Chapter One

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"Alright, if you don't get up from that darn bed right now... you know what's gonna happen." My mother said, giving me a sadistic smile after many failed attempts to wake me up.


My mornings are the just the same as any other student - waking up, bathing, breakfast and then to college. And in just the same way as any other student, I loathe it - having some extra hatred for the first part. But to avoid my mother's wrath and her slipper, I have to, unfortunately, do it everyday.

Sluggishly getting up from my bed, I make my way to the bathroom, pick up the toothpaste and spread a generous amount of it on the brush. While brushing my teeth, it suddenly occurs to me that today there is actually one more reason to go for my classes, aside from my mother's slipper. I smile awkwardly at the thought, already imagining the reaction I'd be receiving through my friends. It'd be be a good laugh, though.

The thought suddenly fills me with some sort of energy, and so I quickly complete the rest of the routine, flitting around the house hurriedly, hoping to reach a bit early. Getting out of the house after saying goodbye to my mother, I jog through the route to my college eagerly, the thought of telling my friends about the incidents that occured yesterday already lifting up my mood. Gone was the grumpiness that came with the morning, instead, I was looking forward to how the day would turn out.

As I reached the fourth floor, I could already hear the loud voices of my classmates talking. Walking a bit more faster now, I entered the classroom, gaining the attention of some people for a moment before they resumed to do whatever they were doing. I walked towards my usual seat and, keeping my bag there, went ahead to greet my friends who were standing nearby. They were talking about something and didn't notice me.

"Why does he think so?"

"It's because his wife was acting stra-"

"Yo!" I greet them by doing our customary 'V' sign with the fingers. They got startled at first, but then returned the gesture and soon I found myself asking what they were talking about, intrigued to know whose wife had their eyes so wide and filled with curiousity.

"Nah, it's just some random gossip I heard my mom telling to some other lady." Harin informed, shrugging.

"Where are Taehyung and Jimin? They didn't come today?" I asked, noticing the absence of two people from our friend group. Taehyung and Jimin are also a part of our group, but they have known eachother for way long. Their families are friends as well, thus naturally the both of them are best friends too. And their personality... is, well, like Fred and George from Harry Potter. Irritating, but still nice. They are incredibly handsome too, the girls all over the campus simp on them.
Except me. Maybe.

"They won't be coming today. Their parents took them to some wedding... they'll come tomorrow, though." Harin answered again, shrugging.

"Anyway, what did you want to tell us? You were sounding like a hyena when I called you on the telephone after school! But you left me hanging! Since you didn't tell me then, tell me now~ You shouldn't keep me in suspense~" Seoyoon did some cringey aegyo at the last part at which all of us pretended to barf.

"Seoyoon please, I don't want to puke early in the morning," Misun said,  pleading with her hands joined.

"Even if y'all do puke, it's gonna be rainbows, I tell you. I'm just so cute~"

"...that's disgusting-" I said.

"ANYWAYS. Back to the topic." Harin guided us back to track.

"Ah, yes. So as I was about to say, which I couldn't say because I was interrupted by an old hag trying to act cute, I-"


"The old hag is screaming now!" I whispered conspiratorially to the other two, knowing very well she heard me.


"Ahem, ahem." A voice fake-coughed.


"Ms. Seoyoon it will be very much appreciated if you decide to spare our ears and sit down." The professor told her while setting his books down on his desk.

That's when Seoyoon noticed that all students, along with us, are already sitting down on their places, silently grinning at her who was the only one left standing. She didn't even notice us doing so. She glared at each one of us before sitting down herself, grumbling something about how we were the meanest people she had ever met. However she breathed a sigh of relief when she realised the professor didn't give her a punis-

"Ah, and of course. Write an analysis of the next chapter that we are supposed to study and present it in the class tomorrow."

The sigh of relief turned into a quiet curse midway, and I couldn't help but snicker in my mind, knowing full well that the others were doing so as well.

The lecture started and the other classes continued back-to-back. At first Seoyoon did glare at us, but it was only playfully. At this point it was a common thing for atleast one of us to get detention everyday. But who cares? We get good marks, and that's all that matters.

