Last part 3

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Last part 3

As laksh came back saw sw and sans and found there is something wrong

Lak : kya hua... any problem (saw sans hand bleeding) sanskar what happened to your hand...

Sw : wo actually (she narrated the whole incident except their confession part)

Lak who heard this got tensed and hugged swara making sans fist his hand and close his eyes turning to otherside

Sw while coming out of the hug : i am ok laksh nothing happened to me... (seeing towards sans) sanskar was thr na... to save me...

Rag hugged sw tightly: di are u ok...

Sw : of course rags i am ok what will happen to me when he is thr(looking at the back of sanskar)

Laks who heard this went and hugged sanskar : thank u yaar... u dont know how much it means to me... u saved her thank u sanakar...

Sans: its ok laksh... come now lets leave..

Lak : ya ya lets leave... (went and sat on the driving seat and rags sat on passenger seat and swasan at the back)

Sw : hmmm laksh... get me the first aid kit..

Sans : it ok... no need of that... i ll manage

Sw without giving him heed : laksh give me the firstaid kit... (saying this she got the first aid kit and was abt to hold his hand but sans took his hand back making her sigh)

Sw : sanskar it will get infected... pls

Seeing no reaction from his end she sat close to him and with a firm grip took his hand on her lap making sans look at the other side as he was not able to control himself...

Sw who saw his turning his face the other side sighed heavily and turned his face towards her with her right hand making him look at her...

Sw : sorry... i am so sorry (she doesnt know why but she apologized to him making his heart flutter) pls dont turn ur face from me... pls...

Sans sighed : i am the one who should say sorry... i am sorry... i should have not...(before he could complete sw shook her head in no)

Sw cleaned his hand and bandaged his hand securely...

Sw while carressing his hand with teary eyes : is it paining...

Sans looking at her lovingly : not now... not anymore...


Swara and rags were in kitchen for cooking lunch as elders were tired after the travelling and since sw has come after long time ans as she loves cooking... she wanted to cook atleast one dish for everyone daily...

Sw while drinking water : what do u think we should prepare for lunch rags...

Rag: dont know di... anything is ok for me... i am too tired... i just want to rest... and pls haan dont start preparing lots of dishes.... its already past our lunch time...

Sw while checking the kitchen cupboards : how abt kichidi... sanskar tho loves it (while taking all the necessary things for preparing kichidi) o my god... (smiled remembering something) u know that day when we went to hotel... he ordered kichidi we all saw him weirdly like seriously who will order kichidi after going to the hotel... but he... he tho ate the whole kichidi as if its was his last meal (smiled thinking abt the day when in office everyone went to hotel for having lunch)

Rags (confused) : but di... when did u go to hotel with him???

Sw (nervously): wo wo haan when we were coming here together na that time... (smiled nervously)

Rags : oh ok and ya even thats easy to prepare come lets start...

Sw : ya lets start...

As they were preparing lunch kavs came in seeing both engrossed in work started cutting the potatos into two making sw see her questioningly...

Sw : kavi what are u doing...

Kav(nervously): wo di i am making aloo parata... i want to eat thats y...

Sw : oh... dont worry i ll make it for u give it to me...

Kav : no no di i ll make....

Sw : arre its ok kavi... and u know how much i love cooking... so u go and take rest i ll make...

Kav while cursing sw for being bossy and went out with irritated face... sw finished all the cooking and sent lunch for all the family members to their room as they were tired...

Sw smilingly filled a big bowl full of kichidi with sansakrs favourite achaar and papad and went to sanskar's room only to get a shock of her life...

Sw (angrily): whats happening here??? And u what are u doing here...

The person (smiling nervously): wo sanskar ji is been injured na... and that too in his hand thats y thought to help him...(as sw came to give lunch to sanskar saw a grumpy sanskar sitting on the bed turning his face otherside being irritated by kavitha who was sitting lil far from him... as she has come to his room and was forcing him to eat those damn paratas that to with her hands making sans to turn his face otherside... he was denying for a long time but she was not listening to him making him angry)

Sw (smiling fakely): oh pls dont u worry... he will definitely eat... btw kavi.. sanskar doesnt like paratas... hai na sanskar(grifting her teeth)

Sans gulping in fear seeing sw : ya ya... i dont like parata (in mind) from today...

