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Warning: mentions of attempted rape

I was walking from the store at night with a few bags when I felt someone staring at me. It was uncomfortable and suddenly a tall alpha male walked up and gave a smile—it wasn't a comforting smile, it was a creepy one. "Need help?" he asked and I shook my head no and continued walking. "Oh come on, let me help you" he smiled once more.
"I don't need it" I said trying to remain strong. He grabbed my wrist "let go!" I said and glared. He smirked and suddenly I was pulled into an alley and I dropped the bags and tried to get him to let go. "Get off of me!" I yelled once more and I was slammed into a brick wall and I grunted at the force. He tore my shirt off and when I screamed he shoved his hand over my mouth and he touched my body and I felt cold; adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I started to kick but he shoved his knee on my legs to stop me. I clawed at his arm and screamed into his hand. He growled and gave me a look that could kill but I powered through my fear. He unbuckled my belt and got my pants down and they dropped to my ankles and I felt very exposed and I actually feared it would happen, his disgusting hands ran and groped all over my body. I brought my hand up and clawed his face and punched him in the nose and he recoiled in pain. I kicked him in the groin and he got off me and held his manhood. I pulled up my jeans and put my shirt back on as I ran away but he grabbed my wrist.
"You little shit!" He cursed me. I looked at his face, my nails must've dug into his skin as marks were displayed under his eyes, my punch caused his nose to bleed. I kicked in his knee and ran and I spotted my phone on the ground and picked it up and continued to run faster and faster. I made it home and threw myself inside and collapsed.
"Baby?" My mother asked as she stepped into the room "baby!" She shouted and grabbed me and held me as I shook out of fear and I was bawling my eyes out into her chest. My dad dropped down beside us and held me with my mother.
"What happened?" He asked. I hiccuped and was unable to explain because I was hyperventilating and crying. My mother helped me up and to my bedroom where she laid me down and laid with me to soothe me, she ran her fingers through my hair.
"Donghyuck" my father said.

"Donghyuck!" I heard someone yell and I shot up out of bed terrified and ended up tripping over my blanket and fell on the floor, I looked up in fear and then relaxed seeing it was Renjun looking at me worriedly. He slowly sat down next to me and brought my head to his chest and ran his fingers through my hair. "Did you have a nightmare?" He asked and I nodded.
"I'm sorry Renjun" I apologized.
"For what?" He asked.
"For being a drama queen and a nuisance" I trembled.
"You're not any of those, what you went through was unfair and it affected you. It wasn't your fault" he comforted me and rubbed my back. I calmed down and closed my eyes. "We were wondering if you wanted to hang out at Taeyong hyung's apartment" he said "maybe it'll get your mind off it" he smiled and I nodded.
"Can I take a shower?" I asked and he nodded. We got up and I quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up.


Jeno drove us to Taeyong's apartment and we got out and he led us to the elevator. We got on and I looked at the mirror on the wall and started to fix my silver hair. Jaemin put bunny ears behind my head and laughed. The elevator stopped on the 2nd floor and we got out. Jeno looked at his phone to find the room number and soon stopped at a door labeled "127." He knocked. Taeyong greeted us and we stepped inside. I saw everyone was here and I smiled. "How are you feeling?" Taeil asked, he is the true definition of a beta.
"Better" I smiled and we walked into the living area and Renjun sat in the middle of the couch and Jeno and Jaemin sat on his sides. I rolled my eyes at them. I noticed a few beers and then Jaehyun offered me one.
"Wanna drink?" He asked and I thought for a second and took it.
"Thanks hyung" I said and opened it and took a sip. I saw Johnny look at me worriedly and smiled hoping to show him I was okay and he smiled back and went back to watching TV.
"I ordered some pizza" Doyoung said walking over and sitting on the loveseat with Jaehyun. I sat down on the floor against Jaemin's legs, he laughed.
"Hyuckie is being affectionate" he laughed and bent down to hug me.
"Oh be quiet" I glared playfully. He smiled and sat back up and rested on Renjun's shoulder and took the beta's drink and took a drink for himself. A knock was at the door and Taeyong got up and went to it. He walked back in with someone following him and I instantly recognized who it was. I groaned. Jeno smacked the back of my head.
"Be nice" he said and I glared at him.
"You seriously reached all the way over here to smack me?" I asked and he laughed and apologized.
"What is he doing here?" I heard Mark say and look at me.
"I was here first" I said and took a drink of my beer. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his own drink and sat down next to Johnny on the couch.
"You guys need to get along, we're all in the same friend group" Yuta said as he sat on the other couch with an arm wrapped around Sicheng. I made an 'o' with my mouth realizing they were mates.
"Whatever" we both said at the same time and glared at each other.
"Hyuckie" Jaemin pouted "be nice."
"Hyuckie?" Mark asked and I looked away with a small embarrassed blush. "That's a stupid nickname." He finished and took a swig of his beer.
"It's a lot better than chubs" I said.
"Stop fighting you two" Doyoung said and we looked at him.
"Sorry hyung" I apologized and Mark gave a simple nod. Sicheng turned on the TV and we watched some random game show. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.
"That must be the pizza" Doyoung said and got up and went to the door. Less than a minute later he walked over and set five boxes on the coffee table and we all dug in. I happily took a piece and ate it with a smile.
"Thank you hyung" I said.
"Thank you" the rest answered and Doyoung gave a nod.

