Chapter 1: Rose's Cyber Guardian

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the first episode of Ultraman X x RWBY: Cyber Gomora Reade x Ruby Rose! So, to recap, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN ULTRAMAN X!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Ultraman X is owned by Tsuburaya Productions. So, now sit back, enjoy and let's RISE!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

While Cyber Gomora is making his way to the source of the shooting and the roaring, Ruby kept pressing on as she sniped and sliced the horde of Alpha Grimm away from getting near her, despite the injuries, her aura shattering and being swiped by Grimm countless of times.

As Ruby tried shooting the Alpha Ursa down, she then realized that she is already out of ammo as the ursa swiped her aside, causing her to hit her head real hard. Ruby tried to get up but to no avail as first she is now in a daze, next, she grazed her knee and lastly, she is now too weak to carry on fighting.

As Ruby kept struggling to get up and the remaining horde of Grimm are slowly making its way towards her, Ruby really regretted having to do this solo mission without her team.

Ruby: I guess.... this is it.... I'm sorry, Yang.... I'm not.... so strong enough.... I'm sorry.... Weiss... Blake....

I closed my eyes in defeat as I expected the Grimm to kill me and to eat me, but nothing impaled me. What shocked me next was I opened my eyes to watch as the Alpha Ursa got punched by something that cause the ursa to fly to the other end of the forest, bringing some of the Alpha Grimm from the horde with it and destroying some trees and green around the forest to her shock.

Minutes earlier,

Cyber Gomora's POV:

You kept running as fast as you could to see what is happening further up and help whoever the person out, unbeknowst to you, you can actually run really, really fast.

(y/n): Hmmm, I don't remember running that fast, even without a sweat. Well, I'll deal with that later.

As you went close to the source of the noises, you soon stopped as you hid yourself behind a huge tree as you saw a fifteen year old red-haired girl with a cloak, fighting a horde of Grimm all by herself with her weapon that is a scythe and a sniper rifle. Kind of reminds you of someone. And what facinates you a lot is that she has silver eyes.

(y/n): Does people in this world have silver eyes, or is it just a rare trait????

As you looked on, you are in shock when she is currently out of ammunition and a Grimm swiped her to a tree. You hid yourself again as you felt something behind your embedded X-Visor on my chest as you touched it with both your hand-like Cyber Gomora Gauntlets.

(y/n): Why am I.... feeling this, thumping inside of me.... what does... it really mean....??? 

As you tried figuring out what those thumping noises and feeling really means, you heard that red-haired mummering something as you looked back to see what is happening. You then use your eye-visors and change your scanner mode to translation mode. When you finally figured out what she said, this made you really furious that these Grimm are going to kill her.

So, you soon wield a few Cyber Kaiju Cards as you was ready to fight them all head on.

(y/n): Not if I can't help it.... as these creatures would have to DIE first!!!!!

You said this as you looked at your Cyber Kaiju Cards, to your shock, some are actually your Evolutions and in your Mecha form and some are copies of one card.

(y/n): Cyber Gomora, Gomora Burst, Ex-Gomora, Mecha Gomora, and four of the similar Cyber Bemstar Cards? Well, this'll be interesting.... let's see what else I got.

You said as you fished out Cyber Zetton, Ex-Zetton, Hyper Zetton, Cyber Eleking and Cyber Ex-Eleking cards.

(y/n): Hmmm.... I've got an idea.

You placed the cards you've got inside the X-Visor on your chest as it glowed brightly in different colours.

(y/n): Whoa....

You soon felt yourself changing into Cyber Gomora but in an imporved version due to the cards of Gomoras you placed inside the X-Visor, the head of Cyber Eleking is fixed onto your left shoulder, your Gomora Claw on your left arm is replaced with a Bemstar Shield and your Gomora claw on your right arm is replaced with a improved combined version of the Evolution of Cyber Zettons. And your improved legs are covered at some parts with Eleking, Bemstar and Zetton parts.

(y/n): Super Hybrid Machina Armour, Activate!!!!

Once your transformation is complete, you looked at yourself as you found your new form quite interesting, as after all, this is a whole new level than Ultraman X's Hybrid Armour. This is all new as you can combine yourself with other Evolutions of Gomoras, even Eleking, Zetton and Bemstar.

(y/n): Hmmmm.... this is all new. I can even feel their power. Well, I will see to that later. Cause' right now, I got a petite girl to save.

You said this as you ran as fast as you can as you reached the huge boney and yet spiky-like creature within a few seconds. As the creature was going to give her a death swipe, you punched the creature away by using your improved evolved Zetton Gauntlet, causing it to bring some of his friends along with it as it destroyed some trees at the meantime, much to your shock.

As you looked at the punch and the impact that you did, you didn't expect your punch to be that powerful.

(y/n): I don't remember being able to hit that hard.... and that punch was merely to hit my opponent, but not to the extent like that! Heh, I will deal with that later.

You said that as you looked behind to check on the girl.

(y/n): Hey, Little Red, you okay?

