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Warning: Mentions of attempted rape and a long ass chapter.


"Bye mom, bye dad!" Donghyuck said at the door ready to leave but his mother came over and hugged him tightly and his father patted his head.
"Be good okay?" His mother said and Donghyuck nodded.
"It's just high school, I should be fine. And I wanted this" he smiled brightly. Donghyuck was officially a freshman, he wanted to start his high school career in the actual school. Before, he was homeschooled and told his parents he wanted to go to a public high school and they reluctantly agreed fearing for their little boy. But then again, he isn't so little now. He smiled and walked out waving to his parents and they watched as he walked down to the bus stop. He waited and tapped his foot impatiently and anxiously. He saw the bus heading down and felt his heart pound, suddenly the sound of feet stomping came and a boy ran up and bent over with his hands on his knees trying to regain his breath.
"Am I late?!" He shouted and Donghyuck shook his head no and pointed at the bus. "Oh thank goodness" the other sighed in relief. The bus stopped and the doors opened. "Are you new?" The guy next to him asked and he shyly nodded. He smiled—a beautiful eye smile—and gently took Donghyuck's wrist and led him inside the bus and sat down in one of the middle seats. He slid in after him and blushed at the closeness of it. The boy extended a hand. "My name is Jeno, it's nice to meet you..."
"Donghyuck" he responded and shook the boys hand with a small smile. Wow, he already made a friend! They talked about interest as they waited for the bus to get to their destination. Donghyuck noticed Jeno had a stronger smell, more manly. He must he an alpha. Donghyuck doesn't know what he is just yet because he hasn't presented. They lost track of time and the bus arrived at their school, kids filed out of the bus and he entered the school with Jeno, he hoped everyone was as nice as Jeno. Jeno helped him find all his classes and helped him with his locker. They had first, third, forth, and seventh period together and Donghyuck was extremely thankful. The bell rang and both boys anxious went to their first class and sat down.
"Jeno!"a boy hollered and sat next to the two males. Right away Donghyuck knew he was an omega because of his scent, it was a sweet smell.
"Jaemin, hey!" He said excitedly. "Oh hey, this is Donghyuck, he's new" Jeno introduced them and Donghyuck blushed nervously and shook hands with the omega.
"Nice to meet you" Jaemin said with a beautiful smile. Donghyuck smiled back unable to resist doing so. The bell rang signaling class is starting and each student was called to take attendance. There was no homework, the whole time they went through the class rules and Donghyuck yawned. The bell rang and they boys had to depart. He went to his second period and saw they had assigned seats labeled on the smart board in the front of the classroom. He found his spot and sat down. He felt a bit dizzy. Nerves? Probably. He saw his desk mate was a male named Huang Renjun. The chinese boy who he was waiting for walked in. Short but very beautiful, dark hair and a small figure. He sat down and introduced himself and they started to get aquatinted. He knew Renjun was a beta, his smell was so calming. Donghyuck was extremely happy to have made three friends already. He was all smiles and the bell rang. Like the first class they went through the class rules. In the middle of the class he saw the teacher gave a small frown but continued. He started to feel a bit hot. Renjun recoiled a bit and covered his nose. Donghyuck frowned and whispered. "W-what's wrong?" He asked and then saw a few people look over and most tried to cover their nose.
"I-I think you're going into heat" Renjun said and Donghyuck took a few seconds to process. No, no no no, he was suppose to be an alpha. Why was he an omega? He was suppose to he an alpha! The likelihood of becoming an alpha is a lot more than an omega. He knew the way omegas were treated in society, sure it's gotten better but he's heard rumors of what omegas are treated like. He wanted to cry and he shot his hand up.
"Can I go to the restroom?" He asked in a small voice and the teacher nodded knowing what was going on. Donghyuck quickly rushed out of the classroom and he jogged to the bathroom. He had started his first heat on the first day of high school, in public. He quickly went inside the boys restroom and saw an upperclassman was about to leave. He walked further in and was about to take out his phone to text his mom but suddenly he was pinned against the wall.
"Damn you smell nice" the upperclassmen said and Donghyuck's eyes widened and tried to shove the male away.
"G-get off me!" He started to cry and tried to run but was shoved to the floor and the male straddled him and started to tear Donghyuck's shirt off, when it wouldn't come off the older ripped the collar down to the middle of his chest and finally in half, he hungrily sucked on his neck and Donghyuck started sobbing. "Help! Help!" He shouted and tried to push the male off and the male shoved a hand on his mouth and Donghyuck grabbed his arm and dug his nails in him trying to get him to get off. He felt his belt being undone and he started to whimper and thrash.
"Stop moving" the alpha growled and Donghyuck was forced into submission, terrified. His pants were just starting to he removed when a teacher entered out of breath hearing what was going on. The female teacher demanded the male to stop and Donghyuck saw the student look up at the female alpha who commanded him to stop and then he looked under him. He glared at the teacher angrily. The teacher quickly called for security and separated the boys. The school officer quickly dragged the alpha away trying to calm him as he female alpha helped the new omega up as he was sobbing. She led him to the office, his whole body shaking and she put him in the nurses office and he looked at her horrified. She grabbed something from a cabinet and walked over and put a blanket around him. A security blanket.
"You're okay, we called your parents and your mom said she's on her way, just sit tight okay?" She said and was careful not to touch the boy not wanting to scare him. She waited in the room with him and suddenly he heard his mother's panicked voice. She was led into the nurses office and hugged Donghyuck tightly as he sobbed into her chest.
"Shh baby you're okay" she said and rubbed his back.
After a long conversation and his mother giving him her jacket so he could cover himself they headed to the car and she soothed him all the way home.
That very day, he stopped trusting alphas. Alphas are dangerous, full of lust, and didn't care for others. He had convinced himself Jeno was only being nice to him to take advantage of him. The teacher was forced to help him, that's what he told himself. The only alpha he trusted was his father. He started homeschool again.
After awhile Jeno finally managed to get in touch with him, thankfully they remained friends.