Awhile later Taeyong was a bit drunk, as were some of the others. I remained a bit sober so I wouldn't make a fool of myself. "Hyuckie grab me another~" Jaemin cooed and I rolled my eyes and got up and went to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
"Get me one too!" I heard Mark holler.
"Get it yourself!" I yelled back and was about to shut the fridge but someone leaned over my shoulder and grabbed a beer. I shrunk away and dodged under him and leaned onto the counter.
"The fuck is your problem?" He asked and I gulped.
"S-shut up" I said and walked back to the living room and handed Jaemin a beer.
"Thank you" he cooed and I rolled my eyes. Renjun had fallen asleep on Jeno's shoulder.
"Where's your bathroom?" I asked and Johnny got up.
"I'll show you" he smiled. I got up and hesitated following him.
"Donghyuckie" Jaemin said and I looked at him "he's not like the others he won't hurt youuu" Jaemin said drunkly and my eyes widened.
"Ja-" I started to say.
"No no no, full sun, he won't hurt you like the others why can't you realize that" he said and rolled his head back. "Not all alphas are ba-" he was about to say but Jeno spoke.
"Jaemin be quiet" he said and Jaemin pouted and stood completely drunk off his ass. The air was awkward and tense.
"No he has to understand that Johnny hyung won't hurt him" he said and rubbed his eyes.
"Where's the bathroom?" I asked once more and Johnny snapped out of it and quickly started to lead me down the hall.
"Lee Donghyuck!" Jaemin yelled and I stopped and turned. "Stop running away" he said.
"I'm not" I glared and urged Johnny to keep going. He showed me the bathroom and walked away. I got in and did my business and washed my hands. I walked out and saw some of the guys looking awkward and saw Jaemin asleep laying across Renjun and Jeno's laps.
"So you hate alphas?" Mark asked and I glared.
"I don't hate them" I said and grabbed my beer and chugged it. "Lets just talk about something else yeah?" I said.
"Yeah, good idea" Sicheng smiled.
Instead of talking we put on a funny movie and laughed along to it, I was drunk and got up to grab another so I did. I came back in the living room and stumbled and wasn't able to make it to my original spot, instead I plopped down next to Mark who had moved to the floor so Johnny could lay down.
"Why are you sitting h-" he started and I shushed him.
"Shhh, lemme stay here, too drunk" I mumbled. He took a drink.
"Whatever" he said. I drank a bit more. Almost everyone was drunk or asleep. I took a drink of my own beer. The funny movie seemed even more hilarious dude to the alcohol. I was laughing like a mad man and so was Mark.
About an hour later everyone was passed out, Yuta and Sicheng had left and Doyoung and Jaehyun were cuddling—which Doyoung would wake up to it freaked out. My three closest friends were on the couch sleeping in a group. Johnny had laid across the couch on the laps of his friends. I rested my head on Mark's shoulder and he glared. "The fuck are y-"
"Shh you're too loud, lemme rest here, you smell nice" I mindlessly spoke and then buried my face into his neck. That must've triggered something because he quickly pushed me away.
"Are you trying to scent me?!" He said and I looked at him confused.
"N-no I wasn't" I said and slowly got up. "I need to head home" I said feeling awkward and stumbled to the door.
"Whatever" he said once more and I walked out making sure I had everything. I went down the stairs and walked out the front door and stumbled in the cold night air. Shit why did I decide to go alone? Should I text Jeno? Jaemin? Renjun? I sighed and then remembered what Jaemin had said. Not all alphas bad. I gulped and started walking down the sidewalk getting ready to flag down a taxi. I reached my thumb out and got one and stepped in and buckled. "Seoul University" I said trying to sound sober. They nodded and they started driving. After 15 minutes we arrived and I paid them and got out. I walked towards the dorms shivering from the cold and climbed up the stairs. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door and shut it behind me after I walked in. I took off my clothes stripping down to my underwear and laid down under my blankets. I'm gonna have a hell of a hangover in the morning.