That's why after giving us some looks, and us replying by grinning, we all quickly gave our attention on what was being taught.

Well, all except me.

I was alright for the first ten minutes or so, but after that I started feeling weird, all the energy I had before vanishing away magically. I just couldn't get my mind to focus, which was unusual, considering the fact that I am attentive most of the time. I tried to follow whatever the professor was saying, but to no avail. I tried to read the book infront of me, but couldn't even concentrate on that. So after a while, I just stopped trying and pretended that I was understanding everything, while in reality I didn't even know the page we were on.

My mind was everywhere except for the books. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the person beside me constantly shaking their legs, while the person ahead of me was playing with their pen. It was annoying, so I decided not to focus on that. Sitting near the window, the morning sunlight was falling upon me as I could hear the birds chirping and the leaves rustling softly due to the morning breeze. I slowly moved my head to look out of the window, and saw cute, small sparrows flying in the sky, while some sitting on the trees which were looking absolutely beautiful. Their leaves were shining with dew and looking so vibrant under the sunlight, while the flowers seemed to have a glow around them. The trunk of the tree, with its wooden brown colour, was also silently glittering. I never truly appreciated nature, never gave it much importance. I considered it something that's just there. But now, suddenly, I can see why some people love it. It's so scenic and peaceful... A small smile made it's way onto my face as I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of sunlight with the momentary calmness my mind managed to obtain.

Thankfully, no one noticed anything strange with me, not even the professors. The last thing I wanted was a professor to catch me while I'm zoning out. But nothing of that sort happened and I successfully made it through half of the day.

The last lecture before the break finally came to an end and all the students packed up their stuff, heading outside the classroom. I did the same with my friends right beside me, the four of us talking about random stuff and what food to eat. We were walking towards the cafeteria - debating between chicken or ttokbokki - when a certain male between the crowds of students caught my eye. He was just exiting from a classroom, typing away something on his phone. Ignoring the look from Harin and the questions from Misun and Seoyoon, I quickly excused myself and ran towards his figure which was apparently too busy to notice me.

Author's POV

Misun and Seoyoon were confused as they looked at her running figure, which was soon beginning to get lost among the swarm of other students.

"Where did she run off to?" Misun wondered out loud.

"She even ignored me! She did it yesterday too. This is the second time, I swear-" Seoyoon said dramatically, pointing at herself.

Harin sighed, knowing very well what happened just now. "Why do you two even bother? One glance at her meow meow and she's running as if she's in a marathon." She said smiling, nonetheless.

"Wait, he was here? So that's why she suddenly ran! Her meow meow pulled her~" Seoyoon said, laughter bubbling out from her throat.  had a habit to gave nicknames to people, which are often uncommon and...weird. She used these nicknames to save as their contact names in her phone, saying that she likes doing it.

"Oh~ It'll be damn fun to tease her when she gets back," Misun said grinning.

"Right! I'll take my revenge for the morning!" Seoyoon said, already thinking of various words from her vocabulary to annoy her. It didn't take much to annoy her actually, just tease her a little about her strange habit, and she'll suddenly become sensitive to everything related to it being said afterwards. They always found it fun to watch her reactions, how she suddenly quiets down with the slightest tint of red on her cheeks and how she easily gets irritated if someone comments about that, turning into an adorable angry little duckling.

"Sure you will. But can we now go eat? I'm starving!" Harin said with her hand on her grumbling stomach.


I get behind him and tap his shoulders, silently demanding attention. However, he seems to be so immersed in his phone that he either ignored me, or he didn't feel the two taps I gave him. Huffing quietly, I tapped twice again, this time much harder. I then withdrew my hands and folded them as I waited for him to turn around and face me.

"What the fuck- Oh." He cursed at first, but then noticed that I was the one standing before him.

"I was about to call you, but whatever. Now tell me, did I do something wrong?" He quickly asked before I could say anything.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what made him think that. "Why are you asking this?"

