Isaure Bayard

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Isaure Bayard is blind - all that remains of her eyes is the empty, sealed sockets. She has gruesome scar marks across the top half of her face, as well as one particularly bad one that goes across her left temple and ends below her ear. The left side of her head has to be shaved because of it. She always wears a band of cloth to cover her eyes when she goes somewhere so she doesn't scare sensitive people or children.

She's known professionally as The Dreamweaver. Her magic lets her give people memories, as well as take them away. Isaure doesn't have one specific home; she's thought of as a wanderer, traveling as frequently as she wishes, never rooting herself in one spot for too long. As a result, she has very few personal belongings beyond some family charms and her clothing. Too many objects would be too much of a hassle to keep track of, let alone haul around.

Isaure uses magic of the mind - just one aspect of it, since her magic can't affect anything besides memories. Because of this, she can help people who've forgotten things. "The memories are still within your mind, they're just...buried, if you will. They need something that will draw them back to the surface. That's where I come in. The memories obey me."

She keeps the memories of everyone who's ever asked her to remove the memory of something traumatic or negative for them. As much as she hates causing people pain (she tries to be strictly pacifist), she can also use those against people, putting those memories into their minds. On the flip side, she can also give people happy memories, but those are rarer since not many people ever consent to letting her take a happy memory from them.

She has an aide named Jarick. He helps her get where she needs to go, as well as providing protection, because she has an odd habit of wanting to visit peasants and other low-class people usually found in the slums of cities, where it's most dangerous. She prefers going out at night, especially when there is rain or thunderstorms, because as she says, "Wild nights are my glory."

She is very well-read, having instructed Jarick to "keep an eye out" (followed by a small self-satisfied smile at her own joke) for books printed in Braille, and a surefire way to get on her good side is to start up a conversation about classic literature. She is excited when she finds an intellectual equal, but she admires compassionate people even more.

Even Jarick doesn't know how she got her scars. She never told him, and he respects her enough not to ask. She never speaks about it, and while she isn't ashamed of them, she always politely changes the subject if other people try to bring it up.

She has been the guest of countless nobles, many of whom have asked her to take up residence in their estates and work for them permanently. She always declined, even though they promised to pay her generously. She also doesn't accept payments for the things she helps people with, especially if they are already poor as it is. She also doesn't require wealthy people to pay. Her reason for this, according to her, is that "Maybe one day you'll follow my example."

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