It's TEEJ !

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Baani's POV

It's TEEJ!

It's finally my first Teej. And guess what, Kabeer is also fasting.

These gestures of him make me fall for him more.

I have chosen a sky blue colored kurta for him.

I woke up early today and after bathing got ready into a baby pink saree.

Wearing  my heavy long earrings and putting vermilion in my hair partition,I looked into mirror.

I'm ready and waiting for my husband to show up !

"Ehm, Mrs. Mittal " A voice whispered near me and I looked at him from Magazine.

And here he goes like always!

Handsome hunk!

"You look great Kabeer" I exclaimed as I stood up adjusting the saree.

"And you as always look beautiful, love" He complimented kissing my cheek.

"Happy First Teej Angel" He added and I smiled

"Happy First Teej Husband" I replied

Baani & Kabeer Outfit

We moved downstairs when I saw Maya mom and dad near main door.

"You also coming dad? " I asked

"Of course. What if doctor denied me that I can't fast, but I'm coming temple" He said and we nodded.

We all set in the car and reached temple.

"Ugh. This media doesn't leave us on festivals too" I muttered and Kabeer chuckled.

"Don't worry. Body guards are there" He said as we came out and made our way in temple.

"What are you going to wish for? " I whispered in his ear

"Um, that Chris Evans won't make any movies now" He mocked and I glared him.

"You?" He asked

"Evans make ten movies in a year" I huffed while he chuckled as we moved in front of the idols of Lord Rama and others.

I covered my head with veil of saree and joined hands while closing my eyes.

Thankyou for everything till today. You've given me the most loving people and I'm great ful God But today I'm not here to ask anything for me. I just want this person right beside me to get each and every happiness of this world. He deserves it God. He deserves smiles. Give his all sorrows to me and give all ny happiness to him. Thank you.

I looked at Kabeer who had his eyes closed and hands joined too with a small smile on his lips.

After some time we came out of the temple towards parking.

"So, what's the plan for whole day? " Kabeer asked as we went towards the car.

"Keeping myself so busy that I don't remember food. You see I can't even eat ice cream. All I can eat is fruits and that too before sunset. And are fruits even to eat. Apple on the top" I rambled making face as we drove back to house

"It's healthy Baani and you always fuss over healthy things" He said

"No. Dad, you tell me. One should eat to live or live to eat" I asked and dad chuckled

"Later one doll" He said and I smirked while Kabeer sighed

No one can win from me!

"See Chris Evans whole day" Maya mom suggested and I was about to smile and say something when Kabeer spoke.

"Whole day! She'll need three bowls of popcorns , two pizza and 4-5 ice creams" He mocked and I frowned

Well, he's right too!

"I've nothing to do" I whined

"Areh Baani. It's not like that. See, we've some things to do which will keep you engaged. Like first we're going home and we'll head to Garden. As a ritual of Teej we should swing. So we'll do that. Since you've already applied mehendi(henna) as I told you, we're free to do other works. Like we've to make and decorate sattu. We'll do that and we've to even decide my accessories for outfits. You're going to help me. Okay? " Maya mom asked and I grinned

"You are the best" I said and we all smiled.

We reached home when Maya mom took us to Garden.

Kabeer looked at the old swing which was today decorated so beautifully with flowers and I'm sure the old memories came back.

"Dad used to push it from behind while mom used to swing it on Teej" He whispered smiling

"Back in the memory lane , aren't we? " I asked

"Happy one! " He replied and I kissed his nose.

The Decorated Swing

"You're going to push the swing forcefully and if you make me fall, I'll... I'll not talk to you for four days" I said and he laughed.

"I won't ever let you fall. What I said you, fall will become.. " He asked

"Fly" I completed smiling and he nodded.

"Okay, Maya mom and dad you both first. I'm gonna make a slow motion video" I chirped .

After dad and Maya mom, I looked at Kabeer.

"Don't push with all force. I don't want to reach sun okay" I mocked but he smirked

I don't see his intentions good at all!

And I knew it !

He pushed the swing with all force and as it moved to and fro while I screamed.

