Last part 2

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Last part(2)

Next day morning

We can see a couple sleeping peacefully... where his head was buried inside her neck and her hands were hugging him as in if she leaves him he will run far away from her... her one hand was working as a pillow for him and other was on his hair carressing it whenever she felt like doing it to calm him down if his sleep gets disturbed... he was also cuddling her in such a way that she can never get away from him... his both hands were on her waist hugging her tightly towards him while burying his face on her neck inhaling her fragnance which has become his recent favorite... both were not leaving each other and were hugging them tightly...

Sw who was sleeping peacefully was disturbed by of course mr sun who has come to wake ppl up... she opened her eyes slowly only to come across a very peacefully sleeping sanskar... seeing him sleeping like a baby she smiled at him and tried removing his hand from her waist only for him to hug her more tightly making her eyes widen... after a lot of struggle she pulled herself out of his embrace and made him lie on her pillow softly without disturbing him or his sleep... thats when she saw the time and it was half past nine making her to rush into the washroom to get ready as its already late and everyone would have completed their breakfast... may be since she was not feeling well yesterday no one disturbed her otherwise they would have knocked her room door 1000 times by now... sighing heavily she got ready for going down for her breakfast and to get coffee for sanskar as he is still sleeping and the first thing he has in morning is his coffee if not then everyone pls be ready to meet a very grumpy sanskar who will be irritated for a tiniest and a tiniest thing which happens around him... she remembers the day where he has been grumpy in office...


Sw was discussing abt a project to her team members on a monday morning and everyone was listening to her keenly...

Sans (making faces and murmuring to himself): ya ya we have to do all these works... as if there is no one to do these work... y cant she do this... better she can do that than giving work to us... its far better to give ur ideas to others and make them work u urself can do it na but no huh...

Sw who saw him make faces: mr maheshwari... u... what are u murmuring... pls do tell us we all wanna listen to u

Sans (while grifting his teeth) : nothing mam...

Sw who saw his irritated face and him grifting his teeth narrowed her eyes...

Hari : he is behaving like this as he has not had his morning coffee mam (while laughing at sanskars face)

Sw : what(confused)(seeing sanskar angrily and sarcastically) then go and have ur coffee we ll wait for u.. then we can continue our discussion what say sir

Sans who heard her say this ran out of her cabin smiling wholeheartedly and thanking her to fetch his black coffee as if that was his first priority making everyone laugh and sw smile a lil seeing him running like a kid by dashing everyone who was coming on his way...

Sw (to others): was this the reason for his grumpy face this morning

Har : yes mam... he loves black coffee and wants the same every morning once he wakes up otherwise he behaves like this only...

Sw shook her head hearing this and started discussing the project and informed them to cascade the info to her coffee lover...

***flashback ends***

Sw smiled thinking abt the incident and saw the person who was sleeping on her bed hugging the pillow and went towards him... she was abt to caress his face but someting stopped her from doing the same and she started thinking deeply

Sw (to herself): what were u trying to do swara... what the hell is wrong with u... what is this behaviour... ur engaged do u even remember that... how can u... and what was that yesterday how can u sleep with him on the same bed... this is so wrong... but why do i feel that was so right... me and him... how can it feel so good being with him... i was so happy yesterday when he shared his pain with me and when he slept in my embrace it felt so right... it felt so good... how can it be possible... may be... may be due to sympathy... ya ya its sympathy.... i felt bad for him thats y and and ya i am his frnd now so i had to comfort him... ya thats it... i just was comforting him as a frnd... nothing else... huh.... now stop thinking unwanted things and get his coffee first swara... otherwise he will be grumpy the whole day...

Comforting and convincing herself with her self talk she went down to make coffee for him and tea for her after wishing everyone good morning and informing them that she is fine now and will have her breakfast in her room while taking sanskar's bf also with hers...

Since the guest room next to hers was not cleaned up that day sanskar has to occupy the other guest room which was on the second floor... since the room next to hers was now cleaned he is going to stay in the room next to swaras... like if we have to go to sanskar's room u have to cross swara's room.. and whenever he has to go down he has cross hers... and these two rooms are the last ones on the floor...

@swaras room

Sans who was sleeping peacefully got disturbed by the sound of birds and squirrel from somewhere but he can feel the same was near him... he slightly opened his eyes only to get the shock of his life... sans who was shocked saw around the room only to come accross a smiling sw who was smiling at him from inside the big photo frame on the left side of the wall making his eyes wide and he started to panic...

