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It was exactly 02:35 AM.

While most people at this time would've been sleeping, an unknown woman was sitting on her couch, eyes wide open. She fumbled with her fingers, as the feeling of nervousness slowly crawled upon her figure.

She debated for the hundredth time, whether it was actually worth it. If she succeeded and really came out safe, it would be nothing less than an achievement. But if not...then she's digging up her own grave.

Minutes ticked by with their own pace... But to her, it felt as if time was going by way too faster than usual, as if several minutes were passing by with each blink.

A glance at the clock told her that it was already 2:55 AM. She still sat at the same place with cold sweat dripping from her forehead.

If she has to make a decision, she has to make it now.

The woman got up from her place and started pacing back and forth out of anxiety.

It's just like now or never.


2:56 AM.


She knew. She knew that if she backed out now, she would never be able to muster up courage to do it again.

All her life, she wanted to try something adventurous. Something that gave her the thrill, something that spiced up her boring normal life. Something reckless.


2:57 AM.



Is this thrill really needed?

Is the adrenaline rush, the adventure that she's about to have, really worth it?

"Is it worth risking it all?"


2:58 AM.


She suddenly stopped pacing around.


What has she got to loose?


She has no one in her life. No one waiting on her. She's just living for the sake of living. No one would realise she's gone.

There's no harm in trying this, then.

Besides... what's life without some risk?


2:59 AM.


Blackness spread throughout the whole room.

The fumbling of her fingers stopped and the endless maze in her mind abruptly gave way to a path.

All of the doubts she had instantly faded away into nothingness, and her mind became blank.

The sweat beads on her forehead dried up and though everything suddenly seemed darker, her vision was more clear than ever.


3:00 AM.


The decision was made.

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