"Mummmaaaa! I so hate you Kabeer Mittal. This is your fall becoming fly. I won't leave you" I yelled while they all laughed.

Once the swing stopped I looked at him and then glared him.

"You are gone" I muttered and ran towards him but it was almost like impossible as I was wearing saree.

And guess what, it got stuck and I fell on the grass.

"Ugh. I hate you man" I whined when he chuckled giving me his hand which I took and stood up.

"Am I in mud? "I asked turning around while he denied.

"Don't worry lazy head. You don't have to bath again" He told

"Baani, Kabeer. Let's go inside. And Kabeer, you're not going anywhere today okay" Maya mom said and we looked at each other.

"But.. Office" We asked in unison

"It's Sunday Kids. " Dad stated with a duh tone and we both chuckled.

"Uh..but I need to look into a presentation. I've to go for an hour" He said


"Yes dad. Me too. I've some files to sign. I'll also be back in an hour" I told and dad raised his brow.

"Okay. Kabeer will drop you and pick you up" Dad said

"No dad. It's okay. I've Natasha" I said and we nodded.

I went to the Office and completed some work, which wasn't actually important at all.

I just came because I wanted to gift Kabeer something. After all it's Teej and he's fasting for me.

I drove to the Jewellers when I got a call. I was looking into the phone moving ahead when suddenly hit a hard back.

"What the... " The very familiar voice came as the man turned but before I could react, I got a push from someone behind and I stumbled but was held in time by the same voice before I could fall.

Not again!

"Are you following me? " He asked raising his brow.

"What! No! You're following me" I said

"What are you doing here then" He again asked

"I was bu.. Wait. I can ask you the same" I questioned

"Sir, madam. Others are waiting. You're standing in front of the main door" The guard mumbled

"Oops. Sorry" I whispered pulling Kabeer aside.

"Baani, you lied of office right" He asked as small smile played on his lips.

Cruel man!

"You too did" I muttered

"Well, I went to office too, so I didn't lie" He stated while I huffed and stepped ahead to move when he pulled me and I fell in his arms.

"Kabeer. What are you doing! There are people" She mumbled

"As if I give a damn" He replied

"Now now wife. Answer to my question. What are you doing here"  He added asking

"The same thing you gonna do. It's not only you who can buy me gifts every time" I said and he chuckled

"Baani. I don't nee... " He was saying but I cut him off

"Then I too don't" I told and he sighed.

"You're stubborn" He said while I smirked.

"Now! Mr. Kabeer Mittal, you see I'm a bit busy buying a gift for my husband as he has been with all the love doing Teej fast for me. So excuse me" I dramatically told and he chuckled.

"Drama queen. Come" He said and I giggled holding his hand as we moved inside.

As soon as we stepped inside the manager came running to us.

"Oh, I hate this unwanted attention. " I muttered

I mean come on.

Everyone in the store was looking at us!

"Perks of being rich and famous" He mocked

"Mr. & Mrs. Mittal. Welcome. How may I help you" The manager asked

"My husband, my wife" I and Kabeer said in unison and looked at each other chuckling.

"I want to see the best wrist watch for Kabeer" I said

"I, best rakhdi ( head jewellery) for her. The most beautiful one" Kabeer ordered

"Okay but before that, we need to gift Maya mom and dad too. So a wrist watch for dad too and Earrings for Maya mom" I told and the Manager instructed the staff.

So, Firstly we selected a golden Audemars Piguet wrist watch for dad and beautiful diamond set for Maya mom.

I then selected a black Rolex watch for Kabeer and it was really damn amazing.

"Here. Gimme your hand " I asked and he did the same.

I made him wear that and looked at it.

"Perfect. Would go perfect with your today's attire " I said

"I am not weari... " He was saying when I again cut him off

"Shut up. You are! This one is finalized" I announced and manager smiled looking down when Kabeer Mittal's glare session started

"Is there anything funny" He asked glaring at him when the manager denied.

Poor him!

Next hour went while seeing head jewellery for me.

