Chapter Two

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"I'd love to be your friend... And my name is Jeon Jungkook." He smiled and joined his hand with mine.

I smiled back to reciprocate his kind gesture, but as soon as our hands touched... a current ran down through my whole body, immediately making my body freeze and smile falter in the slightest. Frowning internally, I realised that this has been happening a lot lately, from around the date of my birthday, and it mostly happens when I touch males - it happened when I touched Jimin and Taehyung. I've not touched any other male though. My birthday was just last week, and my father is no more. My daily social interactions also don't involve touching anyone other than my friends. And now, touching Jungkook had a current running down my spine.

Am I allergic to males or something?

Seeing my reaction, Jungkook's eyes seemed to widen for a fraction of a second. But then he removed any signs of him feeling anything, totally ignoring it. He said nothing about it and just took his hand back.

"Um... Hyung, you were going to show me around the campus?" He said looking at Yoongi, who was keenly watching our interaction.

"Yeah, about that... I'll just show you around later. We have to eat lunch right now, or else nothing will be left for us. Wait... show me your schedule, you must have received it by mail." Yoongi replied and Jungkook fished out his phone from his pockets, and handed it over to him.

"Ah, you and Y/N both are third years and most of your after-lunch classes are with her. You can stick with her, she'll tell you everything." He said looking over at me. I decided to forget this awkward interaction for now, but maybe I'll think more about it later. I focused on their conversation.

"Really? Show me?" I asked and then the phone was passed over to me. And indeed, all his classes after lunch were with me. "Well, that's nice. Come on now, let's go eat." I said.

"Yeah, I'm a bit hungry too..." Jungkook added, tapping his stomach as me and Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle at this cute little action.

Jungkook's POV

We went inside the cafeteria and thankfully the food was not completely finished yet. We quickly grabbed some trays and filled it with whatever we could. I got some chicken and a bowl of stew, and both of them turned to be really good. I guess when I read on the internet that this university has the most delicious food, it wasn't a lie afterall. Yoongi hyung and Y/N also got Chicken, but with some other side dishes.

Y/N decided to go eat with her friends on another table, leaving me and Yoongi hyung to 'catch up', as she called it. I held his hand under the table, and her not being here gave me a bit of relief because I wanted to talk to him about the incident earlier.

"Hyung-" I immediately tried to talk to him after we'd been left alone.

"I know Jungkook-ah, I know. That happened with me too." He said with a small smile, gently moving his thumb on my hand in circular motion. A gesture to calm me down, I realised.

"It did?! Like, really?!"

"I mean it when I say it. And you know it's significance." He said looking at me straight in the eyes. I gulped as an undefined emotion welled up inside me. I did know what this meant. For the both of us. And for her.

"And it's not only us here. Thought you ought to know." He said vaguely, keeping his already deep voice low in order to prevent attention. I wanted to do the same, but the shocked sound that escaped my mouth at his sudden drop of information was unintended. I understood what he meant, and I just couldn't believe it. My mind was total mess, but I tried to calm down seeing Yoongi hyung wince slightly.

Before I could've said anything else, a hand slightly tapped my shoulders, making me flinch. I was so lost inside my own mind thinking about this, I did not notice that the break was over, and the students were leaving already.

"Umm...Jungkook? We should go now." Y/N said, standing behind my chair. I collected my mind and nodded. As I was getting up, me and Yoongi hyung shared a look and it was silently decided that we won't be talking about this infront of Y/N.

We bid hyung goodbye and then I let Y/N guide me to our first after-lunch lecture, which was philosophy. While walking, she kept pointing out different corridors and lecture rooms, trying to explain what lectures were conducted there and by whom. Soon we reached a lecture hall that had a whiteboard in the centre and a projector right beside it. There was a table for the lecturer, and then there were multiple seats arranged in theatre seating for the students. I'm sure all the lecture halls must look like this, but since this was my first time here I took a good look at everything.