Sw smiling widely kept the tray of food on the bed side table and sat in that gap between sans and kav by squeezing herself in the middle of them and took the plate from kav forcefully with a smile(fake smile) making sans widen his eyes as she was sitting so close to him that too she was sitting half on his thighs...

Sw (smiling fakely at kav): but u know what??? i loveeee paratas... so sweet of u kavi.. thank u soo much.. dont worry i ll have this... there are some more in the kitchen i have made some extra... u go and have it... go go if not it will get cold... go... i ll take care of sanskar u go... (turning towards sanskar while giving him an angry glare making him gulp in fear)

Kav(irritated): diiii... but i bought this for him...

Sw : but he doesn't like paratas so i ll have it.... now pls can u go and haan how did i forget this... mom was calling u... go... go fast...

Kav went out cursing sw in her mind...

Sw who sat thr tore a peice of parata and started chewing it as if chewing her sister...

Sans who saw sw eating : hmmm swara wo... i think u should move a lil bit...

Sw who saw him angrily: y??? when she was sitting on ur bed u dint tell anything to her nor did u have any problem... now when i sat u have problem huh

Sans sighed heavily : its not like that

Sw : then like what... btw tell me one thing why did u let her sit near u on the bed...

Sans : its not like that... i was just sitting here she came and sat thr... what do u want me to do... u want me to chuck her out of the room saying her to get out... and for ur information she was sitting more far than u...

Sw : exactly... u should have done that... u should have thrown her out of ur room... but no u were so kind and was making her sit near u that too on your bed...

Sans : swara pls... she was sitting more faraway from me... ur saying as if we were having a happy time chatting with each other...

Sw who heard this held his collar and pulled his face closer to hers making sans eyes wide : dont u dare sanskar... dont u dare think of seeing any girl or talk to anyone...

Sans : why???? what will u do if i do...(while smirking)

Sw (seriously): i ll kill u (saying this he left his collar and started to eat the paratas casually making sans look at her with wide mouth)

Sans : this is too much... i can talk with any one i want u cannot dictate me... did u get that...

Sw (while eating casually): fine then... be ready to be beaten by me

Sans : wat??? (Instead of replying she fed him a peice of parata making sanskar moan in happiness since he has not had any food from morning) hmmm tasty...

Sw smiled at his childish face which was happy seeing food... how can a person be so cute and hot at the same time she thought...

sans on the other hand was opening his mouth wide for her to feed him more... sw rolled her eyes and got up from her place making sanskar to pout but soon his pout became a big smile seeing the bowl infront if him..

Sans : wowwwww kichidi... (saying this he held the bowl with his right hand only to hiss in pain and take his hand back) ahhhh..

Sw : idiot... its hot... cant u wait a lil i was going to feed u only... it was hot and ur hand is injured idiot.... (sans pouted making sw sigh) here have (saying this she fed him a spoon of kichidi by blowing it as the same was hot... making him moan once again devouring his favourite food making sw smile) is it good

Sans: good???? Its the best kichidi i have ever had... u know ur moms are best...

Sw : oh hello... i made this and haan yesterday dinner was also made by me...

Sans: really... i dint know that u know to cook

Sw rolling her eyes : of course how will u know when u have not eaten my hand made food... even if u had... ur focus will only be on the plate and nothing else

Sans (dreamy eyes and happily eating her hand made food): i will love to eat your hand made food for life... waaa... (excitedly) ur the best and i love u so much

(As soon as he finished saying this both their faces became stern and no one spoke after that... sw was feeding him and he was eating silently making him sigh in relief as she has not replied him anything nor she has scolded him... silent swara is better than the angry lioness (only if he knows what he is talking))

Sw who has fed sanskar came to her room smiling like an idiot thinking abt sanskar and his words which was making her happy... she started turning round and round and round in happiness and fell on her bed hugging her pillow happily and slept smiling happily.... sans was also smiling happily hugging his pillow thinking abt the way sw scolded him and the way she fed him and also when she has finished feeding his food she cleaned his mouth with her pallu which made him very happy... he too slept thinking abt her as his tummy was full and his heart was also full and happy after long days....