"This one seems perfect" Kabeer said looking at the one piece which was really very very beautiful.

"Perfect" I replied

"Hey, can you show me that anklet" I asked pointing to one anklet and the manager nodded taking it out.

This is just so gorgeous with fine work.

"How's it? " I asked showing it to Kabeer.

"Let me see" He replied taking the anklet from me and sat on his knees keeping my foot on his thigh.

"Kabeer! " I mumbled and he looked at me.

What is he doing!

Everyone is looking at us.

"What happened Baani" He asked looking up at me as he was busy making me wear the anklets.

Damn these sensations! They haven't stopped till now by his touch!

I didn't say anything and smiled dening.

He locked the anklets around my ankle.

"This looks so beautiful" He replied looking at me while I was smiling looking down.

He looked at people around and shook his head smiling a bit.

It is now that he realised what has happened!

Everyone in the showroom was looking at him with wide eyes as if their pupils have just rolled down on the ground with shock.

Okay! The man who doesn't bent in front of anyone is on his knees.

"Ugh. It's not first time" He muttered  standing up carefully removing my leg from his thigh and I chuckled.

"It's a rarest of rare moment for people to see the devil bowing down" I smirked

"Devil bows down in front of Angel only. Because only she has the power to make me go on my knees" He replied cheesily while I smiled looking away.

He's just too much cute!

"These all. Pack them" Kabeer said to the manager.

"I'm pay.. "  I was saying when he nodded

"I know I know. Your philosophy of I am an independent lady. Pay for Maya mom's  and my watch. That's it. " He told

He knows Arguing with me in this matter is just very useless.

"I remember you gave me those 4000 something rupees of your ice creams too!" He said and I giggled.

"My anklet too" I said when he glared me with his shut up look.

Well, this look means a full stop to argue!


After clearing the bill and manager looking at us as if we've grown two horns we headed towards home.

It  was already two pm.

We gave Dad and Maya mom their gifts and they were so happy indeed by our gestures.

We had some fruits and I sighed frowning.

I miss my ice creams!

I miss them so much!

"What happened" Kabeer asked

"Ice cream. I'm hungry. I feel like I'll pass out any second" I mumbled

"Break the fast then" He smirked

I so hate him!

"Go to well" I stated while he chuckled but when I whined and was about to go, he stopped me.

"Just few hours more Love. Bear it for me " He said kissing my cheek and I nodded.

When you show these lovable gestures... I can remain hungry for years!

Wait... That's much!

Today only is fine!

I want food over anything!

"Baani! Come on. I've made sattu. Let's decorate them" Maya mom's voice came and we went towards kitchen.

"Oh my God. Wow Maya mom. These are big and amazing. " I chirped and they both smiled.

"Last year...I just didn't know how to make so Sheena aunty made a small one for me since Kabeer wasn't even here" I added frowning.

"This time he's here with all the interests" Dad said coming.

"You both continue. I've a con meeting" Kabeer told and went to office room.

I and Maya mom both decorated sattu with lots of dry fruits, edible colors, canned fruits, sprinklers and silver and golden edible work and coins on center of them.

I took the big platter in which we kept them and was taking it to dining table when Kabeer stopped me.

"Hey hey. Lemme help. "He said taking it from me.

"Where to keep? " He asked

"Dining table. " I replied and he did the same.

"These all look so so beautiful" Kabeer said and I grinned.

"I did them" I bluffed

"Maya mom made them" Kabeer mocked while I huffed.

The Sattu

"Baani, Kabeer if you wanna drink water then drink it now. It's 5. Once sun sets you'll not be able to drink even water" Maya mom told and we nodded drinking some water.

"Okay now Baani listen. Go, wash your hairs, take a bath. And get ready. Kabeer, you also get ready okay. Everyone might be coming.Our family friends, our relatives here in Jaipur everyone comes to our mansion  to celebrate teej." Maya mom told and we nodded.

"And Baani, your stylists are here. If need any help call me okay" She added

"Sure Maya mom." I said and we moved upwards our room.

"You get ready here. I'll use another room. Moreover you'll take time" Kabeer said and I nodded.

