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Ranger learned to juggle during recess while she was in the Ender Academy. Instead of normal juggling balls, she used rocks, because she figured that she'd learn faster if she knew messing up meant that she'd probably get hit with a rock. And it worked; she learned pretty quickly. It did result in multiple injuries though, because obviously she messed up many times before she got it right. She gave herself a black eye once by juggling rocks.

Flame has a faint rasp to her voice, caused by near-constant exposure to ash and smoke in the blacksmithing forges. Her singing voice is deeper than most people would expect, and it cracks easily. That, combined with her slight rasp, means that she doesn't sing very well. However, her voice is, strangely enough, perfect for rapping. She just has to work on not messing up the words.

Ranger can sleep just about anywhere, and there's no sort of order to it. She sleeps on her back, with her arms kind of splaying out rather than being tucked at her sides. Likes the feeling of being completely covered up by the blanket, sometimes even sleeps with it covering her head. Keeps a part open so she can see outside.

Joan has irregular sleeping patterns, but when she sleeps, she hugs the nearest object. Usually this is a pillow. If asked, she'd say it's just a childhood habit, but in reality, her wolf instinct says that sleeping somewhere by herself leaves her vulnerable to attack, and holding onto something helps her feel safer.

Wraith stays awake to work deep into the night, so when she finally collapses on her bed, she tends to not even bother with a blanket. Sleeps on her stomach, with her head turned to the side. Arm and leg positioning varies greatly, but as long as they aren't hanging off the bed she doesn't care.

Wild Card usually sleeps in the form of an animal. Most often this is a bat, so she can hang from things if a human bed isn't available, and the habit rubbed off on her daily routines even when she can use one. Plus, it'd briefly confuse any potential enemies trying to enter the room to harm her.

Flame would sleep curled up on her side, probably. But not covered up. The blanket would go up as far as her waist, but not any higher. It's more comfortable for her to have her arms and torso free, so she doesn't feel restricted. Her arms would be tucked as close as she could manage.

Joan's reflexes and coordination are either really good and flawless and slightly scary, or absolute crap. Like sometimes she can backflip off a wall and land perfectly and catch flying knives - and other times she falls out of trees and runs into doors.

Joan has issues with being formal. I mean, she grew up in a log cabin farmstead in the middle of nowhere. She really has no experience in etiquette whatsoever beyond what she observes from people.

Ranger started sarcastically calling people 'mate' for no real reason once somebody pointed out her Australian accent, and now it's sort of accidentally incorporated itself into her way of speaking.

Red can play the electric guitar. She's also proficient with the acoustic guitar, but prefers the way the electric guitar sounds.

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