Chapter Three

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Warning: Some cursing, self harm

Alex's Perspective

Holy shit.

I can't believe I actually did that.

I can believe I kicked Thomas fucking Jefferson in the.....

Wait. He probably hates me even more now. Dammit.

I mean, this whole situation was kind of my fault. Most of the time everything is my fault, so there's really no change.

But now, for whatever stupid reason my brain came up with, I was running away.

I ran past a table of three people, and this one guy, who looked pretty familiar, holding his lunch tray and watching.

But, that shouldn't matter. Oh gosh, I hear footsteps behind me. Must be Jefferson. I speed up. He doesn't need to see me in the state I just know I'll be in soon.

I practically slammed into the doors, and ran outside into the area outside where not much students ate lunch, but  from what I've seen so far there is only like one or two people that do.

I turned a corner, and stoped and leaned on a wall, slowly sliding down against it. I feel my heart beating against my chest as I slowly remove the blade from my pocket.

I roll up my sleeve, seeing slowly fading scars on my arm. I sigh, holding th blade up against my skin.

Slice! Slice!

I looked down at my arm. Two new fresh cuts are there. Maybe I should add some more.....this is entirely my fault, so I deserve all this pain....


Maybe I shouldn't have talked to him.


Maybe I shouldn't have tried to clear the air, try to make sure that we're good...


Maybe I should just stop trying to talk to him altogether.....

Oh who am I kidding. I probably will. At least he isn't here, with me right now. Reassuring me that I'm the one to blame for all this....

Slice! Slice!

I continue on cutting, until I hear some hesitant footsteps coming in my direction.

"H-hello?" A slightly familiar voice cried out. Oh no. "A-are you alright, whatever your name is?"

I quickly hide the blade back in my pocket, and I roll my sleeve down, letting out a slight hissing sound. Crap. The bandages. I forgot about that.

The boy who was calling out turned the corner and-and apparently its the same one from earlier. Oh gosh. I plaster on a smile. Wait a minute, why in the actual fuck does he have a ukul-

"Are you alright?" The freckled boy softly asked, taking a seat next to me on the ground, ukulele in lap. "I saw you run out of lunch a-and I got worried."

"I'm fine. Just a bit stressed, that's all," I lie like a snake. I stare at the ground for a few seconds, before looking at him in the eyes.

"Why-Why the hell do you have a ukulele?" I ask him. Goshdammit. That probably came out ruder than I thought. He probably thinks I'm rude now.

Congrats, Alex, you've barley talked to the guy and you already made a bad impression of yourself. Note to self, remember to harm later.

"What?" He asked, before looking down at his lap, like he was just suddenly realizing that he had it with him. Huh. Odd.

"Oh! Well I was gonna play you a song if you were upset and-"

"You can still. If you want." I interrupt him. I then see him have a bit of a grin on his face, before he picked up his ukulele from his lap, and started to play some random cords and softly sing to.....well, I didn't hear what he was saying so I couldn't really tell.

He....holy crap he sounds really good. I...oh my gosh. How is he so good at this? How is someone so perfect?

I mean.....not in a romantic sense, that is. Some people are just, well, perfect somehow. And I have a feeling that he's one of them.

After he finished, he had the biggest smile on his face.

"So, what'd you think,....." He trailed off a bit. Oh, right, I never told him my name. Whoops.

"Alex. And it was....well, impressing." I tell him. He grins a bit.

"Thanks! I wish we could talk more but...I should really get back to Peggy and the guys now. They're probably worried. Or confused. Or they don't care. Or.....nevermind." He stood up, dusting himself off. I stand up as well, because it would be awkward for me to just....well, sit there.

The two of us walk back towards the school. The bell will be ringing any minute now, so it's a good thing we're heading back. I soon realized something.

"Hey, um....I know this may sound stupid but....what's your name?" I ask, looking at him.

"John," he answered. "John Laurens." Huh. What a nice name-I mean-

The bell soon rings, and John turns to me.

"See you soon, Alex?" He asked.

"Will do." I salute, and we both make our separate ways as we enter the building.

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