Sans : what the hell... what the hell am i doing in swaras room (then remembers everything which happened at night and held his hair in anger and frustration) how can i do this??? Oh god how can u do this sanskar she is lakshs fiance and i..... o my god how can i... on top of that i slept on the same bed with her... ahhh.... (he was talking to himself only to halt by hearing a soothing voice which was very known to him who was none other than swara)

Sw who came to her room with bf saw him murmuring to himself : good morning sanskar... (with smile) what happened are u ok

Sans saw her with a jerk only to be stilled seeing her standing with a big tray in her hands smiling at him dressed in his favorite blue color chudidar with the net dupatta pinned on her side... she was looking damn gorgeous... making his heart miss a beat

Sans (his mind to his heart): calm down man.. calm down... pls stop acting like a love sick puppy...

His heart : oh pls look at my love.. how cute and gorgeous she is... u know her cheeks not only looks soft its even softer than it looks... oh how much i wanted to kiss her...

His mind : u stupid heart stop thinking like that she is engaged.... that too to laksh so stop being so stupid and stop thinking like that u fool

His heart : oh i am not a fool i know only to drool

His mind : what type of creature are you

His Brian: can u both pls shut up and look at her she is seeing him weirdly

Sw who saw his face expression got confused : sanskar are u alright... (went towards him and touched his forehead making him close his eyes)

Sans while moving a lil back : ya ya i am fine..m its just... its just...

Sw (smiles knowingly): i know y ur behaving like this

Sans (shocked and nervous) : what... u know...

Sw : Ofcourse... u have not had ur morning coffee thats y ur behaving weirdly.... (giving him his coffee) now have this... i have brought ur bf aswell we can have it together and then u can fresh up in ur room

Sans (while accepting her coffee): no no thats thats ok... u can give the bf plate to me i ll have it in my room...

Sw : oh ya room se yaad aaya they would have informed u yesterday itself na... the guest room next to mine is ready and ur things are also shifted so u r going to stay on that room only here after

Sans (while sipping his coffee): oh ok... ya laksh told me yesterday...

Sw : ohhh... he had time to even talk to u??? anyway i dont know why... nowadays he is busy in his work and on his phone all the time... dont know what he is talking that too for hours...

Sans (who finished his coffee by then got up from the bed and was abt to take the plate only to be stopped by sw who snatched his plate and made him sit on the bed again)

Sw : oh hello where are u going haan... eat ur bf first and then go...

Sans : no thats fine i ll have it in my room i have to brush my teeth also so...

Sw rolled her eyes at him and gave his plate: nothing doing shut up... one day if u eat without brushing nothing will happen so have ur bf here... i know u dint have anything yesterday(with a warning eyes)

Sans who saw her glaring him sat quitely and started having his bf and sw who saw him having bf in hurry also sat on the bed lil far away from him and started having her bf it was just some paratas with some achaar...

Sans who inorder to complete his bf fastly was stuffing the paratas in his mouth making his both cheeks bigger and those were looking like a balloon sw who saw this started to laugh wholeheartedly making sans stop eating and to admire his love who was laughing after long time with a smile on his face... sw who was laughing came near him and collected his plate from his hand and sighed him to chew his food first... sans without any other go started chewing slowly while admiring her... once he finished his morsel which was there in his mouth he sighed heavily making sw smile at his antics...

Sw while giving him water : what is the need to eat fastly haan.. u dont even know to eat properly (saying this she spreaded some achaar on the parata and rolled it while giving it to him to have it slowly... seeing her doing that made him teary eyes remembering his mom who would do the same for him when he would be hurrily geting ready for his school) kya hua sanskar... (saying this she sat close to him and wiped his tears making him nod his head in no and he hurriedly got up from her bed by controlling his emotions as seeing her so near to him and her fragrance is making him do so many inappropriate things to her which will not do good for either of them)

Sans : i think i should leave now (saying this he went to his room in hurry making sw confused)

Sw : what happened to him now... (confused) huh anyway lets go down... everyone was upset with me yesterday na... so bad swara u made everyone upset yesterday huh...

(she went down to be with her family members and was helping them in their chores but still her mind was going towards sanskar who has not come down from his room since morning and it was afternoon now where in everyone were getting ready for lunch)

Sw who was sitting on the dining table saw everyone of her family members sitting there even laksh was present today and know what??? he was not having his phone which was so rare... but there was only one person missing who was her sanskar...