Y/N explained that the philosophy professor was a very punctual man and was really strict about assignment submissions, but nonetheless he was a really nice man who loved teaching. I hummed in response, and I looked around in hopes to find a place to sit, so after making a bashful attempt to ask the beautiful female to sit with me, we proceeded to sit in one of the middle of the rows - not too ahead nor too far back.

We were actually fifteen minutes early, so we casually started talking to eachother, trying to familiarised. I observed that since Y/N was a talkative person and I was quiet by nature, she ended up talking more and I just listened, occasionally adding a few sentences here and there.

I wanted to pay attention to what she was saying, but a few minutes into the conversation, I couldn't stop my eyes from trailing down her face, taking note of her appearance. Her complexion, her long black hair which was tied down in a messy bun with a few stray strands of hair that escaped tempting me to run my fingers through them, the chocolate brown colour of her eyes that made me want to melt, the cute little mole on her right cheekbone and then her beautiful coral pink lips.

"Oh! The professor's here!" Her sudden remark pulled me out of my thoughts about her looks. I glanced at the front and the old professor was already inside, arranging all his teaching materials. The lecture continued on, and I found that this professor was a jolly old man, who loved his job and tried to teach the students with the best of his capabilities. I just wished his enthusiasm was reciprocated by the other students too, but many people at the back were sleeping or just slacking off. Sigh.

Y/N, however, was soaking in every word he uttered and writing the important things from time to time in her pretty handwriting. I suddenly remembered that the half yearly examinations would be approaching soon, and I'll have to ask someone for notes... And that person might as well be Y/N. Got no other friends for now.

Soon I focused as well, taking my mind off other things.


The classes rolled on with me and Jungkook talking about academics, food, universities and other random things. I got to know him a lot better, and I can proudly call him my friend now that he gave me permission. We stuck with each other the whole day since he didn't have any other friends, and I wasn't oblivious to all the looks we were getting.

Jungkook was a handsome guy for sure. With big doe eyes, pink beautiful lips, dark brown hair with a greenish colour at the tips (which is a weird colour combination, but somehow he's able to pull it off and still look hot) and eyes a very beautiful hazel brown colour, he was attracting a lot of attention. But none of us payed any mind to it, we just wanted to study, talk and enjoy.

Soon it was evening, which meant that it was time to go home. The sun was setting and leaving the sky a beautiful shade of red and orange, that was slowly beginning to take a bluer tinge and morph into the night sky. Both of us waited for Yoongi to come since he was a fourth year student.

"Y/N? Um... I was wondering if I could have your phone number? It's really nice talking to you." Jungkook bashfully gave his phone to me, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the cuteness of the man infront of me.

"It would have been a pleasure, Jungkook-ah, but I cannot give you my number..."

"What? Why?" He didn't let me finish, and it seemed he was shocked that I refused.

"Hey! It's not like I don't want to! I really do! But I don't have my phone...I lost it." I lied for the second time about my phone. I just couldn't tell that embarrassing story to a man I just befriended, duh. I didn't want to disappoint him, but I couldn't do anything about it.

Yoongi arrived soon after and briefly apologised for making us wait. We assured him, and then bidding each other good night, we proceeded to go home. Jungkook was supposed to live with Yoongi for now, and so they went together.

I walked to the nearest bus station, thinking about how enjoyable today was and also about the new friend I made.




You might want to ask me why I'm being so late with updates these days (when have I ever not been💀)
But let me tell you, I had exams and also a TON of assignments, projects and homework that had to be submitted right after it. Like literally, the next day. I imagined that I'd finally sleep with peace after the exams, but there I was crying and completing assignments.

And also, I don't know if y'all are bored by the lack of anything mysterious happening, but it's just that I think it's important to show a bit of the backstory so you guys can understand how happy they were before and how their happiness was destroyed after. And today we saw an observant Jungkook and an awaiting Yoongi's meet.

ALSO, yoongi and Jungkook in the cafeteria talked about something we don't know yet. What do you think it is?

Tell me how it was~


Words :- 1779
Date :- 21st July, 2023

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