As Kabeer went out with his clothes and all, I too went to bath.

After bathing, I wore my lehenga and blouse and called my stylist inside walk in.

"It's impossible for me to do. I've never worn a rajputi base " I told showing her the odhani( the veil)

"No worries. I'm here" She said and I chuckled.

After some minutes she set it and it looked so elegant.

There was a knock on the door and the stylist opened it. There was Maya mom with some jwellery boxes.

"This looks so pretty on you Baani. And now adorn yourself with these jwellery and trust me, no one will be able to take their eyes off you. And Kabeer, he'll be just gone case" Maya mom said and I smiled looking down.

"Thankyou Maya mom. I'll get ready now. You too get ready" I told and she nodded going away.

After she went away, I looked at my jwellery in front and started wearing it one by one with stylist's help.

When I wore  the head set, I smiled remembering Kabeer.

This completed the whole look. It looked so so beautiful.

The stylist did makeup & hairs and then took her leave complimenting me.

After she went away, I covered my head with the veil and smiled looking at myself.

I look like a bride again!

I wore my red Bindi and looked at the vermilion in front.

I was about to pick that up when the door of walk in opened.

Looking up in the mirror, I found Kabeer gazing directly at me and as of me....

I was looking at him.

He looked so so alluring and handsome in that royal blue and white attire.

Even if he wears anything, he looks just etheral.

And look at his eyes man!

They work like dessert on main course!


Main course!

Oh Baani, you're really very hungry!

I looked down when Kabeer neared me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Do you have any slight idea Baani that how much gorgeous you look." He whispered in my ear and I shut my eyes tightly as his hands on my shoulder were giving me so damn sensations.

"And I'm so relived to know that this beauty sitting right in front of me, is all mine by all ways. You look Goddess Baani" He complimented and I smiled looking at him.

"Feelings mutual. You look drop dead handsome" I replied and he chuckled.

"Kabeer... " I whispered showing him the vermilion box and he smiled taking it from my hand.

Raising my head set a bit, he filled my hair partition with vermilion.

"You look complete now Angel" He said and I smiled.

"Happy First Teej" I grinned when he chuckled kissing my cheeks.

"You too wifey" He said kissing my forehead now and looked at my lips.

"Don't even think of that" I smirked as he sighed.

"That isn't fair Baani" He whined like a kid and I chuckled.

"Few hours more. Then I'm all yours" I said hugging him.

"I love you" He professed

"Love you too Kabeer" I replied kissing his cheek.

Baani & Kabeer's outfits

We went down stairs towards garden.

Well, our garden looked so beautiful. There was so beautiful sitting arrangements made for everyone.

In one corner there was place made for worshiping the Goddess of this festival where all the women would worship.


Dad was sitting with some of his friends while Maya mom was with women at the worship place.

"Oh my God. See who's here! Look at your daughter in law Maya. She's epitome of beauty" One of the woman said while I looked at Kabeer who nodded going towards dad where as I went to the women and touched their feet.

"Thankyou Aunty" I replied smiling.

"You know, my daughter is also here today. She and Kabeer used to be very good friends" Another one said

"Simar. Come here" That woman called and a girl around Kabeer's age came there.

Man! She's... Hawt!

She was wearing a sphagetti stripped backless crop top with skirt.

"She came India some days ago only" Aunty told

"Hello" I smiled while she just nodded looking here and there.

Whoa! Miss. Attitude!

I was about to say something when Maya mom called us all for the rituals.

We all were there worshiping the Neem stem which was roped into mud and a small pond like something was made surrounding it from other three sides, filled with milk and water.

After the rituals, we heard the story related to the fast and festival.

Once everything was done, we stood up and as Maya mom adviced me, I took blessings of every elder there.

My back is hurting like a bitch now.

And I'm damn hungry!

When will the moon rise!

I looked at Kabeer, who was talking to some of the uncles when suddenly he was taken into a hug.

Oh the dear Simar!

"Oh my God Kabeer. Look at you. Still so young and dashing" She said still hugging him.

