first kiss... even if she shows herself as arrogant end of the day she is also a girl... she may not tell this to anyone nor to herself but she too had this tinny tiny feeling for him... who would not... any girl would have feelings on a guy who loves her wholeheartedly and its sanskar we are talking here... she still remembers the days where he would just stare at her and smile like he has got his world in his hands... she still remembers the way he see her through the glass door of her cabin thinking she is working... she also knows that while they were in office he eats only after making sure she has had her lunch... he was that much crazily and madly in love with her.... she knew everything abt him... but what she dint know was that he would propose her in that way... she thought he was just having a crush on her and the same would vanish in somedays but no what she dint know was that he was sooo in love with her... and he was so serious abt her and his love for her was beyond everything in this world and she meant a lot for him.... 

Sw who was in deep thoughts and dint know what came to her mind... without moving her eyes from him removed her hands slowly which was holding his tshirt and touched his right cheek making him close his eyes in bliss and a small tear drop fell from his eyes... shedding some more tears from her eyes she wiped his tear drop with her thumb making him aware of wats happening and to come out of his trance... thats when he relised their position... with a jerk he opened his eyes and held her shoulders to distance himself from her... but her hold on his waist was strong making him panick he slowly tried to remove her hands only for her to shed more tears... with out knowing what to do he called her name

Sans : swara(emotionally)

That was it for her she again buried her face inside his chest and started crying her heart out making him panic more

Sans without knowing what to do held her left shoulder and carressed her hair softly to calm her down

Sans while caressing her hair softly: shhh.. shhh... swara stop crying... thabiyat karab hojayegi aapki... u ll fall ill again... shhh

Sw while turning her face towards him: hojane dho sanskar... hojane do... let me fall ill again and let me die... i have made a sin... i should only die... (saying this she cried badly)

Sans who was unable to see his lady love crying without thinking anything hugged her tightly making her shut her eyes and bury herself into his embrace finding some solace in him...

Sans : shhh. Calm down swara... shhh.. nothing happened.... why are u talking like this haan... stop talking nonsense... now be a good girl and stop crying... shhh... will u pls stop crying now... pls and hear me out... come on now stop crying.... mmm... ur a good girl na... come on look at me... see here... look into my eyes come on... look at me... (spoke to her like talking to a crying baby to make her stop crying)

Sw who was crying calmed down a bit and saw him with her teary eyes

Sans smilled sadly at her face and took her towards her bed and made her sit and made her sip some water while kneeling infront of her.. all the time sw was looking at him intensely...
Sans while holding her hands which were on her lap: listen to me carefully.... first of all.. u have done nothing (sw was abt to interrupt) shhh let me finish ok... now again let me tell u there is no fault of urs... we can blame no one... this was his fate my fate.... his time has come and he has gone..... (with tears on his eyes) we cannot do anything... we cannot change anything...... even he would be upset seeing u like this.... u know what he told abt u that night... (sw shook her head in no while her eyes still had tears) that ur a very good girl and ur the best girl he have ever seen (more tears fell from her eyes hearing this) dont blame urself swara... its easy to blame ourself but dont do that... ur not at fault... and he will not like to see his favorite girl crying... pls understand it was his time and thats it... lets forget everything and move on and pls dont be like this.. it hurts me to see u like this and also to know the reason behind ur tears is me.... so pls

Sw who was listening to sans spoke to him finally: how sanskar... how can i.. i i slapped him and the next day he he(unable to complete broke into tears) will u forgive me haan tell me will u forgive me... are u not angry on me... do u not hate me??? Tell me sanskar..

Sans smiled sadly : hate is a very big word swara... i dont hate anyone... the only person i am angry with is god.... the only person whom i cannot forgive is him.... its god who has created us and he is the only person who has rights to take us back... he is the one whom i am angry with and i ll never forgive him for what he has done.... its his wish swara we cannot do anything.... god has taken him away... may be he would have loved my father so much that he took him so soon... but we cannot do anything nor we can stop him nor we can change the fate.... so ya to answer ur question... i was never angry on u nor u have done any mistake to forgive u... hate tho i can never hate u swara... so ya

Sw : how can be like this sanskar... how??? (Saying this she caressed his left cheek and bent down a lil while touching their forheads) how can u be like this.... how can u not be angry on me.... u u should hate me... u u u should beat me kill me...