"Yesterday...after college you never texted or called me the whole day. I just couldn't stomach the fact that someone like you can be busy, so I assumed you were angry. You didn't even meet me in the morning, so..." He explained, kind of teasing me in between.

"Ah, about that..." I said, awkwardly. "I broke my phone." I lied through my teeth. I definitely ain't telling him about how I kept my phone in my jeans pocket and accidentally flushed it in the toilet when I didn't notice it falling down. Though it wasn't able to be flushed down entirely, getting stuck in the hole with other stuff, I still threw it away. This was one of the things to tell my friends, one of the two incidents that happened yesterday. Anyway, when I focused back on him I noticed his nostrils flaring up with a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, putting my hands on his face to find it warm. Not dangerously, but still.

"Yeah," he stammered, "Anyway, why didn't you go to eat food?"

"Duh, because I came to meet you." I said, stating the obvious.

"Oh my, your highness, you did me a great favour~" He said with mock sarcasm, shaking his head soon after. "A friend of mine has recently took admission in this college, and today is his first day here. I'll show him around, so don't wait for me and eat. Don't want you to be starving, now, do we?" He said, tilting his head and lips curling up slightly, as he leaned down to look at me right in the eye. His expression looked like a smirk, but I found my eyes stuck to his face, unable to ignore how attractive he looked in that moment. Some of his dark, raven coloured hair fell upon his face which just made him look even more hotter.

I felt my face heat up a little at these inappropriate thoughts, but I soon gained control back over my mind which urged me to do something in return, something that'll tease him back. So in response to his actions, I came closer and wrapped my arms around his neck, his leaned form making it easier for me to do so. It seemed as if sparks flew down my spine as soon as our skin touched and his face was now flushed, suddenly transforming him from a 'hot-man-that-can-give-you-nosebleeds' to an adorable kitten.

"But Your Majesty, you know well that I don't like eating without you." I said, turning my voice sweet as sugar, ignoring those weird sparks. "Also, I recall you saying that you don't have breakfast in the morning, and if you don't eat now, you'll most likely forget. We don't want you fainting, now, do we?" I mimicked the very sentence he said a while back, flashing him a sly smile.

He chuckled, a deep amused sound which always managed to make my mind go haywire. The vibrations of his throat were felt by me due to our current position, and it took me considerable efforts to suppress the goosebumps that threatened to arise and make melt into a puddle right there, so instead I just unwound my arms from around him and stepped back a safe distance.

"Seriously though, who's this friend? And why can't you just give him a tour of the college tomorrow? Like, it's already mid-day. And after break we have immediate lectures so..." You trailed off.

"Well...Yeah, you're right. I'll-" You smiled as he answered in affirmative, however he was interrupted when a person came running and panting towards us, shouting.

"Yoongi!" The man called.

Yoongi turned his head to look at the running man, and a wide gummy smile formed upon his face. He smiled quite often when we're alone, but I never saw him smile at someone else, so to see him almost glowing with happiness was a new sight for me. The upcoming man had a huge smile on his face himself, and soon he collided with Yoongi, embracing him in a warm, tight hug. With the way they hugged made me realise that perhaps they have known eachother for a long time. They seemed to be really good friends.

Soon, they both stepped back from their embrace and only then did the man seemed to notice my presence.

"Oh, I... I'm sorry. Didn't see you there. I hope I did not disturb the both of you?" He asked looking at me with wide apologetic eyes.

"No, no! You didn't! Actually, the both of us were waiting for you. Yoongi told me you'd be coming so I thought I'll come to welcome you as well..." I stopped myself from blabbering off and took a breath.

"I'm Y/N. I hope we can be friends," I said, putting my hand forward for a handshake. The man looked at me, then my hands, and then again at me, as if what I said made him the happiest person on earth. A wide smile formed on his face, as he raised his own hand and joined it with mine.

"I'd love to be friends with you...and I'm Jeon Jungkook."


A/N :- Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did then please don't forget to vote, comment and follow~

Date :- 20th March, 2023 (lmao look at the date 😂20/03/2023)
Words :- 2700

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