Next day morning

Sw as panditji as told her she has got ready early morning in a green colour chudidar and was looking so beautiful with wet hairs and kajal on her eyes... she was not having any make up on her face and was looking divine... sw did pooja and started to go to sans room as she was giving prashad to everyone went to give him aswell but stopped near the door seeing him sleeping like a kid while hugging the pillow making sw smile at him...

Sw kept the plate on the nearby table and went to move the curtains so that there is some sunlight on the room and turned around only to get shocked seeing his suitcase which was open and all the things were scattered inside it... anyone can say the person has dumped all the clothes inside it and do not have any knowledge to how to pack...

Sw : this sanskar na... if he doesnt know to pack he should have told me na.. i would have helped him but no sir have to do everything on his own(she was blabbering everything without her knowledge)

Then sw took out all the clothes from his suitcase... folded them neatly and kept it inside the empty cupboard in a proper way sighing heavily and turned towards sans who was still sleeping with a pout since there was some sun rays falling on his face...

Sw who saw this went towards him sat near him on his bed and removed his pillow from his hand to wake him up only for him to search the same in his sleep making sw chuckle but soon her face became nervous... as sans who was in search of pillow touched her lap making sw panic but before she could get up sans placed his head on her lap and slept peacefully holding it as pillow

Sw who was nervous all these time looked at his face and was unable to think anything sighed and caressed his hairs making him smile in sleep...

Sw calmly while carressing his hairs : sanskar.... get up its morning... how much will u sleep haan get up now...

Sans cuddled more on her lap making pout : pls 2 mins more...

Sw : ok fine only 2mins more...

Sans : thank u (smiled in sleep only to frown and open his eyes to come across a green colour dress and slowly he turned his face only to get up in shock and started to rub his eyes vigorously) swara u??? How come ur here and this how (becoming nervous as he came to know he was sleeping on her lap dont know from when)

Sw : finally... sleeping beauty is awake... and thank god u can see me (sarcastically)

Sans(grumpy face): arre yaar... i am asking u something... answer me first..

Sw taking the tray dumped a ladoo on his hand in force making him come out of his sleep fully : for this... i did pooja and came here to give u prasadh only to see what??? a very cute and sweet sleeping beauty(teased him playfully and was abt to go only for him to stop her by holding her hand)

Sans: u did pooja mathlab... ur fasting today rite (while grifting his teeth) y cant u understand swara its not good for ur health... stop all this its rubbish...

Sw (annoyed) : pls sanskar not again... i cannot fight with u early in the morning... so pls and stop thinking abt this...(sans turned his face in anger making sw sigh heavily) pls sanskar understand u may not like all these things but its like this here and i love doing all these... and its for my good life... so what's bad in it... (turned his face towards her with her hand) now stop being grumpy early in the morning and get freshen up... i ll send ur black coffee... and will bring ur favourite paneer parata...

Sans while removing her hand stood up from bed : i dont want anything... u leave...

Sw : sanskar...

Sans: pls sw leave... i ll come down in some time pls...

Sw sighed seeing him going towards the washroom after keeping the ladoo back on the plate with an irritated face and smiled sadly and made her way down to prepare bf for everyone...

@bf table

Dada : arre wah... what is the spl occasion today that everyone is on time for bf...(says as he can see everyone is present thr and have assembled before him even sanskar was sitting with a grumpy face)

Rags happily ; ya because di is cooking everything today...

Sans clencher his fist hearing this(murmuring) : what should i do with this girl... already she is fasting even after me saying her not to... and now she is doing this much work... does she have any brain... can anyone be more silly and foolish than her... what if she faints with so much of working that too in hot kitchen... i ll just kill her but before that let me fill some sense on her stupid brain (saying this to himself he was abt to get up only to stop seeing sw coming with servents with big big bowls making him more angry) this girl na she wants to do everything herself... what does she think of herself... a super women... (sighed heavily and sat down)

Sw smiling happily : swaras special bf is ready... so come on lets eat... and i am serving today...

