Chapter Twenty-One

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Quick A/N: I have a feeling something I plan to do later on with two of the side characters will upset some of you all. Also sorry for not updating I just finished up my first week of school today.

Potential trigger warning: cursing, mention of fighting, self hate, mention of self harming and cutting mention

Alex's Perspective

"Well maybe you should shut your damn mou-"

"Hamilton! Jefferson! Outside right now!" Mr. Washington yelled, sighing afterwords, muttering something under his breath.

Wait, I should probably explain what's happening so nobody's confused. And it has been a while, anyways.

Well it's after school now, and I'm at debate club. Yes, I accepted his offer. I thought it would be fun. Debate club isn't all that bad.

Minus when Jefferson joined at the beginning of this school year when clubs opened up again.

So, since for whatever reason I can't figure out, we hate each other, this sort of thing has been happening...for a while.

And no, we haven't been doing this since the first day of the club. We just ignored each other the best that we could until after winter break Jefferson just suddenly decided to pick an argument with me.

Anyways, that brings us back to the present. Where Jefferson, Mr. Washington, and I are all outside. Great.

"You two need to stop doing this," Mr. Washington started. "This has been going on  for too long, and you two need to work it out. So, you two will at the very least try out whatever issues you have with each other."

"And if we don't?" I asked, since we probably won't work it out as Mr. Washington says we should.

"Then you'll both-at the very least-be suspended from the club just for a bit, or kicked out entirely." Mr. Washington responded, in a rather serious tone. "Now, once you two are done, you can rejoin the club."

After that, he went back into his classroom, shutting the door behind him, Jefferson soon facing me. Oh boy. Shit's about to go down, isn't it guys?

"Look, I don't like you." He started. Well no shit. "But, I like this club, so let's just both pretend we like each other and we get along and yada yada yada."

"Sure." I said, giving him a quick thumbs up before we went back into the room, taking our seats since the practice debate we were previously doing ended yet again due to us fighting.

Honestly, this is gonna be tough. Jefferson's....well, Jefferson, y'know? And I'm not even sure why I don't like him. I just don't.  I wonder if he-


Hey what the- When did you come back? I thought I got rid of you several months ago. Why are you back?

Well, I was just planting the idea just incase you wanna do it again, y'know?

Oh my- Just stop.

Y'know Eliza hates you and so does John, Laf and Hercules too. You're aware of that, right?

Stop. They have nothing to do with what's going on right now.

True. But you know what? You'll probably fail pretending to be nice to Thomas and get kicked off of the debate team and you'll disappoint Mr. Washington and your moth-

"Mr. Washington may I be excused?"

He said yes, so I rushed out of the room. I can't believe I'm doing this again. I can't believe that I'm gonna do it anyways even if I haven't been doing it and-


I looked up at the tall figure I just accidentally bumped into. Oh cool, it's John. With his ukulele, of course, and his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Alex?" John asked, a slight smile on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"I have debate club. What are you doing here?" I asked him, smiling back. John isn't in any clubs, from what I know, so it's unusual for him to be here. But it's not like that's a bad thing.

"I was giving some of the middle schoolers that come here some lessons and we just got out of it." He gestured to his ukulele. "It's a new thing the school's trying out. They're doing it with other stuff too, like pianos and violins. Didn't you hear about it?"

Oh yeah, I did, I just forgot. And I was about to tell him that too, when Eliza suddenly came into view, carrying her violin. Ohhh so that's where I heard it from.

She kissed me on the cheek, and smiled at me as if it were a 'hello', before turning to John. "See you tomorrow at the lunch meeting." And then she left.

John, seemingly just remembering something and also being filled with more happiness then when Eliza was there, spoke up. "Oh yeah, we have a meeting about it during the day so I won't be able to join you and the others at lunch tomorrow, so sorry about tha-"


"Oh, sorry about that that was my phone." He took his phone out of his pocket, his sparkly green eyes looking at the message. Hold on, sparkling? Why am I just noticing that his eyes are like that?

Anyways, those sparkling eyes looked back at me. "I have to go now. My mom needs some help at home. And you probably need to get back to your club as well. So see ya, Alex."

He waved, and then he was gone.

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