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I think this is the single most in-depth character explanation I've ever written. Nice.

Akin has dark brown skin, black eyes with gold irises, and black pupils. Her hair is naturally a dark blue color, but when light hits it, it reflects violet. Besides her eyes, her hair is the only obvious indicator that she isn't human. She can also speak Latin. All she knows is that her sole purpose is to protect wildlife and wilderness, and to keep people from destroying the environments and resources the Earth needs to sustain its populations. Akin has no idea of her own origins - she's simply accepted that there's no explanation for what she is. She does, however, get a strange feeling when she looks up at the North Star, otherwise known as Polaris. She isn't sure why. Some have said that the North Star is a guide. As the brightest star in the sky, it can always be counted on to be exactly where it's supposed to be - and it can always be counted on to lead lost travelers home.

Akin can manipulate electromagnetic fields to create illusions that will fool the human senses. This is an innate ability and does not require the use of an Aura. She also radiates an energy field of her own, called an Aura as previously mentioned, which only highly spiritual people, or people who are very in tune with their energy and the energies around them, can see. It switches through the color spectrum in accordance with her mood, and she can draw on the energy from it and shape it to her will, giving her the ability to mimic any magic type. To her, everything is made up of patterns - physical ones, or theories and events. Even the magic she creates from her Aura is dependent on what pattern she weaves the energy in. However, using her Aura to weave the energy is a complex process and drains a lot of strength. Akin uses it to travel, as a means of self-defense when necessary, and occasionally to summon tea. And yes, if asked, she will reply that tea is absolutely worth that much effort.

Akin doesn't enjoy people's company very much, preferring to stay far away from them, which is partially because of how many cruel and selfish humans she's had to deal with and partially because something in her blood tells her that she's nothing like them and that they can't be trusted. She eventually stopped expecting anything good from people after so much time spent dealing with bad ones. She's cynical, jaded, insensitive, maybe even a little sadistic sometimes. Incredibly hard to surprise, and also not very optimistic. Moral compass is kind of debatable.

Akin has been on Earth for roughly 846 years, and looks barely into her late twenties. She knows it's unlikely that she's just 846 years old, since she's looked about the same since she first woke up here, but there's no way for her to know her real age. Regardless, she is painfully disillusioned with the human race - she's watched people continuously screw up for 846 years straight, never learning from their mistakes, only getting greedier and more willing to destroy the things nature created in favor of artificial things. It's a miracle that she hasn't completely given up on people and started hating everyone yet. She's seen every genocide and tyrannical regime that humans supported, how even today there are apologists and Neo-Nazis and people who think it's okay to do that. She's watched people die for 846 years, watched them get killed by either their own foolishness, or by the ambition and hatred of other men. There is very little that surprises her these days after everything she's seen, and she prefers isolating herself where people can't find her - but somehow, Akin has managed to have at least a tiny bit of faith in the human race. That they're lost, and need help finding their way back to the path they were meant to follow. Despite believing this, she isn't exactly thrilled to have been tasked with showing people how to not destroy each other. She does spend some of her time focusing on good people to prevent herself from immediately hating all humans - like hunters who hunt to provide food for their families rather than for sport or for trophies, or environmental activists. If someone is in need, if Akin deems them worth her time, she'll help them out - usually in the form of gift baskets made of twigs and reeds, since she prefers not to have any face-to-face interactions with people. Akin has a distinct and soul-deep loathing for people who abuse animals.

Blue lotus tea
Blackberry sage tea
Left hand dominant
Swears a lot in Latin
If she isn't swearing in Latin, she's fond of the cleaner phrase "Lord and Lady almighty"
Gets annoyed by complex/unclear questions
On a scale of 1 to 10, responds to every problem with a 17
Calls untamed animals her wild friends
Calls tamed animals her gentle friends
Refers to humans she doesn't hate as comrades
So if you hear her talk about one of her friends, it's probably just a squirrel
Has a thing for correcting people
When asked several questions, replies to them in order with 'first' and 'second'
Blood is white

Involving the Great Emu War:
Military involvement was due to begin in Australia on October 1932. The operation was delayed, however, by a period of rainfall that caused the emus to scatter over a wider area. (This was Akin's first attempt at preventing the slaughter of the emus, using her Aura to mimic weather magic.) The rain ceased by 2 November 1932, at which point the troops were deployed with orders to assist the farmers. The next significant event was on 4 November. More than 1,000 emus were spotted heading towards their position. This time the gunners waited until the birds were in close proximity before opening fire. The gun suddenly jammed after only twelve birds were killed (this was Akin's second significant interference) and the remainder scattered before any more could be shot. No more birds were sighted that day. "The machine-gunners' dreams of point blank fire into serried masses of emus were soon dissipated. The emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month." (Akin, having the ability to communicate with animals, is the emu command spoken of in this quote, even though the writer intended it to be sarcastic. She helped the emus understand the strategies humans use, and showed them how to employ it themselves during the conflicts.)

Akin is mostly self-taught; when not traveling and performing her tasks, she stays at her hideout, which is a circular clearing in a forest where she built a wooden roof that connected to each of the trees around the circle. Anyone who doesn't have her permission to enter won't even see it - they'll just see the clearing as if it hadn't been tampered with, because of Akin's ability to create illusions. It serves as a safe haven for animals, and she has quite a few injured ones at her hideout. She nurses them back to health if possible, then releases them back into the wilderness. If she can't heal them without using her Aura, she usually just takes them into her permanent care. She names all of them, and is able to keep track of each of them by name. She tends to name a lot of things, which can come off as weird, especially when she has to explain to people why she has names for trees. Both the ground floor and the canopy floor, which is the floor she built above the roof (anyone with an overhead view will also just see an empty clearing), are full of artifacts as well as baubles and objects she collects. Akin has books on just about anything. She used a couple of textbooks over the decades to give herself at least some traditional education and keep herself updated, since she lives as a recluse with little human contact - she mostly studies the fields of modern advancements in science and literature, since she's been alive for most of recorded human history. If she's in a good mood, she could probably give you a more accurate account of any significant historical event than most textbooks.

Akin likes crystals, and believes that like certain flowers and plants, they can have uses beyond decoration. She hangs crystals just about everywhere in her hideout, as long as they aren't low enough to hit somebody's head. Since animals, even wild ones, instinctively know that she's trustworthy, birds like to come in and fly around the strands of hanging crystals. They make good perching spots. She also incorporated them into her outfit. The crystals on her shirt and in her jewelry are the ones she feels personally connected to. The one in her earring is blue topaz, as is the one in her necklace. The purple gems are alexandrite, the green ones are jadeite, and the single gem in the center is blue howlite.

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