Sw (in mind): where did he go??? as far as i know he dint even come out of his room... huh why the hell is he like this... idiot even after convincing him yesterday he is behaving like this... this is not right if i let him like this he will not come out if his shell... i have to do someting... what to do.. think shona think... (while seeing everyone who was chatting happily abt the happenings in the village) hmmm actually (everyone went silent and started looking at her) wo nothing i was just thinking.... (acts like thinking and casually) hmmm by the way laksh where is ur frnd he dint come for lunch yet...

Lak (looking around for sanskar): oh ya see i totally forgot wait let me call him...(he was abt to go but was interrupted by a voice who was none other than...)

Kav : arre where are u going laksh bhai... i ll go na... i ll go and call him u dont have to take tension(happily)

Sw who saw kav face got to know there is something wrong and inside her heart she was not liking her enthusiasm towards sanskar.... thats when she saw sanskar walking down the stairs..

Sw : kavi there is no need of that he is already coming down... see (kav who saw towards sans saw him with admiration in her eyes which made sw uneasy inside her heart)(to herself) why is she seeing him like that... something fishy... i have to find out

Ush : arre sanskar beta come na sit we are abt to have lunch and kavi was abt to call u...

Sans (hesitatingly): its ok maa u all can have lunch i ll have it afterwards (sw saw him with narrowed eyes)

Suj : y not now haan... see everyone is sitting here no more excuses come... come and sit near sw (since that was the only seat vacant)

Sans : no no its ok... i i dont want to disturb u all so....

Dada ji : what nonsense are u talking ur our guest and i heard abt u from usha and suj if ur a family for them it means u also belong to this family ur also like laksh to us... now shut up and sit no more talking

Sw smiled proudly at her grandfather and sans who heard him say that got happy seeing their love towards him and went and sat near sw smiling at her slightly

Servants were serving food today as everyone have sat for lunch today and everyone was talking something or the other

Sw (who saw a servant serving sanskar): ramu kaka its paneer sabji na serve him more he loves paneer... he loves to eat it with some hot hot phulkas... i told u to make phulkas na did u bring that (hearing her saying this to servants sans who was abt to eat stopped his hand in the middle and everyone stopped eating and their focus was on swara) what happened did i say something wrong... y are u all looking at me like this (dint have any clue abt what she said before)

Kav (burning in jelousy): how do u know abt this... how do u know he loves paneer... even i dint know he likes that...

Sw (narrowing her eyes): u tell me first y should u know abt his likes haan..

Sans (who saw everyone's attention on him and the two who were in verge of fighting): i told swara ji abt this... when i asked abt todays menu she said its paneer and i said i love that.. so she (seeing everyone's expression change and smile proudly at sw made him sigh heavily)

Sans (heart): awweeee did u see she knows my liking... she knows i love paneer... aweeeeiii

His mind: whole office knows u love paneer.. even hearing the word paneer ur eyes turns into hearts she would have heard one of ur talks in office... dont forget when u travelled and stayed with her in abroad for the project she is the one who ordered for everyone...

His heart : oh pppuuullllease stop ur lecture mr mind and mind ur own business... there were others aswell.. but y did she remember only my favorite food.... did u see sanskar she said i love paneer that too with hot hot phulkas... awwee how sweet of her o my god... o my god... she loves me she loves me... did u hear she loves me...

Mind : what nonsense... just because she said thats ur favourite dish doesn't mean she loves u... u silly fellow stop being dramatic u sound like a girl.... huh...

Heart : hi u... mr mind who is not so kind... stop talking abt me

Sw who saw sans making faces nudged him making come out of his thoughts...

Sw : what happened achi nahi bani kya... is it not good(asking abt the dish she took a morsel from his plate and tasted it since she was eating dal chawal and she dint have roti on her plate) achi tho bani hai... y are u making faces... eat na its ur favourite rite or shall i tell them to serve u something else..

Sans who was shocked by her behaviour started eating his lunch silently by shaking his head in no...

Sw who saw him eating happily smiled seeing him eating like a child and filled his glass with water since the same was empty... since everyone was busy talking dint notice their conversation...

Dadaji : haan i forgot to tell u all... we are going to kuldevi mandir tomoro... since our shona and laksh has come... we have to do puja and fix their marriage date aswell and also there are rituals which has to be done by shona since last time she went to city in hurry without completing any of the rituals..

Hearing the name of marriage swasan paused eating and saw dadaji with mixed emotions but there was one person who was getting tensed seeing and hearing everything...

