Chapter 2: A misunderstanding and the Offer

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the second episode of Ultraman X x RWBY: Cyber Gomora Reade x King of Predacon Reader! So, to recap, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN TRANSFORMERS!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Ultraman X is owned by Tsuburaya Productions. So, now sit back, enjoy and let's RISE!!!!

Outside the infirmary,

Cyber Gomora's POV:

You was waiting outside the infirmary in Beacon for Ruby Rose to wake up as you patiently read some magazines about dust, weapons and many more interesting stuff about this world.

(y/n): Huuuhh! Remnant, eh? Interesting place. They use dust as ammunition and they use their aura and semblance to protect themselves from harm, like what Ruby said? Interesting. And there are faunus that look like me but different? Even better. If I acquire these, I will be able to beat Greeza, if he is still alive or not.

As you said that, the nurse emerged from the infirmary. You quickly stood up as you showed your face and some of your cyber human-like features to make yourself more human as you asked her a question but that was put to a halt when you were interrupted by three girls.

(A/N: Cyber Gomora. Combine Cyber Gomora and that Male character shown above together and you will know that Cyber Gomora in his human form is so handsome looking and badass.)

Yang's POV:

I took another turn to the left and spotted the thing that brought my Team Leader to the infirmary.

Me: YOU!!!!

Blake: Keep your hands off Ruby!!!

Weiss: Ruby is coming with us, NOT you!! 

We then ran towards him, but on the other hand, I jumped ahead from the group towards the thing to give him a punch in the face, but to no avail as he grabbed my left gauntlet as he held onto my in mid-air, much to his annoyance.

Cyber Gomora's POV:

While holding onto this blonde in mid-air, you put a annoying and frown on your face as this was nothing to you.



After that roar and outburst, the blonde was silent and shocked when she heard what you said as you dropped her down and two other helped her up. You looked at the nurse as you asked with concern.

(y/n): How's Ruby?

Nurse: Her condition is stable and her wounds are healing up nicely. Thanks to you, she survived that mission. If you weren't around, she wouldn't be here. 

When the three girls heard this, they were shocked to hear that you didn't bring harm to their leader but instead, lend a helping hand to her when she was on the verge of death.

Nurse: Which I must know from you, what are you and how did you get to learn that she's in danger????

(y/n): Well, it's all the tech that counts, nurse.

Nurse: I see. Well, feel free to see to her. She's currently awake.

(y/n): Thank you, nurse.

You thanked the nurse as you entered the infirmary as you saw Ruby in one of the ward beds. You then sighed in relief when you saw her still okay.

(y/n): Ruby.

Ruby: Hey.... uuuuuhhh... what's your name???

(y/n): Oh yeah. Well,.... my name is kind of.... ridiculous as it's more of a robotic-like fleshy being. It's Cyber Gomora. Or if you want, you can call me, (y/n) (l/n).

Ruby: (y/n)? Okay. So,... Hey, (y/n).

(y/n): heheh. Hey. The nurse said that you'll be fine. You just need to recover first before you return out in the field.

Ruby: Yeah. That's what she told me as well.

(y/n): (chuckles a bit) Well, although we are not related but, I'm still glad you're okay.

Ruby: Yup. Thank you, (y/n).... for saving me back there.

(y/n): It was my job.... to protect "them"... but now, it is my job to protect you.

As you referred "them" to Ruby, she tilts her head in question.

Ruby: Ummm, which people are you referring to as, "them"??

(y/n): I... don't want to talk about it. It's quite personal.

Ruby: Oh.... if something happened, sorry for your loss.

(y/n): .... thank you.

Moment of silence

(y/n): Well, I must get going. 

You said as you stood up.

(y/n): I might not see you for a while so, here. (Passes her a card you duplicated before) To remember me by.

You placed a card on her bed in front of her as you took your leave.

Ruby's POV:

After watching my savior leave the infirmary, I grabbed the card as I read the label.

(A/N: Cyber Gomora Card.)

Me: Cyber... Gomora?

I looked at the card as it showed me (y/n)'s true form as a Cyber-like creature. I then placed the card on my chest as I looked up in awe.

Me: (y/n), no matter what you look like, you will still be someone else special.

As I said this, I felt something warm in my chest.

Me: (Inner Thoughts) What is this feeling again from earlier???

As I questioned myself, my team mates came in to see me as they are relieved to see me safe from my mission.

I even promised my team that I won't do any missions alone, unless it couldn't be helped, i which they understood. After assuring them that I would bring them a long jn every mission, we all talked to each other about (y/n) and how he came to my rescue.