???: Yeah..... just... a injured.... quite badly....

(y/n): It's okay. We'll get you somewhere to be treated. But before we do that, allow me to deal with these pests, first. So, hang tight, will you?

???: Okay....

You said this as you did your battle pose in front of the horde of Grimm as they readied to rip you apart which is not going to happen.

Then, one creature in the shape of a wolf charged towards you as it tried to swipe me, scarring you but to no avail as your body is fully armoured, you smirked as you forcefully planted Bemstar Shield into the ground, impaling the wolf to the ground as well until it began to wither away.

You looked back to the girl as you asked;

(y/n): Do... do all these creatures do that when they die???

???: Well.... yeah.

(y/n): Interesting. Well, shouldn't be difficult.

You said this as you removed all of you cyber Eleking, Bemstar and Zetton cards, leaving you with the evolution and combined form of all the different Cyber Gomoras, to the girl's amazement.

???: Wow....

Me: Cool, heh?

???: Yeah.... what are you....???

(y/n): I can tell you that later.

You turned to face the horde once again as the huge bear gave you a swipe. You had the upper hand as you did a swipe as well, to clash with its swipe. Now, your claw and its paw are now clashing with each other.

As soon as you both clashed claws and paws, you used your other claw gauntlet to pierce through the creature under its throat as you threw it up in the air as you fired your Secondary Attack, Gomora Oscillation Wave at the creature in mid-air, causing it to explode in ashes, much to the girl's shock.

Once that is done, you looked at the horde as these things are charging towards you. 

(y/n): So, you all want to charge at me head on, eh? Well, guess what, bad idea.

You soon then charged your primary attack which is now your personal favorite attack soon after as you charged up your attack beyond maximum level. Once you went beyond Max. Level, strangely your gauntlets and your entire body glowed blue and gold, much to your surprise.

(y/n): what is this,... power??? Well, whatever it is, it's making me powerful!!

???: It's called... semblance.

(y/n): (looks back to the girl) S-semblance???

???: Yeah, semblance is basically our shields, like our super power for short.

(y/n): (looks back at the charging horde) Smeblance, huh? Well, I LIKE IT!!!!!!

Just as the horde was getting close to us as they jumped, in a nick of time, you launched your Primary attack at them as you shout out your own finisher name.


You then launched your beam at them as it struck the horde, and it was so powerful that you swayed your body left to right, to clear out the horde with just one beam.

Ruby's POV:

As I watched the being-like creature firing his beam from his entire body, my eyes widened as to see how much aura and semblance he's giving out while killing off the Grimm.

Me: What human or.... faunus is he???

I questioned myself as he was about to be done with his work.

Cyber Gomora's POV:

Once the horde is no longer in sight, you stopped your attack as your semblance began to fade away a bit. As you turned to the girl, you heard a screech from above. As you looked up, you saw a huge black bird flying around in circles trying to target the two of you.

???: The Nevermore is high up. I don't think your beam can work out since its way up there.

(y/n): Don't worry. I'm not planning to use that...

You said this as a card glows in your palm. You looked at the card as it no longer glows to show the same girl inside the card that you are talking to as it shows a weapon and says her name.

(y/n): Ruby.... Rose.... (looks at the girl) You're Ruby Rose, correct?

Ruby: Yes? Why and how do you know my name???

(y/n): This card showed me your identity and showed me your name. (Shows card)

Ruby: oh.....

(y/n): Now, let's see what you got, then shall we???

You slot the card into the X-Visor as it scanned the card.


After the scan is complete, a weapon appeared before you as you soon grabbed it and did a pose.


(A/N: Crescent Rose.)

When Ruby saw this, her eyes widened as you've got the same weapon as hers from a single card.

Ruby: You... got the same weapon as mine, from a card?!

(y/n): Yup. Now, to finish this "big bird".

You said this mockingly at the Nevermore as you slot another card into the embedded X-Visor as you said something.


(A/N: Cyber Birdon Card.)

(y/n): Scan Cyber Birdon, limit Semblance.


(y/n): Now, this'll be the dumbest thing I've ever done... (points at Nevermore) YOU WANT THIS GIRL?!?! THEN YOU WOULD HAVE YOU GET THROUGH ME, YOU FLYING DEVIL!!!!! COME AND GET ME!!!!!! (A/N: Gravity Falls reference. Lol)

You ran through the Green as the Nevermore swooped down towards you. Just as you were about to jump, you burst into flames which turned you into a phoenix as you jumped with Crescent Rose towards the Nevermore to what Ruby stated that this bird's name was, as you shouted;


(A/N: Birdon Phoenix Attack.)

You yelled your Burning finishing move as you roared while flying in towards the Nevermore as you began spinning yourself with your weapon in hand weapon around in circles inside the fire phoenix. As you both went extremely close to each other, a huge explosion was created.

Ruby's POV:

When I saw these two creatures clash their attacks and blew up, I was worried that the thing that saved me might not survive the charging assault of the Nevermore, but luck began to turn when the thing landed in front of me as he made Crescent Rose disappear in thin air and walked closer to me while unraveling his front armour.