Sans smiled slightly: there is no mistake of urs swara keep that in mind and why would i beat u.... now stop thinking abt all this and calm urself.. there is no mistake of urs... and now u should sleep.. take rest everything will be fine (saying this he got up as he was kneeling down infront of her all these times and made her lie on her bed making her admire him) todays morning should be a fresh one and pls dont think abt anything and spoil ur health ok.... now sleep

Sw who was admiring him held his hand : and u.. wil u be able to forget everything and be like before.. (sans turned his face other side)(seeing him turning otherside sw got up and sat leaning on the head rest) i know sanskar how difficult it would be for u.. i have lost my mama but i have my father with me but u.... i know how difficult it would be for u (saying this she made him look at her while turning his face towards her with her fingers only to meet with a teary one) sanskar (shook her head in no.. she has heard laksh saying sanskar has been strong all these time and has not cried infront of anyone and has locked himself in his house and has not interacted with anyone after his dads demise and seeing him in tears made her heart break and without any thought she did the only thing which she wanted to do the first thing when she saw him sitting in his room while crying inside himself)

Sw pulled him towards herself and hugged him tightly towards her chest... making him bury his face inside her chest like a baby does with its mother and started crying his heart out.... this is what he was missing all these days or say years after his mothers demise.... this warmth.... this hug... this safety which he is feeling in her embrace right now... which is making him break down and at the same time giving him the warmness which he needs.... he felt secured that there is no harm which can reach him when he is with her in her embrace... he was unable to control his feelings and hugged her tightly through her waist by burying his face more towards her chest....

Sans (while burying his face towards her more while crying): its paining swara.... its paining alot.... pls pls stop this... i cant bare this how could i.... he was the only person who cared for me always after my mom... now i have no one with me.... he too left me... left me in this world alone... (while coming out of her embrace but still hugging her meeting her eyes) how can he swara... how can he.... he knows that na... he knew that he is the only person i had na... then too he left me just like that... what will i do now.... he could have taken me too.... he could have (before he could complete sw closed his mouth with her fingers shaking her head in no)

Sw wiped his tears with her hands like a mom does for a baby and made him look at her while cupping his face: u only told me na... he will not like seeing me crying then how will he be in peace seeing u like this haan... i know i know how it feels... i know how u feel but dont worry u have everyone now... didnt u hear what mom and ush ma said yesterday that ur also a family member and on top of that u have laksh with u... u u have me... so pls stop crying and dont worry ok... trust me sanskar we are all here for u... i ll be there for u till my life ends...(she herself dint know why she said that) there is nothing to worry.... everything happens for a reason... may be god is testing u... pls dont do this to urself... as u said we should move on in our lives... now stop crying... everything will be fine... do u trust me...
Sans while seeing her eyes can feel the truthness in her eyes and determination which made him shake his head in yes making her smile...

Sw smiled at him and kissed his forhead with lot of care making him close his eyes and a tear drop fell from his eyes... unable to control his emotions anymore he hugged her tightly making her smile and caress his hair making him close his eyes while enjoying her warmth... sw who was caressing his hair after some time felt no movement from his side came to know he had slept in her embrace with his slight snoring sound... she slightly departed herself from his embrace only for him to hug her more and cuddle into her by burying his face on her neck making her smile... she tried to make him lye properly on the bed by detangling herself from him but failed each and everytime as his grip towards her was so tight... like he dint want to let her go even in sleep as he is afraid to leave her... with a deep sigh she closed her eyes while taking him in her embrace and slept peacefully...


When i started writing dint know where to stop.... i was so into the story but still I am stoping here will see what happens next... hope u all liked this episode

Thank you 


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