Sw who heard him for some reason saw towards sans who was aware of her gaze started eating as if nothing happened... but soon sw eyes turned red in anger seeing the scene infront of her

Kav looking at sans : arre sanskar ji u know i made this dhall have this also na u ll love it... (blushingly poured some dhall towards his bowl which was empty)

Sans who saw her smiled at her sweetly making someone burn seeing this... when he was abt to dip his roti on the dhall only to be stoped by a hand as the bowl was taken by some one who was none other than swara...

Sw smiling sweetly (fakely) at both : arre i was the one who was asking dhall from a long time... ohhh sorry was it for u sanskar(saying his name by grifting her teeth making sans gulp in fear seeing her) oopsss sorry... wait let me get u some (saying this she poured some dhall on a separate fresh bowl and placed it on his plate by glaring at him)

Sans (smiling nervously) : thats thats fine thank u swara.... thank u kavi (towards kav who was glaring at sw... if looks could kill sw would have been gone by now)

Sw who heard him call her kavi (murmuring): i am swara and she is kavi.... huh cant he see everyone is calling me shona here and he is calling me swara and her kavi... kavi... seriously... huh (thinking abt this she was abt to get up without finishing her lunch only to be stopped by someone holding her hand)

Sans who was seeing sw keenly knew whats running in her mind and heard her murmurring since he was near her was shocked by her behavior and when she was abt to get up held her hand making her halt her work and sit in her place : i am sorry... pls dont get up without completing ur food because of me and its not good... (sw saw him angrily)

Sw sighed hearing him and took a spoon of rice and started chewing thinking that as her sister... seeing this sans smilled at her behavior but he hided his smile by keeping his hands on his mouth and when sw saw him smiling at her she too smilled turning her face towards the otherside making sanskars smile wide and both started eating... kav who was cursing sw dint notice their conversation...

Next day morning

As decided everyone was ready and even sanskar was ready since it was strict order from dadaji that he should also accompany them since he is also a family member...

Kav (annoyed since sans is not noticing her from morning and at sw since she was late): maa how many hours will she take to get ready see its already time... still she is not here

Rag : shut up kav she will take some time and she has to get ready in the given dress na... we all came since we had to wear a comfortable dress but not her and also i gave her the dress only some time before so shut up (scolded her making kav shut her mouth)

Kav murmuring: shona di's chamchi huh...

Sw who was ready came down cursing everyone for giving her the dress as it was legenga and the same was too lengthy than her height making it difficult for her to walk... she was dressed in pink and white lehenga and was looking so beautiful and gorgeous and she has curled her hair and the same was neatly kept on her right hand shoulder making her look more cute and elegant... she was wearing a pair of silver jumkas which was enhancing her beauty...

Sans who was standing with others saw her coming down the stairs was mesmerized seeing her in the lehenga and was unable to take his eyes off her... she was cursing and making face while walking down the stairs which made her look cute... seeing her cute antics he smiled and started walking towards her without caring abt the surrounding

Rag : wow di u look so beautiful...

Suj : awwee kisi ki nazar na lage how beautiful is my girl looking... awwee my barbie doll (as soon as these words came out of suj mouth sw slipped on the steps making everyone gasp in shock) shonaaa

Sw who was holding her legenga with her hands heard everyone praising her looked up towards them only to trip on her lehenga and miss a step only to land on the secured hands of sanskar who was standing at the end of the stairs... sans who saw her tripping immediately held her through her bare waist inorder to prevent her from falling but only to be frozen by seeing her face so close to him which was so divine... (since her hair was on the right side no one was abt to see their faces) she looked so pretty and even more beautiful closer with minimal makeup and her eyes closed in fear and his nose slightly touching her cheeks which was so soft than his imagination... that's when he came to know abt their position and without his knowledge his hand which was on her bare waist carressed it slightly and gripped it more while pulling her more towards him making her come out of her trance and open her eyes wide only to come accross the family members who was sighing in relief... she sighed heavily and turned towards her left only to meet a beautiful pair of black brown mesmerizing eyes which was now looking at her keenly in an admiring way making her blush unknowingly and feeling his nose touching hers she gasped in shock and moved a lil making sanskar come out of his trance and move lil far from her by making her stand straight...