Sans (murmuring lil louder): ya only this was left (he said irritatingly making a person smile happily who was none other than kavi who came and sat beside him when he was cursing sw)

Kavi : u too dont like her... wow i dont like her too(sans saw her with amusement)

U know why.... here even if i do thousands of things eod my family members will be like... u know shona would have done it better... u know shona is best in this... she is best in that... shona this shona that... shona shona shona... thats y i don't like her... that doesn't mean i hate her and all ... and u know what even my mom loves her more than me... u know how it feels (pouts making sans angry on her... y not ofcourse he would be angry... how can someone talk bad abt his love... his life... he can tolerate anything against him but not a word against his angel)

Sans (grifting his teeth and controlling his anger): ur a small kid... and u don't understand things easily... if ur parents tell u that she is better then its not that ur bad at it... it means u should work more harder and do better than her... u should not hate them or dislike them... as far as i know they all love u... ya they all love her more becase she is living far away... away from everyone alone and she is not enjoying thr she is struggling thr... so here after dont talk rubbish abt anyone or anything with out knowing things fully... understood... and on top of that she is ur sister she loves u and cares for u not only u for everyone in this family... she loves ur family more than anything (said making kavi bow her head down in shame)

Sw who saw them murmuring narrowed her eyes and went towards them to serve them sans who saw her turned his face otherside

Sw : whats going on with u too and y did u stop talking when u saw me coming haan...

Kav nervously: nothing di... nothing

Sw : hmm... (to kav) see kavi what have i made ur favourite gajar ka halwa... (whispered so no one can hear her except her)and u know i have kept a big bowl of it separately for u... (smiled at her with affection making kav more guilty of her act)

Kav (smiling tearfully): thank u di...

Sw (while patting her head): pagal... now eat (served her and was abt to serve sans when all of a sudden he stood from his place making everyone look at him questioningly)

Sans: wo wo... i i i just remembered i have a video call to attend so... u all continue i ll eat afterwards (smiled at everyone and went towards his room making sw sigh seeing his anger)

@sans room

Sans who came in anger was sitting on hiels bed cursing sw for not listening to him... after serving everyone sw excused herself and came to sans room with his bf plate only to frown seeing him sitting on bed with angry face murmuring something...

Sw : what are u murmuring...

Sans who saw her turned his face and murmured: why did she come here now...

Sw rolled her eyes and sat beside him on her bed making sans look at her with narrowed eyes...

Sw : what... i know u dont have any video call so here have ur bf... dont show ur anger on food...

Sans : u dont have to teach me... i know what to do... u go

Sw : ur mad at me i know... but pls dont spoil ur health... now have this bf...

Sans : y... u can spoil ur health and i cannot??... what bothers u.....

Sw sighed : i am already tired sanskar pls dont start fighting... now eat... (took a morsel towards his mouth only for sans to turn his face like a stubborn kid)

Sans : i dont want this...

Sw : hello pls haan... i am telling u calmly doesnt mean u will throw tantrums like a kid.... now shut up and eat

Sans : i said i dont want anything... cant u leave me alone for atleast some time... pls leave

Sw (in anger): u know what??? Go to hell... i was just feeling bad that ur not eating anything because of me and came here to give u this but u... ur an ungrateful brat... what for me starve urself once u ll get hungry na then u ll know... (saying this she went out taking his plate by cursing him on her mind) what he thinks of himself... idiot... let him starve then he will know... idiotic person... bekaar mein i cooked his fav bf huh...

Whole day went by... but sanskar was still in his room and was busy doing what?? Only god knows... since sw was fasting she was doing some of her pending works to divert her mind from food not to forget she was hell hungry... and also today everyone in the house has gone to one their relatives house as thr was some function except swasan and since kav was having her exams she dint go and same with rags and laksh has gone with them to drop everyone...

Sw as soon as she saw the time smiled happily seeing its time to break her fast and went down to do pooja to complete her fast... once done she went out and sat on the dinning table with a plate full of food infront of her with a cute pout

Sw with pout : when will this idiot laksh come... as per pandit jis words i have to eat only after he eats that too from the same plate (thinking of this her heart pains but still she ignored the feeling and started looking at the plate and the entrance) thats it i cannot wait more now (saying this she tried calling laks but he was not picking up her call) what the hell y is he not lifting the call... hmmm ok let me call mom and check with her (called suju only to know that they will take time and since its becoming dark outside laksh is also with them and everyone will come in the morning... hearing this sw was happy inside that he will not be thr to break her fast and smiled wholeheartedly without her knowledge) hmmm finally i can have food now... (she was abt to have a spoon full of kheer but only to be stopped as she was getting hiccups) oh god (since water was not thr on the table she went inside the kitchen to get some water for herself)

On the other side since Sans who was all these time angry on sw dint eat anything and his stomach was growling like anything... asking him to feed something... soon sans came down only to meet a plate full of food making his eyes wide...