"Simar? " He asked and she smiled

"You do remember me right. I knew you can't forget me ever. After all, We've known each other since grade sixth. More then thirteen years." She smirked looking at me while I sighed.

"Um, yeah" Kabeer mumbled stepping back from her.

I won't be jealous of you idiot!

I very well know my husband's level of uncomfort near you...

I mean just look at her. She takes a step near Kabeer and Kabeer takes a step back looking at me with pleading eyes to get him away.

And trust me, I'm enjoying this!

What a wife I'm!

"Simar liked Kabeer so much. Look at both of them. Looks cute right" Simar's mom said to another lady but I've ears and I can hear.

"You've fasted? " Simar asked shocked while a small smile played on my lips.

"Of course. What's so shocking in this" He said

"No. I mean, you work so hard. It must be tough right. There wasn't any need of doing it. I mean come on. We are in 21st  century. I don't even believe in this all" She stated thinking that she was looking cool.

Girl, you're bloody fool!

"No it isn't. A person must not leave his or her roots ever. These are our roots. Our culture, rites and rituals." I said smiling and went near them.

Time to rescue my husband before she crosses her line with what's mine!

"Ah! Don't tell me you believe. I mean you weren't in India after your high school as much I've heard about you. "She said

" A person may go anywhere but what matters is their will power to be connected to their soil. These festivals, these rituals and these commitments are not joke." I told

"Huh. That's crap Baani. Kabeer doesn't believe in anything. I know him very well. Isn't it Kabeer!" She stated putting her hand on Kabeer's shoulder while Kabeee sighed looking at me.

He looks so cute when pleading to save him!

"Well, you know Kabeer Mittal. I know my Kabeer. There's a huge difference with a thin line. Right husband" I replied holding Kabeer's hand pressing the words my & husband.

"Yes wife" He replied as Simar's face turned into scowl.

I was about to say anything when suddenly my feet stumbled but Kabeer held me.

"Baani. You okay" He worriedly asked

"Whoa. I'm sorry. " I mumbled when I heard a chuckle.

"She's clumsy man. You must have to hold her everytime or else she would've hurt herself falling here and there" Simar mocked when Kabeer glared her.

Yes, the same Kabeer Mittal's glare which can scare shit out of any one!

Kabeer's face turned hard and jaws clenched & he was going to say her something but I held his hand.

"Our family is here Kabeer." I whispered but guess what, she hit the wrong spot.

"She might be clumsy but I love her that way. And you need not to care about us so much Simar. I'm there for her every time. And as of hurting herself, she won't ever do that because I don't let anything or anyone hurt her ever. ANYONE " Kabeer said with a warning tone pressing his last words which was clearly indicating his anger towards her.

"I.. Kab.. " She was saying before which Kabeer again spoke.

"It's our first Teej and I really don't want to give any outsider a power to ruin it. Enjoy the function" He stated while I hid my smile as Simar moved away looking everywhere other then us.

Oh, I just love him man!

Duh girls! Not just cheesy, find a man who can also shut the mouth of those people who say I'll about you!

"Kabeer, I'm just hun... " I was about to say when I again stumbled.

"You're always hungry " He mocked but I looked at him as my eyes were drowning.

"Baani. Ban.. Angel" His voice came but I didn't hear it since my eyes were getting closed.

Last I know was... I was in air flying!

Hello peeps! Hope you all are doing amazinggg😊

So, how was the chapter!

Oh! Kabeer & Banai are so adorable! ❤

And this man can literally make me fall over and over again on him😍

And Baani, she was enjoying seeing Kabeer getting irritated due to Simar🤭🤭😂

But, no one messes with my woman/ my man, this is their rule no 1 !

And they both proved it. Baani being sweet while Kabeer being.... Well Kabeer🤭🤭🤣

How were their all the outfits by the way 😍😍😍

And the decorations & sattu😍😍❤❤

Hope you all liked them😁

But but....what was at the end 🤭

Let's see what happens next!

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed 😊

Next update soon!

Till then....

Big hugs ❤

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