Seeing sw safe and sound everyone surrounded her and started scolding hee for being careless

Kav while seeing sanskar with smile to sw : its good that sanskar ji was here to catch u di otherwise thats all.... and did u see di how he caught u like a hero does in movies (sw who saw her narrowed her eyes and slapped her head making kav hiss in pain)

Sw : apna kaam kar... go go and sit in the car its already late... badi aayi... like hero does in movies(imitating her) go now go and sit in the car (kav cursing her in mind went out while rubbing her head)

Lak who was waiting in his car for all these time came in seeing no one has come out yet : arre yaar what happened are we going to temple today or not... come on guys and u sanskar where is ur mobile i was trying ur mobile to know abt this and u were not picking

Sans : my mobile (then remembers) oh ya i have put it for charging in my room... wait i am getting that... and ya u all can leave let me get my mobile... i am coming in lakshs car anyways...

Listening to him everyone went out to the car... while going swara again triped in her lehenga and was abt to fall down but balanced herself while catching the pillar near the door

Sw (irritated): oh shit this lehenga has again become loose now.... ahhhh let me go and correct this first... (to rag) u all be in car i ll come ok...

Rag : but di...

Sw : 5 mins rago.. i will come in 5 mins wait for me ok... (saying this she hurriedly went towards her room holding her lehenga only to be dashed on the wall infront of her but the only difference was the wall has held her through her waist rather than being there like a wall)

Sans who has taken his mobile was walking fastly towards the stairs only to be bumped into a beautiful creation which was standing in front of him yet again with eyes closed and in fear of falling making him smile at her and yet again his hand knew its way to her waist and was holding her bare waist yet again tightly...

Sw who didnot fall down as expected opened her one eyes to see what happened widened her eyes seeing sanskar infront of her and was holding her tightly... but soon her face turned from a fearful face to a tensed face... making sans confused...

Sans: what happened swara are u ok... (was abt to take his hand from her waist only for sw to stop him while holding his hand on her waist tightly making sans wide his eye in shock)

Sw : no pls hold me tightly dont leave me...

Sans : waaaaat???

Sw : ya pls don't leave me hold me if u leave me my lehenga will fall down pls...

Sans (shouting): waaattt???

Sw (grifting her teeth in irritation due to his shouting): ahhhh why do u need to shout... i am standing here only and u pls stand like this only... i i ll tell u (by saying this she signed him to see towards her waist)

Sans who saw her waist was yet again mesmerized seeing her milky white waist which was so soft like feather and her lehenga was tied below her belly button which was so beautiful and sexy at the same time...she was even wearing a hip chain which was so tiny and the gold hip chain was making her waist look so hot and sexy at the same time... sans who was looking at her waist with dreamy eyes tightened his hold on her waist and pulled her towards him while carressing her waist slowly with his thumb making her moan

Sw who was feeling his carress on her waist got goosebumps on her body and unknowingly moaned his name : sanskaaarrrr

Sans who was carressing her waist came out of his trance due to her moan and immediately left his hold from sw waist only to stop his action and hold her again tightly

Sans : what the hell... why did u not tell me

Sw : why did i not tell u??? Ur the one who has held me tightly and this lehenga was already loose now if u take ur hand it will fall (as sw lehenga was a knot type it was tied tightly on her waist which became loose due to her triping down on the stairs and near the door thats y she came to her room to make it tight but only to bump on sanskar and since he was wearing a watch and the thread of the lehenga got stuck on his watch which got more loose... now if he takes his hand then the thread will loosen more and her lehenga will fall down... without knowing that sanskar has tried taking his hand and the thread which was stuck on his watch is opened and now it was still sticking on her waist due to sanskar if he takes his hand then the same will fall down from her waist)

Sans : whats the need to wear this lehenga if u know the same is not ur size (to himself murmuring) who told her to look hot and sexy wearing this and her hip chain ohhh godddd y... y me... y am i not able to control... control sanskar control u know this is wrong no no dont see towards her wiast no no dont look at the hot and milky soft waist and dont u dare see her cute belly button no...

Sw who saw him talking to himself: oh hello sir u... now pls stop murmuring and help me... (to herself)patha nahi what the hell is he murmurring... i am in this situation because of him and now he is on his own world huh

Sans : hello mam... pls haan stop blaming me for ur mistake... who told u to look hot and beautiful on this dress haan

Sw : sanskar whats ur problem if ur able to help me help me otherwise leave from here

Sans smirked : oh really ok fine i am leaving(was abt to take his hand from her waist but sw held his hand tightly)

Sw : no no pls... no... just just... can u pls help me...

Sans (acting): what??? did u say something?? Sorry i dint hear u...

Sw grifting her teeth: pls sanskar pls help me...