Sans: arre who is going to eat all these... (sees here and thr but didnot found anyone... then his eyes went on the clock) may be this is kept by swara since she knew i dint eat anything from morning... hmmm btw she would have had her food by now(sighed sadly thinking she has had her food as laksh only went few hours before and now the time was 8) hmm anyway lets eat (saying this he took a spoon of kheer and tasted it only to moan in delight) wowwww delicious lets taste this (saying this he took a peice of roti dipping it in sabji and had by licking his fingers) waaa waaa soooo good sooo delicious (like wise he started eating each and every dish on the plate and by now his plate was half over he was abt to have more only to be interupted by a ph call which was from laksh to ask him abt sw since sw lines were busy) haan laksh bolo( while licking his fingers) what sw line is engaged may be she is on another call... wait let me give her the ph (saying this he got up and started walking towards sw room)

As soon as sans went from thr sw came out of the kitchen cursing her office members (as she went to drink water was distracted by a ph call from office asking her several doubts abt the new project making her irritated)

Sw while coming towards dining table : these ppl na... they only know to eat my head... useless idiots... i am already hungry on top of that they are making me mad (saying this she with out noticing her plate which was half empty digged the spoon full of kheer and tasted it by moaning happily) aaaa heaven... (while enjoying her kheer closing her eyes had three more spoons and digged in again only to find the bowl empty)(confused) did i finish the whole bowl that too in 4 spoons... weird... (thats when she notices the plate where the plate which was full was now half eaten making her eyes wide) who the hell ate from my plate... idiots... (thinks) may be kav ya she is one bukkad... she would have ate this stupid girl (saying this she sighed and started having her food on the same plate which was half eaten by sanskar unknowingly)

Sans who was searching for sw dint find her in the room came down only to see sw eating her food wholeheartedly and happily making him shake his eyes and smile at her

Sans came and sat beside sw : swara (sw was still busy eating) swara (lil louder)

Sw : hmmm tell me (still busy eating)

Sans by shaking his head : laksh called me he said he will reach oly tomoro morning itseems

Sw : oh ya.. mom told me...

Sans who saw sw eating pouted making sw look at him wierdly

Sw : what happened y are u pouting like a kid

Sans : kheer (showing the empty bowl which was thr near the plate)

Sw rolling her eyes : dont make faces i have kept a big bowl full of kheer for u go and have it its near the (before she could complete sans has already gone to the kitchen making sw to hit her hand on her forehead) hai bagwaan... him and his love for food... huh

Sans who bought a bowl full of kheer smiled sheepishly and started eating making sw admire him and how cute he was while eating kheer... meanwhile zans started searching something on the table making sw frown

Sw : what are u searching

Sans : wo nothing i was having food before the call but now the plate is not thr did u see the plate it was here oly (widen his eyes realising something.. seeing sw and the plate infornt of her which was empty now)

Sw : but when i came only this plate was thr (widen her eyes in realisation)

Swasan : you???? (Pointing towards each other)

Swasan : did u eat from this plate (widen their eyes more) no way... u y are u repeating my words... aahhhh

Sw : stop... stopppp... let me ask first... did u eat in this plate

Sans shaking his head in no and then in yes nervously seeing sw looking at him intensely : hmmm no yes actually wo (stood up in a jerk) i dint know it was for u... i was hungry and ya who told u to leave the plate here that too with so much delicious food... its ur fault not mine... and i am not sorry for eating that... dhane dhane main lika hai kaane vale ka naam... so it was written on my name so i ate... what will u do haan.. (blabbering all this he ran to his room making sw see him with wide eyes and her mouth hung open listening to him)

Sw who saw him running laughed loudly holding her stomach seeing him and sat down by taking his bowl which was havinv some kheer left as sans have not eaten fully... looking at the bowl she smiled lovingly and started eating from the same bowl by licking the spoon without leaving a single drop...

