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Nội dung: Nhận xét chung, Dàn ý bài mẫu

I. Nhận xét chung

- Giáo viên: Cô Camille người Mĩ và 1 cô nữa

- Môn này cũng khá khó với hướng nội vì phải đứng trước lớp nói tầm mấy chục phút

- Cái quan trọng mà môn này khác là tập trung vào sự diễn đạt. Bạn có thể không dùng từ cao siêu, cũng chẳng cần đến design đẹp mắt hay chủ đề quá khó. Nhưng bạn phải nói để người khác hiểu được bạn đang nói gì, tương tác với bạn và không có khoảng lặng trong phần trình bày. Thêm 1 cái nữa là khi lên trình bày thì đừng học trans mà hãy học theo cảm nhận, theo cách hiểu và dàn ý. Với cả phải be willing với mọi câu hỏi, ý kiến chung và khách quan chứ đừng I think nhé.

- Mình học dốt cực, dốt gần nhất lớp nhưng môn này lại cao nhất lớp. Nên là mấy lời khuyên này hơi bị có ích đấy nhé.

II. Dàn ý final (9.3)



Hanoi, .../5/2023


Planning outline for final speech

Name: Nguyen Thi Khanh Van

Student code: 22040592

Class: QH2022.E11

Topic: Tips for students to have a better sleep

Audiences: teacher, students, who want to improve their sleeping quality


Powerpoint: 5 slides

Ingredients for my cuisine: Banana and cinnamon


Warm-up: Ask my friends about their sleep yesterday

Background information:

A research conducted among 26 countries shows that 39,2% university students slept less than 6 hours per day.

Furthermore, sleep problems are common among college students and more than half of college students suffer from poor sleep quality.

Thesis statement: I want to suggest for you some techniques that not only help you sleep faster, better but also awake all day.

Introducing myself: Name, sleep expert from University of Cambridge, USA.

BodyGeneral reasons that we don't have a good sleepBad lifestyle:

Using alcohol, smoking, caffeine, nicotine, energy drinks, ...before sleep.

Unhealthy leisure activities: student clubs, concerts, night bars,...

Have many things to do: Homework, deadlines, preparing for tests or exams...

Media overused

Eat too much before sleep

Overuse sleeping pills, tranquilizer (pills that help reduce or symptoms of psychology issues

Health problems:

Mental health problems and social stress, fatigue, high blood pressure, and mood swings...

Problems with your respiration, breath...

Insomnia (a situation of regularly having problems sleeping, 3 out 10 people have this issue)

Sleeping tipsBefore go to bedEat:

SHOULD: Almonds, walnuts, nuts and seeds, bananas, kiwis, carrot, tart cherry juice, warm milk, freeze banana with cinnamon...

SHOULD NOT: Sugary, sweet drinks, desserts such as chocolate...

Calculate your sleep cycle:

+ Definition: Our sleep is not continuous but divided into many cycle, call sleep cycle

+ A typical sleep cycle of human normally lasts 90 minutes, divided into 4 stages:

Lull: 1-5 minutes

Light sleep: 10-60 minutes

Deep and very deep sleep: 20-40 minutes. (if we wake up at that time => tired)

Vivid dreaming:10-60 minutes.

+ Adults from 18 to 60 years old should sleep at least 5 cycles, or 7 hours everyday.

+ Way to calculate: Time you go to bed + 15 minutes to fall asleep + 90 minutes X number of sleep cycle = optimum time to wake up

+Should wake up around stage 1 or 4 in order to have the best mood.

+ If it's hard to remember, suggest a website: nectarsleep.com, or apps: sleep cycle,

Prepare a sleeping environment: dark, quiet, safe, cold, using white sound (such as rain sound, cat sound lofi, dog sound lofi, math lofi, buddhist recitation lofi...), put your smartphone, laptop, ipad far away.It seems really hard to put your smartphone down, try some tips:

+ Use your smartphone playing white sound

+ Restrict your time using by app on smartphone

+ Instead of playing smartphone before sleep, read a book, as much words as good

=> it's really hard and just can rely on your willpower

When you go to bedCBT-I:

+ Definition: Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia, or 'CBTi' for short, trains people to use techniques that address the mental (or cognitive) factors associated with insomnia, such as the 'racing mind', and to overcome the worry and other negative emotions that accompany the experience of being unable to sleep.

+ Methods:

Practice some good habits or learn new skills (meditation, breath technique ...)

Most important: instead of stressing about getting to sleep, simply enjoy that time, use it to think about the day, to make up stories, or just relax and enjoy the freedom that comes from not having to do anything.

The military method

+ Definition:

Developed by Bud Winter, an Olympic sprint coach as well as a sports psychologist.

First to help pilots fall asleep instantly when they need to rest, despite loud, stressful, or dangerous circumstances.

This method is proven to be helpful for dealing with many sleep problems, by using 4 frozen relaxing techniques at the same time: Deep breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation, Biofeedback (the feedback from our body biology), Visualization.

+ Steps:

1. Close your eyes and relax your face, tongue, jaw and muscles around your eyes.

2. Drop your shoulders, followed by your upper and lower, one side at a time.

3. Breathe down, relax your chest then work down the legs

=> bring our body into the kind of state as when we are sleeping.

4. Clear your mind for 10 seconds think of nothing (tip is take a deep breath for 4 seconds, keep it for 6 seconds and slowly breath out for 8 minutes) =>increase the concentration of CO2 in the blood, causing a feeling of fatigue and sleepy

5. Imagine you're lying in a place that you love, in a soft velvet blanket, between a peaceful forest or on the beach, until you fall asleep.





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