Sans who saw this smirked at her and then with his other hand held her thread and with other hand lifted her lehenga in such a way that her belly button is fully covered and tied her thread tightly in such a way that it doesnt fall down and took his hand from her waist making sw smile

Sw who saw this smiled happily : thank u sanskar (saying this she was abt to adjust her lehenga down her belly button only to be stopped by a hand)

Sans while holding her hand and grifting his teeth : dont u dare... let it be there... (sw who heard him with rolled her eyes and started to adjust her lehenga again only to be stopped by his hand) if i see u adjusting this lehenga below ur belly button again then...

Sw (challengingly): then... what haan.. what will u do... this is my lehenga my wish... who the hell are u to tell me what to do and what not to do (she was abt to adjust the lehenga before she could do that sans did something making her widen her eyes)

Sans who heard her... in anger pinched her waist making her hiss and the place which he has pinched has became lil pink: i told u right... dont u dare... if u do this again or if i see this cloth below ur navel then i ll do this infront of everyone mind it... (saying this he went down angrily)

Sw who saw him going down hissed in pain and started rubbing the place which he has pinched and her eyes got teary due to pain

Sans who came down went inside the car... since laksh was driving and rags was sitting on the passenger seat sans went and sat in the backside of the car cursing himself for his behaviour...

Sans(to himself): shit yar sanskar... why did u behave with her like that... why did u say her things like that... huh u gave her pain aswell... u always give her pain... y y did u do this sanskar whats wrong with u and what the hell have u done... (as he was cursing himself sw who came down silently went and sat inside the car beside sanskar) (sans who saw her understood she is in pain and seeing her teary eyes made him angry on himself unable to control himself... he saw laksh who was fully concentrating on driving and rag focussed on ph touched sw hand which was thr on the seat only for her to jerk his hand in anger and turn the other side making him sigh sadly... he saw towards her who was still having tears on her eyes and without thinking anything he touched the place where he has pinched and rubbed his thumb softly making her gasp and see towards him angrily only to meet him seeing towards her with puppy face)

Sw to herself : first give me pain and then start doing things like this.. and start making puppy faces huh... idiot i i i just hate him... huh.. idiot...

Sans who saw her murmuring sighed and went lil closer towards her and whispered in her ears: sorry swara... i am really sorry...

Sw who heard him say this turned towards him in anger and started staring at him angrily making sans gulp in fear... he sat lil far from her making a distance and turned his face to the other side making sw smirk seeing him afraid of her... soon they reached the temple

@kuldevi mandir

Everyone had come to temple on time since they came in different car and now only laksh's car was missing...

Dadaji : its time for pooja let us go and meet pandit ji... they will meet when they reach here... anyway sw has to do pooja tomorow only na... (soon everyone went to Pandit ji and was dicussing abt the marriage and the rituals)

Suj who saw all the 4 coming : arre pandit ji see they came (pandit ji saw swara since everyone was saying its swaras marriage and then the person beside her who was sanskar and thought he was her would be husband)

Since sans knew sw was angry on him inorder to manoify her was coming beside her making puppy face and pleading her through his eyes...

Pand : may god bless them... they look so beautiful together (seeing swasan mistakenly as they were walking side by side)

Dada(sees ppl lil crowded in the temple): pandit ji u pls explain the pooja procedure to shona and we ll do the darshan in the mean while... (saying this everyone went towards the goddess statue to pray)

Sw who saw pandit ji took his blessings and smiled at him... seeing sw standing sans too stood beside her since he was walking with her

Pand: sada suhaagan raho beta... u know rite tomorow u have to keep fast...

Before sw could answer sans shouted making pandit ji smile at him

Sans: what??? no way... y shoud she keep fast and did u know two days before she even fainted since she dint eat anything... no way she is keeping fasting tomorow

Pan: its for her good married life beta its a must.... tomorow is an auspicious day.. if she fast tomorow and being an auspicious day she will get all the blessings of maa parvathi so she has to keep fast if she wants a good and a happy married life..

Sans was abt to say something but sw held his hand making him shut his mouth and turning his face in anger

Sw : i ll do pandit ji u can tell me what is the procedure...

Pan: early morning u have to get up and do pooja at home and then keep ur fasting u should not even drink a drop of water.. then at evening once the moon comes u have to do pooja again and eat from the plate which ur husband/fiancee has eaten and yaad rahe... keep in mind u should eat only from his plate and he should have eaten atleast a morsel from the same plate and then u have to eat.... (this fasting is my imagination guys pls dont try this and i dont think these type of fasts exists)

Sw smiling : ji pandit ji... i ll do it...

