Chapter Two

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John's Perspective

I looked at the slightly taller kid I bumped into with wide eyes, soon realizing that it was the new kid.

"O-Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking and-"

"It's fine....I just....don't understand why you are apologizing." He interrupted, with this kind of star-filled yet spaced out look in his eyes.

"What? You aren't mad?" I asked him. Most people are either rude to me if I bump into them, accept my apology, apologize before I do, or just keep on walking like it didn't even happen.

It's kind of....nice to see someone actually be, well, more nice than the usual! And out of all people it's the new kid, dressed in a jean jacket while everything else on him is mainly black or a darker color.

It's not like I'm judging him on looks alone or anything. I've heard some bad stuff about him and it's just....shocking.

"Why would I be mad at something as small as that?" He asked, shrugging a bit.


The bell rung, cutting me off. I scrambled off to my first period, waving at him. Of course, he was probably already gone. But, hey! You never know!

"Hey John? You alright?" Peggy asked me as we reach our lunch table. It's lunch now, and we were meeting at our usual spot with Herc and Lafayette.

Herc is short for Hercules. An odd name, I know. He's honestly really athletic but a sweet-heart. Call me stupid or say that I'm just choosing seeing the best in people, but he honestly really is. Oh, and he likes horses for some reason.

Lafayette is a foreign exchange student from France who joined us back when we were freshmen. His real name is....well, really long and kind of hard to pronounce so we just call him Laf or Lafayette for short.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, sliding into my seat. "I've just been thinking about what happened to me this morning..."

"Oh ho ho, did you finally meet a guy?" Lafayette asked, soon feeling a warmish hue on my cheeks.

I'm not exactly....well, gay. But I'm definitely not straight and everyone knows that! It's honestly complicated and....honestly? I don't really like to use labels. Especially on stuff, like, my sexuality.

"I-um, well, sort of. But not in a, y'know, romantic way or anything." I said, looking down at my lunch tray.

"Oh, well if I suddenly see you kissing a random dude in the halls in between classes it totally wont be romantic. But, whatever you say, sunshine~" The frenchman teased. I rolled my eyes, taking a bite out of one of the tater-tots on my tray.

We all continued to eat and have stupid little conversations. Times like lunch is fun and honestly really relaxing. I barley have any classes with them so it's nice to see them.

I stood up and went to go clear my tray-wait, what's Thomas doing with the new kid? Oh my.

Thomas has him cornered, for whatever reason. Maybe I should go and help him out......wait a minute, woah!

My eyes widened a bit at the sight. I tried to hold in a laugh, trying not to make myself not gain any attention.
He- Just-

He kicked Thomas in the balls.

Thomas is now on the ground, in a ball, with a look on his face that is a cross between pissed and angry. Oh, he's getting up now, slowly but surely.

And now apparently the boy is running past me. Oh gosh. He looks.....upset. Maybe I should.....

With a bit of hesitation, I drop my tray, grab my ukulele, and run after him.

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