Chapter Twenty

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Possible Trigger Warning: Cussing

Alexander's Perspective

"See you after class, babe!" Eliza said, kissing me on the cheek before we both went our separate ways.

Yes, she's my girlfriend. We got together in the summer and we're still together now. Although, maybe it's the wrong choice. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten into it since I'm a unloveable mess anyways and she probably doesn't like me and I should just cu-

No, no. Can't do that.

Yeah, you can. Do it you coward.

No! You know what, I need to be in class.

I walked into the classroom, and took my usual seat next to John. I set down my bag and pulled out my notebook, waving a bit to John, who just smiled and nodded.

There's been something off about him ever since Eliza and I got together. I don't know what it is, he's just been acting really weird, especially when Eliza's hanging out with us.

I should really talk to him about it. You know what? I'll talk to him at lunch about it.

"Hey John," I greeted, as I sat down at the lunch table.

"Hey." He replied, not looking up from his ukulele he was fiddling with.

I should just ask him about why he's been acting so weird...won't hurt to ask, right? I stab my salad with my fork, soon taking a bit of it. I open my mouth to speak.


I was cut off with the sudden blackness over my eyes and Eliza saying "Guess who!" Shit. Eliza, I love you but not now.

"Eliza I know it's you." I answered, hearing a small laugh after that and the removal of Eliza's hands.

"I know, I know." She said smiling, as she took a seat next to me, setting down her tray. Wait, she doesn't usually sit here...why is she suddenly sitting here now?

"I thought you were sitting with your friends?" I asked curiously.

"Well I wanted to surprise you!" She smiled. "And the ones I actually talk to are sick, anyways."

I heard a throat clear from the other side of the table, and we both look and see John, smiling and raising his eyebrows a bit. Oh, I forgot he was here. I could've sworn I was going to ask him something. Oh well, I'll ask him once Eliza's gone.

The rest of the period I spend talking to Eliza and John. I try to ask John the question but for some reason I just...can't, mainly since I keep getting cut off again or it's just the wrong moment.

A minute before lunch was over, Eliza suddenly up and left, probably to help with an activity or help somebody I don't know.

This is it. The time is now.


Ask him, you moron!

Alright, alright I'm getting to it!

"Hey John, can I ask you something?" I ask, and he responds with a thumbs up. "You've been acting weird an-"



John got up, grabbing his tray and dumping it in the trash, and grabbed his ukulele and backpack. "Sorry, I gotta get to class. You can ask me later, alright?" And then he left.

a/n: hhhh sorry for the wait, I was finishing up school for the year, and now I'm on summer break! yay!

I've actually been on break since after the 30th of May but st i l l-

anyways, I was thinking about trying to update again tomorrow, and then actually try to make a schedule for the summer.

have a nice day/night!

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