Twelve More Random Facts

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1. Wraith is not a morning person. At all.

2. Akin has a thing for tea. Like, at this point it's ridiculous. She has tea for every problem humanly possible. Stress, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, stomachaches, and so on. Her overall favorite is blackberry sage tea.

3. Joan has a French accent which she hides, but it gets more prominent when she's tired, angry, or drunk. She is also fluent in French. This is mostly influenced by Joan of Arc, who was French.

4. Joan is nineteen - and I made her nineteen because that's the age at which Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.

5. Akin participated in the Great Emu War. Naturally, she sided with the emus.

6. Wraith has a noticeable but not excessively thick Cockney accent.

7. Ranger has a reasonably thick Australian accent.

8. Kelvin's real name is actually Khalavan, with no last name, but he changed his name and gave himself a fake last name so he could sound more normal.

9. Kelvin Salvatore's eyes are black because when he denied his father, one of the Seven Princes of Hell, and refused to claim his place, he was punished by being effectively demoted to a thug by demonic standards - black eyes signify a thug, minion, or other similarly low-ranking demonic entity.

10. If Kelvin had accepted his father and embraced what he was, his eyes would be a bright, burning green - the mark of his father, Mammon, Prince of Greed.

11. Ranger is asexual.

12. Joan has a lot of less noticeable characteristics of a wolf, even when not in wolf-form - she'll pack bond with anyone, including small children and animals, prefers being out in nature as opposed to in a building or living in a city, and doesn't do well in cages or in captivity. She gets aggressive when people try to contain her.

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