Dillon Faulkner

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Oracle sight is an ability that runs through Dillon's family. They originate from the British Isles, and their signature animal is the falcon. However, as time went on, oracle sight was considered less and less useful, and those who practiced it were called delusional by those who didn't believe them - or condemned for using magic by those who did.

Neither of Dillon's biological parents were oracles, so they hoped that their child wouldn't be one so they wouldn't have to worry about dealing with a child gifted with oracle sight. But after he was born, and his mother realized as time went on that he had oracle sight, she tried to drown him. He was removed from that house and adopted by another family - none of them were oracles, or had any form of magic, but they were very interested in the occult, so they readily accepted his strange ability and made him feel safe and welcome.

He doesn't talk much - he's selectively mute, in fact, and is pretty nervous in most social situations anyway. Shy and easily embarrassed. But when he uses his oracle sight, suddenly he becomes the most charismatic, persuasive person you've ever met - his way of speaking changes, and so do his facial expressions. The nervousness is gone, replaced with intense focus and a commanding voice that basically demands to be listened to. His guidance and advice about situations is usually pretty cryptic and mysterious, but they end up going exactly as he predicted it would.

Dillon was one of the people kidnapped by Doctor Zenik for his experiments. The events that occurred during that time reinforced his selective mutism, to the point that he barely spoke to anyone besides close friends, or others who'd been imprisoned alongside him - including Joan Manning, his best friend. They both had similar experiences, and found comfort in each other after the two of them escaped. Dillon trusts Joan unconditionally, and she's one of the few people he feels safe talking openly with.

What he endured with Doctor Zenik also made him uncomfortable about using his abilities, since he associates them with Doctor Z's awful experiments. If asked to use his oracle sight by someone he trusts, or someone his friends trust, he'll do it for them. But he prefers not to, and his friends all know that, so they never ask. He hasn't fully entered his divining trance for years, and doesn't want to admit that he's afraid what he will see when he finally does.

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