When he did so, I immediately blushed when I saw his cute handsome face and his techno-like muscles.

Me: Wow.... (going back to reality) wait... what am I saying?!

???: heheh. You do know that I heard you, right?

When he said that he heard me, I blushed real hard when he heard what I said.

Me: y-y-you heard me???

???: Heh. Yup. Every word, little rose.

I blushed extremely hard when he said that as I was about to bleed out from my nose.

Cyber Gomora's POV:

You stopped right in front of Ruby as you held on to her chin with one of your claw-like Gomora fingers.

(y/n): Don't worry. You'll get used to that, but right now, we ought to get you back home to get you patched up.

Ruby: Beacon!!

(y/n): what?

Ruby: Beacon!! Where I'm studying. There's an infirmary there.

(y/n): Okay. We'll take you there.

You said this as you carried the stunned Ruby in bridal style and you picked up her weapon as you walked towards Beacon where she said that there will be an infirmary there.

Ruby: (Inner Thoughts) WHY DID I SAY BEACON?!?! WHAT AM I FEELING IN MY CHEST.... am I in love with him.... after looking at how handsome his face is.... and how muscular his techno-like muscles are and---- WAIT, WHAT AM I SAYING?!?!?!?! Why me....


3rd Person's POV:

Yang: Ruby can't survive out there all by herself!!!

Ozpin: Ms Xiao Long, I'm sure she will be fine, but there is no telling if she has made it this far and coming back here now.


Ozpin: Please. I understand that you worry about your sister but if she says she wants to do this on her own, it's her choice.

At Beacon Tower, the remaining members of Team RWBY are worried that their Team Leader may be in some kind of trouble and it was also her choice that she wants to do it on her own.

Blake: Is there some way that you two may know that she is okay??

Glynda: We can only wait till she returns, Ms Belladonna. But rest assured that she will be fine.

Weiss: i hope so...

Yang: Yeah, but sti--

As Yang was going to continue her line, a Phoenix made of flames flew out of nowhere in front of her and her team mates, and behind Professors Glynda and Ozpin, to everyone's shock.

Weiss: What... was that?!

Ozpin: I don't know! But whatever it is, it's now at the courtyard.

Yang: We should go down there and kick its bird butt!!

She says this as she cracks her knuckles while activating her ember celicas.

Ozpin: wait. Something's wrong.

W/B/Y: Huh???

Glynda: Look.

As they watched on, their eyes widened to see their Team Leader back alive with someone else, and it would appear that this someone else is carrying her in a rush.

Yang: Ruby!!!

Weiss: Who's that carrying her??

Glynda: Grimm?

Ozpin: I don't know. But we must confront it, NOW!!!

Cyber Gomora's POV:

You rushed into the school that is called Beacon Academy. Nice place and it's actually huge, much bigger than XIO.

As you admire the school, you rushed into school as you made your way towards the infirmary.

(y/n): Ruby, you still with me?

Ruby: Yeah. Like how you encased us in your aura when yku went Phoenix. It's kind of awesome.

(y/n): Heh, thanks. Now, I'm quite close to the infirmary but I think I shall---

Ruby: Take me to Professor Oobleck...

(y/n): Professor Oobleck???

Ruby: Well.... he didn't have a PHD for nothing. But, I think he knows what to do.

(y/n): Okay. Scanning for Doc. Oobleck.

Your Eye-Visors are now scanning for the person that Ruby is talking about. When you found a match, you immediately ran to him.

3rd Person's POV:

Dr. Oobleck is seen walking along the quiet coridoor towards a classroom to carry out his lessons, which would have to wait when he heard some loud fast-pacing footsteps behind him. When he swiftly look back to see the source of the footsteps, his eyes widened to see this;

Cyber Gomora: (Inner thoughts) I have to make it as it is extrenely serious..... oh, I know. (Being anxious and worried) (Saying it out loud) HELP!! DOCTOR OOBLECK!!!! RUBY ROSE IS INJURED DURING HER MISSION!!!! SHE NEEDS HELP!!! SHE MAY BE DYING!!!! (A/N: Thor Ragnarok reference. Lol)

Dr Oobleck: (looks back as his eyes widened) Oh dear... how did this happened?!

Cyber Gomora: I don't know!! When I saw her like this and was about to be killed by these black creatures, I have to fend the creatures off myself to protect her and brought her here so as to get her treated!

Dr Oobleck: Very well, then! Come along, faunus, let's go to the infirmary!!

Cyber Gomora: Agreed! Let's go!!

And with that, both Dr Oobleck and Cyber Gomora brought Ruby Rose over to the infirmary where her wounds will be treated with care.

Catching up from behind, the remaining members of Team RWBY spotted Cyber Gomora as they trailed behind them with their weapons ready and fully loaded.

Weiss: There it is!!

Yang: It better not hurt my sister!!!

Blake: Come on!!

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The first episode of our Ultraman X x RWBY - Cyber Gomora reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of this insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!

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