I was awoken by a weight being thrown on me and I grunted. "T-the hell?" I questioned and then I opened my sore eyes to see Jaemin cuddling me.
"I'm so so so so sorry full sun!" He apologized loudly and held me tight.
"Sh, my head hurts" I said and sighed "it's fine, you were drunk" I said. Renjun came over and handed me some medicine and I gladly took it.
"Heard you almost scented Mark last night" Jeno said and sat at the end of my bed.
"I can't, not an alpha and plus I wouldn't do that" I huffed and sat up.
"You did say he smelt nice" Renjun spoke.
"You were awake weren't you" I glared.
"Maybe" he said. Jeno twitched his nose and came a bit closer to me and frowned.
"You smell like Mark" he said and I glared and got up.
"I'm taking a shower" I said and left to get in the shower.
After my shower I checked the cabinet for my suppressants and grabbed the bottle only to hear nothing. I shook it and panicked and opened it to see it was empty. I groaned. I got dressed and left the bathroom and walked back into the main room. "Jaemin do you have any suppressants?" I asked and shook the bottle to show it was empty. He rose a brow and sat up from my bed.
"No sorry, I only get them for my heats" he said and I sighed heavily.
"Well shit" I said and ruffled my hair with the towel I used. I fixed it in the mirror and looked at my calendar by my bed and noticed I'd start my heat in 3 days. "My prescription doesn't come in for another week what am I gonna do?" I questioned and pouted.
"It'll be okay" Renjun said. "You don't need to suppress your smell when you're not in heat, sure it helps but still" he said. I nodded and grabbed my bag. We headed out and walked down the sidewalk to the school. We entered and met with our group.
"Hey guys what-" Taeyong started to say but stopped and looked at me. "You're smell is stronger than normal" he said and I sighed and looked down.
"I ran out of suppressants" I said and looked back at him. He frowned.
"Sorry to hear that" he said. The bell rang and I realized I'd have to face Mark. I groaned and dragged myself to class. I noticed Mark was already here and I sat down and grabbed my books and placed them on the desk and my bag next to my feet. I saw Mark's nose twitch and he looked at me.
"I ran out of suppressants" I explained quickly and he nodded.
"Were you taking them the whole time?" He asked confused and I nodded. "That's how you tun out quickly." He said and I sighed.
"Thanks, I know that" I said. The bell rang once more and the lesson started. We ended up having to do a project in class and we had to work with our desk mate. "That's not the right answer" I said to Mark and he glared.
"Yeah it is" he said and I groaned and pointed at a sentence in the book.
"It says it right here" I said and read the sentence aloud and then realized I was wrong. He looked at me with a smirk.
"Think you're so smart huh?" He asked and I glared.
"Shut up" I said.
"Why don't you?" He asked threatening me.
"Ugh you're impossible" I pouted.
"Whatever" he said.
"Is that your response to everything?" I asked criticizing him.
"Whatever" he mocked and I rolled my eyes.
"You're so childish" I said.
"I'm childish?" He said with a smirk "you're the one who is" he said back.
"No I'm not" I snapped back.
"Yeah you are" he said.
"Am not"
"You are"
"Yes" I groaned realizing he tricked me and he laughed. We quickly finished our assignment and handed it in and sat back down. We both got on our phones and waited for class to end. After what felt like forever it ended.

I had lunch with the group again and yet again forced to sit next to Mark. We ate and laughed together and then Jeno looked at me a bit troubled, he leaned in to whisper. "I think you're gonna start your heat early?" He said more as a question and I groaned.
"You're kidding" I said and rubbed my temples.
"What?" Taeil asked.
"Nothing" Jeno and I said.
"Need me to scent you?" Jeno whispered and I leaned to whisper in his.
"Jaemin and Renjun would get jealous" I said.
"Oh I m-" he started to whisper and then jumped away "what do you mean by that?!" He said with wide eyes and everyone looked over at him.
"Mean by what?" Johnny asked confused. I smirked.
"Anyways, I should head out" I said with a sigh and then felt a wave of dizziness hit me as I got up, I groaned. "Fuck me why now" I said and continued to get up.
"Let me take you back" Taeyong said getting up. Mark started breathing heavily and pinched his nose. Yuta buried his nose in Sicheng's neck. I apologized and quickly left with Taeyong. "Maybe you should get a mate... they could protect you" he said and I sighed.
"I don't need a mate, I can protect myself" I said and he managed to get me to the dorms safe and sound. We talked a bit and then he left  and I laid in bed groaning at the pain and the hotness. I threw off the blanket and stripped and then felt cold. I put my blanket over me and felt cold again. This is so dumb, why couldn't I be an alpha! I cursed and stuck a leg out trying to cool down. Yet again it starts in public. How embarrassing! No wonder I was getting clingy that night at Taeyong's, I was in post heat.

Fuck my life.

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