Chapter Four

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John's Perspective

The rest of the day went by quickly, almost like a breeze. Like usual, the classes were boring and tiring.

Well, it was, until seventh period study hall when Jefferso-I mean, Thomas started making an announcement.

"Attention everyone. I am having a Halloween party tonight." Thomas started to announce, standing infront of the class, with his friend-and practically his right hand man-James Madison, due to the teacher being out of the room.

"It's the middle of October it's not close to-" Someone from the back of the room started to say, before Madison shot them a look and they went dead silent.

James has this.....affect on people. Sure, he's popular and a bit nicer than others who would be in his position, but people still often aren't exactly...the nicest to him.

But whenever he's with Thomas, everyone just seems to stop with all that crap and actually respect him. It's kind of weird how it works, and concerning.

"Although, some of you obviously can't come due to standing. I wouldn't be surprised if you crashed it. It's too great to miss." He finished, soon sitting back in his seat as the teacher walked back in.

"Ugh," Peggy turned to me, "his ego is even bigger than his hair." I let out a small snort. She has a little bit of a glimmer in her eyes. Oh no. I know that look.

"Pegs, are you planning on crashing it?" I ask her. She shrugged, fiddling a bit with the sleeves of her yellow sweater.

"Honestly? I'm not even sure why I'd even bother to go to something like that run by someone like him. But also it seems fun to crash so I might do it." Peggy explained.

I was about to reply to her, until Thomas suddenly appeared in the space between our two desks. Why is he over here? And what's that in his hands?

"Look, I'm not giving these to you guys out of sympathy, but you guys seem at least a little....decent enough to come. Probably even more than others. So here." Thomas said, handing each an invitation and walking away.

I turned to Peggy, her mouth slightly hung in shock. She turned to me, and grinned a little.

"So," She begun, holding up the letter, "you going?"

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I ask her, walking up to her. The school day ended, and Peggy told me she was going.

And from what I've heard from Laf and Herc, apparently they got invited as well via getting their cards from Madison so they are going as well. I just needed to make sure I could go since it's in an hour so I decided to ask my mom, who was sitting at a table reading.

"If it's about gays and not straight people, kiss whoever you want, honey. I'll still love you." She said, although I can't exactly tell if she's joking or not.

Since, at this point it's basically a fact that I'm not straight and even my mother can tell.

I smiled a little. "No, not today. I was actually asking if I could go to a Halloween party? It's at six and-"

She suddenly slid over her keys and interrupted me. "You can go. Just....stay safe. There's a lot of bad kids out there, especially now and.... Look, just promise me you won't do anything crazy tonight?" She asked me, with a small bit of worry in her eyes.

I nodded in response. "I promise." She smiled and stood up, and ruffled my hair, and went off to go do...whatever she went to do.

I grabbed the keys, and headed out. Well, after I changed into an orange long sleeved shirt and black pants and grey Nikes, of course. It's not exactly a costume, but the shirt has a pumpkin on it so it'll do.

I pull up to the house, my hands shaking on the steering wheel a bit. I can't believe I'm actually going in there. With all those people inside there, with all the lights, sounds, and-

I hear a knock on the window, and look over and see Peggy there, along with Laf and Herc behind her, Laf smiling and Herc just waving to me.

I let out a short laugh as I exited the car. I love my friends.

"Hey! You ready to go in?" Peggy asked, smiling a bit. I nodded, and the four of us walked in, my ears immediately being filled with the sounds of the booming music from speakers.

Within minutes, I swear all three of them have left me. Lafayette is flirting with everyone-scratch that, he's flirting with the objects as well. What's in that water on the table?

Herc is singing a song to....actually he's just saying random words while music is playing in the background.

And Peggy? I honestly have no idea. But she's Peggy! She'll be fine! Right...?

Do you know what I also have no idea? Well, I have no idea why the room is spinning. And why my heart is beating so fast. I-I need to go.

I quickly ran upstairs, which was surprisingly emptier and a bit quieter the house but you could still hear the music.

The last thing I remember was opening a door before collapsing.

A/N:Sorry for this coming out late. I didn't wanna stay up all night writing it and....yeah. Oh, and the current time of this story is mid-October and Alex joined the school in one of the first few weeks of October, just to clarify-

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