Cyber Gomora's POV:

You were at the courtyard of Beacon as you were about to activate Ultimate Bemstar form. Unfortunately, it was then put to a halt as someone stopped you in your tracks.

???: Well, this a good sunset that no one can ever miss.

You placed your Bemstar cards back into your Card Cartridge as you inserted Ruby Rose Card into the X-Visor as you wield Crescent Rose once again and turned back to come face-to-face with a silver-haired man wielding a cane.



(A/N: Crescent Rose.)

You began to feel wary about him as you felt and scanned that he is actually a god and not just a headmaster of this school.

(y/n): Well, although that may be true but still, who are you???

???: Well, my name is Professor Ozpin and I'm the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. You're, not from here, are you??

You then lowered your weapon as he's got a point.

(y/n): Well, that you are right.... I may know about Beacon and this world, Mostly... but it is true that I am not from here.

Ozpin: Then where are you from, and what are you? Human? Faunus?

(y/n): I'm from XIO located at the outskirts of Tokyo. And I'm a Cyber Kaiju. But in terms of this world, you could say that I am a Cyber faunus.

Ozpin: A Cyber Faunus?

(y/n): Organic creatures turned into Cyber Organic Creatures for testing. I'm the first subject among the other Kaijus that are tested and it's a success. I'm the only successful Cyber kaijuto be created,... with a friend... who nearly died....

Ozpin: I see. I'm sorry to hear that... and I must say, it is actually the first time I see a Cyber Faunus eye-to-eye, really. As after all, all we have are organic faunuses with animal ears, tails, horns, and many more. But you, you are beyond compare.

(y/n): I get that a lot.

Ozpin: Right.... I must also want to thank you for saving my student from her mission that could have went successful if it weren't for the fear that is caused by the crash landing Bullhead caused by that Nevermore that you just slained for her.

(y/n): Naaah, it was nothing. If I weren't there in time, she'd be dinner.

Ozpin: So, how did you do it? Like, all those abilities you did.

(y/n): Good question. I utilize cards that suits me in my favor in battle. For this case today, it was drastic measures so, I used these cards against the Grimm.

You then fished out the Cyber Cards including the Card that you got from seeing Ruby.

Ozpin: Interesting. You can wield huntsmen and huntresses' weapons and semblance, correct?

(y/n): Well, you can say that, like Ruby's weapon.

Ozpin: Well, that is something beyond Atlas technology then. I'm impressed.

(y/n): Thank you once again, Professor Oz. And I assume you are not here to just admire my excellence at my skills of my cards, were you not?

Ozpin: Well, yes. It's not just that. After seeing your skills and how you've fought against the horde of Grimm, how about you come to my school so that we can help you work more on your aura and semblance.

When he said that, you chuckled slightly at his offer.

(y/n): A cyber kaiju like me, enrole to your school? Heh!

Ozpin: Well, we need huntsmen like you... to help defend this world. And we need you, because you are unlike no other, a special faunus of unknown origin. And I am looking forward to what your semblance is like.

After hearing what Ozpin has to say, you felt more convinced of his offer as you nod your head in agreement as you said.

(y/n): Okay, it's a deal. But, on one condition, you let me do whatever I want, BUT, as long as I follow the rules you have in the school, it's fine.

Ozpin: (nods in agreement) Very well, then. Welcome to Beacon... uuhhhh...

(y/n): (y/n) (l/n).

Ozpin: (y/n) (l/n). Okay, your initiation starts tomorrow.

(y/n): Thank you, Professor. I'm starting to like this place now.

Ozpin: And that I'm glad you think so.

They both responded as they smiled at each other with agreeable tones and facial expressions in their faces.

At Atlas,

After seeing the footage of what (y/n) (l/n) was capable of, they decided to bring him in as a weapon of defense for the World of Remnant.

Ironwood: I need intel on where this being is, once done, let me know!!!

Atlas Personal: Yes sir!!

Ironwood: Ms Schnee, take care of this. I will command my troops to follow you.

Winter: Yes sir!

Winter Schnee saluted as both she and General Ironwood started making their way towards their ship.

Winter: Sir, may I ask, why is this boy so special?

Ironwood: Well Ms Schnee, he wields the technology like no other, the technology that is so advanced that no one has ever wielded before. And his tech is better than Atlas tech. We must have his tech for military purposes and for war.

Winter: We all due respect, sir. But if this were to be his semblance, will he.... die???