@night 12o clock

We can see a girl jumping happily hugging her pillow and she was having a big smile on her face... we can read from her eyes how happy and delighted she was y not her eyes where the most expressive ones which can make ppl fall into them in a jiffy... and her lips... ooofff god has indeed taken his own time creating her...

Girl : oh my god... oh my god..... oh my god... i am soooooooooo happyyyyyyy... ohhhhhhh goooddddd how can u do this to my lil heart this much happiness... how can ur lil swara handle this(telling this she fell on her bed and hugged her pillow tightly) (yes the girl was none other than swara urf shona) awweeee i should have known abt this... u were giving me signs but me... not so intelligent me dint understand all these... but thank u soooo much (with happy tears) thank u super man(lord ganesha) for doing this for me... i am sooo thankfull to u and i lobeeeee uuuuu(love u)

As she was on her own world she dint heard the knocking sound on her door and was dreaming abt something and blushing like anything only to be disturbed by a tap on her shoulder making her jerk from her bed and look at the person in shook

Sw : what the hell... what are u doing here haan that to at this time...

Person : wo i knocked the door there was no response and the door was also not closed so i came in and u were in ur own world (to himself) smiling like an idiot

Sw (pouts cutely and gets up standing infront of him while keeping her hands on her hip making the person smile nervously) i am not smiling like an idiot and ya i heard u mr sanskar maheshwari.... (ya that person was sanskar) and what are u doing here in my room

Sans : wo actually i came here to say...

Sw going towards him making him nervous and move backwards : to say???

Sans(gulping nervously) : to say... (before he could say his back was hit by a wall making him halt in the place making sw smirk)

Sw whlie moving her face close to his : to say???

Sans closed his eyes and opened it unable to take in their intimacy.. he can feel her so near him... he can smell her fragnance which is the most favourite thing in this whole damn world which would make him forget everything and fill his heart with only one thing thats her... yes as soon as her fragnance hit him the only thing which he can think is swara... his swara... his angel

Sans (murmuring): sorry

Sw (with a husky voice) : i cant hear u babe...

Sans (shocked listening to her): babe???

Sw who saw him shocked traced her finger towards his forehead then to his nose and at last towards his lips ever so slowly making sans more nervous

Sans : sw.. swara... what are u doing...

Sw (while tracing her finger on his rough yet soft cheeks): saying sanskar... u were saying something

Sans shaking his head in no

Sw : no... i thought so (saying this she turned his face towards left side and kissed him ever so softly yet lil firmly on his right cheeks making him feel her soft plumpy lips imprint on his cheeks... it was like a feather touch so soft yet there was a lingering feeling on his cheek and he can feel her cheeks even after that soft kiss or say peck on his cheek.... his eyes widened in shock when he came to know what she has done)

Sans who was in shock touched his right cheek with his hand and then saw his hand making sw move lil far from him only to come out of shock by a hand infornt of him which was swaras

Sw who saw sanskar examing his hand shook her hand infront of him making him come back from the shock

Sw : excuse me where are u lost...

Sans touching his right cheek : u... me...

Sw confused : what u me??? What are u trying to tell me sanskar... i am asking u from a long time what are u trying to say...

Sans still in shock : wo... u... u... kkkiii

Sw : what key??? which key???...

Sans (while closing his eyes and opening it taking a deep breathe and told fastly): u kissed me...

Sw with wide eyes : whhhaaattt???? Iii... u mean iiii iii kissed u???? What nonesense... Ridiculous...

Sans : i but u... (stammering)

Sw (irritated): what are u trying to say sanskar... that i kissed u... huh have u gone mad... and did u see the time u should be sleeping now... but no u want to day dream and spoil my sleep aswell... and now ur saying i kissed u???? Are u even listening to urself... i think ur gone mad due to lack of sleep go and sleep first...

Sans confused : but u (touching his cheek) huh (in mind) may be i was day dreaming (to sw) i am sorry my fault...

Sw rolled her eyes seeing him going and fell on bed inorder to sleep...

Sans went towards his room with a confused face and stood near the mirror: am i dreaming or did she really kiss me (saw his cheek keenly on the mirror finding nothing) huh ur a gone case sanskar... how will she kiss u... idiot do u think she will kiss u that too in real... u... huh first of all she is not for u sanskar the soon u understand this the soon u ll be able to move on... as she said i have gone mad... huh if u think more u ll be a gone case... which u are already... huh lets sleep sanskar...