That wasn't the last time something happened like that.


Donghyuck's P.O.V

Here I was, standing in front of Seoul University. I had moved into my dorm about a week ago and finally stood at the entrance of the school. Suddenly I heard a deep voice yell: "Donghyuck!" They ran at me and brought me into their strong arms and I knew right away it was Jeno. I smiled and hugged back.
"Hey no jam" I said and he playfully punched my shoulder. Jaemin approached us with Renjun and we all hugged, happy to see we are going to the same college. I readjusted my backpack as we headed inside. Ever since that day I have been taking suppressants to dual my scent. Call me over dramatic was I also had my small pocket knife in my front pocket. I stopped in my tracks and my friends raised a brow. "What if it happens again?" I questioned and Jaemin draped an arm around my shoulders.
"You track your heat religiously, you would know" he said and I rolled my eyes but still feared for it every time I was in public. We walked inside the school and I was immediately shocked at how big it truly was, I felt a wave of anxiety hit me and then I felt Renjun rub my arm.
"Re-" he started to say.
"Renjun!" I heard someone say and saw a taller male beckon us over to a group.
"Hyung" he said with a smile and I followed behind my three companions.
"Finally joining us" the taller chinese said and hugged Renjun who smiled.
"Nice to see you Sicheng hyung" he said.
"You're a new face" Sicheng said and looked at me. I nodded.
"My name is Donghyuck" I gave a small bow and he smiled.
"Sicheng" he introduced himself back and I gave a nod.
"Wait you mean you're Lee Donghyuck? Like from NCT High?" One person asked and I looked at a male who was shorter who I was, but by a bit. I nodded a bit nervous. "So you're the omega who started his h-" he started to say but I quickly snapped cutting off his sentence.
"Yes" I said forcefully "no one needs to know the story" I said with embarrassment.
"Sorry didn't mean to offend you. My name is Taeil" he smiled and I nodded. The bell rang and people started heading to their classes. I managed to get lost and entered my first class late. Everyone looked at me and I felt my face go red and I bowed.
"You're late" the professor said and I nodded.
"Sorry sir" I said. I could tell he was an alpha by the way he carried himself.
"Take a seat" he pointed to the only chair left at the shared desk tops. I bowed and walked to my seat and noticed the person I was going to be sitting by had his phone in his lap as he was playing a random game. I sat down nervously. He looked up and faced me. Dyed blonde hair, high cheek bones, big eyes, and overall handsome. He smelt very nice, not an omega smell and not a beta smell but rather an alpha smell. He glared.
"Is there something on my face chubs?" He asked.
"No I w-" I glared realizing what he said "excuse me?" I said in disgust of the nickname.
"What?" He said.
"Why did you call me chubs?" I asked in a low voice.
"Have you seen your face?" He laughed and looked back at his phone. I scrunched my nose at his mean behavior and faced the front. The whole lecture was just the professor telling us what we will be learning this semester and plans for the next. He also talked about homework and projects. He dismissed the class and I walked out but not without shoulder-checking my desk mate with a glare. He grabbed my arm and I quickly slapped it away getting terrified for a second. He frowned his brows and looked at me funny.
"Fuck off" I growled trying my best to act as if I was an alpha and I quickly walked off seething.