After hearing that comment from Ms Schnee, General Ironwood paused for a moment before he answered her question, saying;

Ironwood: If that were to be the case, we must have his tech, but we must ensure that we don't remove it from his body.

Winter: are you saying...??

Ironwood: Yes. I'm afraid so... like in the dust mines... but different, Ms Schnee....

At Mistral (aka; Branwen Tribe),

After the bandits, Vernal and the Tribe Leader, Raven Branwen witnessed what (y/n) can do by via projection by Raven's scroll, they were intrigued on what power he has and decided that they must have him as a weapon of survival.

Raven: Interesting boy that came from a black hole....

Vernal: Indeed, Leader. He's got power, lots of it and more advanced than Atlas Tech.

When Raven heard that (y/n)'s powers are more advanced than Atlas Tech, she grew more and more curious and fond of the boy as her eyes are now "set" onto him.

Raven: Everyone, I need you to arm yourselves, be prepared for anything that stands in your way.

Bandit 1: why so???

Raven: Because.... (grabs weapon) we are going to take Atlas-Boy to us and use him.... as an act of survival. I don't want Oz. to have him first as when he does, all he will do is to obey him.... and nothing more.

Entire Bandit tribe: YES, MAM!!!!!

Raven (Inner Thoughts): Soon, Atlas-boy, you will be mine..... and MINE only.....

At an unknown location,

Salem is seen seated at her chair at the crystal table of the meeting room with her dark faction Dr. Watts, Hazel, Cinder Fall and her followers, Mercury and Emerald, and Tyrian as they discussed on how to take over the world of Remnant.

As they were discussing how to take over the world;

Cinder: But, your grace, with Ozpin still around once again, it will be impossible to get to the Beacon relic in time, even if we have a plan.

Dr. Watts: (scoffs) With plan or no plan, your plans always go sideways soon after.

Cinder: I beg your pa--

Salem: ENOUGH!!!!

The room soon turned quiet after Salem's outburst.

Salem: If we want to rule Remnant, then we must get the Maidens' powers, grab the relics, then soon after, Remnant will be ours to rule and command.

Dr. Watts: That is agreeable, your grace but the question is, how???

???: I--*.... KNOW..--* HOW!!!!

As they heard someone's weak and yet determined monsterous voice boomed out, they looked at the huge doors as they opened automatically as  a young man, severely injured still kept on walking towards them, to their shock, amazed on how much pain he is going through as he made his way to the table whilst his severe injuries.

???: If you want a solution, I . AM . THE SOLUTION!!!!!

As if on queue, an Alpha Ursa came out of nowhere as he pounced onto the young man, but to no avail as he levitated the Ursa into the air and onto the table.

???: You shall turn evil.... AND OBEEEEEEEYYYYY MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I roared as I emitted Dark Thunder Energy out from my hand as the energy in my hand going to the Bear-like creature started to change.

Once the transformation is done, The Alpha Ursa has now a pair of bone-armoured claws with fingers shaped like knives, spikey back, spikier than a regular alpha ursa, bone-like structure and armour are formed at most parts of the body and the head skull has Boarbatusk's tusks given to it to show that this Ursa now means business.

The Ursa soon roars a different roar as everyone backed up, all except for Salem.

???: Kneel, Tsurugi Alpha Ursa.

As commanded, the Ursa bowed before to his master.

???: Good.

Salem: Impressive. It looks like you have almost the same powers as I do, but that power makes things become better than the original.

???: You can say that.

Salem: My name is Salem, these are my faction, Tyrian...

Tyrian: An honour.... (maniacly giggles)

Salem: Dr. Watts....

Dr. Watts: Greetings....

Salem: Hazel....

Hazel: Hmmm...

Salem: And Cinder Fall, and her followers, Mercury and Emerald.

Cinder: Hello, whoever you are.

Emerald: Hey.

Mercury: You need to be medicated fast. But still, sup.

Salem: Dr. Watts, do ensure that you treat his once this conversation is done.

Dr. Watts: Very good.

Salem: So, what's your name?

???: My name . I go with a lot of names. Some call me the System Eater (System = Solar System), the Killer of Life, the killer of Space and Time... but you all . Can CALL . ME . GREEZA!

(A/N: Greeza - Second Form. Combine Greeza and that Male character shown above together and you will know that Greeza in his human form is now forced to be reckoned with.)

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The second episode of our Ultraman X x RWBY - Cyber Gomora reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of this insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: Yang x King of Predacon Reader! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!

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