Sans (in anger) :what if her fiancee is not present at home at that time or say he is abroad and will be coming only after a month should she not eat anything and just be fasting till he comes and eats that one damn morsel...

Pan smiled seeing his anger : no beta then she can eat on her own in her plate... but they say if they eat from their husbands plate they will be together always and they will love each other unconditionally... (saying this he went from thr blessing both of them in his mind)

Sans(sarcastically): ya rite and u (to sw) ur not doing any thing like this understood... i ll tell laksh also abt this... i know he wont allow these types of nonsense...

Sw : and who the hell are u to say this i ll keep this fast so pls haan keep ur mouth shut.... dont u dare say anything to anyone...

Sans : are u kidding me... dont u know what happened to u two days before

Sw : thats my problem what bothers u haan... u mind ur own business...(saying this she went leaving a cursing sans who was cursing her in his mind for being so stubborn)

Once the pooja was done sw was abt to leave since she was the last one to do pooja and was abt to leave but the pandit ji stopped her..

Pan : swara beti....

Sw : ji pandit ji...

Pan gave her a sacred thread: tie this on his hands (seeing towards sanskar who was standing with others with a grumpy face) seems like he is an angry young man.. looks like he loves u.. alot if i could say...

Sw who was smiling seeing towards sanskar dint listen to his words after the angry young man quote : yes he is... thank u pandit ji... i ll tie this to him (she was abt to ask another thread for laksh but he had left by then) how weird... he told me to tie this for sanskar... y did he not tell me to tie this to laksh (sighing heavily) any way lets he would have some reason for doing this...

Sans who was standing near the entrance waiting for swara... as she was doing pooja and laksh has gone to fill petrol in the car and rags has accompanied him... others have already gone on the other car... sw who saw him standing came to him and stood infront if him making him confused...

Sans: is ur pooja over... shall we leave...

Sw(with straight face): show ur hand..

Sans : what??

Sw (rolling her eyes took his hand which was inside his pant pockets making him sigh seeing his stuborn girl): y cant u do as i say (saying this she started tieing the thread on his hand)

Sans : arre what is all this??? i dont like these things remove this...

Sw : just shut up... i will tie this and u ll not remove it from ur hand... u have my swear... pandit ji gave me this so shut up and let me do my work... and i repeat dont u dare remove this ok... (said angrily making sans close his mouth)

Sw who was tieing the thread on his hand making him stare at her lovingly... once she finished tieing the thread she was abt to leave only to be pushed towards sanskar by a man making sanskar to pull her towards him securely...

Sw (to the person who dashed her): dont u have eyes... nonsense...

Man who dashed her : o i do have eyes girl and if i have seen u before i would have dashed u that time itself... missed it yaar (saying this he saw her in a lusty way)

Sw (angrily): u... how dare u haan (showing her index finger to him)

Man : oh i have too much dare darling want to see (saying this he came towards her making sw move back only to dash her back on sanskar)

Sans seeing the man with rage : stop rite thr... and back off

Man : what if i dont haan... and who are u to stop me.. such a hot and sexy girl haan (saying this he smiled at swara lustfully and again tried to touch her)

Sans who was all red by now punched him straight on his face making him hiss in pain and the other man was abt to punch him only stopped by sanskar who caught his hand and started to beat him black and blue...

Sans to the man while beating him: how dare u... haan how dare u... already i was in bad mood and u made it worst... u bastard how dare u try to touch her haan (sw who was in shock all these time came out of it and started dragging sanskar towards her to stop him beating the man)

Sw : sanskar stop this leave him he ll die... please see everyone is staring at us pls leave him... pls sanskar for my sake pls

Sans who heard sw left him (in a warning tone) : if i see u near her or any other girl hereafter i ll kill u... (Saying this he went angrily and stood near a pillar breathing heavily in anger)

Sw while touching sanskars shoulder : sanskar calm down

Sans in anger : seriously swara... calm down??? U want me to calm down... he tried to touch u in an inappropriate way and u want me to calm down wow... (saying this he punched the wall forcefully making his hand bleed)

Sw immediately caught his hand and was having tears in her eyes seeing him hurt(she herself dint know why she was crying): sanskar what are u doing.. y are u hurting urself haan... see ur knuckles are bleeding... he tried to touch me but he dint na u were thr to save me na... why did u beat him like that he would have died sanskar... (seeing sans not responding called him again) sanskar... are u even listening to me...