Sw on bed : i kissed him it seems... i... i the swara gadodia kissed him itseems... nice joke rite... can u imagine... has he gone mad or what... huh he doesnt even know the difference between a real kiss and a peck idiot (saying this she smiled blushingly)(to the pillow which she was hugging) what??? i can do anything with him... and ya i really gave him a peck... so what if that was on the cheek but still it was my first peck ok... (to the pillow) did u see his face as soon as he thought it was a dream hahahaha it was worth watching... what did he think i ll go and fall in his arms immediately... huh no i ll not... all these days he have troubled me so i ll trouble him from now on... lets see what he will do... (saying this she smiled lying on the bed and she was so happy today)


We can see a shadow near a balcony which is seeing here and thr and then the shadow went inside a room where a person was sleeping cutely with a frown on his face and that person was none other than sanskar who was sleeping cutely....

The shadow came near him and laid on the other side of his bed and went lil closer to him as now the shadow can feel his hot breathe on the face making the shadow smile and go more near him while caressing his face lovingly making his frown vanish frm his face...

Sans who was in deep sleep felt some movement near him and a soft hand carressing his face opened his eyes only to meet a very beautiful hazel nut ones which was looking at him in admiration... which was haunting him all his nights...

Sans in shock sat up on his bed : u... what are u doing here... (seeing the locked door) the door is also closed how come ur here... how did u come inside (the person was just smiling at him sweetly) i am asking something swara.. hello mam u (yes the shadow was none other than swara... u all must have known) i am asking u something... and wats with this smile

Sw smiled again and pulled him on the bed making him lay on the bed and started carressing his face again making him frown...

Sw : shhhh calm down.. and sleep

Sans (confused totally): are u really here or am i dreaming again????

Sw while carressing his face and hair simultaneously : wat do u think...

Sans : what do i think (asked her absent mindedly seeing her so close to him.. this proximity was making some weird things inside him...)

Sw : what do u think?? is it dream or real...

Sans (so lost on her face) : be it dream or reality i dont wnt this to end... i want tje time to stop here and to see only ur beautiful face that too so close to me... (saying this he took his hand towards sw face only to stop at some distance making sw smile at his hesitation)

Sw who saw him hesitate took his hand an kept on her cheek making his eyes wide : just calm down sanskar...

Sans : swara

Sw : hmmm

San cupping her face with both hands : swara...

Sw : hmmm

Sans moved more closer to her while his nose was touching hers : swa..... JAAN

Sw who heard him call her jaan looked at him shockingly but soon masked her expression and smiled with teary eyes : shhh enough of everything now sleep (saying this she rubbed her nose with his making sans close his eyes and feel their closeness... they were close yet so apart... they were apart yet too close... they can feel themselves closely intimately without even coming so close... thats the beauty of love... u dont need the person to hug u or make love to all the time... just their presence... just their presence would do wonders thats wat sanskar is feeling now... her with him laying beside him... thats all he wanted nothing else and he can conquer the whole world if she is with him)

Sans emotionally caressing her face while lil sleepy... as she was carressing his face softly it was making him sleepy : I LOVE YOU JAAN PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME... UR MY LIFE... (tear drop fell from his eyes)

Sw who was unable to see his tears smiled softly at him and kissed his forehead making him close his eyes and slowly kissed his teary eyes only for another drop of tear to come out of his eyes

Sw : shhhh sleep my baby..... just close ur eyes and sleep... eveything will be alright... i ll make everything rite i promise u.... we are alright my baby (saying this she kissed his forehead and seeing no movement from his side for one last time that night carressed his face and pecking his cheeks covered him with a blanket.. smiling at his sleeping figure one last time she went out through the balcony)

As their room was side by side both balconies were interlinked but there was a wall in the middle which was actually a plastic door which only family members knew and with the help of the door sw have come to meet him to check on him... whether he is sleeping peacefully after her dream drama...

So guys... love is in the air.... as some of u asked going to write two more chapters and i am gonna end this story...

What do u think??? will sanskar find that swara was real. Or will he believe it to be a dream... let see...

Hope u all liked my story...

Thank u

And i ll love to read ur comments... do share ur thoughts and feedbacks

Love u all


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