It was officially the middle of the day and I was invited to lunch by Jeno. I saw them at a table, Jaemin in the middle of Jeno and Renjun. I sat next to Jeno and sighed. "You sound upset" Jaemin said and looked at me concerned. I sighed once more.
"Some asshole ruined my day" I said and Jeno and Renjun piped up.
"What happened?" Renjun asked.
"In my first period I have a desk mate, who I don't even know the name of, who called me chubs and treated me like I was inferior" I showed my point as I pinched my cheek. Jaemin smiled and reached over and pinched both my cheeks.
"Well I think you're face is cute" he smiled and I squatted his hands away gently. More people sat down and I saw two familiar faces, Taeil and Sicheng. I noticed a Japanese alpha sit next to Sicheng excitedly and noticed three more faces I did not know.
"Hey! You must be Donghyuck" one said who had chestnut colored hair. "My name is Jaehyun" he gave a dimpled smile. I nodded and shook his hand.
"The name is Johnny" the giant said and I nodded.
"Donghyuck" I answered.
"My name is Taeyong, nice to meet you Donghyuck" he said and shook my hand and then held it. "You're adorable just like Taeil said." I looked at Taeil and he laughed nervously. I smiled.
"T-thank you" I responded to the compliment.
"Doyoung" the other male with black hair said with a nod. I nodded back.
The Japanese quickly introduced himself "my name is Yuta" he gave a bright smile, so bright I thought it'd burn my eyes.
"Hope you don't mind but I invited another friend" Taeyong said.
"The more the merrier" Jaemin said. Suddenly I smelt something familiar.
"Mark! Over here!" Jaehyun hollered and someone sat next to me which happened to be the last seat. I faced the male and he faced me at the same time.
"It's you?" We both said at the same time and I scoffed. I rolled my eyes and glared at him.
"Leave" I said.
"No, you leave" he glared back.
"Um, you guys know each other?" Renjun asked curiously.
"He's the one who called me chubs" I said still glaring at the taller.
"Really? Acting like a child because of that?" Mark said and rolled his eyes. "Did you guys order already?" He asked and Jaemin nodded.
"Hope I got enough for everyone" he said.
"Someone switch seats with me" I said and looked around.
"You're so childish" Mark said.
"Shut up" I said.
"Donghyuck be nice, he's older than you" Jeno said. "It's nice to meet you Mark hyung" he gave his eye smile towards the older. Mark nodded with a smile. The food came and damn, Jaemin ordered a lot. We all dug in. Right when I was about to grab some meat, Mark plucked it away from me.
"That was mine" I snapped.
"I didn't see your name on it" he said and ate a piece.
"Here Donghyuck, have some of mine" Taeyong said and passed a bit over. I smiled brightly.
"Thank you hyung, I'll eat well!" I said and started eating.
"You sure he needs that much?" Mark asked and I had the strong urge to slap him.
"Mark be nice" Johnny said with a smile, "we're all friends here."
"Whatever" Mark said and started eating. The atmosphere was awkward and I heard Yuta clear his throat.
"So uh a termite walks into the bar..." he started off with a joke and I smiled at his awkwardness. "And asks 'is the bar tender here?" He finished with another healing smile. Mark laughed and so did the others, all except Doyoung and Renjun.
"That was horrible" Doyoung said. I laughed at his bluntness. We finished eating and the waitress took our empty dishes and cups.
"Everyone chip in" Jaemin said and some groaned. I gave Jaemin some money, as did others. We all got up and followed him to the counter and he paid, we walked out. I shoved Mark a bit so I got out of the door first. Once we exited I felt someone grab my arm causing my sleeve to go down a bit and my shoulder was almost exposed. I felt anxiety creeping in fast and felt adrenaline fill my veins. I quickly grabbed my pocket knife and switched it open and turned and put it to the persons neck as I heaved.
"Donghyuck!" Jeno yelled and I saw it was Johnny who grabbed my arm. He looked at me a little spooked and confused.
"Le-let go" I said stuttering, intimidated by his height. He quickly retreated his hands and held them up. Jeno stormed over and grabbed the knife away from me.
"Over dramatic much?" Mark asked and I looked down feeling horrible about my actions.
"I'm sorry hyung" l said and bowed.
"I-it's alright, sorry if I scared you. I was just gonna ask if you were alright" he explained and I nodded with my head hung low. Everyone's eyes were trained on me and I felt Jaemin gently take my hand and walked down the campus sidewalk with me.
"Let's go to the dorms okay? To help you relax" he said and rubbed circles on my back.
"I can go, go ahead and hang out" I whispered and turned and the group stopped. I bowed deeply as an apology. "Sorry for my behavior hyungs, it won't happen again" I said and some gave me soft smiles, Mark just raised a brow.
"Feel better Donghyuck" Taeyong said.
"Thank you" I said and quickly walked back to the dorms. I unlocked my room and walked in, I shut and locked it and walked to my bed, I saw Renjun's side was perfectly neat and mine a bit messy with the boxes. I grabbed my favorite stuffed toys, pillows, and my blanket and wrapped myself in it and laid on my side, making my nest. God I hope they don't hate me. I curled up fell asleep.

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