Ranger's Weaponry

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Ranger's weapon of choice is usually an energy sword if she has anything to say about it. The energy sword is a tangible manifestation of her Ender Energy, which she forms into the shape of a bladed weapon. Both the blade and the handle require about the same amount of energy to maintain, because both are equally important for different reasons. The blade is the offensive part, which is what's used for slicing, cutting, thrusting, or puncturing, so the energy has to form in a way that takes on the qualities of a functional sword. To put it quickly: sharp, durable, and flexible enough that it won't shatter if it takes the brunt of an impact.

In the creation of the energy sword, the handle has to meld seamlessly with the blade or the whole thing will basically be useless in combat. Ranger forms the blade first, and then shapes the handle around it (which is how blacksmiths forge normal swords), so the handle seems to be growing and expanding outwards from the base of the blade. The handle is what she holds onto, what she uses to control the movement of the sword. It has to match the balance of the blade, and fit her grip so she can wield it the way she needs to - it won't do much good if she can't control the blade.

To accommodate for the weight of the blade, which is wider near the base and tapers quickly into a fine point, her energy swords all have thick pommels to balance it all out; the pommel flows easily into the rest of the handle, and acts as a subtle but effective way of preventing her grip from slipping. The handle also features a crossguard at the end of the hilt closest to the base of the blade; this helps with balance and, as its name suggests, guards her against injury. The tips of the guard slant down towards the blade ever so slightly, ensuring that no enemy blades will be able to slip past and injure her hand or wrist while in the midst of combat. And once all those factors come together, what she's done is essentially tailored a weapon that suits her purposes ideally. It is maintained mostly at her will, so it can dissipate and reform at her convenience as long as she has enough energy to create the sword and fuel it while it's in use.

Since Ranger would need considerable knowledge about weaponry and swordfighting in order to pull off using an energy sword as her primary weapon with any amount of success, it can be assumed that her father, the Champion Warrior, passed much of the information he knew on to her during the time they spent together in the End. It also conforms to her modus operandi, which is basically that she has to rely on herself and her skills, and not on outside circumstances, if she wants results.

Ranger models her energy swords on the style of normal swords used in the End, which are design-wise the same as hers, with exception to a few stylistic differences. Simplistic, but perfectly functional and excellent in close combat. The sword type is called the Reviled; while this sounds suitably dramatic by itself, since the language Enders use to communicate with each other is human English backwards, the translation would actually be "Deliver", named either for the sword delivering victory to the wielder, or for the sword delivering death to those who face it.

(I used Italian Dagesse swords as the reference for Ender Reviled swords (and Ranger's energy sword) appearance and design. Picture below. Also, I like to think that I have some idea of how weapons work, but I am absolutely not a professional. If any of you are, however, if anything doesn't look or sound right to you, feel free to point out mistakes or inconsistencies in my logic or description. I did research on the topic, but other than that, I wholeheartedly admit that I have no experience with blades beyond kitchen knives.)

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