Sans (in anger caught hold of her shoulders tightly making her hiss): let him die na... let him die... let others also know what will happen when they try to touch u inappropriately.. let me make one thing clear to u... no one... hear me out keenly no one can touch u in a wrong way or even see u in a wrong way... if any one tries to harm u i ll kill them... nothing no one can stop me from that... not even u... i ll never let any harm reach u until i am thr with u...

Sw (teary eyed): y sanskar... y... what would have happened if he has beaten u back... what if he had harmed u (while touching his face lovingly) y sanskar... if something had happens to u then what I would do...

San (smiled sarcastically): ur asking me this... ur asking me y did i do this... then listen me.... because I STILL LOVE U... YES I LOVE U SWARA... I LOVE U SO MUCH THAT IT HURTS.. u may not love me but how could i undo this feeling for u haan... how will i... JAAN HO THUM MERI... ur my life how will i... (left her with a jerk and smiled sadly) who am i telling this to... (while gripping his hair tightly in anger) i i know ur engaged to laksh and i know this is wrong... i can completely understand ur point of rejecting me as well swara... but how will i convince my heart which is beating for u... which is beating because of u... this bloody thing is inside me but its beating for u... how can i say that to stop thinking of u... huh... how can i tell this to stop looking at u... how can i tell this to not desire abt u (saw sw who was standing thr like a statue) i i am sorry swara... i am so sorry... i know even after u rejecting me i am still standing infront of u confessing my love yet again and how much u would hate me for this...(sw shook her head in no... but sanskar was in his own world to see her actions) but.. but trust me i am trying... I am trying swara.... but pls dont tell me to stop loving u immediately... atleast give me sometime... and i i i i ll surely go out of ur life (said this by closing his eyes tight and his fingers crossed)

(saying this he went towards the other side of the road and stood thr waiting for laksh)

Sw who saw him leaving took some steps backward only to get hit by the pillar and sat down with a thud and started crying loudly... (since the place was lil lonely and everyone in the temple has gone by now no one was thr)

Sw(while crying her heart out): y.... y... y did u fall for me sanskar... y... u could have got a better girl than me rite... who can make u happy... who can make u smile... i only gave u pain and i am still giving u pain... u could have fallen for any other girl than this unlucky girl who cant even tell anyone abt her feelings... y do u love me this much sanskar... y... pls pls pls dont love me i am not worth ur love... i i am a coward who cant even say anything to her family members... i am that girl who was unable to even stop her own engagement( first of all sw was not ok with the plan of engagement... as swara wanted to work and earn some money by her own wanted to go to city and pursue her dream job.. everyone in the family was against her... Sw somehow convinced them but their only condition was to get engaged with laksh... since he wil also be thr in the same city as her he will take care of her... she also agreed since at that time she only wanted to pursue her carrier.. her only focus was achieving her dreams) she will not be able to stop her wedding aswell... u will not understand me now one will... my family has given me so much sanskar... they have stood by me through my thick and thin and u know when my mom was not thr with me it was lakshs mom and badi ma who took care of me like their own... how could i disrespect them... how could i... not only ur heart sanskar... even my heart is betraying me... i dont hate u sanskar... trust me i dont hate u... and i cannot hate u... even if i say i hate u i cannot hate u... how can a girl hate a person who loves her wholeheartedly..... that time when u proposed me on that day somewhere my heart was so happy... But i neglected it... even now seeing u hurt my heart is bleeding... how will i tell this bloody heart that its wrong... so wrong... (as she was crying dint notice that there was person who has also heard her talkings who was none other than sanskar)

Sans who was standing for some mins dint find sw and came to see for her only to get the shock of his life hearing her talking to herself seeing her in this state made his heart break.... he understood now what she is going through and he was happy to know she too had this slight feeling on him and he is happy with this... this is enough for him... he has heard from laksh that how she had been a moody and a very silent person after her mothers demise and how they all stood up for her... how she loved her family and how she respected each and everyones words... now seeing her broken made him feel very bad for her... y not she is his heart... she is his life... he himself doesnt know when he started loving her this much... but he can say one thing there is no sanskar without swara...

Sw who saw someones shadow infront of her turned only to meet the brownish black eyes which was haunting her all these days... she got up from her place slowly...

Sans sternly : laksh called me... he will reach in a min or two it seems....

Sw wiping her tears fully making herself presentable: ya lets go...


Stoping here hope u all liked it... planning to end this story in the next part... wait for the sizzling romance next...... do u ppl want some more parts of this story or one more is enough... its up to u guys...

Thank u


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